She would do anything for it.

I finally did not escape in the end.

And she got what she wanted because of her actions.


Bai Yingying let out a long breath. At this moment, she finally let go of all the knots and worries in her heart, and even her body seemed to become lighter.

Perhaps it was what Xia Xue said today that finally made her make up her mind.

What Xia Xue said when she came back, about Wen Ruyu, also dispelled her last hesitation.

There may be no way to go back to the daily life of being a "best friend" in the past, but Bai Yingying does not feel it is a pity.

Because, as the only "lovers" of each other's life, has already begun.

She and Xia Xue are already heading towards a better life, so why should she feel sorry for the past?

Xia Xue's hair was still a little wet, but she couldn't be allowed to lie on the cold floor all the time, otherwise she would catch a cold.

Bai Yingying tried to lift Xia Xue up. Although Xia Xue's weight was very light, but her own strength was too weak. A person who completely fell asleep was heavier than when she was awake. Of course, the weight remained the same, but relative In other words, it would be much more difficult to carry Xia Xue who was asleep than to carry her awake.

Although it took a lot of effort, Bai Yingying finally moved it to her bed.

Looking at Xia Xue who was lying quietly on the bed, Bai Yingying only felt a strong sense of warmth and fulfillment in her heart.

After looking affectionately at Xia Xue for a while, Bai Yingying turned her eyes away and looked at the locked cabinet.

Although I am a little tired, there are still many things to do.

For the time being, she can't relax, her plan has only completed the first step.

Chapter 120 Five Fantasy

When I opened my eyes, I saw a familiar ceiling.


When did you fall asleep?

Xia Xue was obviously not very sober yet, looking at Bai Yingying who was sleeping soundly beside her, she stayed there for a while before remembering who she should have been on the sofa.

But why did you sleep in bed?

However, her memories only ended when she just left the bathroom door, and for some reason, she forgot everything after that.

It's a bit weird, even if something happens, I won't sleep with Bai Yingying again, at least not last night.

but why?When I woke up, was I still hugging her and sleeping?

She was still a little weak all over, and her head hurt a little. With the thought of unraveling her doubts, Xia Xue resisted the heavy sleepiness and wanted to get up to see the situation.

It's unbelievable that I would take the initiative to hold Bai Yingying in my arms while sleeping.

Moreover, his hands under Bai Yingying's body were numb from her pressure.

At least you have to raise your hand.

Then she discovered her hands that she couldn't separate.

Things happened so unpredictablely, looking at Bai Yingying's sleepy face in her arms that was satisfied and peaceful even in a dream, Xia Xue even had time to feel surprised in the future.

Something seemed to bind her wrist, so she could only maintain the position of hugging Bai Yingying. Xia Xue tried to struggle, but found that she hadn't moved at all.

Because she was blocked by Bai Yingying's body, she couldn't see her wrist in this position, but she also guessed that what bound her should be something like a rope, and the area covered was very wide, so the hoop didn't hurt , but the rope was very strong and reliable, and Xia Xue couldn't break free by herself.

And the legs are also tied, the ankles and knees are tied, Xia Xue has no choice but to try to open her legs, so she can only keep her legs tightly closed.

Moreover, all the clothes on my body have been changed. The original cotton pajamas and pajamas have been replaced by a white shirt and a skirt slightly higher than the knee. Originally, Xia Xue's classic conservative bloomers can be seen in this position, but Now there are only white knee socks, a small white and soft thigh is exposed between the short skirt and the knee socks, and the ends of the knee socks are slightly sunken into the soft thighs, which is very attractive.

Only then did Xia Xue realize that something was wrong, but originally she should have woken up immediately after being frightened like this, but her heavy brain still did not recover quickly.

She obviously didn't fall asleep naturally last night, and because of something, maybe a drug?She lost a small piece of her memory.

However, as her consciousness gradually regained consciousness, Xia Xue also gradually recalled what happened last night.


She would never have thought that Bai Yingying would directly drug herself without warning.

Moreover, even if refusing her confession before was an opportunity for her to do it, why could she buy that kind of illegal drug so quickly that she couldn't get it through normal channels?

Even shipping takes time.

Xia Xue didn't believe that Bai Yingying would go out to trade alone, and she must have delivered the goods home through express delivery or the like.

But things have already happened, so what can she, Xia Xue, say?

The only possibility is that Bai Yingying was already ready to strike long ago...

Although she could see something was wrong early on, Xia Xue still didn't expect that Bai Yingying's psychology had become so sick.

Xia Xue tried to struggle a few more times, but it was still in vain, but instead woke Bai Yingying who was sleeping soundly.

"Xiaoxue, good morning."

After Bai Yingying opened her eyes, she looked at Xia Xue who was "holding" her with a smile in her eyes. When she woke up from her sleep, she was still in Xia Xue's arms, which made her feel completely at ease and happy. What a nightmare, as soon as I wake up, all fear will dissipate.

She will never be afraid of the future and hate tomorrow, even she can feel the ubiquitous warmth in the dead darkness and sleep peacefully, because the new day is still beautiful, and she will never Fear of being alone again when you wake up.

"Xiaoxue, is there anything unhappy about you?"

Bai Yingying looked at the distressed Xia Xue and asked with some doubts.

"But don't worry, as long as we are together forever, forever, there is nothing to be afraid of, right?"

"So, smile, Xiaoxue, be happy, okay?"

"All I can see is warmth and beauty in the future between us. I will love you forever. As long as I am with you, I will not be afraid of anything..."

Bai Yingying took the initiative to hug Xia Xue, and stuck closer to her.

During the contact with Xia Xue, she felt the smooth friction of her thighs sliding over Xia Xue's over-the-knee socks, and when she went up a little bit, she could touch the soft and smooth thigh meat, which also made her heart move. .

"Why, why are you doing this..."

Xia Xue's distressed words were obviously not enough to impress Bai Yingying, since she had already done it, she would not regret it anymore.

What's more, didn't this bring her only good things?

Xia Xue may not understand it now, but she will definitely understand herself in the future.

Bai Yingying believed so firmly.

Perhaps in the past, she could barely hold back, and felt that through time, Xia Xue could slowly see the truth outside and understand the true faces of those women, but it is obviously not possible now. If she does not force Xiaoxue to stay, Xiaoxue will will be cheated by them.

Of course, the lie will be exposed sooner or later, and Bai Yingying herself is the one who is most sincere to Xia Xue. Naturally, she will not be afraid that she will always be hated by Xia Xue in the future. She believes that Xia Xue's attitude is only temporary now. That's all.

Anyway, you will get used to it, right?

Thinking of this, Bai Yingying looked at the poor Xia Xue, her heart filled with endless love and affection, now that Xia Xue has come to her senses, in this way, no matter what she does, she will not violate the promise she made to Xia Xue before.

No longer would Xiaoxue kiss her secretly when she was asleep, so when she was awake, she could naturally do whatever she wanted.

So she kissed Xia Xue's lips, which she could no longer resist.

The sakura-colored lips are soft and sweet, but unlike before, this time I can no longer get any response from Xia Xue. The area I penetrated into is only the lips, and the part that goes further inside has already been bitten tightly by Xia Xue. Jaws blocked.

But Bai Yingying still kissed with forgetfulness, her movements gradually changed from touching her lips to lightly biting her teeth, until Xia Xue let out a soft hum that was still in pain, and she regained her senses.

"Xiaoxue, did I hurt you?"

Bai Yingying looked at Xia Xue who had tears in her eyes, and asked the question knowingly.

Perhaps the tears in Xia Xue's eyes were not caused by the pain of her nibbling, but because of the sadness she felt when she was imprisoned by her closest person, which made Xia Xue become like this.

"Xiaoxue, I'm sorry, did I make you sad?"

Bai Yingying licked Xia Xuexue's white neck, smelled the fragrance of her body, and apologized with a light smile.

Very pure deodorant, not mixed with anyone's smell.

"Yingying, I don't have to worry about what happened before. Well, I won't go to Wen Ruyu's side, and the others too. I... I will listen to you and stop contacting them. Please, can you let me go?"

Xia Xue naturally already knew what she was like now, and she no longer had any ability to resist. Even if she summoned up the courage to reprimand loudly, what would it do?It was impossible for Bai Yingying to listen to her in this state. If she was irritated by harsh words, the situation would actually get worse. Being completely imprisoned, she could only plead in a low voice and make a compromise.

Isn't that what Bai Yingying has always asked for?

If her request is met, maybe she can be made to give up this extreme behavior?

The current situation is even worse than when Jiang Xin caught her. She really didn't expect that Bai Yingying would drug herself silently, and then tie herself completely with a rope. Now she can't even It was difficult to get out of bed.

However, what Xia Xue said seemed to have an effect. After listening to Xia Xue's pleading, Bai Yingying stopped licking, swallowed, and then smiled even more happily.

"Xiaoxue, I knew that you could understand me, hehe, I knew, ah...Xiaoxue, I love you so much, so you can really understand me, I did nothing wrong... ..”

It's the same, just like this, Xia Xue has already agreed to what she had begged and failed to do before, so isn't this just proof that she didn't do anything wrong?

But Xia Xue's thoughts obviously came to nothing. Although Bai Yingying said this, she did not intend to untie Xia Xue's body, but became more intimate. Her lips had already licked from her neck down to her collarbone. The buttons on Xue's shirt were also unbuttoned, Bai Yingying was not in a hurry, she slowly moved down her collarbone.

Xia Xue wanted to cover the voice leaking from her throat, but she had no choice but to tie her hands, so she could only maintain the posture of holding Bai Yingying in her arms, watching her little head in her arms Lick all the way down.

Although she tried her best to endure, but because the stimulation brought by Bai Yingying's licking was too strong, she couldn't completely hold back her voice, and the coquettish moans that leaked from time to time made Bai Yingying even more excited.

Xia Xue naturally knew what she wanted to do next, but there was nothing she could do.

Her body seemed unusually sensitive, and she might not feel it normally, but before such a time, her body would become a little weak.

Why does this always happen to her?

What went wrong?

Xia Xue wanted to cry, but if there was a last resort, if she really wanted to, she still had a way to resist in this situation, and that was to bite her teeth.

Bai Yingying's tongue that she wanted to stick out before, and her defenseless slender neck, if Xia Xue can really calm down, she still has the last ability to resist.

And she is not without the guts to resist.

But it's a pity that the one who is doing this kind of thing to her is the only person she knows and trusts the most.

After experiencing the pain caused by that serious injury, how could the pain of biting her lips make her cry?

What really made her sad was Bai Yingying's behavior itself.

At this time, Bai Yingying had already moved to the terminal station. She had been waiting for a long time and couldn't wait to suck it. She felt the hard-won sweetness. What she felt from Xia Xue was not only the friendship between girlfriends and the love between lovers. , and the maternal love that has been missing.

All the gaps in her relationship were filled by Xia Xue alone, so how could she let her go?

Unlike Bai Yingying, who was fully satisfied, Xia Xue did not experience this unique physical sensation, instead her heart was filled with sadness.

The Bai Yingying that she was familiar with as her most precious friend has left her forever, and the daily life she has always cherished will never return to the past, how could she not feel What about sadness?

Obviously what I have been looking forward to for a long time, what I want to protect, what I even want to maintain without hesitation to make a series of compromises, this kind of life, I will never, never see it again...

Even if she was caught by Jiang Xin at that time, she didn't feel the emotion, but this time, she deeply felt it.

Xia Xue looked at Bai Yingying who was sucking on her body with a happy face. She obviously looked satisfied and happy, but it made her feel very strange. This kind of Bai Yingying was completely different from the friend she knew. She was obviously the same as the elder. Face, but like two different people.

She could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes, sobbing softly.

Ah, why, are you crying?

Saby will cry.

But, but why, why did you treat me like this?

Obviously she did nothing, obviously she did nothing wrong.

But even the things she had finally obtained, the emotions she cherished, were simply wiped away without leaving any traces.

Just like what she saw when she woke up, those things and feelings before were probably nothing but an illusion.

Is it an illusion?Is what I see an illusion?

Where is the dream?

Is it Bai Yingying who is sucking on her body forgetfully?Or all the past?

Or is it that even the past of his own life is just a joke?

Just like before, she lost everything like a joke, so she cherished her life now more than before, but even these, she also lost.

She will lose it anyway, so what's the point of these behaviors that she has cherished all along?

Where is the root of all problems?Is it herself?

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