Bai Yingying was so flustered that she could no longer think. She searched around in the dark room. Even in a familiar environment, she stumbled and tripped over various obstacles several times, but she couldn't think of turning on the light.

By the way, maybe Xiaoxue didn't come back?

Bai Yingying almost crawled to find her mobile phone. Her hands were trembling unreasonably, but she finally pressed Xia Xue's number.


The phone card has been cut off by her.

What was before was not a dream.

The phone card that was cut in half is now lying in the trash can in the living room.

And Xia Xue's formatted phone also fell on the sofa.

Where is the dream?

Bai Yingying huddled beside the bed, sobbing softly.

Perhaps, her nightmare has become a reality.

Chapter 110 Three Secret Chambers

Before opening her eyes, Xia Xue could already feel the dazzling white light outside, but this kind of light was not like natural light. She barely opened her eyes and found that she was in a closed space.

Or it can be said to be a room, but there is no furniture inside, everything around is very brand new, the walls are painted white, the solid wooden floor is smooth and does not fall a trace of dust, but other than that, there is nothing.

And Xia Xue was lying in the middle of the secret room.

She barely sat up, and she could see a steel fire door in front of her, which was tightly closed. There was no door handle that could be twisted, and there was only a keyhole on it, and there was no other way to open it.

Her memory stopped in the elevator. If she didn't guess wrong, she might have been brought back by Bai Yingying.

Is this her former "home"?

Although she already knew the fact that she was imprisoned, Xia Xue didn't feel nervous now, but began to think calmly.

Everything around is too brand new, even if Bai Yingying's bloodline is awakened to become a universal maid, it is impossible to completely renovate the room that has been vacant for several years.

Xia Xue could even smell a faint smell of paint. There was no doubt that this room had just been renovated.

There is also a door at the back, which is relatively ordinary, but like the surrounding environment, it is all lifeless and plain white.

Xia Xue stood up and opened the door behind her. Inside was a bathroom with integrated bathroom. The floor was covered with white tiles, and the utensils inside were complete, but without exception, they were all monotonous white.

Not Bai Yingying.

Xia Xue judged like this.

No matter whether I was wrong about Bai Yingying before, this is absolutely impossible for her to do.

If Bai Yingying took her away, then normally, except for the clean place where she was lying, the other places were basically covered with dust.

But who is it?Took yourself away from Bai Yingying, and locked herself here?

Why shut yourself up here?

Xia Xue doesn't quite believe that the reason for her being locked up here is the same as Bai Yingying's. Since she was discharged from the hospital, she hasn't had much contact with other people, and she can't think of anyone else who would do so.

Wen Ruyu?Impossible, if it wasn't for Bai Yingying, I would have gone to her house for an interview, and there was no sign of such a thing, not to mention Bai Yingying, who has been with me for a long time, even Jiang Xin, would have had obvious signs before this It's a sign.

At least Xia Xue could know that all of them without exception showed excessive love for her.

And colder than ice?

Xia Xue couldn't think of a reason for her to do such a thing, because it seemed that she was not attracted to herself.

It can't be that idiot, I guess that person is still in the scene and hasn't come out yet.

By the way, where is Bai Yingying?

If someone took him away from Bai Yingying, then after confirming that he was safe, the most likely victim would be Bai Yingying.

She must have been taken away by Bai Yingying at that time, but when did Bai Yingying lose herself?If it was through coercion, Bai Yingying would definitely fight that person desperately, but what ability could she have to keep Xia Xue?

After all, speaking of it, she couldn't even subdue Xia Xue by force.Not to mention other people, and the opponent this time is obviously unusual, and it is obviously not ordinary people who can do things of this level.

Her conjecture could not be verified. She could only think of the more pessimistic aspects of Bai Yingying's outcome, but she sincerely hoped that nothing would happen to her.

Thinking of this, Xia Xue couldn't help laughing at herself, she was obviously the victim, but unexpectedly, she cared about Bai Yingying who imprisoned her before.

There is no timing tool or reference object here, the monotonous color matching room and the dead environment are too boring, and every second spent here seems so long.

Xia Xue has touched every place in this room that she can reach, but she has not come up with any good results. No one can answer her more and more questions, and even put her The true master who is locked here has not shown up until now.

There was no window in the room, so Xia Xue didn't have to think about being able to go out from other places. The only exit here might be the tightly closed heavy fire door outside.

There is an exhaust fan on the roof, but the switch is not controlled by the room. Now Xia Xue can only look up and look at it from a distance. This room is not the height of an ordinary floor. Xia Xue estimates that the roof is five meters high. The walls are light and white, she can't get it.

Fortunately, I was not tied or handcuffed, otherwise it would be difficult to even explore this small area.

There is water in the bathroom, hot and cold, but Xia Xue can only see the faucet, not even the water heater in the room, the only switch she can control is the faucet, and the lights are not controlled by her, It is always open.

In fact, if there is water, Xia Xue can still think of some whimsical escape tricks, but there may be restrictions on the water, but the people outside have no plans to stop her water for the time being.

Of course, all of this is proof that someone other than Bai Yingying imprisoned her. Being able to do so shows that the person imprisoning her is fully sure that she can control any of her actions, and there is no need to worry that Xia Xue will escape again because of this. Opportunity.

It was like a cage specially arranged for her.

She must, must have been targeted before this.

So why did this person, or this unknown gang, imprison themselves here?

If Xia Xue still has the idea of ​​greedy for her body, she is too naive. It would take a lot of thought and material resources to arrange it to this extent. If she is only imprisoned for the so-called "love", there is no need to do it This level, like Bai Yingying's, is enough.

By the way, maybe, maybe there is another possibility.

If it is an unreasonable guess to say that I have a physique that attracts delicate people, then my unique physique that can recover within a few hours after being seriously injured is an undoubted fact.

Hospital, yes, hospital!

The suspicious point that she has been deliberately ignoring all along, why did such a thing happen on her own side, but it did not cause any disturbance in the outside world?Even during the mediation at the police station, no one said a word when Jiang Xin's father questioned her.

She should have realized earlier, maybe she was already being targeted when she was in the hospital.

At the same time she realized this fact, the closed heavy steel fire door slowly opened.

Chapter 130 Four Brainy Lolita

The person who opened the door was not an unknown researcher as Xia Xue imagined, but she was very familiar with it.

colder than ice.

Soon, Xia Xue could clearly see the appearance of the visitor.

why her?

Before Xia Xue could speak in the future, the people following Leng Yubing also showed their figures. As she guessed, the person following behind was Hua Qiu in a white coat.

She took a step forward, smiled at Xia Xue, and waved her hand as a greeting.

"We meet again."

Hua Qiu said.

Although there was a smile on his face, there was no emotion in his tone. It was not a greeting, but a statement of facts.

And Leng Yubing beside her didn't have any intention of explaining, she just stood there quietly.

Xia Xue guessed right, maybe this is Leng Yubing's real job.

In this case, everything makes sense, she and Hua Qiu belong to a certain organization, but the one responsible for getting close to Xia Xue is Leng Yubing.

Although there are still all kinds of doubts, large and small, the overall direction is correct.

Xia Xue would not ask such stupid questions as "what are you going to do?", since she was tied up here, it was obvious what she was going to do.

However, there is no experimental equipment around here. If she is going to be sliced ​​and studied, shouldn't she be lying on the operating table with her whole body tied up?

Unarmed, Xia Xue didn't intend to resist forcefully. Facing two adult women, she didn't have much chance to attack them head-on, let alone other people from the organization that might exist outside.

"Don't be nervous, Xia Xue, I brought you here because I want you to cooperate with my research, and I won't hurt you."

Hua Qiu looked at Xia Xue's face as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and seemed to want to ease the atmosphere, but she was not a person who knew how to joke.

"Well...I'll try my best."

Hua Qiu's follow-up supplement made Xia Xue even more nervous.

She doesn't seem to like lying.

The situation this time is undoubtedly much more dangerous than any previous time, and the purpose is completely different. Xia Xue doesn't even know if she can get out of here alive.

If this is the case, she must fight to the death.

At least try to struggle as long as you still have the ability to resist. In this kind of situation, she will naturally not shrink back.

"Cooperate with your research? What exactly do you want to do to me?"

Xia Xue took a few steps back, stared closely at Hua Qiu and asked.

There was nothing in the secret room, not even anything that could be used as a weapon.

By the way, there is a toothbrush in the bathroom. Although that kind of thing is not sharp, it is considered hard anyway, and it is better than nothing.

"Well, for example, get various samples belonging to your body. If possible, I also want to test the principle and limit of your recovery ability. Is there still something that cannot be recovered? I am also very curious about this, but These are the items that were carried out at the end of the experiment..."

Hua Qiu didn't care about Xia Xue who was retreating towards the bathroom step by step, but answered Xia Xue's question with great interest.

"Did you get formal permission to do this kind of behavior? Or is it that your superiors can do this kind of thing regardless of the law and personal wishes?"

Compared with Hua Qiu, who moved a few steps closer to let herself hear more clearly, Leng Yubing on the other side didn't move at all. She seemed to come here as a routine, and she was not a researcher. She explained it to Xia Xue The matter is not within her responsibilities, so it looks like it has nothing to do with her.

"If we had permission, we wouldn't do it, right?"

Hua Qiu said with a smile, compared to Xia Xue's nervous appearance, she looked very relaxed.

"Besides, I can also be sure that your sacrifice will definitely play a great role in the future of the entire human race. I am not the kind of person who cares about reputation. Even if some unconventional methods are used, this is not the same as the results to be achieved. It just seems trivial.”

Hua Qiu's words were more like a confession than persuasion, but it was nothing, Xia Xue had already retreated into the bathroom, she was too lazy to listen to such words.

Transplant every functioning organ in your body into dying people suffering from different diseases. Your death can save the lives of several people. Are you willing?

Can someone use this to take your life by force if you don't want to?

The preciousness of life is not measured by quantity. Before belonging to a group, a person is an individual first.

It's not Gestalt consciousness, she doesn't care about the future, anyway, she doesn't want to die for this reason.

Moreover, she doesn't think that the research results of private organizations can be used to benefit all mankind immediately.

The bigger possibility is to further widen the gap between different classes.

Of course, this is a story.

First of all, she is not stupid enough to take this kind of "for the benefit of mankind" seriously.

Xia Xue closed the bathroom door.

It's a pity that the door is not locked, so the delay won't last long. Without any heavy objects to block the door, Xia Xue's actions can only block the line of sight.

She grabbed the toothbrush on the sink and held it tightly in her hand, then she picked up the shower head with the other hand, adjusted the temperature of the hot water to the maximum, and guarded the door.

Sure enough, Hua Qiu opened the bathroom door when Xia Xue was just getting ready, but she had just opened her mouth and before she could make a sound, she was poured a mouthful of hot water. In an instant, he rushed over and stabbed her with the tail of the toothbrush.

Because she was too short, Xia Xue could only stab her in the stomach.

Although it made her grunt in pain, she had no choice but to say nothing. It was Hua Qiu who slipped and fell on the water-soaked floor in a panic with his eyes closed.

Hmph, didn't expect that?I still have this trick!

This time she fell a bit harder, Xia Xue took advantage of the victory to pursue, the shower in her hand continued to hit Hua Qiu's face, and was about to stab her eyes with the end of a toothbrush, but because Hua Qiu instinctively covered her head with both hands, So I didn't poke it, just poked it a few times in some places on the face.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you poke a lot, you can always succeed.

No matter what Hua Qiu said, she was just a weak girl. Although Xia Xue was even weaker, sometimes she would become a little lolita who was as stupid as her.

Doesn't she succeed as Big Sister Olive?

Of course, it has to be done quickly. The time for all this to happen is actually very short, only a dozen seconds, but if it takes a while, it may be useless when Hua Qiu fully reacts. The shower that continuously outputs hot water is easy to use, so that Hua Qiu, who was steaming all over his body, can't make any counterattacks except for falling to the ground, covering his face and twisting a few times in a panic.

When Xia Xue wanted to poke again, she only heard a "pop!", Xia Xue's hand went numb suddenly, and the shower in her hand disappeared.


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