Then there was the sound of the shower falling.

Xia Xue, who hadn't figured out the situation, was stunned for a moment, followed the sound and looked behind her, and found that there was a knife stuck in the shower that fell on the ground, and the blade was almost halfway into the shower. No longer, the shower in Xia Xue's hand had lost its power.

And Hua Qiu finally reacted at this time, quickly got up and escaped from Xia Xue.

Ah, obviously I can get it in a while!

Moreover, the left hand holding the shower was numb from the shock. Xia Xue looked up and saw Leng Yubing at the bathroom door.

Hua Qiu looked in a state of distress, her clothes were completely wet, and the skin on her face and neck was also a little red. Fortunately, the temperature of the hot water used for bathing has an upper limit, even if it is adjusted to the highest level, it will not burns the skin.

If the highest temperature is more than 90 degrees, then Xia Xue probably doesn't need to use a toothbrush.

Leng Yubing didn't look at Hua Qiu who was behind her, but stared at Xia Xue blankly. She held a knife on her half-gloved finger. Unlike the normal way of holding a knife, she held it with two fingers. knife point.

At this time, Xia Xue also noticed the knife sheaths tied around her legs and waist.

The black flying knife was inconspicuous when it was attached to a black dress. Xia Xue didn't realize how terrible this kind of thing was until she started using it.

She looked back at the shower nozzle that was pierced across the head. It was impossible to pull out this depth with her strength, and Leng Yubing was a person who knew Xia Xue's physique, so she was not worried about it. To seriously injure Xia Xue, it is enough to kill her in a short time.

Unlike Hua Qiu, Leng Yubing was obviously an opponent on another level.

But can she still wait for death?This is a truly fatal experiment, and she will not be obedient.

Xia Xue bent slightly, took two steps back, and then turned around immediately, trying to grab the shower.

Although the broken shower is now spraying water everywhere, even if you can shake some hot water, it will help.

And most importantly, she doesn't have to hold the shower head. Since the flying knife is inserted firmly on the shower head and the tip is exposed, she can grab the water pipe at the back and swing it.

Even if it is a wild swing, it is not a small trouble. Even if the chance is slim, Xia Xue still has the ability to resist.

Leng Yubing was still a certain distance away from her, and she didn't follow up when she took two steps back just now, so it was perfectly fine for Xia Xue to catch the shower.

As long as you can get it.

Xia Xue bent down and stretched out her hand, ready to pick up the shower on the ground.

But for some reason, I got farther and farther away from the shower.


Xia Xue looked at her dangling calves before realizing that she had been picked up.

Before she could turn around, Xia Xue felt a tightness in the back of her head, and the screen went black.

Leng Yubing looked at Xia Xue who had passed out, and the corners of her mouth were slightly pursed. Since Hua Qiu was there, she didn't make a sound.

Xia Xue's desperate struggle is very interesting, but it's a pity that she has other things to do, so she can't play for a while.

"I didn't expect her to be so fierce before."

Hua Qiu behind him sighed helplessly.

Leng Yubing didn't look back, she looked at the unconscious Xia Xue in her arms, she didn't look away, and the arc of her mouth never calmed down, which was unprecedented.

She didn't want Hua Qiu to see her current expression, although she might not have any contact with her again in the future.

"It shows that the expected effect is very good, and some compensation will be added to the remuneration after the event is completed."

Yu Bing replied.

"It doesn't matter. It's not easy to get such a little thing from you. As for the source of these things, I will keep it a secret."

The coma effect caused by drugs and physical means will be greatly reduced on Xia Xue. The speed of the miraculous effect is the same as that of ordinary people, but the time will be much shorter.

The stun time caused by physical means will be shorter.

Leng Yubing didn't speak again, but walked out with Xia Xue.

Chapter 130 Five Blessings

The mess in the bathroom will naturally need to be cleaned up, and the damaged shower head will also need to be replaced, but these are just minor things.

Xia Xue's resistance was expected, but the effect was unexpected. Leng Yubing also found it very interesting. If she hadn't made the move, I'm afraid Hua Qiu would still fall for this weak and pitiful little girl. body.

She naturally knew Xia Xue's intentions at that time, if it was later, Hua Qiu's eyes would really be stabbed blind.

A trapped beast is still fighting, let alone a human being.

I have never seen her resist to this level before. Of course, the purpose of the two prisons is different.

At least on the surface it is different.

Although Hua Qiu didn't suffer any serious injuries, his face had already started to swell up. Although the tail of the toothbrush wasn't sharp, it was considered hard anyway. of.

"This little guy is really difficult to deal with..."

Hua Qiu couldn't help sighing, although she had been in contact with her not long ago, even though she didn't think she was such a worry-free personality at that time, she should be more gentle and pleasant in general, she never expected Xia Xue When he was really pushed, his temper was so fierce, once he found an opportunity, he would directly strike ruthlessly.

I just said it casually along the script, thinking that the trick should be more realistic, but I didn't expect Xia Xue to really believe it.

Could it be that his impromptu performance was really that good?

Although when she said that kind of thing at the time, she really felt right in her heart.

It would be great if everything could really go as she imagined.

It's a pity that she is just a doctor with a relatively high position in a private hospital after all, and she can't compete with the person who shared her interest in Xia Xue.

Even if he really intends to make this kind of thing public, it will only bring disaster to himself.

When the hospital quietly deleted the results of the operation, Xia Xue's hospitalization records and related information, Hua Qiu already understood this.

Besides, under the circumstances that the evidence has been completely destroyed, who would believe her if she told such a thing?

Although the evidence was destroyed, her curiosity did not fade away, so when Leng Yubing took the initiative to find her, Hua Qiu naturally agreed to the deal she proposed without hesitation.

Although the reward was only a few samples of hair and blood from Xia Xue's body, it was better than nothing.

As for the money, she didn't care that much, although Leng Yubing gave a lot.

Speaking of which, if he had known this earlier, he should have secretly kept some during the operation, but unfortunately, even the seemingly insignificant things such as gauze that remained were destroyed.

You have to ask why Hua Qiu knew, because she really went to look for it afterwards.

But it's a pity that even if she went through the trash cans, she couldn't find anything left behind.

Hua Qiu rubbed the skin on his face that had already started to turn blue. Although it would not disfigure his face, at least he would be wearing these bluish bluish marks in the next few days.

Xia Xue's fierce reaction was exactly what she wanted. From now on, Hua Qiu would not need to show up again, and the reward she wanted would be delivered later.

Although it is not clear what the employer behind this put so much thought into kidnapping the poor little girl, it does not seem to be used for experiments. I feel a little pity.

But it's useless to say these now, it's better to think about how to use the "rewards" you get.

In fact, she has a lot of conjectures. It stands to reason that Xia Xue's physique can no longer be regarded as abnormal. It should be said that she is out of the category of human beings. If she is asked to make a guess, it may be more convincing to use the term "humanoid creature" Some strength.

Since I don't have the ability to experiment directly on Xia Xue, I can't know the limit of this recovery ability, such as whether it can still recover after a severed limb, or if a part of the brain is removed, will it be possible to recover? Can it grow well soon?Is the place where it grows back completely new, or is it still the same as before, and even retains the original memories and habits?

And to what extent would her ability to recover be limited if food was restricted, and how would her body respond?

Unfortunately, she has no answers to these questions.

Even if it was performed according to the script, the behind-the-scenes funder seemed unwilling to make the trick more realistic, at least a simple recovery test would do.

However, the hair and blood samples can play a limited role, because the source and real function of these samples cannot be disclosed to the outside world, and she cannot really use these things.

And when the time comes, his behavior will inevitably be monitored, and this monitoring will last at least for a period of time.

I'm afraid it will be many years before I can really use these things.

Before that, she could only do some analysis on these samples.

But either way, it's better than nothing.

This secret room is located in the basement of a remote commercial building, but except for the basement, which is a little more finished, the ground is almost all rough, which can be said to be an unfinished building without a doubt.

Leng Yubing did not send Hua Qiu out, but let her leave by herself in the elevator.

Although it is just a rough room, an elevator was accidentally installed.

Of course, this is only newly installed, and it is the same as the basement inside.

She also has some vague impressions of this place. The pre-sale commercial housing has been suspended for more than three years due to the disconnection of the developer's funds. Perhaps the funder came to take over the real estate recently, and his purpose may really be Only this one left.

Hua Qiu couldn't think of anything other than being an experimental subject for Xia Xue to be worth the money that the benefactor spent on it.

Of course, maybe people will do the same in the future, who can say for sure.

She didn't have to guess, and she didn't need to investigate the identity of the person who took over the unfinished building, because it was destined to be fruitless.

She only needs to keep her mouth shut after receiving these rewards, continue to live her own life, and silently carry out research that may progress very slowly.

For the rest, she doesn't need to worry about it.

Perhaps for Xia Xue, being treated in any way other than as an experimental subject can be said to be happiness.

If it weren't for the benefactor who suppressed this matter at the beginning, Xia Xue might not be here long ago.

Hua Qiu doesn't think that other people's ideas will be gentler than his own. If the value of research is too great, personal wishes and human rights are no longer within the scope of consideration.

In short, I hope this little girl can be happy.

Although Xia Xue would definitely not feel good if she fell into her hands and let her dispose of her, Hua Qiu still gave her a little blessing in her heart.

At the very least, I hope she can live as a "person".

Chapter 130 Full of Loopholes

After Hua Qiu left, Leng Yubing's cell phone rang, and there was only one person who knew her number.

Wen Ruyu.

After she answered the phone, she didn't speak first, but silently followed Wen Ruyu's instructions.

"After that, transfer her to work elsewhere, and then you don't have to pay too much attention to her."

What Wen Ruyu was referring to was naturally Hua Qiu who had just left.

"As for the remuneration, some more compensation can be given in terms of the amount, but the rest does not need to be honored."

Wen Ruyu paused for a while, then spoke again.

"What I want is all of her. I don't share with anyone what belongs to me, even if there is only a little bit."


After Leng Yubing's brief reply, Wen Ruyu hung up the phone.

The remuneration Hua Qiu received was naturally generous, and the cost of acting in this play was higher than that of many actors, but the "research materials" she really wanted, of course, could not be obtained as she wished.

At that time, I will naturally send the body samples of ordinary people. After the experiment, Hua Qiu will either find that Xia Xue is not really special with these things, or realize that it is a fake.

But even if she realized this, it would be useless, the reward she could get was only worth so much, and it was not enough for Wen Ruyu to give up the more important part of Xia Xue's body.

Although it is only necessary to cut off a lock of hair, take a few drops of blood and other trivial matters, but Wen Ruyu seems not to give an inch in this kind of place.

Of course, the reason why she called Hua Qiu was only to mislead Xia Xue.

She makes the judgment call without actually revealing the script.

Compared with other people's narration, people's own judgments on existing information are more convinced.

And the "anyone" that Wen Ruyu mentioned naturally also included Leng Yubing.

If she doesn't care how Xia Xue will be treated before she succeeds, then Leng Yubing alone is enough without Hua Qiu's appearance.

There is nothing more memorable than direct pain, but it is a pity that, apart from the necessary contact, Wen Ruyu does not allow herself to touch Xia Xue more.

The deal with Hua Qiu had already been concluded a long time ago, and Wen Ruyu emphasized this matter again at this time, obviously to remind Leng Yubing.

There are surveillance cameras in the basement, and she doesn't need to come directly to see the situation here.

And because no traces could be left, Wen Ruyu couldn't come directly at this time.

Although it has been succeeded, in order to achieve Wen Ruyu's ideal effect, it will take some time to prepare.

Although she gave too many restrictions, Leng Yubing also found it a bit tricky. Although the script of imprisoning her as an experimental subject in the laboratory for research is superficially reasonable, if nothing can be done to her, It is too difficult to support the framework of this script.

And obviously Wen Ruyu is not as patient as before, willing to wait until the timing is perfect before appearing, this is the first time Leng Yubing has encountered such a situation.

Of course, the lie doesn't have to be perfect, or even reasonable.

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