The breakfast was equally rich, and the aroma of the steamed steamed buns was particularly obvious. Although he wanted to pretend to be uncompromising on the surface, his eyes were uncontrollably fixed on the food in front of him.

There are also a lot of pastries, hot soup, and pancakes, which seem to be traditional foods. There are no western-style pastries. The cakes are also made of egg skin and meat filling. Although it is not a dessert, it must taste very good. good.

Serve it up, I can't wait.

Of course, under such circumstances, Xia Xue didn't dare to say such things in front of Leng Yubing.

But a person's eager eyes cannot be hidden.

She also wanted to go on a hunger strike and other tough things, but she was too hungry, so there was no way.

And even if they go on a hunger strike, I'm afraid it won't have much effect. They may have prepared a plan to observe Xia Xue's physical condition after stopping her food intake, and see what kind of plan her body's recovery ability will become. .

Although Xia Xue was ready to eat, but this time Leng Yubing's approach was different from last time. After she put down the plate, she didn't intend to eat with Xia Xue, but stood There, quietly watching Xia Xue.

This made Xia Xue stunned for a while, she wanted to eat it too, but if Leng Yubing refused to eat it, should he just ignore her chopsticks?

No, chopsticks, soup spoons and other tableware are still held in her hands, although such things as Xiaolongbao can be eaten directly with her hands.

Or should I eat together after she starts eating?

After all, if he started gobbling it straight away, the food might be taken away again. Since Leng Yubing brought over the tableware for two, but didn't give it to Xia Xue, it meant that it was not the time for her to eat yet.

Although it seems that she can start eating with her hand now, whether Xia Xue can eat or not is still up to Leng Yubing.

If this meal is taken away again, it will be very painful.

"Well, I can, can I eat?"

Although it was too embarrassing to ask such a question, Xia Xue still stammered out the words.

No way, now she can only bow her head once for the time being.

"shake hands."

Leng Yubing stretched out his free hand to Xia Xue, and then gave an answer that didn't seem like an answer.


Xia Xue tilted her head in doubt, did she hear wrong?

"shake hands."

Cold in the ice repeated again.

The meaning of this sentence should be to let myself shake hands with her?

No, maybe this is an order?You have to complete this action before you can get food, is that right?

Although she didn't particularly understand her intentions, Xia Xue still tried to follow suit, stood up, and held Leng Yubing's outstretched hand.

Just hold it gently, or even put it on Leng Yubing's hand. Due to starvation, Xia Xue's hand is much colder than Leng Yubing's, but she has not had time to feel this in the future. The temperature was poor, and he put down his hand when it was colder than ice.

After Xia Xue completed the instruction, although Leng Yubing's expression didn't change, his eyes seemed to soften a lot, and there was even a sense of interest.

"sit down."

Leng Yubing continued.

Very concise password.

Although she didn't get the food immediately after shaking hands, Xia Xue understood that she had done the right thing just now, so she sat down immediately without having to repeat it a second time.

"it is good."

It was rare that Leng Yubing would actually say words of praise.

Immediately afterwards, she distributed the tableware to Xia Xue, but she did not move her chopsticks.

Xia Xue held the tableware and looked at her. Although she wanted to eat, she didn't seem to have had enough.


It was colder than ice and spoke again.

That's why Xia Xue started to eat with chopsticks.

The xiao long bao seemed to contain mutton stuffing. After biting into it, it was delicious and rich, but it was a little hot to the mouth. Xia Xue blew on it while eating. Even though her tongue was a little soft from the heat, she still refused to slow down the speed of eating.

To say whether it is delicious or not, it is indeed delicious.

There are also pies that are not so hot. Xia Xue didn't have time to savor the filling inside, so she took a big bite directly, and the sense of happiness filled with delicious food made her forget the environment she was in at that moment up.

Of course, after taking this bite, she still recognized the reality. If so, she might as well continue eating.

Anyway, that's all she had left for fun.

Although I'm not sure if it's made by Leng Yubing, but it's really delicious. I knew she shouldn't have waited yesterday, and there was no need to do such a thing at that time.

Waiting for the password to eat or something, isn't it like training a dog.

Ah, it seems, really...

Xia Xue, who had almost eaten, only now remembered the reason for this strong sense of déjà vu, she couldn't help but froze, then continued to pick up a small steamed bun and stuffed it into her mouth.

Anyway, I have already done it, so I might as well continue to eat it.

Speaking of which, Leng Yubing didn't eat with Xia Xue this time, but stood aside and watched Xia Xue eat with great interest.

Obviously she also brought two sets of tableware, but now the extra pair of tableware was just put aside and remained untouched.

"Well, don't you want to eat together?"

Xia Xue couldn't help asking.

"No, I've already eaten."


Leng Yubing, who was rare, laughed.

Chapter 140 Plan

Is Leng Yubing doing this out of interest, or is there a test obedience in the content of the work?

Xia Xue doesn't know, but one thing Xia Xue can be sure of is that she enjoys doing this kind of thing.

Does this have any special meaning?It is obviously not something that requires the subject to cooperate obediently. Is obedience necessary?

Naturally, Leng Yubing would not explain this to Xia Xue. After Xia Xue finished her breakfast, she put away the tableware again and left here.

It seems that she doesn't intend to stay for a long time, maybe what happened just now was her temporary intention.

But the breakfast was very good, and there was no abnormality in his body so far. Although Leng Yubing didn't eat with Xia Xue this time, the food she sent must be fine.

Since she woke up until now, the only people she has seen are Leng Yubing and Hua Qiu, and they are considered to have had contact with "acquaintances" before. Of course, the time she stayed here was short. If it's too long, when she can see more strange faces, I'm afraid it won't be so pleasant.

Xia Xue can naturally imagine what kind of treatment he would suffer at that time, but it is useless to always think about that kind of thing now, it is just to scare himself. How did he escape.

give up?Impossible okay.

Although I can use my special physique now, but if I use myself as a threat...

So far, this seems to be the only way to do it.

Speaking of which, even if she faced Jiang Xin, she had the possibility of winning if she held a sharp weapon and made up her mind, but when facing Leng Yubing, she would have no chance of winning.

So you can only focus on yourself.

After all, their goal is themselves, and Xia Xue herself can be the most important hostage. Even if she had the opportunity to catch Hua Qiu again, and then threatened her with a knife on her neck, she would not be held hostage. The effect on oneself is good.

The classic I kidnapped myself.

But if you think about it carefully, this approach may not have any effect on Leng Yubing and the others. After all, she knows Xia Xue's physique. He fell down by himself, and then gave Xia Xue a simple hemostasis.

After all, even if you leave it alone, Xia Xue will get better on her own before long.

Anyway, they will do the same in the future, Xia Xue is just speeding up the progress now.

So if you really want to have an effect, you have to be tough on yourself.

If it is really an injury that can kill with one blow, they will have some scruples.

For example, directly stabbing into the brain and the like, not only were they not sure about these places that could not recover normally, even Xia Xue herself didn't know if she could survive.

But that's the only way it can work.

The only thing to pay attention to is the cold flying knife, she is still very accurate, and as long as it does not involve fatal injuries, she does not need to worry about hurting Xia Xue, if necessary, she can even hold Xia Xue's hand holding the knife To shoot through.

But now that this is in consideration, it's fine to adjust your position when the time comes, face her obliquely, and point the knife at the back of your head with your back hand.

In the final analysis, it is not certain whether Xia Xue can really kill herself by then, but it is better to have short-term pain than to do nothing and wait for the long torture later.

By the way, even if it is an uncertain thing, as long as Xia Xue can do this kind of appearance that the knife is more dangerous than herself, it will be enough to have an effect.

As for fighting back, forget it, if the opponent is Hua Qiu, she can still try, but in the face of Leng Yubing, it is more reliable to fight herself.

As long as she fails once and gets the knife taken, she may not have the chance to struggle any more.

The previous time was to control the water use, this time I am afraid it is just like Bai Yingying did to her. To be on the safe side, her actions were completely restricted.

However, having said so much, what about the knife?

Of course there is none. The only thing she can touch as a weapon in this place is a toothbrush. Maybe it can be sharpened to increase the lethality, but with Xia Xue's own strength, it is probably nothing if she wants to cause fatal injuries. Method.

It has to be pretty sharp.

Xia Xue, who had already stabbed herself once, knew that it didn't take much force to stab a sharp knife into her body.

And the only place Xia Xue could think of where she could get weapons was Leng Yubing.

The knife she was carrying was naturally quite sharp, but this inevitably led to another problem.

That was how to take the knife from Leng Yubing.

Well, isn't this harder than being snatched by her?

Obviously I had to come up with it

The plan was to avoid close contact and conflict with Leng Yubing, but in the end he still had to get close to her?

Xia Xue sat in the corner of the room with her legs crossed. It was very quiet here, and there was nothing to disturb her, but other than that, she couldn't find anything that could help her solve this problem by herself.

It is impossible to get anything from Leng Yubing's hands by strong means, not even a single hair of hers, let alone her knife.

But outsmart...


Although it's embarrassing to say it, Xia Xue also knows that she is not an intellectual player. She played Leng Yubing with applause through shocking strategies. Don't dare to adopt it lightly.

Is it possible to rely on the body?She coquettishly said that Sister Leng wanted to hug her, maybe she would really agree, and then he inadvertently took one of the knives on her body while being hugged by her, and then pulled the knife immediately when he got away. Turn your face and deny people at a distance.

Thinking of this, Xia Xue couldn't help laughing out loud.

How is it possible? Leng Yubing is obviously different from those people like Jiang Xin. I may only use this method to attack people like Jiang Xin. If this trick works, she will, she will... .

Well, I still won't make any poisonous oaths, what if it really works?

Who can tell?

Xia Xue, who couldn't think of any other way, had already started to give up on herself.

Compared with integrity or something, the chance to survive is obviously more important.

What's more, even if you bite the bullet and act like a baby and don't get a response, it's just a wave of embarrassment. Not quite right, but that's what it means.

Had to give it a try.

Soon it will be lunch time, and the next step is to wait for Leng Yubing to come over.

Chapter 140 Two Necessary

Fortunately, I am not hungry, so the waiting process is not as difficult as before.

If possible, she still wanted to know more information from Leng Yubing.

After all, she had already made a plan to escape, but if she didn't know anything about the situation outside, then even if she ran out of this secret room, she wouldn't know how to get out.

Of course, it might not be such a complicated terrain here.

All of these are just unconfirmed guesses. It would be too unreliable to rely on this to make a plan. At the very least, we should try our best to verify it.

And the only people she can contact are Hua Qiu and Leng Yubing, and Hua Qiu, who was attacked by Xia Xue, is probably useless. After suffering a big loss, she must have a strong defense against Xia Xue. , not to mention hostility, but the most basic dialogue may be difficult to complete.

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