On the contrary, Leng Yubing's impression of Xia Xue has not changed much, and she always feels that she doesn't seem to have any hostility towards him.

But she really has no reason to hate Xia Xue.

But it's probably useless to extract any information from her. It can only be said that Xia Xue can learn what she wants to say from Leng Yubing's mouth.

But even passively accepting the filtered information is better than knowing nothing, right?

According to previous experience, in fact, if Xia Xue takes the initiative, Leng Yubing will usually give a certain response. For example, if she talks to her, she will not just ignore it like other people. Being in a passive situation, and the inherent impression of Leng Yubing's appearance made her rarely take the initiative to communicate with Leng Yubing.

Even if it was really ignored by her, it didn't matter.

Anyway, things won't get worse anymore, what's the use of Xia Xue caring about those?

The waiting time was both long and short. The boring time in a daze ended after the only door was opened. It seemed that it was lunch time again.

The way I was cold last night was more like giving Xia Xue a memory. Eating with her proved that there was no problem with the food, and taking the food away immediately after eating meant that she did not force Xia Xue to eat.

To put it simply, if you don't want to eat, you don't have to. She doesn't care.

Of course, Xia Xue was not as tough as she imagined, and she started eating again the next day.

And in a very humiliating way...

Of course, it's just that she didn't think of it at the time. If she had thought of it, then, then...

Well, forget it, if she refused to obey at that time, I'm afraid breakfast would be taken away as well.

In order for the future plan to be completed as scheduled, replenishing physical strength is a must. Otherwise, it would be too uncomfortable to faint if you run out of strength in the middle of the run.

Therefore, the little humiliation I endured now is nothing.

So far, what hasn't happened to her?Ever since Jiang Xin and Bai Yingying played all kinds of games on her, now she has nothing to be afraid of!

Leng Yubing also brought lunch on time this time, but this time he did not bring a second set of tableware. Now that Xia Xue has been asked to eat, she is not afraid that she will refuse to eat again.

Apparently, she came here after dinner.

Xia Xue was already very proficient when she completed the password for the second time, but this time she also added the passwords of "stand", "lie down" and "turn around".

Perhaps it is not easy for a real dog to learn these passwords, but Xia Xue is very smart, so she learned it in one pass.

Although Leng Yubing seemed to be very interested in this, she had always been expressionless, but when she was doing this kind of thing, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, obviously smiling.

But even so, she did not make any physical contact with Xia Xue other than passwords, and the passwords were very short. Xia Xue finished eating soon, so the time for Leng Yubing to laugh was actually very short .

According to Xia Xue's past experience, she would at least come over and touch her head.

But it's a pity, no, it's not a pity, but in short, when she finished packing her things and was about to leave again, she didn't intend to touch her head.

Obviously, self-attraction does not work for everyone.

For example, the proprietress of the supermarket is fine. Although a cute appearance will make people's attitude significantly better, it will not turn into a special feeling.

Of course, my claim of "attracting sick and delicate" physique is just a guess. Now, I can only say that I like her, and it just so happens that they are all sick and charming.

Seeing that Leng Yubing was about to leave again, Xia Xue had no choice but to let go of her thoughts and speak hastily.

"Sister Leng!"

As expected, Leng Yubing stopped and turned around.

Her expression didn't change, but she still responded.

"is there anything?"

Maybe I guessed right, as long as I take the initiative to communicate, Leng Yubing will not ignore me.

Xia Xue then hurriedly asked: "Well, didn't you plan to do those studies on me? But why have you only locked me here until now? And..."

It's not easy to say something like being treated like a dog, so Xia Xue fell silent halfway through her words.

Of course, the main thing is that if you are really obedient, you will be ashamed.

"Research is not done here, this is just a place to temporarily accommodate you."

Leng Yubing did not hesitate to tell Xia Xue the information that was extremely important.

Maybe it's because she thinks that even if Xia Xue knows, it won't hinder her in any way?Or does it still count as "discloseable" information?

"Then, where is the real research location? What kind of research do you want to do on me?"

"My work only ends here, and I am not responsible for other things."

Sure enough, there is still no way to know the deeper things, and the meaning of Leng Yubing's words also means that there will not be too many people placed here.

Because the people who really plan to slice Xia Xue are not here.

Moreover, as a transfer station, in order to take into account the characteristics of concealment, there must not be too many people guarding it.

"Then where am I now, where is it?"

Xia Xue continued to ask.

"In the basement of an unfinished building that has been shelved in the west of the city."

Leng Yubing answered without any hesitation.

Can you even say this?

"You can ask what you want to know, and I can explain it to you within the scope of what is allowed." Leng Yubing took the initiative to speak.


This time, it was Xia Xue who had doubts.

Logically speaking, as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, I don't need to know so much.

She only needs to exist as a research object, and there is no need to explain it to her.

Just like when a butcher slaughters an animal, the animal being slaughtered does not need to know why.Because there is no need.

"Because there is no need to hide."

Yu Bing replied.

Chapter 140 Three Decisions

What Leng Yubing said was not wrong, there was no need to hide it from Xia Xue.

In fact, even if she confessed all her plans, Xia Xue couldn't do anything, she couldn't change her current situation with these things.

Of course, the overall plan may be cold and uninformed.

Even she probably didn't know about things other than the work she was in charge of.

But since she said that, it meant that Xia Xue could ask as many questions as possible.

After all, in Leng Yubing's eyes, there was nothing hindering her from answering Xia Xue's question, and the choice of reply was also in her hands. She could decide the length of the conversation according to her own mood.

Taking advantage of Leng Yubing not planning to leave now, Xia Xue decided to ask a few more questions.

"You just said that this place is in the basement, so the room above the basement has already been built, or is it just a shell?"

"Empty shell, because it is only a place for transit, so you only need to decorate it briefly, you won't stay here for a long time."

Leng Yubing put down the plate in his hand a little bit, as if he was not in a hurry to leave.

"When will I be transferred by you?"


"Is it because the police have slowed down their search for me?"

Xia Xue asked curiously, maybe Bai Yingying would call the police after she disappeared, and maybe she was not taken to the real underground research institute for the time being to avoid the limelight.

"No, no one is looking for you except her."

Cold Yu Bing opened his mouth faintly.

"Is Bai Yingying looking for me now? Why..."

Leng Yubing seemed to have guessed what Xia Xue was going to say next, so he directly suppressed Xia Xue's words with the words "not filing a case".

And Bai Yingying didn't have Si Wan's contact information, let alone where they actually lived, so after losing Xia Xue's news, she couldn't find anyone else to help.

And even if she reported the case, it would be really difficult to file a case. She said that Xia Xue, who she originally planned to kidnap and take home, was intercepted by others on the way. go out.

If you don't tell the truth, it's even more impossible to explain. As a roommate, even if you lose contact with the police, it may be difficult to file a case without proof of being a relative.

And with Bai Yingying alone, I'm afraid she will never be able to find this place in her life.

Of course, this also happened to mean that she was fine, which wasn't bad news.

"The monitoring device she installed for you is also invalid now, she will not find it here."

Colder than ice just the right last knife.

But the "surveillance device" she mentioned might be referring to the accessories that Bai Yingying gave her.

"What else do you want to ask?"

Leng Yubing smiled.

"Like how to get out of here?"

Obviously, Xia Xue guessed everything in her heart, but this is normal. If she had no hope of escaping, then she would not ask these things on her own initiative.

But since Leng Yubing had spoken to this extent, it meant that she had had enough fun, and all she had done before was to tease Xia Xue.

"I'm the only guard here. If you want to escape, you can try to attack me."

Leng Yubing looked at Xia Xue who lowered her head and said nothing, and continued to add.

"That is to say, if you can kill me, you can regain your freedom."

"Only you?"

Xia Xue thought in disbelief.

She originally guessed that there were very few guards in the transfer location, and it was not to this extent. If there is only one person or something, is it really not afraid of accidents?

"Yes, just me is enough, I can't handle it, and the extra people are meaningless."

When Leng Yubing said this, she didn't have too many emotional fluctuations, but she could clearly feel her confidence in her own strength.

And not to mention that the person she needs to monitor is Xia Xue.

When the imaginary enemy is reduced to one person who is colder than ice, it seems that the hope of escape has increased a lot, but in fact there has not been much change.

Just like the difficulty of facing the little minions after defeating the big boss, even if the link of the little minions is removed, it still does not affect the difficulty of the level.

Of course, even if it is a small guy, for Xia Xue, it should be regarded as a middle boss that needs to be dealt with with extreme caution.

"I can't beat you."

Xia Xue simply surrendered.

Leng Yubing didn't show any special appearance, after all, this was what should be done.

It shows that Xia Xue can still recognize the status quo.

"Tomorrow, when will you take me away?"

Xia Xue asked after showing weakness.


"Will you come too?"

"No, I'm only in charge of the work here, and I'm not in charge of what happened after you were taken away."

"It will also make me dizzy then?"

"Bai Yingying was the one who knocked you out before. Maybe to be on the safe side, she gave you four times the dose of a normal person, so you didn't wake up until we brought you here."

However, she didn't talk about the fact that Xia Xue was brought up by Leng Yubing and used physical means to faint when Xia Xue "killed the Quartet".

"Sister Leng, after this, will we never see each other again?"

Xia Xue's eyes suddenly became a little lonely.

It's a little strange that this time Leng Yubing didn't reply to Xia Xue immediately like before, but thought for a while before saying with certainty: "Yes."

After replying, Leng Yubing waited for a while, and left without seeing Xia Xue continuing to ask questions.

As the door closed, Xia Xue, who was sitting on the floor, tilted her head and began to think.

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