"What did you give Dai Mubai just now?" Although Tang Yin's small movements avoided Zhu Zhuqing just now, Yao who paid attention to Tang Yin from time to time could see it very clearly.

"It's nothing, it's just a perfume that can enhance their emotional progress." Tang Yin said,

But after hearing Tang Yin's words, Yao immediately distanced herself from him.The meaning is self-evident.

Tang Yin: "..."

"No, can't you guys have a purer mind? And do you think I'm that kind of person?" Tang Yin said weakly.

Then one of them came to Yao's ear and said, "Besides, if I really want it, do I still need that thing?"

"You...don't make trouble, everyone is watching!" Yao's cheeks were flushed by Tang Yin's sudden approach.Although she often teased Tang Yin, it wasn't always when the others were not paying attention to him, or in private.But now it is in front of all the students. m.23sk.net

While talking, Yao glanced at the others subconsciously, and found that none of them noticed her side.This relieved her a little.But how is it possible.Now everyone is gathered around the fire, even if they look away, they can see their situation from the corner of their eyes.Originally, they were all planning to boo, but then they saw Tang Yin's hand cannon behind him...

Your scene is probably:

Tang Yin: "Are you moved?"

Everyone: "Don't dare to move, don't dare to move."

So everyone consciously chose to follow their own hearts.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yin was very satisfied and stopped teasing his wife.Put away the hand cannon and continue to lick the cat.

"So what did you give Boss Dai?" Yao asked still puzzled.

"It's nothing, it's just my homemade perfume. I'll give you a bottle if you want, but this perfume is made of catnip." Tang Yin said lightly.

"Cat... Mint?" Yao looked at the perfume Tang Yin took out with disbelief, and then turned to look at Zhu Zhuqing.He turned his head to look at the catnip perfume, and then at Zhu Zhuqing... Shuang 叒叕...

"You...you did it by a human?" Yao covered her face.


For today's second update, Erha is begging for everyone's recommendation tickets and collections.Ha thanks.

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Chapter 69 My Oududou is Terrible

"Uh...I think...it should be okay. After all, Zhu Zhuqing has a lot of cats." Tang Yin smiled, and at the same time, he handed another bottle of catnip brand perfume to his wife and continued. : "You keep this bottle of teasing little mica, we will probably start our journey tomorrow, so we won't wear her this time."

Yao took the perfume from Tang Yin's hand, and suddenly a very tempting idea appeared in her mind: how about she bathe directly with catnip that day?What kind of scene would that be?One must know that she and Zhu Zhuqing lived in the same dormitory!

"Hey hey..." Thinking of this, Yao couldn't help but let out a terrible laugh, which made Tang Yin, who was an inappropriate person, very excited.It can only be said that it really affects each other...

So far, the first gathering of the Shrek monsters has ended perfectly.

And just after the remedial party here, Tang San came to the door of Tang Yin's dormitory.He knocked on Tang Yin's door and asked softly, "Little Yin, are you asleep now?"

"Brother, you can just come in directly, I knew you would come to find me." Tang Yin said and let his brother into the room, and then told his brother the push he said to Tang Hao before.

After listening to Tang Yin's series of reasoning, Tang Yin found that his elder brother was looking at him like he was looking at a monster.

"Hey, brother, your eyes are too much!" Tang Yin said helplessly.

"Uh...sorry, it's just that your analysis has subverted my cognition. After all, in my impression, you are not always adhering to the fact that a wave of explosions can't solve it. If there are, then add a few more waves. If it doesn’t work, just blow up the person who asked the question. I didn’t expect you to use your brain now, very good, very good.” Tang San said with a sigh that you have finally grown up.

Tang Yin: "..."

Tang Yin looked at his elder brother's little comforting expression, and he wanted to hit his elder brother directly on the forehead with the electric storage laser cannon.Have you ever said that about your brother?

Seeing Tang Yin's dark and depressed little expression, Tang San stopped teasing Tang Yin.Continue to ask: "So are you planning to use resurrection coins to resurrect our mother?"

"Yeah, after all, it's because the old man left and there's nothing we can do. Now that I've met the old man, of course I have to revive my mother as soon as possible. Otherwise, wouldn't my little books be in vain?" Tang Yin said from the space. He took out those small books that were dedicated to remembering his old man's hatred and said.

Tang San: "..." The core purpose of co-authoring with you is this?

"Hey! Wait, this is wrong!" Tang San suddenly discovered the doubt in Tang Yin's words.

"Didn't you start recording these notebooks when you were young?" Tang San asked.

"Yeah, that's right!" Tang Yin nodded to indicate that his elder brother said that there was nothing wrong.

"But at that time, we didn't all have awakened martial spirits, and didn't have resurrection coins, so who do you write them down for?" Tang San was even more curious about the purpose of Tang Yinji's small book.

"Of course, when the old man dies in the future, I will burn these to our mother, so that our mother can help me avenge me." Tang Yin said with a face of course.

Tang San: "..." At this moment, Tang San suddenly realized that his Oududou was so scary, he felt that even Hades would not dare to tattoo his own brother, because he couldn't cover it...

Early the next morning, the two Tang Yin brothers bid farewell to everyone, and they followed Tang Yin to run in one direction.

"Hey, old man. I know you are very excited because your mother is about to be resurrected, but can you be considerate of others, I can keep up with the external spirit bone, but my brother needs to run hard." Tang Yin said to himself said the old man.

"I didn't think about it, little silver, I also want to see our mother soon." Tang San himself didn't care much about this, instead he complained that his speed was too slow.

"Then how about this, old man, you can go directly with your brother on your back, it will be faster that way." Tang Yin suggested.

"Okay, little San, come up here." Hearing his youngest son's proposal, Tang Hao also thought it was good.After all, the youngest son has already recited it, so it is a bit partial not to recite the eldest son.So directly greet Tang San to go up.

"Oh, good!" Tang San was obviously flattered, after all, no matter how he heard these words, he didn't want to say what his father would say, there was no way, after all, the image of his father in the past... er... was negative, don't want it .

Even someone like Tang San who respects his father couldn't help complaining in his heart at this moment.

But after Tang San started to study with his younger siblings and became a qualified pendant, the speed of the three of them was indeed much faster.

After several days of traveling day and night, Tang Yin and the others finally found themselves in a valley led by Tang Hao.And just entering this valley, you can hear the roar of the waterfall.But there is only the roar of the waterfall. Apart from this sound, there is no other sound in this valley. If the sound of the waterfall is blocked, the valley will become silent.

See such a terrain, although not directly seen.But Tang Yin suspects that this is the place where the two brothers will practice the Wind Hammer Technique in the future.

"Xiaoyin, we're almost there, keep up with me!" Tang Hao jumped directly towards the waterfall as he spoke.

After realizing that Tang Yin was following his own rhythm, Tang Hao moved again, swung left and right, and a three-meter-long Clear Sky Hammer with a hammer head almost as huge as a water tank appeared in Tang Hao's hand.But such a huge hammer was lifted up by Tang Hao with one hand, and flew straight up.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yin immediately flew up to catch up.Cloud boots also appeared under their feet, stepping on the void one after another to help them.The two hand cannons fired one after another like Iron Man's hand thrusters.

And this is why Tang Yin can keep up with his old man's speed along the way.

The cloud boots provide the ability to stay in the air when necessary, the hand cannon is used as a thruster, and the individual thruster is connected to the jet with the passive skill of the ammunition expert.That moving speed is so fast that it can fly. www.23sk.net

As for Tang Hao, at the same time his stature rose, he swung the Haotian Hammer to charge up.But just waving with energy has already rolled up the water flow of the waterfall, but Tang Hao doesn't care about it.After Tang Hao leaped to a certain position, he hit the huge surging waterfall with the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.In an instant, the water splashed everywhere, and the powerful energy directly separated the huge waterfall.A cave appeared inside the waterfall.

Tang Yin was taken aback when he saw this scene?The blessed land of Huaguoshan, the water curtain and the cave?Aren't you a Douluo?So there is still something about Journey to the West?Could there be a group of monkeys in this cave, or is there some kind of heaven-replenishing stone in this valley?Then if I stole that stone and bought it, would I be illegally buying and selling wild animals?Or illegal trade in mineral resources?

Tang Yin's brain twitched every day, after all, he had only watched Douluo once.He could guess that this might be the place where they would train the Wind Hammer Technique in the future. As for where his mother was, he really didn't know.

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Net provides you with the fastest update of Douluo: Full-time Sharpshooter, Chapter 69 Oudou Dou is so scary to read for free.

Chapter 70 Ah Yin's Resurrection

However, although Tang Yinsi didn't know where he was flying, his feet still followed his old man's leap subconsciously.Follow Tang Hao into the cave behind the waterfall.

It may be because the waterfall is outside, the cave gives a very wet feeling.The entire cave is about three meters high and about two meters wide.The three of them stood together, but it was quite crowded.And the whole cave extends straight inward.The further you go inside, the worse the light becomes.But Tang Hao was clearly prepared, and directly took out a golden gemstone from his soul tool.This illuminates the surroundings.

The three continued to move forward, but as Tang Yin and the others gradually deepened, some blue-gold lights gradually appeared around them, and then a stone room of about ten square meters appeared in front of everyone.

There are no furnishings in this stone room, except for a jade stone inlaid with a faint light on the top, there are no other items.And right below the piece of luminous jade is a small soil bag, on which a blue silver grass is dancing gently with the breeze blowing from the hole.

Tang Yin looked over and saw that this blue silver grass looked much longer than the real blue silver grass. Of course, these are not the most peculiar places. What is really strange is that its veins are pure gold.The whole emits a blue-golden light, which echoes the light emitted by the jade above, which is very beautiful.

"Little San, Xiao Yin, come here and kneel down." Tang Hao pointed to an open space beside him, and sat down cross-legged on the same spot.

Seeing this scene, Tang San's heart beat visibly a little bit violently, and immediately walked forward and knelt down in front of this blue silver grass as Tang Hao said.

In contrast, Tang Hao's expression is very gentle now, looking tenderly at the pale golden veins on the blue silver grass and said: "Ayin, I brought our children to see you today, and now the children We've all grown up, and even Little Silver can rely on some doubts to analyze the truth about us back then, have you seen it? Our son... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what are you doing!"

Tang Hao, who had a tender face last second, suddenly saw Tang Yin running towards A Yin with a shovel on his back, breaking his defense instantly.net

"Huh! Mom, let's ignore this old man who doesn't understand anything. He really has no common sense. Don't you know that photosynthesis is very important for the growth of plants?" Tang Yin was talking, flying up and down, turning around In an instant, he dug his mother's body together with the downwind soil.

After finishing all this, Tang Yin directly wrapped it with his soul power, then patted it outside and said: "Son, I will take you out to bask in the sun first, we ignore this old man!"

Tang Hao: "..."

The lonely Tang San knelt in an instant: "..."

"I..." At this moment Tang Hao really wanted to beat Tang Yin, a brat, but Tang San blocked him immediately.

"Uh... that father, the growth of Blue Silver Grass really needs sunlight. The master has also said this..." Tang San said.

Tang Hao: "..."

"Brother, come out quickly, and you come and choose a suitable place for our mother to transplant." Tang San's knowledge of pharmacology and various herbal medicines is average. It goes in the left ear and out the right ear.Therefore, choosing land for mother, of course, I still have to let my elder brother do it professionally.

"Okay, here we come!" Tang San responded, and directly left his father to go to see his mother.After all, when my younger brother was just digging the soil, he used Ghost Shadow and Mistake, and the speed was so fast that he still hadn't seen his mother clearly.

And looking at the two brothers who immediately forgot about him and ran out together, Tang Hao felt helpless for a while.Tang Hao was depressed, why can't things go according to his way of thinking?Obviously the atmosphere and atmosphere just now were very good, but why did it become like this...

But what can Tang Hao do about it, after all, being so popularized by his son, he also realized that it was his improper operation, and now he can only walk outside helplessly.

And when Tang Hao came out of the cave, Tang Yin and Tang San had already transplanted their mother.

And now the body of the mother of the two brothers is controlling the two parts to gently brush over the faces of the two brothers,

It was as if a mother was comforting her child, and Tang Yin and the others also enjoyed the first love from their mother in this life.

"Oh, old man, you've come out, come here, come here." Tang Yin, who was sitting cross-legged beside Blue Silver Emperor, greeted his old man who just jumped down from the waterfall.

"Mmm, good!" Facing such a scene of a family reunion, Tang Hao was also a little excited, and jumped to the side of the Blue Silver Emperor in one leap.

And seeing Tang Hao coming out, Tang Yin suddenly patted himself on the head, yes.Anyway, I have to resurrect my mother, just resurrected directly in the cave.Why did I move my mother out on purpose?

"It's all your fault, old man!" Tang Yin dumped the blame that he had forgotten to his old man with a righteous face. After all, if his old man had no common sense, how could he make such a mistake.

Impossible, absolutely impossible! (Cao Cao sound effects!)

Tang Hao: "??"

Tang Yin ignored Tang Yin who was in a daze at all, and directly took out a resurrection coin, and threw it at his mother.Super Railgun Resurrection Coin Edition.

In the next moment, a white beam of light appeared instantly, and a burst of energy even knocked back the three people around, and the energy spread in all directions.Finally disappear.

Seeing that the resurrection would have the same special effects as in the game, Tang Yin directly admired his clever move of removing his mother.The rapid change of mentality perfectly explains what is beyond the reach of arithmetic and metaphors!

The huge beam of light only appeared for a second or two before dissipating, which is the same as in the game.And with the dispersal of this beam of light, a hair is the kind of blue that if wisdom has a color, it must be blue.Wearing a blue dress of the same style, her appearance completely interprets a woman who is all over the country and the city, with endless gentleness between her brows.

At this time, the woman was looking at her body and hands in shock.His face was full of disbelief.

This woman is the Empress of the Blue Silver Emperor—A Yin!

"Ayin." Tang Hao saw the very familiar beauty in his heart, and this time he finally appeared in front of him for real, his eyes were already full of eye sockets.

At this time, Tang Yin didn't continue to do things, and pulled his brother back a few steps.He knew very well that the two needed some time now.

At this time, Tang Hao had already walked in front of A Yin with some trembling. A majestic Titled Douluo who could swing the Clear Sky Hammer with one hand would not tremble in the slightest, but now he touched A Yin tremblingly. cheek.

And Ah Yin also looked at the Tang Hao in front of him with some distress, who was far older than his own age in his impression, his eyes dimmed for a while, and finally embraced each other.

They all hugged tightly, because they were worried that this was a dream...

After the two embraced each other, Ah Yin looked at Tang Yin and Tang San again, and stretched out his hand to signal them to come over.

This time, their family embraced each other for the first time, a real reunion...

"Mom, I'm your youngest son Tang Yin, and this is my brother, Tang San." After embracing each other, Tang Yin, who was the first to react, introduced himself and his elder brother.And Tang San, who felt the mother's love for the first time, obviously didn't slow down, so Tang Yin talked about it with his share.After all, it's my elder brother who is crying non-stop now, and it doesn't look like he can speak normally.

"My children." Looking at the two children who were already as tall as her in front of her, she embraced them again.And seeing all this from the side, Tang Hao was also filled with emotion, at this moment he was definitely the happiest person in the world...

Until he saw the small notebook that suddenly appeared in Lanyin's hand...


Today's first update, Erha Gun begging for everyone's recommendation tickets and favorites.Ha thanks.

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Net provides you with the fastest Douluo: Full-time Sharpshooter update, Chapter 70 A Yin Resurrection for free reading.

Chapter 71 Prepare for a rainy day Tang Xiaoyin

It was the second day after Tang Yin resurrected their mother. As for what happened the day before?Hmm...how do I describe this?To put it simply, Tang Yin used up another resurrection coin.

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