Cough cough... so what... Don't get me wrong, Tang Yin's mother has such a gentle personality, to seek justice for her own children and kill her lover... After she finished reading a few small books, she started writing. Itches.

But Tang Yin's mother was a gentle person after all, so she couldn't bear to do it in the end.So this blood was Tang San's hand.It's a little inaccurate to say that the attack was done. To be precise, it should be poisoned.

Ahem... It's still the same sentence just now, please don't misunderstand.How could Tang San, who was so filial and fearful of his father, kill his father?So relying on this matter was instigated and arranged by Tang Yin.

It's still the same sentence as before, don't get me wrong.After all, Tang Yin always thought that he was doing this to his old man.Because at that time Tang Yin directly said that his old man would definitely feel indebted to Haotianzong for everything he had done, and wanted to cut off his hands and feet in exchange for Haotianzong.

So after Tang Hao experienced eighty kinds of punishments including but not limited to kneeling on durians (don’t ask Erha why there are durians in this world...) to find his lover, he finally ushered in his most difficult day Disaster.

Tang Yin's suggestion at the beginning was to kill the old man directly. After all, there is still an anesthetic in this world that is more effective than killing the old man directly.Then he directly beat the hands and feet of his old man with a wave of chaotic cloaks that needed to be avoided.Eighty in one stroke, start in two strokes.Directly achieve painless amputation in the true sense...

After all, from the point of view of teaching, Tang Hao can be regarded as his teacher of hammering.As a good young man of Naruto in the new era, Tang Yin, as a boy who watched Naruto grow up, felt that since he had plagiarized the spiral pill, he should also inherit the will of fire.Among other things, let's live broadcast the daily broadcast first.

It's a pity that Tang Yin's "beautiful" plans were directly opposed by everyone present, and Tang Yin had no choice but to give up.In the end, he suggested that his old man be euthanized. Anyway, in the matter of taking the blood of his own old man, he would have to get an assist.

So old man, the sons are really doing it for your own good.There is absolutely no personal grievance in it, let alone revenge for so many years.After all, they are father and son, how can there be so many overnight feuds, isn't it...

Because under the questioning of Tang San and Ah Yin, Tang Hao could only admit that he really had this idea, and they naturally agreed with Tang Yin's opinion.Anyway, the resurrection coin is still better than disability.It just happened to be able to heal Tang Hao's old illnesses and dark wounds.Even the body will return to its best condition.

In the end, of course, it was Tang Hao who looked at Tang Yin who was walking towards him with the euthanasia potion developed by Tang San himself, with a horrible villain expression on his face.His heart was extremely complicated.

How do you describe this feeling?It's like the feeling after the four masters and apprentices who traveled westward worked so hard to retrieve the scriptures, and finally reached the gate of Chang'an City, but they were all set on fire by a passing bear child...

Fortunately, this time the amputation operation was very successful, after all Tang San was considered half a doctor, so he took out his old man's spirit bone very easily.Support the two brothers of the Tang family to complete the two major achievements of paternity and dismemberment in one day.Tang Yin thinks it's not too much for him to upgrade his taboo skills to three levels in a row, right?

After finishing everything, Tang Yin went down the resurrection coin immediately, and the old man who was miserable one second, appeared in front of everyone in the next second.

In an instant, all the hidden diseases and old injuries recovered, and the physical condition returned to the peak of this age.Even the white hair in the hair is missing a large piece.I feel younger all over.

Of course, these are not the most miraculous. The most miraculous thing is that Tang Hao's soul power level has not dropped at all. It was the same level before death, and it is still the same level after resurrection.As Tang Yin expected, the resurrection coin pressed Douluo Law, who wanted to jump out of the coffin, back into the coffin again.And an extra row of nails was added.

It was already evening when all these series of things were completed, so the family randomly found a hotel nearby, opened two rooms and stayed there... nothing to say for a night... Of course, this is only for Tang Yin and his brothers, As for the other side... It can only be said that it is a special hotel, and the sound insulation effect is good!

"Brother, we've already started eating lunch. Why haven't the old men come down yet? Do we need to order food for them?" Tang Yin stretched and couldn't help complaining.

"Uh..." Tang San, who had also guessed the reason, didn't know how to respond to his brother for a while.

And just when the two brothers were about to start ordering without waiting, the room of their parents finally opened.Their mother walked out of it in good spirits.Depending on the situation, I took a shower before coming out.As soon as he came out, he saw Tang Yin and the others and greeted them.

"Huh? Mom? Where's the old man?" Of course Tang Yin knew what was going on. After all, two people who loved each other lived and died so many years apart.It's very normal to be like this, not to mention that the old man's physical fitness has returned to its peak again.So it's not incomprehensible for one night, but why is only mom coming out now, where's dad?

"Your father was too tired just now, and he fell asleep not long ago. So we are leaving tomorrow." A Yin said and touched the little heads of her two children very gently.

Tang Yin was shocked when he heard his mother's words.Just took a break?You must know that they had already gone back to their respective rooms yesterday evening, but just like this, the old man had just rested.Looking at my mother's radiant face and the relaxed look of taking a bath.

Tang Yin didn't know for a while whether to say that his old man was too weak, or his mother was too strong...

Wait, can't all 10 year soul beasts be this powerful?Although Tang Yin was just a virgin in his previous life, he lived in the era of information explosion.He has heard of wolf, tiger, etc. before.And if you push back according to this process, then 10 years...

"Well, in the afternoon, I'm going to buy some goji berries and the like to make tea. Brother, do you want it? I'll bring some for you then." Tang Yin, who felt a sense of crisis in an instant, became vigilant. With so much hatred, if he was killed by the other party during the revenge, would Tang Yin still lose face?

"Ah? Then show me a little..." Although Tang San didn't know why Oududou, whose brain circuit was the same as that of National Highway 318, suddenly asked this question, there was a deep feeling that kept telling him that he was the most It's best to prepare one too.

(Don’t ask Erha Tang San why he knows about National Highway 318, it’s because Tang Yinyou mentioned it to the other party before. If there are book friends who don’t know about National Highway 318, Erha strongly recommends to search it, it is definitely a terrifying and magnificent road Heavenly roads of coexistence!)

Tang Yin responded casually when he heard his brother's words, but a question suddenly appeared in his mind.Speaking of which, since Tianqing Niu Boa has the word python, it should be considered a snake. I heard that snake wine is very good...


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Chapter 72 Duplicity is not Tang Xiaoyin

"Little Yin, wait a minute, Mom, I, and I have something to tell you. Wait, let's not rush back to your academy. Mom, I will take you to awaken your blood." Mother Ah Yin looked at her two parents. She is also very happy that she still has such a good relationship.

"Uh... that, mom. After we awaken, can we have a soul ring that belongs to us and can be improved according to our growth when we break through next time?" Tang Yin confirmed.

"Oh? I didn't expect you, little Yin, to know this." Ah Yin asked in a little surprise. After all, this is a secret that belongs to soul beasts. How did Tang Yin know.

"Uh... This is what Yao told me. She is my girlfriend, your future daughter-in-law. At the same time, she is also a 10-year soul beast." Tang Yin directly dumped the blame on his wife.

"What? Since Yao is a 10-year-old soul beast!" Tang San was obviously shocked by this news.

"Ah? Didn't I tell you about this?" Tang Yin said with an innocent expression to his brother who was shocked.

"When did you say that!" Tang San roared angrily, didn't this Oududou of his family want to see his jokes on purpose?

"That Miss Xiao Wu is actually a 10-year-old soul beast, and I have never told you about it." Anyway, I have already said it. Taking this opportunity, Tang Yin even revealed Xiao Wu's identity. , I have to say that this kind of spoiler plus breaking news is really cool.

"Xiao...Xiao Wu...Since it is also a soul beast..." Tang San was completely confused for a moment, and there was only one image left in his mind, that was when he recognized Xiao Wu as his god-sister, What Xiao Wu said to him:

"If one day, there are many, many people who want to kill me, and those people's strength is still higher than yours, then what will you do?"

Xiao Wu's question came to my ears again, and Tang Yin's voice sounded in reality at the same time: "Brother, has the vow you made ever changed?"

Hearing Tang Yin's words, Tang San also recalled his reply at that time: "Then please let them step over my corpse first!"

Thinking of this, Tang San smiled slightly, yes, it doesn't matter what identity Xiao Wu is, she is still his sister, his Xiao Wu.

"of course not!"

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled tacitly, clenched fists and knocked each other on the back of each other's hands.

Tang San: "We are still the boy we used to be!"

Tang Yin: "There is no slight change!"

Seeing his two children suddenly fisted each other tacitly for some reason, Ah Yin was puzzled.But seeing that the relationship between her two children is so good, she is naturally happy as a mother.

"Okay. I know that you two brothers have a very good relationship. Anyway, when the time comes, mother, I will take you to fully awaken the martial soul first." Ah Yin greeted the two brothers.

"Uh...Mom, why don't we wake up in a hurry and wait until we are all at level [-]?" Tang Yin scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Well, why is Xiao Yin doing this?" Hearing Tang Yin's words, Ah Yin was not in a hurry to refute, but looked at his youngest son very gently.

"I don't need to say much. After all, I'm only level 34 now. Even if I go to awaken now, I can't directly increase the soul ring. As for my should I put it..." Tang Yin was a little embarrassed, he couldn't Said that he wanted to take his old brother to brush the dungeon of the Man-faced Demon Spider in the Star Dou Great Forest, to see if he could burst out an external spirit bone, right?

After all, if he said that, then the problem would arise, so the rare external spirit bone, you know so well that it can burst out of a man-faced demon spider in the Star Dou Forest?It can't be said that he reads a novel called Douluo Dalu.

And Tang San felt a little distressed when he saw his brother's embarrassing expression for the first time, and Tang Yin said first: "Mother, why don't we follow Xiaoyin's arrangement first, and we will go to awaken after we reach level [-]." My own martial spirit. I believe that since Xiaoyin would say that, there must be his reasons."

"Well... well, since you all said that, what else can I say, mother? My son has grown up, and he still dislikes my mother's soul ring..." Ah Yin looked very sad, and the two of you Said with a hurry to comfort me expression.

"Mom, don't play with us anymore..." Although Tang Yin said that he has forgotten the description of Tang Yin's mother in the original book, he can be sure of one thing... His mother is definitely not so skinny...

Originally, Ah Yin didn't like Tang Yin's old mother name a little bit. After all, she looked like she was going to be three at most now, so she didn't have anything to do with being old.But she was relieved when she heard Tang Yin call Tang Hao an old man one after another.

Although they have been together for a short time now, she has already seen that Tang Yin has the kind of kind-hearted personality who is not forgiving, but in fact everything is for the other party's good, especially for him. Even more so with those close to you.

Not to mention anything else, when she and Tang San also knew all the causes and consequences, neither she nor Tang San thought of Tang Hao's plan to cut off an arm and a leg, but Tang Yin thought of it, and Tang Yin respected Tang Hao very much. own choice.He didn't stop him, but came up with a way to get the best of both worlds, and in the end it could even be said to be the best way for Tang Hao to get this matter done.

Even though what he said was terrifying, it was just like what he said.Don't look at what the other person says, but look at what the other person does.

So although she didn't know why Tang Yin couldn't tell the reason why she didn't want to wake up now, she still chose to trust her child unconditionally and didn't force it.

After all, Tang Hao had just fallen asleep, so it was naturally impossible to accompany Tang Yin's mother. I don't know if it was because Tang Yin's mother was blue silver grass, and he felt his whole spirit recover when he basked in the sun.Her energy seemed to be inexhaustible, she also didn't sleep all night, but she could take her two sons around in the afternoon.

It wasn't until Tang Hao got up at night that the family had dinner together again.Finally, I went back to rest and headed back to the academy the next day.

Originally, Tang Hao planned to take Ah Yin away from Tang Yin and the others directly, after all he was worried that their presence would distract Tang Yin and the others from their cultivation.But now Ah Yin has just been resurrected after all, and he has only been with his child for a few days, so how could he be willing to part like this.Tang Hao, who had nothing to do with Ah Yin, could only agree to send them back to the academy before leaving.

As a result, after Tang Yin and his elder brother finished the daily training of Ziji Demon Eyes the next day, since Tang San felt a breakthrough, he broke through in one fell swoop.However, Tang Yin felt that the time was about the same. After all, Tang San almost broke through at this time in the original book, but the introduction of the battle with the granddaughter of the Dragon Lord and Snake in the original book was missing.It is precisely because of this that some errors in the timing of the breakthrough are normal.

And the next road is that Tang Hao continues to carry Tang San on his back, and Ah Yin carries Tang Yin on his back.Don't underestimate Tang Yin's mother, Tang Yin's mother also has strength close to the soul saint level.This makes them go back much faster than when they came.Now that he has returned to Shrek Academy in just three days...


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Net provides you with the fastest Douluo: Full-time sharpshooter update, Chapter 72 is free to read by Tang Xiaoyin.

Chapter 73 I have written down this grudge!

"Xiaoyin, Xiaoyin, come here quickly, and introduce to your mother first, who is my future daughter-in-law." The Tang Yin people here have just returned to Shrek Academy, and they have just met Flender. After the dean said hello, Ah Yin took Tang Yin to a group of girls and asked Tang Yin.

"Uh...Mom, your daughter-in-law can't run away. Dean Flender and the teachers are still here...Huh? Master? When did you get here?" Tang Yin was about to ask his mother to talk to Flender first. De said hello, and saw the master beside Flender.

"Teacher, since you have also come to Shrek? Do you want to teach here too?" Seeing the master, the happiest disciple was naturally Tang San.

"Mom and Dad, let me introduce to you first, this is the teacher who has taken care of me and Xiaoyin these years, and is also my teacher. Everyone calls him a master. This one is the headmaster of Shrek, Flender , Father also knows it." Tang San took the lead in introducing the master to his mother.

"Your father has told me all this, master, thank you for taking care of the children these years." After all, the words have been drawn to the master and the others, even if Ah Yin wants to see his daughter-in-law, now he must first Say hello to each other.

"Long time no see, Your Majesty Haotian, what do you call my wife?" After all, it was the first time the master had met Ah Yin, and no one in the world of soul masters knew what the name of Haotian Douluo's wife was, so the master asked first.

"Her name is Ah Yin, and she is also the biological mother of Xiao Yin and Xiao San." Tang Hao said.

The elders here didn't have any special emotions in the exchange, but when they saw Tang Yin and Tang San coming back suddenly with their mother, they were a little nervous for a while, so that they who were not afraid of the sky and the earth didn't know what to do for a while. where to put it.

"Mom, let me introduce you first. This is your future daughter-in-law. Her name is Yao, and Wuhun is a deer!" Tang Yin also felt a little distressed when she saw Yao's nervous appearance. Yao's state continued, so she introduced it to her mother first.

As for Tang Yin's operation, Ah Yin silently praised her son in her heart.After all, the sky and the earth are big now, and my daughter-in-law is the biggest.Everyone else will wait until later.

Seeing Yao's nervous look, Ah Yin felt a little distressed.As a 10-year soul beast, Ah Yin is very aware of the hardships and pains involved in this journey of cultivation and transformation.

Don't look at A Yin, although she has successfully transformed into a human form, but as a 10-year-old soul beast, she has extremely deep feelings for the entire soul beast family.This feeling made him very disgusted with those soul beasts that hunted and killed 10-year-old soul beasts with advanced wisdom. This is in the original work, even if the soul master is his own son, it is difficult to accept.

"Although Auntie has never heard of such a martial spirit as you, Auntie knows that it must be very difficult for you to grow up to now, so let Auntie hug you." Ayin said very gently, and at the same time hugged Yao into her arms.

"Mom isn't over yet, you can't be partial. This is the sister that my brother "recognized" when the old man left. Wuhun is a soft-boned rabbit." "The volume of this word has increased a little, and the meaning is self-evident.

Hearing what her son said, Ah Yin gave her man an angry look.But now that she is outside after all, she won't lose Tang Hao's face.He directly stretched out a hand to Xiao Wu and said, "Since you are the younger sister recognized by Xiao San, then you will also be Auntie's daughter in the future, come and let Auntie hug you."

"Thank you, Auntie!" Hearing that she was also accepted by Ah Yin, Xiao Wu's originally nervous mood relaxed a lot.For a while, there was a feeling of being immersed in it.

"It's still called Auntie, do you remember to change your name in the future?" Ah Yin kissed the foreheads of the two little girls lightly.Now she is really happy. She really didn't expect that she had just been resurrected. She didn't expect that her children and even her daughter-in-law had already been prepared for her. At this speed, wouldn't she just wait for these little guys when she hugged her grandson? adult thing.

Not to mention that these daughters-in-law are 10-year soul beasts like her, which makes her even happier.

"Xiao Wu, you have to work harder in the future. In this respect, Xiao San is not as clever as Xiao Yin, but mother believes that you can definitely handle him." Ah Yin said in Xiao Wu's ear.

"Hmm!" Being ridiculed by her future mother-in-law, Xiao Wu's face instantly turned red to the base of her ears.

And seeing such a warm scene in front of them, Shrek's male monsters are envious. After all, they are either on the road of pursuit, or they are 24k pure single.Now look at the two brothers of the Tang family. They have even met their parents.How big is the gap between people.

"By the way. Is the family still there? I'll see you later when I have a chance." After all, they are in-laws, and the parents of both parties still need to meet.

"My mother passed away nine years ago, and I have lived with my stepmother since then. By the way, my stepmother is also Yao's stepmother." Xiao Wu explained, but when it comes to her mother's death, she is still a bit confused. sad.

"Son, I'm very sorry, I'm talking about your sadness." Ah Yin hugged the two girls again with some distress, and there was no need to ask about other questions. Since she is also Yao's adoptive mother, it means that Yao's parents are no longer there. .

"But it doesn't matter, children. From now on, you will be under the protection of me and Xiaoyin's father. If anyone dares to bully you, you can tell my mother that I will help you beat him. If I can't do it, let your father do it." Ah Yin said to the two women with the air of a big sister in the underworld.

"Well, that's right." Tang Hao has always been reticent, but now he expresses his attitude for his future daughter-in-law for the first time.

And Tang Hao's aura gave people a strong sense of security.This feeling that Xiao Wu and Yao Yao have forgotten the last time they experienced it, this feeling of father's protection, they haven't felt it for 10 years...

"Okay, you can practice with peace of mind, we won't bother you here." Tang Hao said, looking at the sky.

"Okay." My lover has already said this, and Ah Yin is now aware of the pros and cons of it.After all, it was the best time for Tang Yin and the others to cultivate, and she was also worried that she would affect them.So let go of Yao and Xiao Wu, and hugged Tang Yin and Tang San before waving and leaving with Tang Hao.

Parting is always sad, everyone in Tang Yin relieved their emotions before continuing to greet their classmates, and the master also took the lead in welcoming the return of the two brothers.

And when the master learned that Tang San had broken through to level [-], he was also very happy. It seemed that Tang Yin said that he could obtain the soul ring with Oscar.

"No, little San, I won't take you like this. I just broke Boss Dai's record here, and I haven't been happy for a few days, so you can do it for me. Don't take you like this!" Oscar heard Tang The news of the three breakthroughs said with a look of despair.

Hearing Oscar's words, Tang Yin was stunned: "No, logically speaking, shouldn't it be me?"

"We are talking about human beings, so what does it have to do with you who are not human!" Everyone said in unison.

Tang Yin: "..." Woohoo, you squeezed me out, I will remember this grudge!


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