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Chapter 130 The Spirit Tail of the Automatic Protector

Tang Yin and Yao didn't know if it was because of emotional catharsis, they fell asleep until half the night, and they woke up because of hunger.After waking up, their mood completely recovered.Looking at each other and smiling, everything is in silence.

The two came to the cafeteria, just in time for the meal, and Tang Yin greeted everyone and ordered a big meal for himself.At the same time, let everyone not worry about themselves, he lost the game in the morning, so he will find the game tomorrow, so that everyone is mentally prepared.

And everyone was relieved to see Tang Yin's good appetite.

silent night...

The time directly fast forwarded to Shrek's battle class, and now Tang Yin and Shrek had stood face to face with each other.

"Little Yin, let me emphasize again the key points of your training. The main thing is to train you and the use of the spirit tail. The soul skills are only auxiliary. You don't need to use the fourth soul skill. The number of times you can use it is still five times." The master said to Tang Yin. Said.

"Don't worry, master, I'm also going to test the various data of my spiritual position." Tang Yin said, releasing the air combat mechanical storm and squall.Tang Yin had nothing to do yesterday and modified the two of them. Not only did they load artificial intelligence Jarvis and Alicia, but they also added a lot of data collection functions.

"Okay, everyone, get ready, the battle—start!" This time Flender was in charge of calling the start, and as soon as the voice on his side fell, he immediately flew up and left the battlefield.There was no way, the master considered the danger of Tang Yin's skills and Tang Yin's strength, and felt that it was a bit dangerous for him to be responsible, so he handed over this matter to Flender.

Following Grandmaster's words, Dai Mubai directly charged forward, while Zhu Zhuqing circled around to attack from the flanks.

Because Tang Yin wanted to test the various abilities of his spirit tail, he had no intention of dodging Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's attack, and directly called out a translucent spirit tail, on which an ice escape instantly condensed. . Spiral pills.Directly press Dai Mubai who is attacking from the front.


Tang Yin's more than 40 levels of soul power blessing made Tang Yin's Helix Pill very powerful, so much so that even though Dai Mubai had opened it yesterday, Ning Rongrong's increase was added immediately, and Tang Yin was still bombarded by one blow retreat!

After all, Tang Yin's soul power was given by various over-the-year soul rings, and the thickness of it was stronger than soul masters of the same level. With the addition of a soul, there was a gap of five or more levels.Dai Mubai's being knocked back by one blow is not surprising at all.

When Tang Yin attacked Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing had already killed him.Don't give Tang Yin a chance to react at all and attack directly, but just when Zhu Zhuqing wanted to grab his hand, he was blocked by Tang Yin's tail that came out again from behind.

Tang Yin was surprised again, the situation was the same as when the old man attacked him before.At that time Tang Yin already knew that he could not avoid Zhu Zhuqing's attack, but his tail blocked Zhu Zhuqing's attack one step ahead of Tang Yin.

"Is this... also because of... maternal love?" Seeing this scene, Tang Yin couldn't help but think of a character who also has the ability to automatically protect herself Gaara!His sand is like this because of her mother's love for her.The reason why mother fox sacrificed to Tang Yin was also to protect her child.

"It's such a powerful and gentle force..." Tang Yin sighed, brushing the fluff on his tail with his hand.

Tang Yin looked at the ice crystal special effect that appeared when he exploded his tail, and an idea couldn't help appearing in his mind.Why don't you find time to make a jug yourself, usually put it directly behind you to cosplay Gaara, and when you fight, you can pretend to say: "The endless jug is full."

Although it is a bit of a second grade, it is quite touching.

It just so happens that the gourd can also be used to hold the snake wine that will be brewed in the future. One gourd can be used for three purposes.

Although all kinds of thoughts in Tang Yin's mind were chaotic, the attack in his hand did not stop. Although he was not proficient in tail control, and because Zhu Zhuqing was in the agility attack system, his tail could not catch up with the opponent.But he had already predicted Zhu Zhuqing's sneak attack, so when attacking Dai Mubai, he controlled a tail to sweep across the ground secretly, leaving a thin layer of ice on the ground.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was moving at a high speed, obviously didn't notice Tang Yin's small movements. Tang Yin blocked the attack here, and his figure slipped. The balance of his body was broken at this moment, although he didn't fall.But it's been well captured.

And at this moment, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass suddenly protruded from the ground, directly launching a surprise attack on Tang Yin, while also covering Zhu Zhuqing's dodge as much as possible, and Xiao Wu even used teleportation directly, directly flashing over to support, she There is also Yao who hangs directly on her head at the beginning of the game.

And Yao also directly used her third soul skill, Feng Sha Mu Xiao, at the moment Xiao Wu finished using the teleportation!

The wind is blowing and the wood is shoveling!The effect is to allow Yao to automatically launch several soul power attacks within ten seconds, and lock up to three attack targets at a time.And the duration and power of this skill will also continue to increase with the improvement of Yao's level, and each additional level will increase by one second.In terms of attacking the target, one soul ring is added for each level, and one quota is added.

But these are not the most important.The most important thing is that the soul power consumed by Yao's skill is a fixed value, and it will not change at all due to the improvement of her level. Later, Yao can even replace the basic attack with this, which is very against the sky.

This skill gave Yao a strong ability to fight against groups, but it's a pity that Tang Yin is the only opponent now.

In the face of Tang Yao's successive soul power attacks, while Tang Yin's double guns were firing continuously, Nine Tails helped Tang Yin block them all on his own.It's just that Tang Yin found that when defending against the attack of soul power, the spirit tail was in a state of spirit body.

Two states, defense against two attacks.

Tang Yin instantly understood the defense mechanism of his spirit tail, the physical body defends against physical damage, and the defense of the spirit body will attach a layer of soul power barrier to defend against soul power attacks.According to their feelings, entities can also directly defend against soul power attacks, and spirit bodies can also defend against physical attacks, but non-specific defensive soul power consumption will be relatively much larger.

Tang Yin's thoughts turned, seeing that the Shrek people who had already completed the bag for him in an instant were not in a panic, and two ice-blue grenades appeared in their hands at an unknown time, Tang Yin stared directly at the spot.

It is the freezing grenade!

In the next moment, two powerful ice-type energies erupted, and the blue silver grass that was attacking him, as well as Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu beside him were all turned into ice cubes.Tang Yin swept across with a materialized spirit tail, instantly sweeping away the two girls who hadn't broken free from the frozen state.

Here Xiao Wu was frozen by the second grenade, and Yao was knocked down by the first grenade.Tang Yin's attack was just avoided by relying on the invincible time when he was floating down.Otherwise, her situation is likely to be the same as that of Xiao Wu and the others.

In an instant, the offensive that everyone in Shrek worked so hard to create was instantly pulled back by Tang Yin.

And everyone in Shrek laughed wryly after seeing this scene...


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Chapter 130 Three You Are 2 Years Too Early!

Seeing this scene, Tang San was also helpless. Tang Yin's freezing grenade's powerful ice damage was simply his natural enemy of the blue silver grass, and it was blown up to the point that it was completely wiped out.And the Blue Silver Grass couldn't be used, so naturally it couldn't support the two girls in time.Fortunately, he took over Dai Mubai, who was knocked back by Tang Yin's helix pill, without causing him to be injured again, but now Dai Mubai's hand directly in front of the Helix pill is still shaking, obviously for a while It will be useless.

Now everyone in Shrek has also realized that there is no chance on the ground, one after another they took out the flying mushroom sausage that Oscar gave them at the beginning of the game.Get ready to look for opportunities in the sky.

Ma Hongjun who was the first to fly into the sky took the lead in interfering with Tang Yin with the Phoenix Fire Wire.

"You don't think you are the only ones who can fly, do you?" Tang Yin said when he saw them.After all, Oscar drained all his soul power from the very beginning, and gave everyone in Shrek a flying mushroom sausage.Of course Tang Yin also saw it, so before the spirit tail swept the two girls down, Tang Yin used the technique of controlling the crane and catching the dragon to straighten the mushroom intestines of the two girls.

Tang Yin didn't hesitate, and directly ate the mushroom sausage and flew.After all, the master told him to mainly use the spirit tail, and he simply didn't need the cloud boots.Directly control the flight of the transformed wings.At the same time avoid Ma Hongjun's flames.

"This flying speed... so slow..." Tang Yin looked disgusted.

Shrek crowd: "..."

Tang Yin didn't have a chance for the Shrek people to adjust, and several grenades appeared in his hands again, and he threw them directly at the people who hadn't dispersed in class with hidden weapons.Then the blue and silver firearm appeared in his hand, while suppressing the Shrek people on the opposite side with firepower, he interrupted his brother's hidden weapon that wanted to use the same method to interrupt his grenade.

Boom, two ordinary grenades exploded in the Shrek crowd in an instant, and because of Tang Yin's suppressed firepower, the Shrek crowd had no time to disperse, and Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong, who were already injured, both appeared Unable to control peaceful situation.

Of course Tang Yin would not let go of this opportunity, and subsequent attacks followed.The light effect of the grenade that just exploded here disappeared without any difference, and two more grenades were hidden by the light of the previous grenade explosion, flying towards Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong.Don't give them a chance to react and explode instantly.

So far, two more people from Shrek have left the stage, plus Oscar who has no soul power to automatically end, now the eight monsters have gone to five after class.Only Tang San was left in the sky, and Yao and Ma Hongjun who were possessed by him.

And because it was in the sky, the effect of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass was obviously weakened.So much so that now Tang San can only rely on hidden weapons to attack Tang Yin.

It's a pity that the frequency of Tang Yin's throwing hidden weapons was still much slower than Tang Yin's revolver attack, so that he was suppressed by Tang Yin's firepower all the way. If it weren't for Ma Hongjun's support, Yao would have been beaten down by Tang Yin at this time.

And the reason why Tang Yin uses this method to consume the opponent now is of course not to do useless work, but to consume Ma Hongjun's soul power. After all, Ma Hongjun uses burst output, and soul skills consume a lot.As a result, those who are forced by Tang Yin's attack now have to maintain output for a long time.This is really embarrassing for Ma Hongjun.

And Tang Yin took away the five Shrek people in an instant, then continued to consume Ma Hongjun, and suppressed Tang Yin all the way, but he couldn't help but nod.After all, Tang Yin played this game very thoughtfully from the very beginning.

And when the Shrek people were forced to fly into the sky, they actually arrived at Tang Yin's home court.No, with the passage of time, Ma Hongjun was also forcibly beaten down by Tang Yin.

By this time everyone had eaten the second sausage.And Tang San relied on the shield given by Yao and the continuous attack and cover ability of the third spirit ability to fight against Tang Yin, so he fell into the same situation as Ma Hongjun, especially because the third spirit ability consumed more than the second spirit ability. .Although the soul power consumed by Yao's soul ability is a fixed value, this fixed value is also the same as the normal third soul ability.This is definitely a huge burden for Yao who is still thirty.

Now Tang San's flying sausage belongs to Yao, because Yao has been hanging on Tang San's head, so his sausage has never been available.And now Tang San also realized that the sky was Tang Yin's domain, and they had absolutely no chance of winning in an air battle with the

Thinking of this, Tang Shan didn't hesitate anymore, he directly canceled his wings and fell directly downward.

At the same time the Eight Spider Lances were also summoned by Tang San, directly using the Eight Spider Lances to move on the ground.At this moment, Tang San's flexibility was obviously much higher than in the sky, so Yao didn't need to maintain the continuous output as before, and forcibly relied on positioning and hidden weapons to withstand Tang Yin's attack.For a moment, Tang San's hidden weapons were everywhere.

Tang Yin knew that it was meaningless to go on like this, and the attribute also landed directly, the spirit tail summoned out again, and the ghost shadows and obsessions under his feet also unfolded.Tang Yin forcibly relied on his agility and level stronger than his brother's to keep up with Tang San who was using the Eight Spider Lances.

Let him see Tang Yin finally came down to chase him, Tang San smiled slightly, because this was his plan, after all Tang San knew very well that the only way to take down his brother was in close combat.Although Tang Yin also has melee combat ability, he has no actual combat experience after all.And this is their only chance.

Without further delay, both hands have quietly turned into Xuanyu hands.While continuing to throw hidden weapons, he was ready to fight back at any time.

And Yao above Tang San certainly knew about Tang San's plan, after all Tang San had hinted to her before.Sure enough, at the next moment, Tang San, who had been dodging all this time, suddenly charged in the direction of Tang Yin, and the distance between the two charging sides approached extremely quickly.

And Yao also played at the same time, the second soul skill Ruo Renxi, and the third soul skill Feng Sha Mu Xiao.

One to control, one to attack, and went straight to Tang Yin.Just when everyone was surprised by Tang San and Yao's sudden attack, Tang Yin also smiled slightly.He didn't know what plans his elder brother and his daughter-in-law had, but their close behavior was just right for him.

Tang Yin tried his best to avoid the control skill of his daughter-in-law Ruo Renxi, and then the spirit tail fully bloomed, resisting all Yao's attacks abruptly.Just when the distance between the two sides was very close and Tang San launched an attack, Tang Yin's voice suddenly appeared, and what Tang Yin said made Yao instantly know Tang Yin's purpose.

"Art is a blast!"

Tang Yin directly replaced the remaining number of available skills with long-range C4 and grenades.Instantly detonate all the bombs in two stages!Really self-destruct style of play!


A series of explosions sounded one after another, and Yao and Tang San were directly blown out by Tang Yin.That's right, Tang Yin used his skills to judge that he was not injured, and a wave of self-destructing trucks came.Facts have proved that the effect is outstanding!

"Hey, you guys still want to defeat me like this? You're still 2 years too early!" Tang Yin said while stretching out two fingers to everyone in Shrek, vividly interpreting Saitu's arrogance.


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Chapter 130 [-] The Douluo I Crossed Really Has a Problem

So far, the battle between Tang Yin and the Shrek people ended with Tang Yin's crushing victory.

Tang Yin first went to his wife's side and pulled her up. After all, Yao was only providing a shield, and there was a short period of invincibility when she was knocked down.So it didn't suffer much damage.So it just looks a little embarrassed, but in fact everything is okay.

The same is true for Tang San on the other side. After all, he was protected by Yao's shield before, so he only looked very embarrassed, but in fact he didn't do much damage.After all, we are all on our own, so of course Tang Yin couldn't kill him.Revenge is revenge. If you wipe out other people at once, will the other debts be repaid?

This is called a long flow of water!

"Little Yin, you... you're a bit perverted..." Dai Mubai, the team leader, confronted Tang Yingang throughout the whole process.The rest was without him, which made Dai Mubai very hurt.

"Okay, Xiaoyin, don't play there anymore. Everyone, come here." Seeing that the battle was completely over, the master called everyone to come over.

"Little Silver, let's start with you first. Tell me about your external spirit bone." The master said.

"No problem, I named my external spirit bone Lingwei. There are two main modes, one is translucent." Tang Yin summoned the spirit tail while talking.

"This can increase my control over soul power, and the tail in this state is suitable for resisting attacks blocked by soul power." Tang Yin said as he controlled the spirit tail to change again, and all of them became entities.

"While this physical form has powerful attack power, it has a good resistance to attacks that are mainly physical attacks. The most important thing is that after this battle, I have confirmed that my spirit tail has the function of automatically protecting the lord , and can automatically switch to a more suitable resistance method according to the attack from the opponent. Of course, it’s okay not to switch, just like the consumption of soul power will be more powerful.” Tang Yin said.

"Well, in this way, the scene of Zhu Zhuqing's sneak attack before that makes sense. Before that, Lingwei took the initiative to block her attack, right?" the master asked.

"That's right, and each of my spirit tails is an individual that can be controlled individually. It is completely possible to make part of the tail materialize and the other part into a spirit body." Tang Yin added.

"Well, I just saw this too. You made use of this by putting a thin layer of ice on the ground before, right?" The master nodded and said.

"Master is witty!" Tang Yin praised the master's eyesight.

"Well, very good. Although your external spirit bone is not as good as Tang San's in terms of attack power alone, it is much better in function, and there are two modes of free transformation. It is worthy of a 10-year external spirit bone. Soul bone attached." The master said with some emotion.

"Hehe, although the consumption of soul power is relatively low in the spirit body state, it is still much higher than my soul skills. I have only used the external soul bone a few times, and the soul power is only six or seven It's done." Tang Yin said.

Tang Yin was quite helpless at this point, after all, powerful abilities meant greater consumption.Just because of his use of the spirit tail these few times and the consumption of his martial soul, only [-] to [-]% of Tang Yin's soul power is left.

"Don't worry, these are normal, and you know that, just like your cloud boots, as you get familiar with the spirit bones, the consumption of spirit power will also ease," the master said.

After talking about Tang Yin's soul bone, the master turned his attention to Ma Hongjun: "Ma Hongjun, where is the soul bone that Xiaoyin gave you? Why didn't you see you use it in this competition? .

"Uh...Master, one of my two skills consumes too much soul power, and the other is not suitable for life-saving." Ma Hongjun said a little embarrassed.

"Talk about it, and let everyone know about it." The master said.

"My soul bone gave me another skill, one called moulting. It's a bit disgusting... Anyway, the effect is to restore all my injuries except my broken limbs, and at the same time restore 50.00% of my soul power, but the next time I use it up It needs to wait for a week." Ma Hongjun said.

And Ma Hongjun's words immediately attracted Tang Yin's attention, it's called shedding skin, the skill comes from a snake-like soul beast, and it's a little disgusting...

"Uh... Fatty, your soul ability doesn't mean that another you emerges from your mouth..." Tang Yin looked at Fatty with a strange expression.

Hearing Tang Yin's words, everyone also looked at Ma Hongjun, and Ma Hongjun looked at Tang Yin with an unbelievable expression on his face. Just by looking at his expression, everyone knew that what Tang Yin said was right.

Imagine another Ma Hongjun coming out of Ma Hongjun's mouth...

Even though the sun was shining brightly, everyone couldn't help trembling with nausea after class... No way... That picture is so beautiful, I can't get it off for a while...

And Tang Yin was stuck in his mouth, unable to vomit!

I wipe!Why did Orochimaru come out? After thinking about it, I have to practice climbing trees and treading water with myself, the Shrek people of Helixwan... Sure enough, there must be something wrong with my Douluo!

Seeing everyone's appearance, Ma Hongjun just wanted to find a place to sneak in.In the end, it was the master who interrupted everyone from continuing to disgust their own thoughts and asked Ma Hongjun to continue talking.

"My second soul skill is an attack-type soul skill called the Sword of Hell. This is a soul skill that starts with a quarter of my soul power, and it's just the beginning. It can summon a flame in an instant. For giant swords, I can only summon one that is around five at most. But if the level improves in the future, the limit should be above 50 meters." Ma Hongjun said.

And hearing what Ma Hongjun said, Tang Yin seemed to complain more, this tm even has a Kusanagi sword, and it is a Kusanagi sword that can run 49 meters for opponents, and you still say you are not Orochimaru...

"Well, yes, a life-saving soul skill paired with an explosive soul skill is very suitable for an explosive soul master like you." The master nodded and said.

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