The last person to introduce the spirit bone was Tang San. Everyone already knew what happened to Tang San's Eight Spider Lances when they were in the Star Dou Forest, but this time it's best to confirm the name.

"The soul bones are finished. Next, let me evaluate your performance in this battle. To be honest, your performance this time really disappointed me. You have already restricted Xiao Yin so much, but you still don't even have Tang Yin's clothes. No horns have been touched. Is this the so-called genius?" The master said sternly.

Then the master began to roll the names one by one: "Let's talk about you Dai Mubai first, because you have Ning Rongrong's boost, you underestimate the direct gap with Tang Yin, you dare to directly face Tang Yin with only the first soul skill, you are so big Can't you see the third soul ring? Then there is you Yao, you can't possess anyone who is close to you. Not to mention that as long as it is an attacker, you can directly possess it. Instead, you possess it at the most appropriate time On the most appropriate person. For example, if you possessed Dai Mubai at the beginning, then he would not be affected so much. And with Dai Mubai restraining Tang Yin, your subsequent attacks can also go smoothly Some……"

The master talked about monsters like this one by one, but when Tang Yin wrote it, he got stuck...


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Chapter 130 Flender feels that his world has no light

I am also very helpless to Master Tang Yin. If you ask him if there are any shortcomings in his previous battles, of course there are. After all, when he is of a higher level, it is risky to choose this kind of hard bar damage tactics at the beginning.Not to mention other things, that is to say, although Tang Yin won, there is still room for improvement.

But the problem is that these are all based on the master's various restrictions on Tang Yin, but where there are so many restrictions in actual combat, Tang Yin can directly cover with firepower, and just bombard without thinking.If anyone who can resist Tang Yin's attack is fine, they must start with Contra or Title Douluo, and facing opponents of this level, is tactics still necessary?

In this way, Tang Yin's situation was very buggy. In the end, the master chose to ignore this bug directly. Adhering to this, even if the bug exists, as long as the system allows it, it will be fine, and the programmer's mentality directly ignored Tang Yin.

As a result, when Shrek and his group were beaten to death and couldn't even raise their heads, Tang Yin was on the other side doing nothing.

"Every one of you has committed an unforgivable mistake in this team battle, so your group will be punished next, because you are a group, so you have to join in this punishment Tang Yin. Wait for you Everyone runs forward. Directly supervise each other. This time running, none of you can use your soul power. Wait until it is triggered from the gate of the academy, run towards Suoto City, and then come back. Repeat this ten times. When will you finish your run, and when will you be able to eat," said the master.

Tang Yin didn't refute the master's words. After all, as the master said, everyone is a group, so naturally no one else is being punished. He is alone and rests first.Not to mention that the front and back of the body itself is his only shortcoming, and Tang Yin also wants to make up for it as much as possible, after all, the strength of their future enemies lies there.

Tang Yin doesn't want what happened in the original book to happen to Yao again.

While the others in Shrek wanted to say something, the two brothers Tang Yin and Tang San had already set off. If Tang Yin was because of the pressure from the future, Tang San was purely because it was what the master said.It's that simple.And seeing that the two brothers of the Tang family started to run away, what else can everyone in Shrek say?

There is no way but to keep up one by one.

After all, the master didn't even let the victorious Tang Yin go, and the others no longer took chances.Not to mention that the previous master pointed out that their misplacement was indeed correct.

"You all go to the entrance of the college first to find the teacher to collect your burdens. Each of you carries a basket. At the same time, I want you to keep in mind one thing, that is, you are a team. If only one of you If you don’t finish it, it means that all of you haven’t finished it, and the result of not finishing it is no food!” The master finally emphasized to the people who left.

"There are prepared rocks at the gate of the college. Each of you carries a piece on your back and runs with the load. You have to remember that you are a group. If one person fails to complete the punishment, then everyone will have nothing to eat." The master emphasized .net

When Tang Yin heard the master's words, he became more sure of the master's intentions. It was one aspect to improve their physical strength, and more importantly, to use these to completely connect all of their hearts together.After all, they are a team, and a team is an existence that can completely hand over their backs to their partners.

When the nine people heard what the master said, they all came to the gate of the academy first.I saw the baskets prepared by a group of teachers for them, including everyone's name.And the weight of the rock in each name is different.

And when Tang Yin saw that there were more rocks in his bamboo basket than Dai Mubai, he gave up. He felt that the master was avenging his personal revenge for what happened yesterday. At that time, he had no evidence...

In this way, under the watchful eyes of the master and a group of teachers, everyone in Shrek started their punishment with their own baskets on their backs.

As for everyone's attitude towards cultivation, a rare smile appeared on the old master's face.

"Don't let these little monsters use their soul power, and you need them to run such a long-distance weight-bearing run. You must know that the distance you stipulated must be [-] kilometers from the start. With this distance, don't say anything about noon. , Even if they can come back when it is dark, they are already very powerful, I have to say, you are still black if you say black." Flender couldn't help but said when he came to the master.There is obvious concern in the tone.

"I don't need to tell you the truth that you can be a master if you endure hardships. Don't worry, I have calculated that they are theoretically the limit with the help of Xiaoyin's artificial intelligence before, so they won't be tired. Otherwise, you Why do they have such a rich breakfast these two days? Can my meal be free? And if they don't go through some hardships together, how can they really give their backs to each other?" the master said.

Hearing what the master said, what else can Flender say?In the end, he could only raise his hand to express his surrender: "Sure, anyway, I have already given you all the rights, and you can do it yourself. In fact, you are more optimistic about these children than I am." Flender laughed. .

The master did not refute Flender's words.

"But let me say something first... um... Our college really doesn't have much money right now... You should weigh it as much as you can..." Flender said embarrassingly.

Regarding Flender's words, the master snorted coldly and said, "You still have the nerve to say it? Don't worry, you think I'm you. How can you not think about this kind of thing? And you really, as a dignified person The former of the Soul Sage level is also standing in the front ranks of Soul Masters. Why can’t the funds for the education of students in an academy be raised? Let me explain to you first, I don’t care about other places, but I will never give in on the children’s food. Anyway, don’t you have some money in the secret compartment under the bed? It’s barely enough if you take it down.”

"Damn it! You know where my money is, hey, don't think about my money, it's all my savings over the years." Flender said.

"The places where we hide things are all learned from her, how could we not know?" The master said speechlessly.

"You're right...but...hey... well, anyway, these brats are also the last class of our Shrek, so use them if you want, I'll get them." Flender felt a little helpless Said, but I thought in my heart that I would really save some for myself at the end.

"No need, when I told you to go to your room to get the budget, I took it together and handed it over to the teacher who manages finances." The master's understatement made Flender's last hope.completely broken...

At this moment, Flender felt that his world had no light... Beg Flender's psychological shadow area.


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Chapter 130 Six A Partner I Just Met for a Long Time

Turning his gaze back to the Shrek people, Tang Yin looked at his elder brother and Dai Mubai who were running ahead at the head of the race, then turned to the female classmates and Oscar around him, Ma Hongjun and the others said: "Look, the two in front are The typical ones are too young and completely unaware of the dangers of society. Everyone should be a warning and don't learn from it." Tang Yin said in a tone of someone who has experienced it.

Everyone: "..." Apparently everyone didn't understand Tang Yin's words, and now they are still distressed by this punishment.

After all, if you can use your soul power, the distance of a hundred or so kilometers is enough for half a day.But the master refused to allow them to use their soul power, and added responsibility to them, which was very difficult.

Apparently Tang San and Dai Mubai who were running in the front also heard Tang Yin's words, and Tang Yin's words reminded him, Tang San finally understood the master's intention, and told Dai Mubai to stop and wait for everyone.

"Brother can do it, I finally guessed the master's purpose." Tang Yin said with a smile.

"You, since you already know it, why don't you say it earlier, what's the matter?" Tang San nodded Tang Yin's head angrily.

Although he was talking, his footsteps did not stop.

" what does the master mean?" Oscar asked curiously as he watched the conversation between the two brothers.

Tang Yin glanced at Yao and motioned for her to speak.Otherwise, if he said something by himself, everyone would look at him with the eyes of "how could you be such a little silver", so Tang Yin was already desperate for his own persona in the hearts of his friends, so he simply told his own daughter-in-law.

"Do you remember that your master said that we are a whole? Although it seems that punishing us is to exercise our physical strength, the more important thing is to make us truly realize the team and unity." Yao said.

"Before, Xiaoyin and I knew the master's intention when we saw our backpacks. After all, although our physical fitness is different, it is not proportional to the stones in the backpack. Although exercising is also very important, after all, the body determines The upper limit for us to absorb spirit rings, the third brother's third spirit ring is the best example. But it is impossible for the master to control the data. Even Xiaoyin and I can see the ratio difference." Yao said well organized,

Hearing Yao's words, as the master's only disciple, Tang San followed his train of thought and instantly realized the problem.

After seeing Yao finished speaking, Tang Yin continued: "When I discovered this, I let the air combat machine I modified before keep up with us, and the two of them will be more familiar with our movement during this period and the previous data. The data provides an assessment of the physical strength of all of us, so we can know who has more rocks and who has less rocks. And how much of it."

As Tang Yin spoke, he summoned the two air combat machines, and then a light curtain shone from their eyes.Display the calculation results in front of everyone.Sure enough, Tang Yinhe wanted to say, some people are overloaded, some people are more relaxed, and the ones with the most excess here are Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

Sure enough, everyone looked at the two auxiliary system soul masters. Not long after they ran out, Oscar and the others were already sweating a lot.And they themselves have already begun to feel that the basket behind them is getting heavier and heavier.

Although they don't want to hurt their teammates, they are very clear that if they continue like this, they will not reach the end.

"Brother, congratulations on winning the lottery." Tang Yin said and came to Oscar, and began to take his stones into his back basket.And Yao and Zhu Zhuqing also came to Ning Rongrong's side, Tang San and Dai Mubai also came to share.

Seeing that everyone came to help him, Oscar said with some embarrassment: "Everyone, don't worry, I think I can continue, or if we can't hold on anymore, you are here to help us, and we can still get together Let's run together, it will save more effort. What do you think?"

Ning Rongrong felt a little embarrassed seeing everyone coming to help her, and immediately agreed with Oscar's words: "Xiao Ao's method is good, I didn't expect you to be quite smart. I also think this method is good."

"It's not bad, don't change the subject. You can say this now because you still have physical strength. If you really wait until your physical strength reaches its limit, it will be too late. We are long distance." Tang Yin Said, he can vaguely remember that there seemed to be some people in the original work who were directly exhausted and fainted.Although Tang Yin forgot who it was, since he knew that this kind of thing happened, Tang Yin naturally wanted to avoid it as much as possible.

And now, after the original data shared from the master, it is matched with the data of the previous battles between the two sides and the running data during this period.Now there is relatively comprehensive data in Tang Yin's artificial intelligence, and even because the calculation module of the air combat machine is better, Tang Yin's data is even more accurate than the master's.

Then everyone in Shrek made adjustments according to the rock combination analyzed by the air combat machine.

Then Tang Yin started even everyone's running formation, after all, a scientific formation is very important.In the end Dai Mubai, who was the main T, took the lead, and the two brothers Tang Yin and Tang San lined up in herringbone on both sides of him.The three of them are responsible for leading the way and shielding from the wind, the second team behind them is also herringbone, Ma Hongjun is behind Dai Mubai, Yao and Osman lean on his sides.Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were on the two sides of the three of them.

In the end Ning Rongrong was at the end.

The air combat machine projected Ning Rongrong's footsteps in front of Tang Yin and the others, and they moved forward at Ning Rongrong's speed.

After finishing these tasks, Tang Yin said to everyone: "The only thing I can do is this. The next step is our own breakthrough to the limit. This is beyond the control of my machines, so the rest of the punishment depends on us." It’s up to me.” Tang Yin said as he moved his obviously heavier bamboo basket.

"It's okay, Little Silver, you've done well enough, let's run to the finish line together!" Dai Mubai said.His bamboo basket was also a lot heavier, and most of the weight was distributed from the support system soul masters.It is conceivable that what Tang Yin said before was not alarmist.If you wait until they are too tired to talk, it will be too late.

"Come on!" The leader Dai Mubai raised a clenched hand and shouted first!

"Come on!" Everyone in Shrek also raised their hands in response, and with everyone's shouts, everyone felt that their hearts were getting closer for a moment.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled for a moment, and suddenly they felt that they were not classmates they just met, but partners who had known each other for a long time...


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Chapter 130 Seven: Absolutely Not!

Everyone quickly completed the first back and forth in a state of uniform speed, and after running back and forth, everyone has already felt the pressure of the weight behind them.

If it was just the running back then, to be honest, it wouldn't be too difficult even without soul power, after all auxiliary system soul masters like Oscar and Ning Rongrong could persevere from this kind of running training before.Not to mention Tang Yin and the others, battle soul masters.

But now that they have loads on them, it is a completely different state. Even though the loads carried by everyone who have been re-planned by Tang Yin now, everyone still feels obviously tired after running down the first round.You know, this is the first back and forth.

Soon everyone saw the gate of their own college. What surprised them was that the master and Flender were waiting for them at the gate of the college, and there was a table beside them. There is also a large wooden barrel next to the

The master saw everyone coming back and said: "Everyone is enough to drink a sip of water before continuing."

"My God, master, do you want to arrange this to such a limit?" Tang Yin said dejectedly when he saw the master.

But depressed, depressed, Tang Yin still took the water handed over by his elder brother. The water was warm and a little salty, which should be the reason why the master put some salt in it.Seeing that everyone had no chance to rest after drinking a glass of water, the master urged them to run again.

With the passage of time, the sun above the sky is getting hotter and hotter, and as the temperature rises, everyone's physical exertion is also getting bigger and bigger.Fortunately, the glass of salt water given by the master before made everyone recover a little bit, but it was still very limited.

At this time, Tang Yin felt that he had found a business opportunity again.In this world of Douluo, their source of sweets seems to be only honey and no sugar.

No, Tang Yin has found another way to avoid the future decline of his Tang Sect. After all, isn't it normal for our Tang Sect to use sugar to set up their doors?

Putting this thought down, Tang Yin's voice once again returned to running.And because of Tang Yin Jarvis's calculations, everyone in Shrek didn't faint this time, regardless of whether everyone in the middle or everyone showed it, the number of stones on their backs was slightly adjusted.

After all, Tang Yin's robot has only been in contact with you for a few days, and has not passed various special tests. The data cannot be 100% accurate after all.So they will make some adjustments midway.

Among them, Oscar's performance was very good, he even showed off in front of Ning Rongrong, helping Ning Rongrong share a lot of pressure.

Of course it wasn't just Ning Rongrong, other girls were forcibly taken away by their own boyfriends.And this kind of very loving scene, watching Ma Hongjun, the only single Wang who is ignored at the moment, shed tears...

Ma Hongjun is really depressed. After all, Ma Hongjun doesn't feel that he has done anything outrageous. Why is the world full of malice towards him? Running himself is cruel to a fat man like him, but now he is a teammate in terms of spirit. Give him a knife, is this still human?

Isn't a chubby cutie like me worthy of a sweet love?


Running down this long-distance running is no longer as simple as the limit. Everyone even broke through their own limits, and finally carried out the last part of the distance with the support of each other.

Because of breaking through the limit, everyone now sees things in front of them with a vague feeling.They could only vaguely see the framework of their academy, and they could be said to be advancing with a sigh of relief.

400 meters..., 300 meters..., 200 meters..., 100 meters...

The master just watched the crowd gradually appear in front of him with a blank face, and was very, very happy to see the crowd supporting each other from the orderly formation at the beginning.Because whether it is the formation at the beginning or the mutual support now, all these are symbols of their unity.

This last return, Shrek and the others took a total of an hour to barely return to the academy.

puff, puff...

At the moment of entering the academy, the breath held by everyone relaxed instantly.A group of people directly fell to the ground, among which Yao, Ning Rongrong, Oscar and Ma Hongjun even passed out directly.

Tang Yin and the others breathed a sigh of relief, but they also passed out before receiving the water that the master wanted to reach.

There's no way, if they don't go to the academy, they can hold on to that tone and persevere.But now that the task is completed, the string in my heart is loosened, and the intense exhaustion can't stand it at all.

Seeing that none of the little monsters in Shrek could stay awake, Flender and other teachers who came to help came to the master and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, master, you are really ruthless..."

The master didn't want to pay attention to what Flender said, and waved at them and said: "Let's not think about it anymore, let's take them back."

Flender also knew the master's purpose, after all the little monsters in Shrek were moving so violently.If they don't deal with it well, then they don't want to move tomorrow.So Flender also called the women in the village who were ready to come over and help bring the girls back to the dormitory.And when several village women helped Zhu Zhuqing and Yao, their faces showed obvious depression and inferiority...

"Is this Tang Yin's robot? Why are there two more?" After putting the students in the medicinal bath in the dormitory, Flender asked the two most basic tracking robots around the master. .

"They are robots equipped with artificial intelligence Jarvis, and they are also chef robots. The reason why my cooking skills have improved so much is due to them. Little Silver just fainted after seeing how hard I got up and cooked tomorrow morning Let them help me now." The master said.

"Thank you, master, for your compliment!" The two robots responded modestly when they heard what they said.

"Can you still talk? Can you still be humble? What's the situation?" Flender, who saw Jarvis's level of intelligence for the first time, said in surprise.

"This is called advanced artificial intelligence. Just treat it as a soul guide with consciousness." The master briefly said something that Flender could understand, and after finishing speaking, he was going to take the two robots to familiarize himself with the kitchen.

But what they didn't notice was that the two air combat machines that Tang Yin took out at the beginning were not recycled, but one followed Tang Yin and the other followed Yao. The underlying instruction, that is, when the two are unconscious, they must protect them.Among them, Yao's priority is even higher than her own.

These are all to ensure Yao's safety, Tang Yin will never admit that he took pictures of his wife's beauty out of the bath, definitely not!


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