After all, in his opinion, what Tang Yin did was good enough. One must know that it was the first time he saw blood and killed people in his previous life.

Even in their world, killing someone for the first time is a painful thing. If possible, Tang San didn't even hope that Tang Yin would never experience that feeling.Naturally, Tang Yin would not be blamed for this kind of thing now. www.

On the contrary, the current Tang Yin is actually regretting that he was too anxious at the time and didn't use the hidden weapon to make up the knife when Tang Yin shot.After all, just leave it to him to kill someone, and protecting his younger brother is his duty.But at that time, he didn't notice this because he was upset, Tang San absolutely wouldn't allow himself to have this kind of thing happen again.

After all, in terms of status in his heart alone, Tang Yin, who grew up together since childhood, was more important in Tang San's heart than his parents, or even Xiao Wu.

This point can be seen from Tang San who spared no effort to give Tang Yin what he had learned in his previous life all his life since he was a child, just to let Tang Yin have the power to protect himself.


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Chapter 150 Four Uchiha. Silver. One Dozen Seven

"I'm just worried that if that wretched uncle holds a grudge, not only does it end like this, but he is ready to get back on the spot like a fat man at any time, then it will be troublesome, especially you fat man. Tang Yin's attack was bombarded from a long distance, and Xiao Wu and Yao were also in trouble." You haven't done anything yet, so if the other party doesn't hear Tang Yin's voice clearly, then the one who is most likely to retaliate is you who had a direct confrontation with him today." Tang Yin told Ma Hongjun.

And hearing Tang San's words, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but swallowed: "Although I am very grateful to the third brother for thinking about the younger brother, but I found that I will not dare to offend you in the future..."

Hearing Ma Hongjun's words, Tang San also smiled and said: "You didn't call me that before you came here."

"Uh... none of this is important. What's important is this disinfection. Thank you brothers and sisters for your help. Finally, I have a very small request. That is to ask everyone to help you register." Ma Hongjun immediately changed the subject and said Said.

After hearing what Ma Hongjun said, Dai Mubai slapped him across the face and laughed, "They're all my brothers, why are you talking nonsense? Let's go back early after everyone eats, otherwise if the master finds out that we're still wandering outside so late. , our vacation may be coming to an early end."

As for Dai Mubai's words, everyone also agrees very much, after a few people made fun of Ma Hongjun's incident, everyone returned.Of course, our supper will be paid for by our Mr. Ma!


The seven-day holiday is long and long, but let’s talk about it quickly, it’s also very fast.It's not like everyone has not reacted, and the class is already going to continue.As for the few people who went to beat up the wretched uncle a few days ago, it has long been forgotten by everyone.Others don't even know about this.

And Ma Hongjun also listened to Tang San's words before, after that he also began to restrain himself these few days.These days, I don't go to Soto City any more. Anyway, now that I have that soul bone, the excess evil fire can be consumed in daily training.

After the familiar wake-up call and hearty breakfast, everyone heard the familiar bell again, and a group of Shrek monsters and a certain substitute also gathered at the playground immediately.

Today's weather is exceptionally good, looking around, there is no cloud in the sky.It's a pity that it's summer, even in the early morning, there is still a very hot feeling.And under the reflection of the sun, the shadow behind the master's handrail is also stretched very long.And just stood in the middle of the playground and looked at the Shrek people who arrived at the store on time as usual.

"It has been three months since you started training in my hands. With the help of all the teachers, you have now laid a solid foundation for your body and the control of your soul power. When you want to become a truly powerful For a good soul master, relying on the foundation alone is far from enough." The master said.

There is indeed nothing wrong with what the master said. Don’t look at the fact that the master is making the training plan during this period, but the other teachers are not idle either. They have been hiding in Tang Yin’s position all the time to prevent them from being lazy. .However, what Grandmaster implemented was that one person was punished and the whole team was punished. Once again, Ma Hongjun played a trick.The result of that time was that the training volume of all Shrek staff increased for three consecutive days.

"And starting today, we will strengthen and teach you the second aspect of the scene. I heard from Flender that you have gone to the Soto Great Soul Arena to play courses, so this is your second aspect." Stage practice, and after the end, you take Xiaoyin and Xiaosan to register for the soul fighting. As for the accommodation and food, as long as you have the ability, what you get in the big soul fighting field is enough for you to use." The master said.

And after hearing the master say that the second stage was no longer the inhumane physical training before, everyone in Shrek was obviously relieved. After all, in their opinion, compared with the soul fighting, the master's devil training is even more terrifying.

"Don't be too happy too early, even for the fighting spirit, I also ask for it, that is, I not only require us to get the silver fighting spirit in the one-on-one fighting spirit competition, but also must win the silver fighting spirit in the team competition of the group. In the team competition, you will participate under the team name of the Shrek Eight Monsters. In the team competition, if you have won an unusual victory, you will also get a team point in addition to your individual .Of course, you also have to play in the two-on-two match. As for the two-on-two team formation, you can do whatever you want." The master said.

"And before you participate in these competitions, I would like to say the restrictions on you. The first and most important thing is that your real identities and names cannot be revealed, and all battles must be fought with code names. Second It's mainly for Tang San and Tang Yin, that is, you can't use any hidden weapons. The last one is that all of you can play no less than twice a day!" Finally, the master said his requirements for Tang Yin and the others.

"Also, because all of you have signed up for the practice of Helix Pill before, you can't stop practicing in this aspect. After each battle in the future, we will review you. As for the time in the morning and afternoon It's up to you. Assign the practice time and competition time of the spiral pill by yourself." The master also specially emphasized the practice of the spiral pill.

When he heard the various arrangements of the master, Oscar felt dizzy, and said weakly: "The master, ask weakly, I think I still have Ning Rongrong, Yao. Such auxiliary system soul masters, we There should be no need to get the silver fighting spirit and the limit of two games per day."

Regarding Oscar's question, the master said calmly: "Of course there is no problem. If you don't want to get the silver fighting spirit, then continue the previous physical training until everyone gets the silver fighting spirit."

"Uh... that master, I suddenly feel that our auxiliary system soul masters also really need to enter the fighting spirit field for actual combat training. Your decision is really wise, and I agree with both hands and feet." Oscar heard the master's words Immediately raised his hand and surrendered, there was no other way, the master's physical training would really kill people, compared to him, he would rather go to the soul fighting arena.

And Ning Rongrong originally wanted to ask similar questions, but seeing Oscar's appearance, Ning Rongrong very wisely chose to shut up.

But when the two auxiliary soul masters were struggling with how to fight the soul, Tang Yin said: "This is simple, master, why don't the auxiliary soul masters form a team with me, as it happens that I don't have any challenges fighting alone. Sex, just let them assist me, and I will go to the soul fighting field to fight against seven." Tang Yin said very coolly, and said that one-on-one soul fighting, seven-on-seven soul fighting, are all weak.I, Uchiha Silver. [-]v[-], is [-]v[-] today. What’s the problem?


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Chapter 150 Tang Yin's Mask: Nuo Mian

The master has always done what he said, and he acted vigorously.After letting Tang Yin and the others pack up some necessary items, they led the Shrek people towards Soto City.The two principals of Shrek were traveling together, and the other teachers were in charge of staying at the academy.

As far as Flender himself is concerned, he still admires the master very much. After all, the master directly arranged all the students in Suoto City, and also saved their accommodation and food expenses. The arrangement at this stage , is simply his gospel.

After all, he, Flender, and the master can all live in their shop directly, and what they have to do now is to resume the battle of the academy in time, and the work will be easy.And there is no cost, and you can even rely on your own students to earn some extra money. Needless to say, it is definitely not a problem for Tang Yin to abuse players of the same level.

As the only big soul fighting arena in Soto City, Suoto Great Spirit Arena has many competition arrangements every night.For the sake of convenience, the Shrek people simply chose a hotel close to Soto's Great Spirit Arena to stay.However, it is precisely because it is close to the Soto Great Spirit Arena that the housing prices here are also very expensive. The monthly rent starts at ten gold coins.

Of course, these fees are nothing to Shrek and other little monsters.After all, their subsidy is at least ten gold coins per month.Not to mention that there is a rich woman like Ning Rongrong around.

And because Tang Yin likes to do some machinery at night, he spent fifteen to book a larger room. After all, he also has confidence in his own strength.If you choose yourself at that time, won't you have all the small money?

It was precisely because Tang Yin's room was relatively large that the master simply asked everyone to gather at Tang Yin's side after packing up.

"As I said before, now you can form teams freely, and then go to participate in soul fighting competitions. In the soul fighting arena, most of them are one-on-one and two-on-two battles. The previous ones are not on the same venue, but they will start later, and they will also arrange your play list according to your personnel. This is also to stagger the time and add more time. My request to you is to produce one game per day There is an accident in the team battle, and you can arrange how many other games you want to play," the master said.

As soon as the master said something, Oscar looked at Tang Yin with a pitiful face and said, "Little Yin, does what you said before count? Take me with you, I also want to see the scenery above level [-]. How about it? Little Silver, ask for a place."

"I have no objection. But Master, if our team battle is not full, can we join?" Tang Yin asked. After all, he has never been to the Soul Arena, and he has almost forgotten the rules in it.

"This is actually easy to handle. Anyway, just recruit a few people to form a team with you. When the time comes for the competition, you can replace it with another person. As for the others, they must first complete the Shrek Eight Monsters competition before they can go to you "The master said, after all, let Tang Yin go to one-on-one, this is the only way to train Tang Yin now, so the master still feels that the opponent may not be enough.Not to mention what an uplift it is for everyone else.

"Ah~ Then it doesn't mean that our support will play two-person matches?" Oscar said helplessly.

" about I even team up with these two? Anyway, you all know the consumption of my soul skills, and I can fight several times." Tang Yin said.After all, he doesn't care about these things, his strength lies here, even if his teammates give away their heads maliciously, he can lead the whole field.

Seeing that the master didn't have any opinions, Tang Yin asked his friends: "How is it? Who wants to go to a place above level [-] first?"

"Brother Yin, me. Take me!" Ma Hongjun signed up immediately after hearing that he could lie down and win.

"No way! You're not an auxiliary system soul master, where are you going?" As a result, Ma Hongjun was directly killed by Flender before his fantasy started.After all, it’s okay to assist in paddling, after all, it’s useless after they give the boost, but isn’t it a bit too much for you to paddle with an explosive ADC?

"Okay..." The failure of the lazy plan was obviously a big blow to Fatty.

"Uh...Actually, in my plan, my last team's style of play, I just support, and the main output is on another person." Tang Yin said.

And when Tang Yin directly took away all the support players, others also started looking for teammates.Dai Mubai himself wanted to take this opportunity to directly team up with Zhu Zhuqing, and further develop their relationship.In his opinion, with the current relationship between him and the other party, he should not reject his proposal.

Objectively, Zhu Zhuqing went to Xiao Wu directly before he came to find him. There was no way, Zhu Zhuqing really didn't know how to face Dai Mubai now. During this week's training, Dai Mubai would spray that on almost every day. Tang Yin's special perfume, so that now Zhu Zhuqing's resistance to Dai Mubai is very low.

It wouldn't be unbearable if it was normal training, but now it's a battle, and if something happens to this, it will be dangerous.So she simply went to Xiao Wu pre-emptively.At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing also wanted to use this kind of leapfrog battle to hone himself.

But in this way, the original three-to-five combination cannot be realized.

In order to better train Tang San, the master directly let him form a team with Ma Hongjun whose attributes were incompatible with him, and used this technique to train Tang San. At the same time, this was also a training for Ma Hongjun.

It's just that with such a face, Dai Mubai became a bit lonely, and was finally drawn by Tang Yin to be his fourth two-on-two team.

"Since you have already divided the teams, the subsequent games are up to you to decide. Here is the area I prepared for you. You must wear it when you compete in the future, and try to speak as little as possible, so as not to reveal your age .” The master handed out nine masks while speaking.

Tang Yin looked in front of the master, and found that the master was quite conscientious. The area was not as described in the original book, but it looked like a green monster.It is similar to the silver mask in the Douluo anime of the previous life, but with some green pattern decorations.It looks pretty good.

But no matter what the area the master gave, Tang Yin didn't plan to bring it. After all, he had already prepared masks and the like.

Tang Yin didn't pick up the master's mask and said, "Master, anyway, I'm not in the same team as everyone, so I won't wear this mask. Don't worry, I prepared a Nuo mask myself!"

"Nuo noodles?" This word obviously touches the blind spot of the master's knowledge, after all, there is no such thing in this world.

"Jingnuo Yaowu, Nuomian!" Tang Yin responded, and with a wave of his hand, a turquoise mask with two horns appeared on Tang Yin's face. (Crazy for Mandrill, crazy for Mandrill, hitting a big wall for Mandrill!)


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Chapter 150 Six Nicknames

"It's the first time we meet... If you encounter difficulties in the wilderness, encountering thieves on the road, fire, water, swords and soldiers, ghosts, gods, medicines and poisons, evil beasts, poisonous insects, enemies and people, call me by my name. Three eyes and five Immortal Xian, Mandrill, heed the call and come to guard." Tang Yin, who was wearing the same mask as Mandrill, said.As a mandrill chef, he has wanted to say this sentence for a long time.

Don't look at the small Nuo noodles, this Nuo noodles can be said to be the limit of Tang Yin's current technology and materials on hand.Nuo Mian is usually worn on the face, and it is covered with a high-tech optical stealth coating that comes with Tang Yin's [-]th level skill camouflage, which can disappear, making everyone think that Tang Yin is wearing nothing on his face.

And this book has the same effect as the glasses Tony gave to the little spider, and even the two artificial intelligences Jarvis and Alicia perform various real-time calculations in the mask at the same time.Especially in battle, one calculates the opponent's attack trajectory, and the other calculates the opponent's attack logic.All kinds of flaws will be reported in the first time.Somewhat similar to when Iron Man and the US team fought, Jarvis analyzed the US team's fighting style in real time.

However, due to the environment and conditions of Tang Yin, many things cannot be made as small as Iron Man's glasses.Later, when I remembered the Shrek mask I was going to wear in the future, I simply made a mask appearance by myself, so that there was enough place to prevent various lines.And the mask at the mouth can be opened automatically, so that it will not affect Tang Yin's eating.

This is also the reason why Tang Yin can beat Shrek and everyone under the master's various restrictions every day.Once again prove that science changes lives with facts.

And Tang Yin's move stunned everyone?A group of people did not hear clearly what Tang Yin was saying.

But the master directly chose to give up. After all, Tang Yin's thinking is jumping, if you can keep up, then you are probably not human, so the master directly ignored Tang Yin who was beside the child and said: "Although what you say is based on the Shrek Eight Monsters Since there are only seven people on the field, the last one who didn't play will go to the [-]th level team battle with Tang Yin. However, the substitute cannot be the same person consecutively. After all, the main purpose of the team competition is to practice the tacit understanding between you .”

"Also, because if you want to participate in soul fighting, you must have your own personal nickname, and you will use this nickname in all of your matches afterwards. You should also think about the nickname for one-on-one and the team name for two-on-two. Let me explain when you go to sign up, don't use your real names to sign up."

After hearing the master's words, Oscar asked curiously: "Master, what nickname do you think we should use?"

The master heard Oscar's question and said: "That's not right, Dai Mubai can actually use that martial spirit, the evil-eyed white tiger. And your previous sausage monopoly in the academy is also good. As for the little three, are you What do you think of the Blue Silver Grass being used now, or the Thousand Hand Silver Grass?"

After hearing the nickname given to Tang San by the master, Xiao Wu took the lead and said: "Let's change to another one, master, this silver grass or something is too ugly, not at all majestic and domineering."

The master couldn't think of other nicknames for a while, so he looked at Tang San, but Tang San didn't care much about his name, and the master was not surprised by this, he was always very satisfied with himself as a disciple.Since the name I chose didn’t work, I decided to brainstorm ideas, so the master asked: “Then all of you express your opinions, what nickname should Xiaosan use.”

"How about Qianshou Shura?" Tang Yin said first after waiting for a long time.

"Thousand hands refer to my brother's hidden weapon technique, and Shura refers to his unusual murderous aura when he gets mad. Besides, Shura itself means killing devils, so it fits the nickname I want to take." Tang Yin said.

"Thousand-hand Shura is really good, what do you think, little San?" The master just asked casually, after all, as far as his apprentice loves Tang Yin, as long as Tang Yin takes it, he will use it without thinking.

Sure enough, there was no accident, Tang San said with a smile: "Teacher, just use Xiaoyin's name directly, but Xiaoyin, you say it's similar to mine, what do you plan to call it?"

"I, Dharma Protector Yasha! Just like Shura, the Yasha family should fight for this world. They are all secretly beheading evil spirits and protecting one's safe existence." Tang Yin said.

The current Tang Yin can be said to be short of a long spear, and now Tang Yin is very much looking forward to the awakening of his martial soul. When the time comes, he will get the Blue Silver Overlord Spear, and then make a suit of clothes, and he will be a Douluo version of the Demon Lord!

"Dharma Protector Yasha—Yin, it sounds pretty good. The implication is also good." Ma Hongjun said after reading Tang Yin's name.

"Right, actually I still want to use the calamity to exorcise the evil, and that's not bad." Tang Yin said with a smile.

"Hey... Xiaoyin, why don't you get me one too." Ma Hongjun said expectantly.After all, regardless of whether it was Tang San or Tang Yin's own nickname, Tang Yin chose it well.

"No problem, I think your nickname can be combined with your martial soul, so it's called Evil Fire Phoenix! How about it?" Tang Yin shamelessly plagiarized the name that the master planned to give Ma Hongjun.

The master was a little surprised by this, he didn't expect Tang Yin to go with him... wait... no

Before the master, he was still wondering who could keep up with Tang Yin's way of thinking, which is not far from being an inappropriate person, but now...why would he synchronize with Xiaoyin's inappropriate way of thinking...

At this moment, the master fell into deep self-doubt...

And Ma Hongjun and the others obviously didn't notice the abnormality of the master, but were very satisfied with Tang Yin's name: "Little Yin, your nickname is powerful, hehe, now we are also a phoenix, eh? Or in the future, my mutated spirit will Call it the Evil Fire Phoenix."

Is Ma Hongjun still excited here?Oscar on the side joked: "Yeah, Phoenix, but why do I think it's better to call it Goulan Phoenix?"

Hearing Oscar's words, the fat man didn't know that he was teasing him about what happened last time, and immediately said dissatisfied: "Xiao Ao, are you trying to sabotage the stage on purpose? Don't think that I can't beat you after you reach level [-]."

The next moment, the two of them were fighting on the sidelines,

Xiao Wu ignored them, she was also provoked by Ma Hongjun, came to Tang Yin and said: "Xiao Yin, you also get one for Miss Xiao Wu, if you dare to sound bad, be careful that Miss Wu beats you."

Can Tang Yin, a traveler, really be stumped?Anyway, the plagiarism master is plagiarizing one, and copying two is also plagiarizing.Tang Yin continued without any psychological burden at all: "Miss Xiaowu, I think your soft skill is your special feature. If you pair it with your second soul skill, it should be called Soft Bone Charm Rabbit."

"Sounds really good. Sister Xiao Wu can barely count you as a pass." Xiao Wu is very satisfied with this nickname.

"Brother Yin?" Seeing that everyone was looking for Tang Yin, Ning Rongrong, who also had no idea about his nickname, also came to join in the fun.

"Rong Rong, your own Qibao Liuli is a very good nickname. Qibao Liuli is Ning Rongrong." Tang Yin was completely having fun at this time.Simply prostitute all of them directly.

And Yao felt helpless when she saw her man who was already having fun, what should she do if her boyfriend is too naive?Waiting online, very urgent.


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