Chapter 150 Seven Feelings of Violation

Everyone in Shrek didn't know that under Tang Yin's ruthless plagiarism, they once again had each other's original nicknames.

"Yao, have you figured out your nickname yet? Why don't you just let Xiaoyin get it for you?" Zhu Zhuqing, who was the last one to get the Nether Civet, obviously lost points for his nickname, and suggested when he saw that Yao didn't have a nickname yet.

"My name has already been chosen, but Xiaoyin, guess what my nickname is?" Seeing Tang Yin's expectant little expression, how could Yao not know what the other party was thinking?So he said.

"Meet Shenlu." Tang Yin said with a smile, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled in a tacit understanding. After all, this name suits them very well and represents their meeting.And this is also the reason why Tang Yin chose Yasha, the Dharma protector.

"Smart." Yao's words confirmed Tang Yin's guess.After all, she is not very good at picking a name. Since she has a ready-made name and it is so suitable, what is there to worry about?

"Since everyone is satisfied with Xiaoyin's nickname, then you can discuss the name of your two-on-two team." The master said, after all, Tang Yin and the others stuffed their mouths with dog food for no reason. The master and all the Shrek monsters are not well.

The team name Tang Yin also had some thoughts, and said to Yao: "Yao, how about our team name Xingxin?" Tang Yin looked at his daughter-in-law expectantly, after all, the main source of skills for full-time masters is dungeons and warriors .And Tang Yin just happened to be forming four teams with three supporters plus Dai Mubai.Just one team uses one series of skills.And He Yao's team is of course the protagonist team, and the skills used are of course the same gunner skills as Su Mucheng.

"That's a good idea. I have no problem. The rest depends on Ning Rongrong's opinion." Now that Tang Yin was in high spirits, Yao certainly wouldn't interrupt.With a smile, he agreed with Tang Yin's idea.

The first one to deal with Tang Yin looked at Ning Rongrong, Oscar and Dai Mubai.

They couldn't refuse the demanding little eyes.

After all, we have been together for the past few months, and everyone is very clear about Tang Yin's playful character.Tang Yin himself helped them a lot in training, not to mention sending them robots, tree-climbing and water-climbing skills, and spiral pills.Then there is a set of hidden weapons to prepare.Tang Yin had done so many things for them, and they were all thinking about how to repay them.It was the first time seeing Tang Yin wanting them so much, how could they refuse?

"I don't care, anyway, I'm not very good at picking names, you can choose whatever you want for Little Silver." Dai Mubai said first.

"Me too. After all, I have to rely on Little Silver to lead me to fly." Oscar also said in support.

"Me too, I will leave the name of our group to Brother Yin!" Ning Rongrong also raised her hand and said.

"Wow! That's awesome. Don't worry, I'll let you all know what it means to carry the audience!" Tang Yin said with a proud face.

So the next step is Xingxin, the combination of Gunner and Yao, and Thunder, the combination of mechanic skills and Oscar.The combined reincarnation of Roaming Gunner and Ning Rongrong.The names of these three combinations, Tang Yin, are very easy to pick.But when it came to Dai Mubai, it got stuck.

To be reasonable, Dai Mubai's fighting style of directly going up to the bar is a perfect match for Team Hundred Blossoms' Dazzling Hundred Blossoms style of play.But the question is that he takes such a feminine name, will Dai Mubai come over at night because of shame and knock him down as a prophet?And the team name Hundred Blossoms is not very suitable for a team of two big men.

In the end Tang Yin could only rotate Tyranny, anyway, Zhang Jiale came to Tyranny later, and Dai Mubai's personality matched Han Wenqing quite well.

After everyone divided the teams, the group of people dispersed and moved freely, and the master and the two deans stopped disturbing them. After all, they would use the rest of the time to adjust their state and prepare for the competition.

It wasn't until night began to appear that a group of Shrek members came to the Soul Arena to complete their name registration.

The registration process was very smooth, but Tang Yin had never encountered such a situation in the Soul Fighting Field when he entered so many teams by himself.It made the handling staff stunned for a long time.

Right now, everyone in Shrek's fighting spirit level is iron fighting spirit, Dai Mubai's current points are three, Oscar's is zero, and Ma Hongjun is the person with the most points present.On the freshmen's side, Ning Rongrong got zero points, Xiao Wu got one point, and Yao also got one point for her attack skills.And because Tang Yin and Tang San went to revive their mother before, they didn't have points, and because Zhu Zhuqing didn't meet Tang San, her first battle also ended in victory.

According to the regulations, one hundred points are required to upgrade from an iron spirit to a copper spirit, and one thousand points are required to upgrade to a silver spirit.Looking at it this way, everyone suddenly felt that they were still quite far from their goal.

The night fell completely on Suoto City, and the originally bustling city was instantly quieter, but there was one place that was more lively than the daytime, and this place was of course the Suoto Spirit Arena.Here, with money, you can get beyond the ultimate enjoyment.Even ordinary people who don't have much money have very cheap

As long as all the residents have a little food and clothing, they will come here to spend and watch the game at night.

And the gambling mechanism of Suotuo Soul Arena is the dream of many people to get rich overnight. Every day, I don’t know how many people make a lot of money overnight, and some of them lose everything.

The competition has been going on for a while now, and Tang Yin's individual competition has all ended.The two-on-two match and the match with a group of support system soul masters were also settled.Tang Yin used absolute strength to let Yao and the others experience a wave of what it means to lie down and win.

And now it's time for Tang Yin and Dai Mubai's Tyranny team to play, Flender also repeatedly emphasized that Dai Mubai is an attack-type soul master, and he must give the opponent a chance to practice, and can't start like the previous games Peerless.

Of course, Tang Yin had no objection to this, after all, he was not lying when he said that he was only a support in this team.

"Boss Dai, come here first, let me tell you about our tactics and battle plan." Tang Yin said.

But Tang Yin's serious expression made other people unable to see it.After all, if you want to discuss tactics and think about high-end things like style of play, is that what you Xiaoyin should do?Didn't you let your brother do all these things?Haven't you always directly opened Wushuang Seconds?

After all, everyone has been fighting each other for a month and a half, and they are very familiar with Tang Yin's fighting style.But now, facing a casual two-on-two match for Tang Yin, he actually started to think about tactics?

Tang Yin's words gave everyone the feeling that Wang Lufei asked Robin for a book to read, and Crayon Shin-chan exploded in the world of Dragon Ball. It was a feeling that was full of contradictions in terms of painting style.


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Chapter 150: Tang San's First Two-on-two Match

Compared with the shocked friends, Tang San on the side smiled in relief seeing Tang Yin thinking about tactics so actively.I lamented that my Oududou finally grew up and began to understand and think about problems.

"No, what expressions do you guys have? Don't believe me? Let me tell you that my tactic is absolutely against the sky. And the core of this tactic lies in two - special effects!" Tang Yin said with a serious face Let everyone be fooled.

Tang San, who was gratified one second, was holding his forehead in pain the next second.He is also quite desperate sometimes, after all he has a martial spirit that can transmit his knowledge, Tang San has always wanted to train Tang Yin in this direction.But Tang Yin just doesn't like to use his brain, and doesn't think at all about things he isn't interested in.Tang San was also very helpless about this.

"Hey, is it a little too much for you to use this expression to see me?" Tang Yin felt helpless when he saw that everyone was still using the same eyes as before.

"Uh... Well, Xiao Yin, you should talk about your plan first." Based on the basic humanitarian concern for Tang Yin, the master helped Tang Yin change the topic at this time.

"You all know this characteristic of my martial soul, right?" Tang Yin said, throwing a grenade and blasting it among everyone, but in their seriousness, the light effect of Tang Yin's skill explosion was translucent.

Everyone in Shrek knows this too, after all, Tang Yin said it before in the final exam.

"Do you still remember how I tested the other party's skills at the end of the semester? The same skills can be used here." Tang Yin said proudly.

That's right, the tactic Tang Yin mentioned is to use his skills to adjust the transparency of special effects in the default teammate's field of vision.

The soul skills attached to Tang Yin's plug-in can not only avoid any damage to teammates, but also adjust the transparency in the default teammate's field of vision according to Tang Yin's wishes.

This function was "thought" by Tang Yin's brain-dead martial soul during the previous battle training.Tang Yin was in a bad mood when he knew the news at the time. God knows how many functions he still has with this plug-in martial soul, but he forgot and didn't tell himself.

Now Tang Yin wants to know if there is any fairy grass in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi that can nourish the brain, Tang Yin plans to get one for his own Wuhun, otherwise God knows how many benefits he has missed...

"So, Little Silver, your plan is..." Dai Mubai asked.

"Hehehe, actually my plan is very simple. I rely on various grenade explosions to create special effects to block the opponent's vision, and at the same time attack and take responsibility, and you attack the opponent under the cover of my grenade explosion. The opponent is in my frozen state. , under the control of grenades such as electric shocks, and the obstruction of vision, I believe that even if the opponent is ten levels higher than you, Boss Dai, you can still handle it." After Tang Yin finished speaking, he patted Dai Mubai's shoulder and gave him a vertical said with a thumbs up.

Everyone thought it was a strange tactic at first, but after hearing what Tang Yin said, Tang Yin's plan was very feasible.

Dai Mubai also couldn't help sighing: "This tactic is really good, Xiaoyin, did you name this style of play?" Dai Mubai asked curiously.

"Yes. This tactic of relying on teammates to continue the main output, I call it "Flowers and Blood Scene"!" Tang Yin said.

And when they heard Tang Yin's name, everyone thought of Tang Yin's various grenades exploding, paired with Dai Mubai's violent output, this name...not to mention, it matches the two of them quite well.

As for the battle with Yao, Oscar, and Ning Rongrong, Tang Yin could only fight by himself.Just like how Yao and the others felt before, when Tang Yin beats two players of the same level, whoever really abuses them.If it weren't for the fact that the master mainly asked them to practice team games, the master would have kicked Tang Yin out of the team.

After the previous few games, Tang Yin is already familiar with the various processes of fighting spirits. Although Tang Yin's situation is very extreme, the official arrangement of the fighting spirit field is very good, so there is no need to worry that Tang Yin has no opponents , or there is a situation where you want to fight yourself.

And before Tang Yin and Dai Mubai, it was Ma Hongjun and Tang San's two-on-two soul fighting.

As far as the combination of spirits alone is concerned, Tang San and Ma Hongjun's spirits are actually not very compatible. After all, Ma Hongjun's main attack is a fire attribute damage, and flame is one of the most restrained attributes of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass. .Not to mention that Ma Hongjun is not yet level [-], which means that Tang San who has just broken through must suppress two opponents of the same level as him, one can imagine the pressure involved.

Tang Yin also asked the master whether such a team arrangement was too strict for his brother.But to Tang Yin's surprise, the truth told him that it was Tang San who took the initiative to ask to increase his own difficulty.As for the reason, Tang Yin knew it without asking the master.It must be my brother who wants to cover himself.That's why I forcibly raised my own requirements.What else could Tang Yin say about this besides scolding his brother for being an idiot?

Grandmaster brought Tang Yin and Dai Mubai to the entrance of the preparation swimming lane, Tang Yin and the others will be in the next match, and this angle is also very suitable for watching the battle.And all around are the voices of various audiences shouting.After all, as a rare nightlife spot in Soto City, the traffic here can be imagined.Even if Tang Yin and the others were not in the auditorium, there were still all kinds of shouts in their ears.

Because this was Tang San's first battle, he wasn't very popular in this spirit arena, and Ma Hongjun had always played singles before.Naturally, not many people are optimistic about their combination.By the way, the combination of the two of them is called Lanfeng.

"Next, let's invite Lan Feng's first opponent, the cat and mouse combination that has won five consecutive victories in a two-on-two match. You must know that in a match at the level of Soul Master, They have no record of defeat yet. This time against a rookie team, will their winning streak continue? If they succeed, then their next match will be held in our Soto Spirit Arena with the highest glory, It's going on in the central soul fighting arena of our big soul fighting..." The host on the stage explained excitedly.

And hearing the name of this combination, Tang Yin's brain on the field has already started to calculate rapidly. The first thing that can be determined is that both of their opponents may be agility attack system soul masters, which is quite true for Tang San. Good news, after all, as a control system soul master, what he restrains most is the agility attack system soul master.

Coupled with Ma Hongjun's outburst, it's not impossible to fight this first battle, even Tang San still has a certain degree of confidence.

Soon, amidst the applause of the spectators, their opponents appeared on the stage!


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Chapter 150 IX Is Really Happy To Be Not A Human Being!

Accompanied by the applause of the audience, two soul masters, a man and a woman, soon appeared on the stage. Among them, the woman is very slender and well-proportioned. She looks like she should be in her 20s, and her flaming red hair is very eye-catching.But Tang San paid attention to the regular rhythm of the opponent's hands, this is something Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai both have.It can be said that as long as it is a feline martial soul.The ten fingers are relatively flexible, which is almost a subconscious movement of them.And from this point Tang San could confirm in advance that the other woman was the cat in this pair.

As for the other man's stature is very short, but although the other man is very short, he is very fat, even more exaggerated than the original Ma Hongjun.It is the typical body shape that is wider than long.

I have to say, from the appearance alone, the appearance of this cat and mouse combination is really funny.Datang San thought that the opponent has won five games in a row, which means that they must have something true, or a style of play that is beyond everyone's expectations.And this is what Tang San needs to guard against next.

When Tang San was observing the other party, the other party was also observing Tang San and the others, and they were taken aback when they saw the masks on their faces.Although it is said that the fighting spirit field can conceal their identities, this is the first time they have met.

But for such a situation, the woman among them snorted coldly and said with disdain: "It's a guy who hides his head and shows his tail for the sake of a gimmick again. I hate people like you who pretend to be mysterious."

Tang San is still making judgments on both sides in various aspects, while Ma Hongjun beside him has completely focused his eyes on Catwoman on the opposite side.

But Ma Hongjun's lust is lustful, of course it will not affect his game because of these.And the countdown to the end of the referee's countdown accompanied by the cheers of the audience officially began!

That is to say, the moment the match started, the soul power of both sides exploded instantly, Tang San found that the cat and mouse combination opposite them had a great change in body shape accompanied by their martial soul possession.

Tang San smiled slightly at this, because whether it was the woman with the cat spirit, the steel claws that popped out of both hands, or the changed pupils, these were all within Tang San's estimation.Seeing the opponent's one white, one yellow and one purple spirit ring match, Tang San already had a rough guess about the opponent's strength.

Not only is it a woman with a cat martial soul, but the other martial soul is a mouse with the same white, yellow, and purple soul rings.Apart from the disadvantage of one spirit ring, the best spirit ring match for the first spirit ring is the first advantage they can take advantage of.

Thinking of this, Tang San immediately directed Ma Hongjun to his back, and the two also summoned their own spirits at the same time, the best combination of four yellow and one purple spirit rings appeared in everyone's field of vision.

And this best soul ring match is often what the audience looks forward to the most.It also made Tang San and the others not have a one-sided winning rate in the hearts of the audience. After all, one-sided battles are not welcomed by everyone.What the master likes to watch is the kind of confusing and sticky battles.

But the final result of this match completely subverted the cognition of all the audience. The Lanfeng team, which they thought was at a disadvantage, quickly resolved the opponent.

And the core of this lies in Tang San's control of the Blue Silver Grass!

At the start of the match, Tang San and Blue Silver Grass fired at full force.Both of them were restrained as much as possible.Whenever one of them is restrained, Ma Hongjun is the phoenix line of fire.Although Ma Hongjun's attack can help them get out of trouble, but Ma Hongjun's evil fire is extremely viscous, it is extremely difficult to get rid of, and it is also very difficult to extinguish.

And Tang San himself didn't rely on the Blue Silver Grass to attack, instead controlling the poison to invade their bodies the first time they were restrained.The entanglement of the two negative states made their two agility attack departments very depressed.And because of Tang San's control, they couldn't bring out the advantages of agility attack system soul masters at all.

In the end they went to the back because Tang San seized the opportunity because their bodies were weak, and tied them up directly with the blue silver grass, and then Ma Hongjun opened up all the firepower, the blue silver grass directly turned into a flame retardant, strengthening Ma Hongjun's fire. (Refer to the coordinated attack between Madara and Hashirama in Naruto Ultimate Storm. The scale is smaller.)

Looking at the two people who kept screaming in Ma Hongjun's flames, Tang San said: "You have already lost, admit defeat, or you will be burned to death."

The blue silver grass keeps growing, and new ones will be added before the burn is finished.It made it impossible for them to escape Ma Hongjun's attack at all.And after taking this blow, the cat and mouse combination also realized the horror of Ma Hongjun's flames, and if they continued to let the opponent burn down, they might really be G, and finally chose to surrender very wisely.

So far, Tang San and Ma Hongjun's two-on-two first battle ended in their victory.

"Brother, this wave of tactics is fine. Since I have used all the weaknesses of my martial soul, it has become a way for you to attack. My brother praises you." Tang Yin went over and said immediately when his brother came down.

"This idea is really excellent and worthy of praise. But some of your actions in this battle are still flawed, let me tell you about it." The master saw that Tang San and Ma Hongjun are in good condition now, so they took advantage of the current match against them just now. The impression is still very hurt, let's first start to explain where they can improve before they must die.

And as soon as the truth started here, the referee began to call Tang Yin and Dai Mubai to play.

"Let's go!" Dai Mubai said with a haughty smile while stretching out a fist to Tang Yin beside him.With more than 30 wins and losses, he entered the arena of more than 40 levels, which made him very excited.Especially in this game the main attacker is still him!

"Crush them!" Tang Yin also smiled slightly, and the two fists clashed.Let's go to the arena together.

Tang Yin's opponents in this match were a pair of muscular and muscular men. Judging from the opponent's size, he could be sure that the opponent was an attack-type soul master.

This is also fun to say, before my brother and the others met two agility attack type, but I met two strong attack type on my side. By the way, is the team in Suoto Dahun field so serious?

Of course, Tang Yin and the others didn't panic at all in this situation. Tang Yin's hands flew up and down at the moment the game started. Silver has already started attacking.

With the successive explosions of various grenades, the arena was covered by various explosions in an instant, and under the precise attack of Tang Yin's purple magic pupil and hidden weapon technique, the main firepower bombarded the opponent's soul master who was still concentrated.Completely covered the opponent's field of vision.

Although Tang Yin adjusted the attack power very low because of the master's limit, they were still either frozen or shocked.And what Dai Mubai was waiting for was this opportunity, the dense explosions in the eyes of others were almost transparent in his field of vision.The first and third soul skills erupted instantly.

He didn't give the other party time to be possessed by the martial spirit at all, and directly blasted the two of them off the ring with the most powerful offensive, accompanied by the end of Tang Yin's art.This one is also completely done.

"Sure enough, in front of my art, all opponents are paper tigers." Tang Yin said proudly.The artistic performance under the blessing of lack of firepower and phobia, the momentum can be imagined...

Even if it was his teammates, Dai Mubai couldn't help mourning for the two he beat down...

But Dai Mubai also has to admit that sometimes it is really happy not to be a human being!

May there be no little silver in heaven...


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