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Chapter 160

"Let's go back quickly, your team competition shouldn't take much time." Dai Mubai pulled Tang Yin who was about to pretend to be aggressive, and left without giving him a chance at all.

The main reason is that Dai Mubai himself didn't expect that this match would be so smooth.

"An opponent of this level can't show the true strength of our Blossoming Blood Scene at all. We only need a little shot to reach the limit of this level. It's the same sentence, I put my hands in my pockets back then, I don't know what They are called opponents!" Tang Yin, who had just stepped down, said to Da Zhen who came to ask about their situation.

"Little Silver, even though you won, you still need to have some sense of urgency. Any tactic has certain weaknesses, so I hope you don't neglect yourself." The master said.

"Don't worry, I know that there is no invincible tactic, only the strongest cooperation. But that doesn't mean that Boss Dai and I have a high degree of tacit understanding." Tang Yin laughed.

"Very good, you can say this, which shows that you have seriously thought about tactics. This is very good, then have you ever thought about how you would break the game if you were in the opponent's position this time?" ?” asked the master.

"Hey, I thought about this problem on the first day I designed this style of play. After all, as long as there are loopholes in the tactics of human cooperation, I have two ways to crack them. The first one I call the screen Tactics. Screen tactics rely on my gunner's wide-range skills to suppress the opponent's firepower. After all, my Blossom and Blood Scene style of play is suitable for medium and short distances. It is difficult to cover as long as the grenade is opened from a distance. It's here. At that time, the one who has no vision will become, not me." Tang Yin said.

"It's really good, what about another way?" Hearing Tang Yin's words, the master immediately became interested.After all, he thought of a solution after watching Tang Yin's game, but since Tang Yin has mastered two, this made the master look forward to it. After all, there are really not many cases where Tang Yin actively uses his brain.

"The second method requires a defensive soul master, or someone who can provide a defensive shield like Xiang Yao. After all, in my Blossoming Blood Scene style of play, Boss Dai and I have separate positions. As long as there is a way to temporarily block the coverage of my grenade, it will be able to create a two-on-one situation. Then attack each one." Tang Yin said.

These two styles of play were the answers given by other netizens when Tang Yin was watching the full-time master post bar, when a netizen asked Ye Xiu how he cracked the Blossoming Blood Scene.Special Tang Yin's second plan.Because at that time Excellent Era not only had Ye Xiu, but also a qigong master who didn't seem to attract much attention, but was sure to pay special attention among professional players!And the second set of tactics is based on the cracking method of the qigong master's mind qi mask.

When Tang Yin saw it at the time, he thought it made sense, so now he uses it directly as a pretense.

So, no one really thinks that Tang Yin will use brain cells, right?In Tang Yin's words, all his brain cells were exhausted during the college entrance examination.Not to mention that in Tang Yin's personal opinion, he doesn't need any cracking method at all.

After all, these so-called cracking methods are the result of various restrictions on him.If it was an actual combat, Tang Yin started directly with the Quantum Bomb Rain, what else could not be solved by his art?

And if he encounters an enemy that even his art can't solve, he will start with a top Soul Sage, or a Contra or even a Title Douluo.Especially Titled Douluo, what's the point of these questions at a time when the opponent can push them head-on?That is to say, the master asked Tang Yin and just talked about it.

As a result, Tang Yin had just finished speaking, and the Shrek people who had just gathered here looked at Tang Yin in shock, wondering what happened today?Young birthday!Little Silver actually started to grow brains!

And seeing the expressions of all the friends, Tang Yin couldn't help but want to complain, if you continue to be shocked like this, the shocking department of a certain software invites you to join the job, okay?

Hey, wait, if this is the case, can I take advantage of the ride of these little friends and travel back?

Tang Yin fell into daily brain twitch again...

"Hey...Little Yin, you have a talent for thinking that is no less than that of your brother. When you encounter problems in the future, think about it more, and don't think about solving problems with violence every day." The master couldn't help emphasizing Tang Yin.

But he also knew that he could only talk, after all, Tang Yin's soul skills were too good, and now the limit of his attack power was approaching Contra.Take the Quantum Bomb's perfect detonation attack, even above Flender's full attack.

Of course, we are talking about perfect detonation here, and the weakness of the quantum bomb is also very obvious. As I said before, Tang Yin’s soul skills are based on the game, but the flying speed of the quantum bomb in the game is not enough. Slow, but absolutely nothing to do with fast.It is not difficult for the soul saint to avoid it at all. Even as long as they are like them, Flender can rely on long-range skills to directly destroy the quantum bomb when it is in the sky, and the quantum bomb that cannot be detonated perfectly, the bomb If there is no way to react, naturally there will be no harm.

Not to mention that every time a quantum bomb appears at a high altitude, the time it falls is enough for a high-level soul master to escape.

As for Tang Yin himself, he was still essentially a level 40 soul master. If those soul sages, Contras, etc. came, he should hang up or hang up.

Of course, the premise is that the opponent should not underestimate Tang Yin, otherwise if Tang Yin catches the opportunity to shoot, then Bibi Dong will be the best example.

You must know that not all Title Douluo are immune to physical and other attacks like Bibi Dong. It can be said that if Tang Yinta shoots, as long as Tang Yin can break the opponent's defense, it is only a matter of time before he can kill the opponent.The only shortcoming is that the judgment distance of step shooting and nail shooting is too short, and it is also very easy for the opponent to kill Tang Yin under that distance.

"Oh master, what does it matter. Anyway, my brother is here, and there is still a team battle on my side. I will go there first. By the way, Yao will be the substitute today, right? Then I will take Yao with me!" Tang Yin was about to run away as soon as he said that, and the master's nagging was really scary.

So Tang Yin found an excuse casually, and pulled his wife to prepare to fight the soul of the two vs seven team.

"Forget it, teacher, what Xiaoyin said is correct, just leave those conspiracies and calculations to me, and Xiaoyin can continue as he is now." Tang San said, but everyone could hear his words Indulging in love.So much so that Xiao Wu was a little jealous.

"Ah... Xiaosan... You dote on Xiao Yin too much, that's why he's like this now... Forget it, no matter where Tang Yin's strength is, it's not easy for accidents." The master saw the appearance of his disciple It's just a moment of helplessness, sometimes he really feels that his disciple's disciple control attribute is really hopeless...


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Chapter 160 Reason

Tang Yin's next battle is still very easy. After all, it is more about actual combat now, and the master doesn't have so many restrictions on Tang Yin. It can be said that apart from the skills brought by the fortieth-level soul ring, other Tang Yin has no taboos.

Tang Yin's fight was quite gorgeous, with various missile shells taking off, bullets roaring, and various robots self-destructing under the cover of grenades.All the audience watching the scene were stupefied. This is not fighting spirits. This is obviously bombing, one side is inhumanely bombing the other side.

Although there are seven people in Tang Yin's team battle, except for Yao and the others who play in shifts, the other Shrek just take up a spot so that Tang Yin can play in the team game.Not playing at all.The organizer has no opinion on this, after all, there are not all team battles where all members cannot be present due to some accidents.But they really haven't seen this kind of picture of a person pressing down on the opposite side at the same level.

They also changed from ridiculing Tang Yin at the beginning to being confused at the end.This time, it was no longer Shrek's three-dimensional view that collapsed. This time, the three-dimensional view of the entire regiment battle area collapsed, from Tang Yin's soul ring to Tang Yin's combat power.Those three views are really broken and fragmented, and there is no chance of restarting.

As for the expressions of the Shrek people in such a scene, what is wrong with it?

And this is also the reason why the master doesn't put Tang Yin in the Shrek team. After all, according to the rules, because Tang Yin is more than 40 levels, the opponent they want is naturally the [-]th level. It doesn't make any sense to fight against opponents of this level.And if Tang Yin is allowed to play, everyone in Shrek will not be able to get more exercise.

After finishing their team battle, Tang Yin and Yao went back to the preparation room to join the Shrek people.

Tang Yin greeted everyone, ordered two reply sausages from Oscar, and went to the side to chat with his wife.

"By the way, talking about Oscar, how many sausages do you still owe me? I forgot and didn't remember." Tang Yin said the most painful words for Oscar with an innocent face.

"Xiao Yin, if you don't mention this matter, then we are still good friends." Oscar is now completely desperate for Tang Yin's figure. After he just received a subsidy of more than [-], he wanted to use three times the price to make him Tang Yin took back the deal.

And Tang Yin, who we read as kind and wrote inappropriately, of course would not agree.At that time, Tang Yin patted Oscar on the shoulder like that, and left with a little expression like brother, I am optimistic about you, so that this has become the source of depression for every Oscar.

When Oscar was practicing climbing trees and treading water, he fell down more than once because of this incident.

After Tang Yin teased Oscar, he handed a sausage reply to his daughter-in-law, and now he is enjoying the knee bumping service from his daughter-in-law very comfortably.After all, tonight he played four two-on-two matches, one team fight and two individual matches. Although his spirit power was not consumed much, he was still a little tired mentally.

When everyone saw that Tang Yin was resting, they all turned their voices to the discussion.

As a result, just as Tang Yin started to rest here, a very strong and huge man appeared at the door.After seeing them, the person walked directly towards them, and looked about 30 years old.His upper body was naked, and when he got up, his bulging and well-developed muscles fully demonstrated his identity as a strength-type soul master.

Because this reserve room is shared by all team battle teams, other people can come naturally, and everyone in Shrek has nothing to say about it.

It's a pity that they don't have anything to say, but the other party thinks so, after all, his purpose is to test the strength of the protagonist group.

It's just that this time the first thing he noticed was not Zhu Zhuqing, but Yao who was gently massaging Tang Yin's head.

And after these three months of training and growth, Yao's figure has become more and more perfect. The altitude of C has been upgraded again, and now it is very close to Zhu Zhuqing's scale.

Even though she was wearing a mask, she still couldn't hide her ethereal aura.Paired with Yao's gentle and moving appearance now, it is indeed very attractive.

And Kuang Rhino, the captain of the Mad Team who came here to provoke himself, saw this scene, and immediately began to envy Tang Yin who could lie on Yao's lap.Although this goal was placed on Tang Yin.

Thinking of the rhinoceros, he started to move towards Tang Yin, and Tang San, who always paid part of his attention to his own Oududou, immediately discovered this guy who asked to disturb his own Oududou to rest.

Just kidding, if he wanted to disturb his brother's rest, how could Tang San bear it?

The ghost shadow fascination was activated, and his figure appeared in front of Ah Kuangxi in a flash.

"Friend, we don't welcome you here." Tang San said lightly.

But Kuangxi didn't care about Tang San who suddenly appeared in front of him, instead he shouted loudly in Yao's direction: "Little girl, I think you look good, why do you want to cover yourself up? Or are you old?" Let's hang out with grandpa, I guarantee you will feel better than being next to this kid? If I am satisfied, maybe I can put some water in the game."

Originally Tang San wanted to prevent the other party from arguing with Tang Yin, after all this guy's voice was really loud.It was too loud indeed.But when he uttered the first sentence, Tang San knew that his blocking was meaningless.

But before Kuang Xi finished speaking, the people on Shrek's side had already started sharing incense with each other.

They are also very curious, is it not good for people to live?Why do you have to seek death?You say there are so many people here, you say who is bad, you say Yao, even if you say Xiaoyin, it won't be a big deal.

Sure enough, Tang Yin, who was not asleep at all, was about to get up when Yao was told.

"It's okay, don't forget the rules here. You rest first." Just like Tang Yin didn't care what others said about herself, Yao told the other party that she didn't care too much. In contrast, she wanted Tang Yin to rest more.

"It's okay. I'm not particularly tired." Tang Yin got up and said softly to Yao.

"You also take a break, I'll take care of the next thing." Tang Yin said and summoned a robot from the ring to the side.

At this time, Kuangxi's teammates also entered the preparation room one after another, five men and one woman, and the seven opponents were all there in a flash.

Of course, Tang Yin was very clear about the rules of the Soul Fighting Field, so naturally he wouldn't do it directly.But Tang Yin had no intention of keeping his grudge against this kind of person for later.Tang Yin wanted to wave his hand, and took out the invisible long-range C4 that he had successfully researched during this period of time from the storage space.This is mainly to install the mechanic's tactical camouflage coating on the long-range C4 shell of the ammunition, so as to achieve the purpose of concealment.

And Tang Yin's plan is very simple, wait for his brother and the others to beat up the opponent, and then make another explosion after they leave.

If they could get out of bed within three days, it would be his failure!

Just kidding, is my daughter-in-law someone they can insult?

But Tang Yin's behavior was not enough, he still planned to beat up the opponent with his own hands before his elder brother and the others, but this required a reason, such as: self-defense!

Thinking of this, Tang Yin smiled slightly, but the smile was very cruel...


Today's Chapter 2!

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Chapter 160 The area of ​​psychological shadow of everyone in the Begging Battle Team...

"Little Marquis, hurry up, it's our turn to patrol."

"Where am I?"

Qin Hu sat up in a daze, feeling cold on his body, and the wind was blowing outside, and suddenly felt strange in his heart.

"Oh, little Marquis, why are you confused? We are in the barracks. It's our turn to send guards at this hour. If you can't afford it, the military law will deal with it. Now the old Marquis can't protect you."


Qin Hu opened his eyes and saw that he was staying in a tent with a soldier in leather armor in front of him.

Just when he wanted to open his mouth to ask something, he suddenly had a splitting headache, and a huge stream of information rushed into his mind, and after a few seconds he knew that he had passed through.

He passed from a modern special soldier to a young marquis named Qin Hu, who is the head of the seven evil young men in the capital!

And this era called the Dayu Dynasty did not exist in history at all.

Qin Hu's ancestor was one of the 28 marquises of the four founders of Dayu. Three months ago, his father died of illness, and Qin Hu became the new champion marquis.

Qin Hu was spoiled by his parents since he was a child. He didn't like to read or practice martial arts.

When he grew up, his family wanted him to take care of him, so they decided on a marriage. The woman was the eldest lady of Chen Guogong's family, named Chen Ruoli, a famous girl, and a beautiful woman.

This Qin Hu is extremely vicious to others, but he treats this beautiful fiancee as a treasure.

But the thing happened to this childhood sweetheart Miss Chen.

According to Qin Hu's memory, he brought his fiancée into the palace that day to visit Princess Chang'an. The princess and Chen Ruoli had been friends since childhood, so they arranged a banquet.

But later Qin Hu drank the film, and when he woke up, he had already arrived at the imperial prison of the inner guard.He was told that he was drunk and molested the princess with the intention of doing something wrong.

What's even more weird is that Chen Ruoli actually wrote a letter to impeach her fiancé Qin Hu for 72 crimes, all of which are well-founded.

Qin Hu was like a thunderclap at the time, he couldn't believe his ears...

The imperial decree came down very soon. If you have meritorious deeds on the ancestors of Qin Hu, the death penalty can be avoided, and the death penalty cannot be escaped. He will be assigned to Youzhou, serve in the army, and retain the title for the sake of future effects.

But after arriving in Youzhou, he was quickly arranged to be on the front line - the front line of the vanguard.

After going through these things in Qin Hu's mind, he basically understood that this should be a trap.

Because Chen Guogong wanted to break off the marriage with him for a long time.

The Qin family and the Chen family were originally a political marriage, and they both wanted to become stronger and bigger. However, the later Qin Hu was almost useless except for being a dandy, and it can be said that he completely disgraced the champion Hou's family.

You must know that the champions of all dynasties are all heroes and have unparalleled influence in the army, but this generation has produced a waste who has never been on the battlefield.

When the old marquis was alive, Chen Guogong returned his face. When the old marquis died, Chen Guogong turned his face ruthlessly, and even staged a scene of divorce in the mourning hall.

But Qin Hu loves Chen Ruoli so much that he is not allowed to live or die, but Chen Ruoli has long been very disgusted with him as a villain.

And so a disaster happened!

As for Princess Chang'an, it's even simpler. She is the cousin of Qin Hu's cousin. As long as Qin Hu dies, the huge family property of the Champion Hou's Mansion will naturally fall to this cousin.

These forces, each got what they needed, and they were united so quickly...,

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the Houmen, it was as deep as the sea, and there were so many people who wanted him to die.

"Qin An, do you think we can find a place to be backed by the wind?"

Under the bright moonlight, the rough north wind with a harsh whistle, swept across the open field, and blew a few torches on and off, more like countless flying knives slicing human skin.

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