Two yellow and one purple spirit rings showed their strength, and even Dai Mubai's constantly rising powerful aura was abruptly blocked by the two of them, completely unable to bring even the slightest pressure to the teammates behind them.

From the position analysis of the two brothers of the Shi family, one can just see Yu Tianheng, one of the most powerful beast spirits in the mainland today, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. His burst of soul power directly ignited the excitement of all the audience passion.

The powerful momentum began to press down on everyone in Shrek.At the same time, Yu Tianheng's whole body also changed. With the explosion of his blue soul power, blue-purple electric snakes continued to swim around his body, and some parts of his body even began to transform into dragons.Although his changes are the least among the sub-beast soul masters, they are the most thorough.Many things of other soul masters are the illusion of soul power, but his physical body directly changes!

And this is the strength of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Wuhun!

Yu Tianheng's right arm was the first to change, and the clothes on the right arm were instantly blown into powder by the powerful soul power because of the change in her body.It can be clearly seen that the opponent's entire right arm has been extremely strong and thick, and it has also become at least half an inch longer.The arms are covered with blue-purple scales, and each scale reflects light like metal.Both hands have also been completely transformed into claws.Among them, the blue-purple electric snake kept flying in his palm.Even his spirit ring didn't appear under his feet like ordinary spirit masters, but one hovered over his arm.

With Yu Tianheng's soul power erupting, the aura of the Huangdou team completely suppressed Dai Mubai, after all, Dai Mubai was the only one on Shrek's side to withstand the aura of the other three.And saw this situation.Yao decisively activated her first soul skill: On the Mountain of Independence!

With Yao's shield added, as long as the opponent's momentum can't break Chuyao's shield, it's a muddleheaded bullshit!One move directly relieved Dai Mubai's pressure in an instant!

And without the suppression of the opponent's aura, Dai Mubai's aura is even more powerful!The fighting spirit once again began to soar all the way!

And at this moment, DouDou also said the words that made them wait for a long time: "The game begins!"


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Chapter 170 Three Shrek People Invisibly Bewitched...

Following Doudou's voice, Dai Mubai let out a tiger's roar, and rushed in the opponent's direction, using his actions to raise his aura to the peak.Of course Dai Mubai wouldn't push things too hard, even if he had Yao's real shield while charging, he still directly used the white tiger barrier to further increase his defense and attack power.

With the addition of two auxiliary soul skills, Dai Mubai's aura at this moment is extremely sharp, directly charging forward against Huang Dousan's aura and coercion!

Facing Dai Mubai's frontal charge, as the two main and deputy Ts in the Royal Fighting Team, this is not the first time they have faced such a scene, so even if Dai Mubai's momentum is the same at this moment, the two of them There was no change in the person's expression, his eyes fixed on the charging Dai Mubai, and the two moved closer to each other.As they approached, the first soul rings of the two of them also lit up.The first soul ability was directly released by them, and with the khaki light condensing on them, the tortoise shells on their bodies became thicker visible to the naked eye.Now they are ready to receive Dai Mubai's attack head-on.

And seeing the actions of the two black turtle spirit masters of the Huangdou team, Dai Mubai was overjoyed.After all, he has a very clear understanding of his own strength, and everyone in Shrek, who has been abused by Tang Yin for a month and a half, will not start to be arrogant and overestimate his own strength because of these more than 20 victories.

But although he was overjoyed in his heart, Dai Mubai's figure didn't stop, his whole body directly flew forward, one hand and tiger claw fully spread out.The claws on it have appeared.

But the two brothers of the Shi family who were watching all this didn't care too much, because facing the joint defense of the two of them, even the captain couldn't directly break through it, let alone the opponent.

The two looked at Dai Mubai who had already vacated, slightly adjusted the defensive direction of the shield, but just when they put the tortoise shield on Dai Mubai's only path.At the most difficult angle for them to focus on, the two high-speed spinning balls condensed by soul power bombarded their shields first!

At this time, everyone in the Royal Fighting Team discovered that before Dai Mubai, the two girls who were just beside him had already attacked the Shi family brothers one step ahead of him, and the radiance on their bodies proved that they were all strengthened by Ning Rongrong!

That's right!Dai Mubai's seemingly extremely powerful attack did not target them, his attack was just a feint to attract the opponent's attention, the real killing move was Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing's Helix Pill.One of the two teleported directly, and the other opened up at full speed.So when Dai Mubai goes first, when everyone's attention is on Dai Mubai, attack the Dao Shi family brothers first!

With the complete explosion of the power of the spiral pill, the wrong force was used originally, and the sneak attack was caught off guard, and the two were completely unable to resist the powerful impact brought by the spiral pill!In just a split second, the two of them completely lost control over their bodies, and under the powerful rotating force of Helix Wan, they spun and flew out backwards.

At the same time, Yu Tianheng's figure was completely exposed in front of Dai Mubai, and Dai Mubai's attack was prepared for the opponent.

And unlike Dai Mubai who had been prepared for a long time, Yu Tianheng had no time to respond to such a sudden change, Dai Mubai's attack had already arrived, he could only forcibly fight Dai Mubai head-on.

But this kind of hasty and direct attack, even if Yu Tianheng is a level higher than Dai Mubai, how could it be Dai Mubai's opponent, he was beaten back like the Shi family brothers just now.

In just a short look at the opening, three members of the Huangdou team have been injured, which can be said to be the peak at the beginning.While all the audience were cheering for everyone in Shrek, they didn't know that getting injured was the last thing their Royal Fighting Team feared!

The next moment, whether it was Yu Tianheng or the Shi family brothers, a ray of soul power appeared on the expressions, and at the same time, Yufeng of the Huangdou team immediately stepped into the position to make up for Dai Mubai who wanted to continue chasing. Ma Hongjun, who wanted to bombard with long-range firepower, blocked it.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were entangled by Oslo, the ghost and leopard soul master of the opponent. Although two-on-one had the upper hand, they couldn't break through it immediately.

But now the opponent's two main and deputy Ts, as well as the main output position are being healed from the rear. This is undoubtedly the best opportunity for the Shrek people to attack, so the Shrek people are going to launch a strong attack directly.But at this critical moment, Dugu Yan, who had not moved all this time, moved! M.

With the explosion of Dugu Yan's soul power, the green pupils had completely turned purple, and even the tail of the Jade Scaled Snake spirit she summoned was covered with purple scales.Then the Jade Scaled Snake opened its mouth suddenly, and a thick purple poisonous mist covered the charging Shrek people.

"All retreat first!" Seeing this scene, Tang San immediately recognized the poisonous situation, immediately pulled the Blue Silver Grass in his hand, and directly pulled everyone who was attacking in front back.The strength is so great that he directly made himself the front row.

But daring to be in the front row is also Tang San's confidence as a disciple of the Tang Sect, playing poison in front of them?

So when both the master and the team leader on the opposite side were a little worried, Tang San directly threw out a glass of wine, and then said to Mu Baihe, Ma Hongjun: "Baihu Lieguangbo, Fatty, Phoenix Firewire, Boss Dai. Let it go!"

The two didn't hesitate, now Dai Mubai's control over the spirit power is also very fine, under the same spirit power, Dai Mubai directly made the white tiger's fierce light wave three or four times larger, and the powerful wave directly threw Tang San's one A large piece of wine formed a cloud of wine mist.Then Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Firewire followed immediately.Instantly ignited the wine that had turned into a thick mist, and finally formed a fire mist that directly wrapped the poisonous mist!

Along with the burning of the fire mist, the purple mist was also ignited at the same time, and finally disappeared completely in a series of puffing sounds of purple mist.Once again, there was nothing between the two parties.

"How is it possible, this wine? But how could the wine break my green phosphorus and purple poison?" Seeing this scene, Dugu Yan, who was originally very calm, was completely restless, and looked at Tang Tang with an unbelievable expression. Third, not only his Huangdou team, but also everyone else in the Huangdou team was shocked by the opponent's move.

Faced with the shock on the other side, Tang San smiled slightly and said: "In the end, it's just a kind of Jade Phosphorous snake poison, if you use the Jade Phosphorus five poisons at once, then I might be more serious, but just based on this Some jade phosphorus snake venom? You are still far behind!"


Today's Chapter 2.

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Net provides you with the fastest update of Douluo: A Full-time Sharpshooter, Chapter 170 The third chapter of Shrek who was invisibly led astray... Read for free.

Chapter 170: The Battle Between the Dragon and the Tiger!

And everyone in Shrek who heard Tang San's words couldn't help but give Tang San a blank look, after all, the distance is still far away!During the month and a half of Tang Yin's various abuses, they were ridiculed by him every day.But looking at Tang San's current state, they couldn't help wondering if they would find a chance to come here as well?

Invisibly, everyone in Shrek has been led astray...

And Tang San's method of deciphering the opponent's snake venom is also very simple. What he poured out from the space ring before was high-concentration snake wine, yes, it was the batch of snake wine brewed by Tang Yin, because Tang San suggested some time ago that it could Add a little more medicinal materials, so Tang Yin simply put the space bracelet directly on Tang San's place.

Of course what Tang San spilled out was not only the high-concentration snake wine, but also a huge amount of realgar powder.It was relying on these Tang San was able to defeat Dugu Yan's move.

But when Tang Yin saw his elder brother's move, he was so angry!After all, Tang Yin's hidden weapon technique is not weaker than Tang San at all, so he can clearly see that the wine Tang San uses is his snake wine!


But Tang San on the battlefield obviously didn't care about this point, one must know that Dagang where they brewed snake wine could even hold a 10-year-old flame prison sky python.It is self-evident how much wine can be put in it.But what Tang Yin thinks is that these wines will be drunk when they finish brushing the dungeon of Killing City in the future and cultivate their temperament at their aunt. At that time, they themselves will have nothing to do, and drinking this wine every day may not be enough drink it!

After all, the two of their brothers are going to start with the aunt's time, which is based on years.How could Tang Yin not care about this kind of plan related to his happy life in the second half of his life and his plan of revenge against Yao?

Even though Tang Yin is very confident in his own strength, he still knows the reason why a girl is strong and a boy is supporting the wall, so there is not too much of this kind of thing.As a result, now that Daoist, my prodigal brother, since he played such a low-end game, he would waste it.Tang Yin, who was so angry, wanted to directly move a big knife of more than 40 meters, so that his brother could experience the joy of running 39 meters first.

Here Tang Yin is already thinking about one hundred and eight ways to kill his old brother. He just didn't get the [taboo] skill when he killed the old man. Maybe he can get it this time?

And Tang San, who was still pretending to be aggressive on the stage just now, felt an inexplicable chill on his back. For some reason, he always felt that someone behind him was going to chop him with a knife. Of course, he didn't have time to care so much now, after all, he was here to solve the opponent's plot. During the time of poisoning, the opponent has already completely healed their team members.

So far, their original raid plan has completely failed.Now they need to face a full state Huangdou team again.

At this time, Yu Tianheng had also adjusted himself, and while looking at the Shrek people, his whole body was full of lightning.And the Shi family brothers who were blown away by the spiral pill before him, whose hands were clearly dislocated at that time, have also completely recovered, and the momentum of the three of them once again gathered together to launch a charge against the Shrek people!

"The third soul skill: Thunder's Wrath!" Yu Tianheng was the first to bear the brunt this time, and immediately opened his strongest third soul skill in seconds. Increase the attack power of Thunder and itself, and even soul power.Even the bonuses to attack power and soul power can be as high as 50.00% and [-]% respectively.

The most terrifying thing is that this state will continue until his physical strength is completely exhausted!

And facing the incomparably powerful Yu Tianheng, Dai Mubai also decisively summoned his third spirit ability White Tiger Vajra Transformation!Facing Yu Tianheng's Thunder Fury.And the reason is very simple, because she is the captain of Shrek, the boss of everyone in Shrek.Since he is the boss of everyone, he must resist the opponent's attack for everyone!

With the possession of the White Tiger Vajra Transformation, Dai Mubai's original body became more bulky, his muscles bulged even more exaggeratedly, his shirt was completely torn, and even the White Tiger Martial Spirit covering his body became more solid .The stripes on Wuhun's body reflected on his body, making him look even more domineering.

And her pair of tiger palms transformed by soul power were obviously bigger, and the sharp claws on them were as bright as crescent moons.Paired with the light golden martial soul phantom all over his body and his special domineering eyes.In terms of appearance and power alone, he is not inferior to Yu Tianheng at all!

The dragon and the tiger are two creatures that are absolutely strong among beast spirits. Of course, although tigers of the same level are slightly inferior to dragons in terms of quality, there is only a thin line between them. When Dai Mubai himself now The soul power is slightly inferior to Yu Tianheng, so this time the attacking audience from both sides didn't feel that Dai Mubai and others could hold back.

But it's not up to the audience whether they can live up to it or not.Accompanied by a roar of dragons and tigers, the soul power of Dai Mubai and Tian Heng erupted instantly, the next moment, a very condensed light wave like a laser shot out from the tiger head transformed by Dai Mubai's soul power, this light wave It is very condensed, its diameter seems to be only a few centimeters, and it flashes across the void like a shooting star.It is Dai Mubai's second soul ability: White Tiger Light Wave!

Of course, he is also a battle soul master of the assault department, how could Yu Tianheng lose his momentum, and he saw that accompanied by his dragon chant, powerful thunder gathered in his hands, and blasted at Dai Mubai as well, just in time It was his second soul ability, Thunderbolt, and it was released in the state of Thunder Fury.

A blazing wave of light like a laser meteor was shot out at the same time as a thunder that crushed everything, and the two soul skills collided in the middle of the stage in an instant!

Both sides are attack-type battle soul masters, and both of them have fully stacked all the boosting states, and at the same time, they are using various strongest attacking soul skills. What kind of picture will appear in the end?


After the powerful energy formed a semicircle, it exploded instantly!The powerful power even caused the entire auditorium around the Soul Fighting Stage to tremble for a while, the powerful air wave exploded completely, and the aftermath of the powerful shock wave was like a hurricane border, directly sweeping across the entire central fighting spirit arena.

Doudou, who was flying in the sky, was blown away by this powerful air wave, and it was difficult for him to control his balance again for a while. When he recovered and looked at the huge pit in the middle of the field, his expression was demented. He couldn't help but muttered to himself: "This... this... is this really a direct battle between a 30-level soul master?"


Today's Chapter 3.

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Chapter 170 Haven't experienced the Shura field, what kind of Shura god are you?

After the strong explosion caused by the skills of both sides, Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng's bodies also retreated at the same time.After all, such a direct soul power attack would have the greatest impact on their two main attackers.But to everyone's surprise, this time he attacked Yu Tianheng and took a full six steps back, but Dai Mubai only took a step back a little later. The situation can be said to have completely prevailed.

This contrasting scene directly shocked everyone present!

But everyone in Shrek is very clear that such a result does not mean that Dai Mubai is stronger than the other party, there are three main reasons here.

One is that Yu Tianheng's Thunderbolt move is a group attack skill, like Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing who are relatively close to Dai Mubai have received a certain degree of influence, although it is not big, but it will affect their actions after all.But contrary to the opponent, Dai Mubai's White Tiger Lie Guangbo is a single-target attack mainly on one-on-one.This led to his attack being stronger in a frontal attack.

The second is Dai Mubai's already very precise soul power control.Under the advantage of focusing more power on a single target attack, Dai Mubai concentrated the power of his attack on the white tiger light wave as much as possible.Only then did the effect of breaking the surface with a point be achieved.

The last point is also the most important point that Dai Mubai is fine, that is, Yao Ke is still on his head.As long as Yu Tianheng didn't knock Yao down, then it was impossible for him to hurt Dai Mubai who was protected by the real shield.One will not be harmed by the countershock force and shock wave, but the other has to face the countershock force of the skill against the bomb and the shock wave.Among them, there is no need to say more about the superiority.

Of course, these are the thoughts of the Shrek Eight Monsters and the masters.But in Tang Yin's view, these are not the most important.The most important thing is that Dai Mubai and the others are on the right this time!This is the real key!After all, since ancient times, you have lost to the left side of Bo, unless Dyna's pig...

Obviously our boss Dai is not Dyna, relying on the advantage on the right to perfectly suppress the opponent.

And Dai Mubai got the advantage, this time he won't give the opponent any time to adjust, he directly followed up, fighting directly with Yu Tianheng.Even though Yu Tianheng was one level higher than Dai Mubai, he was affected by the attack just now after all.For a while, the two were evenly matched, when Dai Mubai's side was no longer needed, Yao used a slap in the face, a sudden attack on Yu Tianheng and the two agility attack system soul masters.

And they didn't expect Yao, an auxiliary system soul master, to have attack methods, and they were caught off guard for a while, which created opportunities for Dai Mubai and others who were fighting against them.Yao saw that Dai Mubai had completely suppressed Yu Tianheng, and his figure also floated down directly, and when he floated up again, he had already appeared on Xiao Wu's head.

And because of her attack by Feng Sa Mu Xiao just now, Ma Hongjun seized the opportunity to suppress Ma Hongjun's Yufeng originally.Forcibly relying on the bonus brought to him by the 10-year soul bone, he crossed a large realm and fought against the opponent's soul skills.It is precisely because of this that Ma Hongjun is not in a hurry to support for the time being, and Zhu Zhuqing is too far away from Yao, so Yao is on Xiao Wu's head.

And now Xiao Wu was cooperating with Tang San to attack the two brothers of the Shi family.But the brothers of the Shi family are indeed powerful, relying on their natural tacit understanding.Since Xiao Wu and Xiao San were slightly suppressed, this was also the main reason why Yao came to support Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu's skills are somewhat similar to judo in DNF. It needs to grab the opponent, and the damage must be maximized only if the grab is successful.But now Xiao Wu's opponents are all muscular and highly skilled Black Turtle soul masters, who happen to be very restrained against her, and now is the time when they need support.

Of course, Dugu Yan, the soul master of the control system on the opposite side, was not idle throughout the whole process. The poisonous mist attack just now was broken, but she did not admit defeat, and began to release the poisonous mist again. Everyone put an antidote in their mouths so that they would not be affected by it.

This made everyone in Shrek a little troublesome, and for a while, Dai Mubai and Yao just opened up a good battle situation, which was once again brought back by the opponent.

For a moment, the battle of the arena battle became fierce, and the most intense battle was of course Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng, the two attack system soul masters.Dai Mubai wanted to resolve the battle as soon as possible because of the time limit of the White Tiger Vajra Transformation, and Yu Tianheng also had the same idea because of the high consumption of Thunder Fury, and now the attack system soul masters who had the same idea met together.That is really a perfect interpretation of what is called: fisting to the flesh is the romance of a man.

Zhu Zhuqing's opponent is Oslo, the black panther soul master of the other party. Although Zhu Zhuqing's soul power is not as good as the opponent's, relying on the advantage of the top martial soul like the Nether civet, he is even slightly stronger than the opponent in terms of speed.Coupled with the increase of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, it will not be at a disadvantage for a while.

And Fatty is still fighting Captain Yufeng, who owns the wind chime bird, and both of them are using long-range attacks to attack continuously.One wants to attack Ning Rongrong to interrupt the opponent's increase, and the other is in charge of protection.

On Tang San's side, seeing the other side's poisonous mist spread over again, he didn't feel sorry for the wine either.Throwing out a piece of wine again, Yao didn't hesitate to shoot it into a thick wine mist with a bullet of soul power, and finally Tang San cleared the field with a fire.Then they continued to attack the opposing Shi family brothers with Xiao Wu and the others.

Of course, as a control-type soul master, Tang San couldn't just fight a certain person, but to control the overall situation, so while cooperating with Xiao Wu, Tang San also controlled the Blue Silver Grass to interrupt Dugu Yan's skill release.And in such a situation, the Shi family brothers would not allow it to appear all the time, and the second soul rings of both parties would light up in the next moment.And the tortoise shells they received seemed to echo.

"Shield Transformation." The two brothers of the Shi family released their skills at the same time, and the next moment the tortoise shells on their bodies were separated from their bodies, and the front and rear tortoise shells were separated, and they were placed on their hands like Captain America's shields.

The two who had done this looked at each other, and threw the two shields as if they were about to throw boomerangs. That action was exactly the same as Captain America's action of throwing shields, and it was not too standard.And their attack target was Tang San.

But facing the opponent's initiative to attack, Xiao Wu and Tang San felt that this was an opportunity. After all, they had shields before, so Xiao Wu's grasping and soft skills were ineffective for them, but now it was an excellent opportunity.

All the audience in the audience were attracted by all kinds of reversals on the field. Only Tang Yin lowered his head, took out his brother's small notebook and wrote: "Douluo calendar XXX year XX month X day .Since my brother uses my 10-year-old snake wine as a basic attack in this low-end game, I will write down this hatred first!"

Brother, just wait, are you goingssip about Shura God in your future position competition?Very good, when we get to the old man's territory in the future, I will record all the things you made friends with in the capital of killing and show it to my sister-in-law while brushing the domain of the killing god.When the time comes, let my sister-in-law wait for us at the gate of the killing capital.

At that time, I will let you, the future God of Shura, experience what is called the Shura Field!

Oh stupid Oni-chan, don't hold a grudge against me.After all, you have never experienced the Shura field, what kind of Shura god are you?

Tut tut.I am worthy of being a good younger brother at the national level. In the future, my elder brother can become a real God of Shura.

As expected of me!


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