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Chapter 170 Six Just Hold My Dean Like This, Mr. Zhao

At this moment, Tang San inexplicably felt a terrifying chill crawling up his spine again, this was the second time, Tang San still didn't know the source of this ominous premonition.But in Tang San's view, the worst thing is to be beaten up by his brother when he avenges himself, it's not a big deal.He was completely unaware of the seriousness of his current situation.

After all, in Tang San's eyes now, the competition is the most important, and seeing the shield flying towards him, Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other for a short moment, the two sides already had a plan, even if they didn't cooperate for a month However, it turns out that their tacit understanding is still the same.

With an instant glance, the plan was clear to each other, and they saw that Xiao Wu made a backflip in the direction of Tang San in the air, and jumped directly into Tang San's hand.And Tang San used Xiao Wu's falling strength to start accumulating power, and finally threw it at the defense line of the Shi family brothers, and Xiao Wu also kicked his legs instantly at this time, under the blessing of the double strength of the two, the hut at this moment was in a kind of He rushed towards the Shi family brothers at an unbelievable speed.

During the flight, facing the two shields in her flight path, Xiao Wu turned her body directly with the help of her care, and her figure passed through the direct gap between the two shields, avoiding the shield's attack to the extreme.And the shield split into four pieces after being avoided by Xiao Wu, attacking Tang San.

Although the opponent's sudden increase in shields made Tang San somewhat unexpected, but these were still within Tang San's handling range.Ghost Shadow Mizong used it to evade the opponent's attack by flashing his body.

But Tang San didn't move around a few times and suddenly realized something was wrong.Seeing that his connection to Xiao Wu's Blue Silver Grass was cut off by the opponent's shield, only then did Tang San realize that the opponent's goal was to cut off his connection with Xiao Wu!

At this moment Tang San was very regretful, because the other party had only one purpose for doing this, and that was their next target was Xiao Wu!

Tang San couldn't be blamed for this kind of mistake, after all, from the beginning to now, the most attention-grabbing person in this match was Yu Tianheng, the blue electric tyrannosaur, so Tang San couldn't help but pay more attention to it. When it came to him, the opponent's two defensive soul masters didn't pay that much attention.

But what Tang San didn't know was that in terms of combat power alone, the Shi family brothers, even individually, would not be much inferior to Yu Tianheng.Not to mention that their Xuangui Wuhun itself is a top-level Wuhun that can be compared to the White Tiger Wuhun or the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Wuhun among the beast Wuhun.

It's just that the two brothers have always been very low-key, so that everyone will mistakenly think that they are actually not that powerful.But in fact, it was because of ordinary games that it was not their turn to explode with full strength.

But it's different now, as their captain, the main force, is restricted by the opponent.Even because of Yao's previous attack and disturbance, they were a little passive, so they would only let them take the responsibility of opening the situation.

It can be said that the current Shi family brothers really started to look at it seriously, and once again the martial spirits on the two of them shone at the same time, and their eyes were fixed on Xiao Wu and the hut above her.

"Now that you don't have your tortoise shell, let me see how you can defend against my attack this time." Xiao Wu said, kicking one of the Shi family brothers directly, and Yao leaned on him at the same time. Ruo Renxi's strong control ability, pushed the other person away, and then fired a few soul bullets to interfere.While preventing the opponent from coming to support, he also harassed Xiao Wu's opponent from time to time.

But for Xiao Wu and Yao's harassment, the Shi family brother who attacked them had no intention of retreating at all. Instead, he directly chose to take their attack hard, and directly grabbed him despite the deep sea caused by the two women. Xiao Wu threw her into the sky, intending to restrict Xiao Wu's movement.

Seeing Xiao Wu being thrown into the air, the two of them smiled as if their plan had succeeded.

"Xiao Wu be careful!" Seeing this scene, Tang San inexplicably realized that Xiao Wu's situation was not right, and subconsciously shouted directly to try to remind Xiao Wu.Because Tang San discovered at this time that until now, these two brothers still haven't used their third spirit ability, and as defensive spirit masters, after using their defensive means, they decided to throw them out. How could it be possible that he didn't do any consideration when

And the fact is indeed as Tang San guessed.The soul power of the two of them soared in an instant, and the purple soul rings under their feet exuded terrifying radiant soul rings.It is the harbinger of the use of the Millennium Soul Ring!

Xiao Wu also heard Tang San's voice at this time, but now she is still in the sky, unable to use her strength to move.At this critical moment, Xiao Wu's adaptability, which had been cultivated during this period of battle experience, was fully displayed, and the second and third spirit rings flickered one after another.Seeing Xiao Wu's pink colored contact lenses exuding dazzling light, and Shi Mo's brother Shi Mo looked at each other, and saw Mo Mo's whole expression become obsessed and dazed.The purple light on his body also flickered a little, as if it was about to dim.It was also at this moment, without any hesitation, Xiao Wu just started teleporting, flashed five meters away and landed on the ground at the same time.

But when Xiao Wu and the others breathed a sigh of relief, the four tortoise shields that had just cut the blue silver grass began to be recovered in an instant, and the lines of the four tortoise shields began to emit rays of soul power.Each piece of tortoise shell was divided into 16 diamond-shaped fragments, and in the next moment, these diamond-shaped fragments exploded instantly and shot violently in all directions.A total of 64 fragments flew around Xiao Wu and the others, completely trapping her and Yao in the middle.

If Tang San's Blue Silver Grass is still connected to Xiao Wu, Tang San can still pull them out before these things happen, but now the Shi brothers, the flying speed of these diamond-shaped tortoise shells and the cutting ability displayed It can't be done at all, and now we can only see if Yao's shield can block the thousand-year-old soul skill of the Shi family brothers.

Then I saw 64 fragments that originally surrounded Xiao Wu and the others, and in the next moment, they turned into two tornadoes with 32 fragments respectively.And in the middle of the two tornadoes were Yao and Xiao Wu, and the two tornadoes were engulfed in diamond-shaped fragments, cutting Yao's shield continuously like blades.

Seeing this scene, the worried Tang Yin couldn't control the soul power in his body, and the nine spirit tails and cloud boots had already appeared on his body.

"Little Silver, stop!" Zao Wou-ki and Flender noticed Tang Yin's anomaly immediately, but this was a match between the little monsters and the others, and if something really happened to them, they would have time, at least now that they were injured, Better than getting hurt in the most dangerous places in the future.

So the two of them held Tang Yin down immediately.

"Huh~. Just hold my dean like this, Mr. Zhao, otherwise... I will flatten them." Tang Yin said tremblingly, and he also knew that it is better to be injured here than in the future. Yao was besieged by a level [-] soul skill...


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Chapter 170 Seven Fenglin Volcano

And Yao, who is currently in the center of the vortex, naturally knows the crisis of the situation the most, although because of her cheating, her soul skills will be upgraded with her level just like Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.But even so, it is equivalent to the strength of a normal thousand-year soul ability, and her own soul power has just broken through to level [-].With the two thousand-year-old soul skills now, the user's soul power is still higher than hers, and Yao's pressure can be imagined.

"Yao, don't worry about me, you go first!" Xiao Wu has not suffered any damage because she is still under Yao's shield, but she is very clear that Yao's short displacement from her body is You can't be attacked, so Xiao Wu wants Yao to go first to save her combat power.

But Yao obviously didn't want to listen to Xiao Wu's words, because she also had her plan.

The moment Yao's shield was completely shattered, Yao came directly to Xiao Wu's side relying on the time when she could not be attacked, and she was as if she was someone in front of Xiao Wu.

While resisting the two storms around her, Yao made a simple calculation, relying on Ruo Renxi's forced displacement, even under the hindrance of the opponent's two soul skills, she can still send Xiao Wu out.So Yao relied on Xiao Wu's invincible time of less than a second to send Xiao Wu out.

And the fact is exactly as Yao planned, when Xiao Wu's self-raised soul power defense was instantly broken, she had already been sent out by Yao's soul skill.

What replaced it was Yao's screams coming from behind her!

"It hurts... Unlucky... Has the plan failed? Are these two restraining whirlwinds considered control skills?" Yao felt the strong sense of cutting from the surroundings.

Originally, her plan was that after sending Xiao Wu away, he would rely on passive avoidance of damage, and then continue to jump on Xiao Wu's head with a first soul skill, finally solving the crisis.But it got stuck at the most critical step. Although the two tornadoes formed by the opponent's shield had extremely strong restrictive capabilities, they were not judged as control skills.

Fortunately, Tang San had already discovered what was wrong before, and pulled Yao out with the fastest speed and relying on a large amount of blue silver grass. After pulling Yao out, Tang San immediately stopped Yao's bleeding with a point of his sword finger, and used Xuantian Kung to stabilize the blood. Yao's injury, but this only ensures that Yao's life is safe.

But now Yao's eyes are still trembling, and her whole body is trembling due to severe pain. There are marks of being cut all over her body, and many places are bloody and bloody. Most of her body has been soaked in blood.This is still the case where you need to use your soul power to protect yourself at the first time, otherwise if the opponent's soul power invades the body and injures the internal organs, the injury will be more serious.

"Yao! How are you doing now?" Xiao Wu came over as soon as she saw Yao being pulled out by the third brother, her originally bright eyes were already filled with tears.But that's it, when Xiao Wu saw Yao's appearance now, she couldn't speak for a while...

"Sister's all right. It's all skin wounds, not the internal organs...Third Brother has already helped me stop the bleeding." Yao smiled with difficulty. Originally, she wanted to wipe away Xiao Wu's tears with her hands , but in the end it didn't work out...

"Yao, it's okay. You rest well first, and leave the next battle to us." Tang San put Yao down the edge of the field and said.

"Well, I'll leave it up to you next." Yao forced a smile at Tang San, and then her gaze was already on the VIP seat that belonged to them.I saw Tang Yin who looked worried but was restrained by Zao Wou-ki and Flender.He smiled slightly in Tang Yin's direction, then shook his head, indicating that there was nothing serious about him.

Tang Yin's mood calmed down a little after receiving Yao's confirmation that nothing was wrong, but Tang Yin's gaze had already turned to the Huangdou team on the opposite side.

Although it is said that if the Jiuxin Begonia on the opposite side can treat Yao, these skin traumas are nothing at all.But since you dare to lay such a heavy hand on me, be prepared to be beaten by me. Don't tell me that this is a competition. It is better to bleed now than to bleed in the future. I, Tang Yin, will make the same sense.Just kidding, don't you know how I got the names of Gu Gu Tang and Xiao Qi Yin?

Tang Yin looked at the Huangdou team on the opposite side, and said to the master beside him: "Master, what you asked me to help was to compete with that junior of your family, right? I will take this job, and I don't want him alone. He brings his team together. I pick their whole team alone!"

"Little Yin... that..." The master wanted to say something, but seeing Xiao Yin like this, the master knew very well not to talk about himself, even if Tang San came to persuade him, it would be useless at this time.And considering his disciple's terminally ill character, if Xiaoyin really wanted to deal with them, then his disciple would definitely be the first to pass the knife.

"Don't worry, master, I have an analysis, and I won't let them die!" Tang Yin said.

Master: "..." I am even more scared when you say that!

"Master, don't worry, I know very well that fighting means getting injured after all. And I also know that it is better to get hurt now and find my own mistakes than in the future, so don't worry, Master. I...will...hand...down ...stay... please...!"

"How dare you hurt Yao like this!" And Yao's injury instantly ignited all the anger in Shrek, and Ma Hongjun was the first to launch an attack. Now he no longer saves his own soul power consumption, Phoenix Firewire With full firepower, Tang Yin's power had faintly caught up with Tang Yin's focus on the flamethrower, and a terrifying flame directly pressed against the attack of the wind chime bird soul master, Yufeng, and suppressed him.

You must know that because Tang Yin directly gave Ma Hongjun a 10-year-old soul bone before, although Tang Yin didn't care about it, Ma Hongjun regarded all this as the other party's great kindness to him, and Ma Hongjun, who could never repay him, now Seeing that Yao was injured like this, but he had nothing to do, the powerful feeling of aggrieved coupled with the anger of his partner directly pushed his anger to the peak!

"The wind is surging." Facing Ma Hongjun's sudden eruption, Yufeng could no longer hold back any more. He used the third soul skill directly, and the powerful wind surged on his wings. The attribute shock wave was instantly wrapped by a tornado, and continued to collide with Ma Hongjun's Phoenix line of fire.

"Ah——" Facing the strong pressure brought by the opponent's thousand-year-old soul skill, Ma Hongjun's inner ferocity was completely intensified by the opponent at this moment. Although his soul power is now weaker than the opponent's by a big realm, at this moment Ma Hongjun's body is full of phoenix. Martial soul completely burned up.The already powerful fire has once again risen to a higher level.

It was Ma Hongjun's soul skill Rising Phoenix, combined with the enhancement brought by the soul bone, Ma Hongjun had the momentum to suppress the opponent!

At this moment, Fenglin Volcano is on the field!


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Chapter 170: Douluo Version Tailed Beast Jade!

Although Ma Hongjun was angry, he didn't lose his mind. On the contrary, the current Ma Hongjun knew very well that there was Ning Rongrong behind him. Once Ning Rongrong was affected, their growth would disappear, and it would be the greatest disadvantage to his side.

Accompanied by Ma Hongjun's eruption, since Ma Hongjun's flame has gradually transformed from the original purple red to deep purple, the temperature in it has reached an even higher level. Since the powerful fire started to follow Yufeng's attack and burn all the way to In the end, even the wind chimes all over him, which were clearly formed by soul energy, had a tendency to burn.

At this moment, Yufeng felt a very special sense of oppression from Ma Hongjun's body very clearly. This feeling of oppression has nothing to do with the opponent's level of soul power, but comes from the depths of his heart, even from the spirit. came.Even Yufeng, who has so many years of combat experience, is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

But what he didn't know was that this was because of the inherent coercion of the Martial Soul level.After all, Ma Hongjun's martial soul is a phoenix, even if it is an evil fire phoenix, it is still a type of phoenix, and as a type of phoenix, the evil fire phoenix is ​​also the king of birds, having absolute domination in the sky The status, above the grade, is naturally not comparable to that of the Wind Bell Bird.

This point, even if the opponent's spirit power level is higher than Ma Hongjun's, it is still unavoidable.At least the difference in spirit power level between them cannot be avoided.

Of course, it was also because of the current gap in soul power between the two sides that Ma Hongjun's potential was fully stimulated under the current situation!

"Zhu Qing!" Of course Ma Hongjun wasn't the only one who moved, Dai Mubai saw this situation.As the captain of the team and the boss of everyone, how could he not be angry when he saw Yao being injured like this.Not to mention how much they have been taken care of by Tang Yin during this period, not to mention all kinds of housekeeping robots that take care of their lives. After all, these are pediatrics in front of those precious soul control and spiral pills.

They already had nothing to repay Tang Yin and the others, and now that Yao was injured, they would have no reservations.

This is especially true for Zhu Zhuqing who was greeted by Dai Mubai. You must know that she is Yao's roommate and the person who has spent the longest time with Yao since entering the academy. Not to mention Tang Yin's relationship, Yao and her alone have already been together. Become each other's best friend, and now seeing his best friend hurt like this, there is no need to call Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing also intends to come to him.

Seeing the actions of the two of them, people immediately realized their purpose. At this moment, Ning Rongrong no longer felt pity for her own soul power, and directly opened fire with full power, and all the boosts fell on them. .Because if it comes to anger, Ning Rongrong can even enter the top three, because Yao is not only a friend and best friend to her, but also makes her realize her misplacement in the past, and carefully helps her correct it together, and is the first to open up for her. A person with a heart.

In a real sense, she was Ning Rongrong's first friend.

But now the other party has injured Yao like this, she strongly wants to avenge Yao!

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing have already practiced their martial soul fusion skills, this is no secret among their little friends, so when she saw Dai Mubai called Zhu Qing, she also realized their Intent, put on your soul skills immediately.

The next moment, a tiger's howl resounded through the audience, Dai Mubai's body, which had been transformed into a very burly body because of the White Tiger Vajra Transformation, began to swell again, and the Wuhun White Tiger covering his body also became more solid, so that Gives people a feeling that they may rush out at any time.

And Zhu Zhuqing also flew away at this instant, the slender perfection was already wrapped in a black light in mid-air, and flew directly towards Dai Mubai's direction.

Seeing Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's sudden change of behavior, Yu Tianheng couldn't help feeling a bad premonition and immediately said: "No! Oslo and I will do our best to stop it! This is the other party's spirit Fusion technique!"

The current Yu Tianheng could no longer consider his remaining soul power, and continued to forcibly erupt when he could no longer maintain the thunderous fury, and once again used the thunderbolt in the strongest state.

It can be said that this time in order to prevent them from completing the Wuhun Fusion Agent, Yu Tianheng has reduced the range of the attack to the minimum he can do.The target is only the two of them!

Black panther soul master Oslo was ordered to use his third soul ring for a while, and saw his figure move slightly, and the next moment, a figure exactly like him appeared beside him, facing Dai Mubai and the others together Attack.

This is exactly his third soul skill: Leopard Shadow Clone!

But facing the strong attack launched by the Royal Fighting Team against them, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai didn't even look at them. Now they only have each other in their eyes. Seeing Zhu Zhuqing flying towards them, Dai Mubai stretched his arms and welcomed the other into the air. own arms.

With the physical contact between the two of them, a dazzling ray of light bloomed centered on the place where they touched. In just a split second, the auras of the evil-eyed white tiger and the ghost civet had already merged, replaced by an extremely domineering aura It exploded in an instant!

You must know that martial soul fusion skills are never as simple as one plus one, and his power increases exponentially.Because they represent the most perfect complementarity of the martial souls of both parties.

Along with their successful fusion, the figures of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing have completely disappeared, replaced by a pair of purple eyes with black lines on a white background surrounded by a ghostly aura all over the arena.Domineering giant tiger.The momentum like a king erupted completely, and a pair of tiger eyes stared down at the world!

Whether it's Yu Tianheng or Oslo, they are so small in front of this giant tiger that starts at eight meters in length.

This gigantic tiger is Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul fusion skill - Nether White Tiger!

Just then, the Nether White Tiger waved its front paw, and one of Oslo, who was rushing towards him, was directly photographed as a starlight.

Seeing this scene, Oslo's real body immediately retreated, and Yu Tianheng, who was accumulating power, stood together. The two of them did not make any other movements, and launched their strongest attacks at each other together.

And the same as them, after crushing Oslo's clone, the Nether White Tiger didn't stop, and saw him open his huge mouth, and a huge energy ball formed by the condensed soul power of huge concentration appeared in its mouth.This is a soul power ball whose rotation speed and concentration are much higher than the spiral pill.Paired with the embodiment of the Nether White Tiger.

That's right, this is the Douluo version of the Tailed Beast Jade!

When Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing approached Tang Yin to talk about this idea, Tang Yin was confused at the time, after all, he looked at the students around him who were standing on their heads on trees and doing push-ups in the water.Tang Yin was really worried that one day he and his brother would summon a Gundam from their eyes.

Even now, Tang Yin looked at the Tailed Beast Jade that was still gathering soul power in the mouth of the Nether White Tiger on the arena, and couldn't help saying: There is really a problem with the painting style of Douluo I traveled through!


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Chapter 170 Eighth Instant Reversal!

Don't look at the current Tailed Beast Jade as just a copy, but the soul power used is still the soul power of Dai Mubai's and Zhu Zhuqing's fusion skills. Chidori's attack and he just opened the blood wheel eyes and used the millennium to distinguish.

Although they are all Chidori, there is already an essential difference in power.At the level of Tail Beast Jade, the two output methods of the spiral pill itself, the rotation and the impact force, are no longer important.Although these will also become stronger, but under the art that Tang Yindu affirmed at the end, everything is just a cloud!

Seeing the Sun family's Tailed Beast Jade, which was already bigger than Nether Parkway's head, appear in front of its mouth, the Shi family brothers had already realized the seriousness of the situation, and there was no time for them to think about it.The figure rushed directly towards Yu Tianheng's direction.

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