At this time Flender also patted Qin Ming on the shoulder and said: "You are good at everything, but this restrained personality has not changed. You have been out for so many years. Why is this personality still like this? How is it? Today there is Is it time? Everyone get together?"

"Okay, the students wish for it, and it happens that the students don't have anything necessary right now." Qin Ming agreed directly when he heard Flender's proposal.

This time it was the turn of the members of the Huangdou team to be embarrassed. After all, the two sides hadn't said a few words, and their teacher planned to abandon them and leave like this. How strange it was.

"Tianheng, if you and your classmates don't have anything special, you can come here together. It just so happens that I have something to talk to you about." After all, the master still loves his nephew, and he offered to help Yu Tianheng out of the siege road.

After all, the relationship between the two parties is here now, and it just so happens that this meal can allow the Shrek people and the Huangdou team to exchange combat experience and competition experience with each other.It is of great benefit to both of them to understand themselves from different angles.Anyway, everyone's relationship is here now, the master will certainly not let go of this opportunity to improve everyone in Shrek.Not to mention that he can also promote his nephew along the way.

"Okay! We don't have anything special to do afterwards." After receiving the invitation from the uncle whom he respected the most since he was a child, Yu Tianheng directly agreed on behalf of his teammates, and seeing his teammates were confused for a while.

"Then it's decided like this, little monsters, you wait to settle the points you have gained during this period first, and then we will meet at the old place, Wuji, Master, and Qin Ming, you and your students will also Come here together," Flender said.

Tang Yin was also very satisfied with this arrangement. After all, if the other party was allowed to leave like this, how could he find an excuse to beat him up?Although it was said that his daughter-in-law was fine now, there was no other way. Tang Yin had already let the words out at that time, after all, his daughter-in-law had suffered.And Tang Yin didn't beat them in vain.Earlier, Tang Yin asked Jarvis to analyze their fighting methods and shortcomings.When the time is over, give them to them together.In this way, he avenged Yao. Although the other party...may be a little crippled, but he can better discover his own flaws, so as to correct and improve.

And if everyone in Shrek hears Tang Yin's plan, they will mourn for the Huangdou team. After all, they have to go through this process every day before, and it takes a month and a half to go through it...

Soon Tang Yin and the others completed the points statistics, without any surprises, the two brothers Tang Yin and Tang San successfully advanced to Glory Gold.Even if it wasn't for only one month, any longer Tang Yin would be able to advance to the eternal diamond.

It is precisely because Tang San obtained the Golden Soul Fighting Team that the current Shrek team has also successfully advanced to the Golden Fighting Soul Team.

The last group of people gathered at the entrance of the fighting spirit field, and a group of little monsters joined everyone, only to find that they and everyone in the royal team were very embarrassed.

On one side are teachers and students who haven't seen each other for many years, and on the other side are uncles and nephews with very deep feelings.The two teams seem to have endless things to say throughout the whole process, so that the scene of them looking at each other in the middle should not be too embarrassing.

After all, needless to say, Qin Ming respected and appreciated the two deans so much that he couldn't help but talk to the teachers about what he had seen and heard in his life and cultivation over the years.

The same is true for Yu Tianheng. After all, when he was still in the clan, it was the master who would take him to play in his leisure time, and would tell him all kinds of interesting things about the time when the master was wandering in the world of soul masters.It can be said that the master was the only place where Yu Tianheng could rest in his childhood.

The elders in the clan only had high pressure on him, and most of their concerns were about the improvement of his soul power. Only the master gave him the happiness that he should have had in his childhood at that time.

However, the embarrassment of the Shrek people did not last long, and soon the girls started chatting first.

"Are you really the Shrek team that just fought against us? You also..." Dugu Yan was frightened by the age of the Shrek people when he saw the appearance of the Shrek people, and finally couldn't hold back , This is not embarrassing, so he asked.

And Duguyan's words also attracted Yu Tianheng who was chatting with the master. At this time, he was also shocked by the age of everyone in Shrek, and asked in a shocked tone: "Well... I may be a bit presumptuous to ask... The question is, how old are you this year?"

He who had been waiting for this scene for a long time said with a dark smile: "Our oldest Dai Boss is 15 years old, and the youngest Zhu Qing is about to turn 13." For some reason, Yao now likes to see more and more Everyone looked shocked and disbelieving.

"You're only 13 years old, it's not you... the foul is too much..." Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's proud figure, even Ye Lingling, who has always had the most ordinary personality, couldn't help feeling a little ashamed at this moment... …

You must know that whether it is her or Dugu Yan, they are considered to be among the top batch of beautiful soul masters, and their figures are naturally excellent.But that's how it is, and they still have an age advantage, but they feel an inexplicable sense of shame when facing Zhu Zhuqing... The most important thing is that now they know that Zhu Zhuqing is so much younger than them...

Thinking of this, they decided not to look at Zhu Zhuqing, but as soon as they turned their eyes, they bumped into Yao who was explaining to them. The next moment, they were once again compensated by Yao's talent, which was second only to Zhu Zhuqing.This knife stabbed them directly to despair.Until they saw Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong.

The eyes of the four met, and they looked at each other for thousands of years...

Just for a moment, they knew that they would become good friends, so at this moment, they felt like they had finally found an organization with each other!


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Chapter 180 Two Flanders Noble Phantasm

Freud once said: "Never underestimate the species of women. Sometimes, they only need a short word, a movement or even a look to form a friendship."

Facts proved that Freud was right. At this moment, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong also saw the shadow of their past from each other, especially during the time when they were practicing treading water.In this way, there were two waves of girls outside the venue, and they have already turned into one wave when they entered the venue.

This scene made the boys at the scene very embarrassed. After all, the girls have been able to let go of their suspicions and become sisters without any grievances, but these men are still the same as before, so it looks so stingy.

Coupled with the fact that everyone recognized each other's strength in the previous battles, this can be regarded as not knowing each other without fighting.Look at the relationship between the elders of both parties.Soon when they entered the door, there were still two groups of boys, and they were already sitting on the dining table with various shoulders and backs.

Soon everyone took their seats, and seeing the ages of the current students, Qin Ming couldn't help sighing: "That means most of you here are around 13 years old, and you have such strength at this age, it's amazing .”

Flender didn't say much about this, but seeing the way the other party smiled so hard that he couldn't see his eyes, he knew that he was very proud of the achievements of the Shrek people.This is true for Qin Ming, and it is also true for the current Shrek monsters.

And at this time Dai Mubai asked Qin Ming curiously: "Senior, that, can I ask you, what level is your current strength?"

Qin Ming didn't hide anything about this, and replied directly: "I'm quite lucky, and I successfully broke through to level 62 a while ago."

Hearing Qin Ming's words, the Shrek Seven Monsters looked at each other in amazement for a moment. At this moment, they had a deeper understanding of their dean's statement that Shrek Academy only accepts monsters.

Looking at the surprised Shrek seven, Flender also smiled and said: "You don't have to be so surprised, after all, he was just like you now, and he was the best student of our Shrek before. Bai broke the earliest record of breaking through to level [-]. At the same time, his record is also the longest. "

"Is this the quality of the teacher's previous academy? It actually broke the teacher's record. You must know that the dean of our Tiandou Royal Academy has said that with Teacher Qin's qualifications and temperament, it is certain to become a Titled Douluo." Listen Yu Tianheng was also surprised when he realized that his teacher's record had been broken.

"Okay, don't brag about each other among you juniors. You can order whatever you want, and today we can treat our Dean Flanders. This kind of opportunity is very rare, and you don't need to give it to me. For the sake of saving face, whoever wants to eat will order." Zao Wou-ki said first.It can be said that Flender was driven to death.

And Zao Wou-ki's words were indeed effective immediately. Flender, who was smiling one second, became completely stiff the next second.But Shrek's little monsters would never miss this opportunity.Taking advantage of the time when Flender's mainframe failed to restart, he called the waiter directly.And throw the menu to the fat man who knows how to eat best.The swiftness of the action and the tacit understanding of the means, the Huangdou battle was also dumbfounded for a while.

And Ma Hongjun also attached great importance to the responsibilities entrusted by everyone. After asking Qin Ming and everyone in the Huangdou team some taboos, he directly started to browse the menu.

There are not many menus here, but they are not too small either. Ma Hongjun only clicks a few times on each page of the three-page menu.He signaled the waiter to remember the dish he just ordered.

And Flender had successfully restarted from the time Ma Hongjun started ordering food, and immediately focused on his closed disciple.And hearing that Ma Hongjun ordered some of the cheapest dishes, this made Master Flender very relieved.

"As expected, he is my most beloved apprentice. He will still think about him, master, and save me money if he understands it. Not bad..." As a result, Flender has not finished thinking about it.With a simple sentence, Ma Hongjun directly let Flender fall from heaven to hell.

"The few dishes I mentioned before are all unnecessary, and the rest will be given to us according to this menu. Of course, the most important thing is to prepare us two barrels of the best wine in your store." Ma Hongjun didn't like it at all. Giving Flender a chance, the ordering work was completed in an instant.

At this moment, Tang Yin looked at Flender who turned from red to blue, and then turned from green to white, and the song sounded inexplicably in his ear: Bloody flowers fluttering, the north wind rustling...

Apparently, Tang Yin was not the only one who noticed Flender's abnormality, Ma Hongjun who had just finished ordering also noticed the change in his chef.Very filial: "Huh? Teacher, are you feeling unwell tonight? Or did you not have a good rest yesterday?"

Hearing Ma Hongjun's words, Qin Mingdao could barely maintain his restraint, but as the instigator, Zhao Wuji couldn't hold back completely, and couldn't even stand up from laughing. After all, Flender's stinginess is well known in Shrek Academy. Know.Tang Yin, as a good young Hokage in the new era, felt that it would be difficult for him to learn from Uncle Snake or Payne in his life, so he filially told the unaware Tiandou team about Flender's character Everyone laughed and laughed at the dining table for a while.

And such a scene can't help but make Tang Yin sigh with emotion. Sure enough, happiness is something Yao builds on the pain of others...

Qin Ming made some adjustments, and finally said, "I'll do it. After all, the kid just came back, how can I let the teacher treat me? It just happened to give Qin Ming a chance to thank you."

Zhao Wou-ki also smiled helplessly and said, "Xiao Ming, you are so sensible, I was expecting Flender to bleed."

And hearing Zhao Wou-ki's words, Flender, who had recovered instantly because of Qin Ming, glared at Zhao Wou-ki: "You still want to see me make a fool of yourself? When was the last time we practiced each other, old Zhao? I think we should Let's learn more, this will help us improve our soul power."

"Cough cough... eat and eat." This time it was Zao Wou-ki's turn to be embarrassed, there was no way, Flender's attributes were too restrained for him, not only was the agility attack system that restrained him the most, but he also had the ability to fly, not to mention The gap in soul power between the two sides has widened. It can be said that Zao Wou-ki was really overwhelmed by Flender.

So Zao Wou-ki went directly to the master, after all, the master is for Flanders treasure, Zao Wou-ki personally tested it to be effective!


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Chapter 180 Three No School Shrek

Time passed, and soon the three rounds of wine had already passed.During this period, Tang Yin also specifically asked Yao to confirm the various versions of his sister. Only then did Tang Yin know that the one of his sister in the Huangdou team was a manga they blindly changed.Obviously, it doesn't match their current situation at all.

Qin Ming looked at the harmonious scene at the dining table, and said with some emotion: "The strength of all the students is very good, Dean Flender, with the current number of people, it seems that our college is getting better and better. .”

But hearing Qin Ming's words, Zhao Wuji said helplessly: "Then why is it getting better and better? If there is no accident, these children will be the last students of our Shrek Academy."

Qin Ming was obviously a little surprised when he heard Zhao Wuji's words. After all, the number of people in Shrek Academy now is much larger than they were at that time, but he soon realized the reason and asked: "Could it be that the funding problem of our academy has not been resolved yet?" Is it?" As a result, as soon as the words were spoken, Qin Ming realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Of course, Flender didn't care about this, and said: "The fact itself is like this, there is nothing to hide. What's more important is that now we old guys are tired and getting older, and we are not as young as we were when we were young." A fighting spirit. It can be said that after this group of little guys graduate completely, we will start to live some of our lives again. But you, Qin Ming, are doing us a favor. The students you teach are very good, and each of them can It can be regarded as the elite among the younger generation.”

But upon hearing Flender's words, Dugu Yan asked a little puzzled: "No, with your school's strong faculty and the quality of your students, in the whole continent, there is that top student who can get Come out? How did you come to this point in the end?"

"About this aspect, the thing is like this..." Now everyone is also friends, not to mention that even Dean Flender said that there is nothing to hide, so Dai Mubai directly told the situation of their academy Everyone in the Royal Fighting Team.

"Since only students who can be called monsters are accepted, this name is just right. Don't say anything, Dean Flender, let me toast you first, and I want to apologize for my abrupt question just now!" Hearing Dai Mubai's experience and introduction to Shrek Academy over the years, even the Huangdou people who are all noble backgrounds, have a heart of admiration for Shrek Academy.

"It's okay, not to mention these are the facts in themselves, not to mention that I don't care." Of course, Flender also knew that the other girl was just curious, so naturally he would not care about such trivial matters.

Qin Ming looked at the Shrek people, knowing that each of them performed very well today.Thinking of the excellence of these juniors, Qin Ming couldn't help sighing: "It's really a pity, if it weren't for the juniors being Shrek's academy, I would have brought you to the Royal Academy no matter what, if there were you If you join us, the whole continent in the future..."

As a result, Qin Ming hadn't finished speaking, when a very familiar voice sounded: "Even if they are Shrek or students, you can still bring them there."

And everyone who heard this voice was obviously stunned, especially the little monsters of Shrek, after all, they are not too familiar with this voice.It was the master who had been by Flender's side and seldom spoke!

For a while, no one responded to the master's words, and when Flender came to his senses, he stopped doing it immediately and said, "Master, what do you mean? Are you here to tear me down on purpose? The children belong to Shrek's family." It will never change at all, so can't we Shrek educate them well?"

Qin Ming was also a little surprised, and asked tentatively: "Master, what you said just now means..."

The master didn't pay attention to Flender, who was outputting to him for a while, but said to Qin Ming: "Mr. Qin, if I remember correctly, it should be a grand meeting of all colleges in the mainland in a year. I remember the Tiandou Royal The academy has two places for each academy. My condition is that one of the places will be given to us. And the children will also play for the Royal Academy."

"I don't agree!" Seeing that the master didn't pay attention to his consciousness at all, Flender slapped the table in front of Da Shi directly, and the atmosphere of the whole room became very subtle for a while, and everyone in Shrek couldn't even speak for a while. dare not say...

"Master, you are very clear that Shrek was founded by me in the past 20 years. Children are the most important part of Shrek!" Flender stared at the master, waiting for the master's next explanation.

And compared to Flender's current excited situation, the master is still so calm.It wasn't because Flender had changed in the slightest, just turning his head to look at him like this, Flender's original aura instantly dropped, there was no way, Flender knew the master too well, the master would say this, at least this plan was for him There are absolute benefits.Even though he didn't think so much now, his momentum still dropped a little.

It can only be said that the master did not lose money to the Flender treasure...

Of course, the master wouldn't let Flender wait any longer, and said, "It's very simple, Flender, let me ask you a few questions. If you can solve these problems, it really doesn't matter whether the children go or not. The first thing is to ask you To provide the children with a perfect mimetic cultivation environment, the second is to allow the children to have the qualifications to produce and join the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Competition after one year. If you can handle these other things, it is not a problem. The last question is for you , Flender, what is the purpose of your establishment of the academy?"

Why can Flender find a place to retire in this way, so that Teacher Shrek can have a belonging, and can continue to be free from the constraints of the Spirit Hall.None of these masters said anything, only the influence on the children.

"I..." Flender was a little speechless for a moment when he was asked the truth and a series of questions, because these were the facts, and he couldn't complete any of them.The original anger gradually disappeared, replaced by a crowd of decadence...

Seeing that Flender calmed down, the master continued: "I don't need to accept the improvement of the little guys' cultivation speed by the mimetic cultivation environment, and the All-Continent Soul Master Exchange Competition is the best way to broaden their horizons and prove their strength. But it must be a formal college to be eligible for registration. Our college has not yet registered, and it is not even a formal college."

Hearing what the master said, Tang Yin also guessed about it.Only then did he realize that after studying for so long, he was still a three-no college.

Think about Shrek Academy, which will directly become a transcendent force in the mainland in the future. Since it was only a three-no academy, no one would believe it if it was said...


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Chapter 180 The Fourth Shrek Completion Plan!

and many more! !

Tang Yin, who was smiling one second, froze in place the next second.He suddenly found out that because of him and Yao's appearance, now they have become friends with Dugu Yan and the others, as far as the relationship between Dugu Yan and Yao is concerned, if Dugu Bo dares to go to Tiandou Academy to oppose their admission, Dugu Yan will take action. Yanbo's beard was pulled out.In this way, Dugu Bo's granddaughter still can't control it.

But although this matter seems to be a good thing, after all, you don't need to be humiliated by the other party, but the essence of this matter is to destroy the future of Shrek's academy.How about that?For the future education of his own children and nephews and nieces, Tang Yin would absolutely not allow such a thing to happen.

When Tang Yin began to think about how to fool the master and the others into Lanba Academy, the master continued to say: "You told me before that the reason you established Shrek is to discover and cultivate the entire soul master world. The most talented soul master, and the rotation I'm doing now is the smoothest way to complete your offline. And I haven't finished what I just said."

After speaking, the master turned his attention to Qin Ming, and continued: "For Shrek's children to enter the Tiandou Royal Academy, I have one more requirement here, that is, the academy must unconditionally accept all the teachers from the original Shrek, While giving the highest treatment, we are still responsible for all curriculum arrangements such as the teaching of Shrek's children. No matter what training method we use, the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy cannot interfere in any way."

Regarding the master's conditions, Qin Ming had no opinion and said: "Master, your conditions are not a problem, but Dean Flender is the principal of Shrek Academy after all, and the academy has gathered Dean Flender over the years. All the hard work, so... maybe..."

But before Qin Ming could finish speaking, Flender's voice sounded and said, "Just do as Xiaogang said." It can be seen from the address of the master that he is not in a calm mood now.

"Xiaogang is right. I can't be selfish and only consider my own pride and ideas. In the final analysis, everything should be centered on the children, and the Shrek brothers have been with me for so long, so I should give them a family that can support them in the old age." A place, a place to belong to. Tiandou Royal Academy, as far as the name is concerned, it is enough. And there, the children can also get the best magic circle. This matter is still being decided. You can discuss it yourself. Discussion about other details can be done by Master and Wuji on my behalf. I want to be quiet."

After saying that, Flender walked out, but Tang Yin resisted the urge to ask Flender who Jingjing was, and followed the fat man not far away.Tang Yin now has a complete set of plans in mind, and Tang Yin calls this plan: The Shrek Completion Plan!

Seeing Flender's appearance, the master sighed and said, "Don't worry, Flender has never been an overly persistent person. I believe he will find it difficult to figure it out soon."

Regarding this, Zhao Wuji couldn't help but said with a wry smile: "There is no way to do this. After all, the academy is the support and reason for so many of us. Flender should also be aware of the benefits of your suggestion, Master, but Even if he himself thought about closing the academy after these students graduated, he couldn't convince himself so easily when the moment really came. Even for us, such a thing is a bit sudden, after all, we are here They have also spent 20 years of light and shadow. Not to mention Flender."

The master obviously understands this too. He knows that he can only rely on himself to get out of this kind of thing.

Seeing that the master was worried about Flender, Zao Wou-ki said in relief: "Thank you, master, your decision may be the best for us. Thank you, we all know very well that you will make such a decision." The decision is not only for the children, but also for Flender to let go of his pressure and responsibility for so many years. We are all unwilling to pay attention to the soul masters of the Wuhun Temple, and the Tiandou Royal Academy has very few Wuhundians. Where it cannot be affected, the Royal Academy has a good name, and it is indeed a good choice to retire there. You are already doing your best to take care of Flender's face. He will know."

Zhao Wou-ki's expression revealed a rare lightness, he really felt much more relaxed now, Zhao Wou-ki is not Flender after all, he is not as good-faced as Flender, and he is not overly concerned about this attachment in his heart.Although Shrek, who has been with him for twenty years, is also full of nostalgia, but he has to admit that, as Flender said, they are all old and tired, and it is not a bad thing to change their living environment now.

As for this kind of matter, everyone in Shrek couldn't talk at all. It can be said that except for Tang Yin, who dragged Ma Hongjun to chase Flander, everyone else looked at each other in dismay when faced with such a matter.There is no way, after all, the master's proposal came too suddenly, and there was no prior notice.Not to mention everyone in Shrek, even Yu Tianheng didn't know what to say for a while.

But if the Shrek people can really come to Huangdou Academy, they will be very happy. After all, their strengths are not much different. If we are together, we can learn from each other and improve each other.It's just that in such a strange atmosphere, it's not easy for them to express such a mood.

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