The picture came to Flender, and now Flender was standing alone on the window sill of his hotel.Looking up at the starry sky full of stars, he said: "You go back to eat, what are you doing here?"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yin sacrificed Ma Hongjun beside him as a hidden weapon. After all, isn't this the time when Ma Hongjun appeared as a disciple?

Ma Hongjun obviously understood Tang Yin's meaning, although he staggered a little, he still came to Flender just in time and said, "Teacher, are you still sad because of Master's proposal?"

Flender shook his head and said to his apprentice's question, "No, it's not enough to be sad, it's just a little bit lost. After all, Xiaogang didn't have any preparations for this matter, so I was a little caught off guard by directly bringing it up. It's okay, you don't need to persuade me, I just want to be quiet now."

"So who is this Jingjing?" In the end Tang Yin still couldn't hold back.There was no way, the two of them chatted too tediously, for the sake of his children's future education, Tang Yin decided to end it himself.

Shrek Completion Plan, action!


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Chapter 180 Five Lanba Academy

Flender: "..." He was questioned by Tang Yin's words, and his train of thought was interrupted.

And Tang Yin didn't give Flender too much time to adjust, and bumped the fat man to signal him to get straight to the point.And Ma Hongjun reacted quickly, and immediately rubbed his chubby face and said: "Teacher, to be honest, I think the master's idea of ​​borrowing chickens to lay eggs is very good, and I don't even know whether the current you are or not. Depressed about what?"

"Borrowing chickens to lay eggs?" His train of thought was interrupted, Flender subconsciously followed the apprentice, and asked curiously.

Seeing that Flender finally showed signs of letting go, Ma Hongjun immediately followed up and said, "Well, isn't the master's trick just borrowing the chicken to lay the egg? Borrowing their excellent conditions from the Royal Academy to help us grow, and we help them play Fame is the reward."

Flender just looked at Ma Hongjun blankly like this. Although the metaphor of his own apprentice is really not very good, it has indeed opened up a new way of thinking for the current Flender. Cheer up.

"Borrowing the chicken to lay the egg, what a borrowing the chicken to lay the egg. After all, I am too persistent. The master has said it so clearly but I didn't realize it. After all, what is the difference between earlier and later? Even later One point, Shrek will end after all, and when the time comes, Master will draw a sentence for us Shrek and help us arrange our belonging."

"Uh... I think it's too early to say something like a full stop." Tang Yin said at this time, after all, Ma Hongjun's work is completed, and the next step is the focus of his Shrek completion plan.

"Little Yin, what do you mean?" Hearing Tang Yin's words, Flender's attention was instantly attracted.

"Actually, I know an academy that is more suitable for us than Tiandou Royal Academy." Tang Yin said with an inscrutable expression.

"Little Silver, this matter is not as simple as you think. Not to mention the facilities, it is hard to find a college that can accept all kinds of conditions offered by the master before and accept all the teachers of Shrek." Fran De said, after all, Flender, who had already figured it out, didn't pay too much attention to Tang Yin's previous statement, "It's still too early to say something like a full stop."

"I know that the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is not the only academy in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, and the academy I am talking about is like this. It has very complete academy facilities, but it is not like the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Accepting noble students, especially in the last All-Continent Soul Master Exchange Competition, their players even defeated the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy. Of course, these are not the most important, the final thing is that the name of this academy is ——Lanba Academy!" When Tang Yin said this, the corner of his mouth was smiling like a fox who wanted to steal a chicken, but after thinking about what he was doing now, he turned into an innocent face...

"Blue Tyrannosaurus Academy... the name sounds familiar... Blue Tyrant Academy...wait for the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex! I remember their dean, Xiaoyin..." At this moment, Flender went smoothly. After understanding Tang Yin's meaning, he looked at Tang Yin with a lowered expression.

"Hey, that's right, their Dean is the one you think Dean? Dean, how about my proposal?"

"Okay, Xiaoyin, you really awakened the dreamer with just one word. Let's go to Lanba Academy, hahahaha. Good! Everything is arranged by fate, hahaha!" Flender said several times in a row. To express my feelings, it can be said that Flender's mood now is completely different from when he first came out.

Don't worry Erlongmei, this time, big brother, even if I tie up Master Wuhuada, I will throw him in front of you again. Our golden iron triangle will finally reunite again...

For a while, Flender's thoughts kept drifting away, to the days when they met in the past.

Seeing Flender like this, Tang Yin really admired him. In order not to destroy the relationship between the three of them and at the same time fulfill the Grandmaster and Liu Erlong, Flender actually forcibly turned his feelings towards Liu Erlong into family, or family.This sounds incredible, but Flender did it!

And Flender, who had completely figured it out, didn't hesitate anymore, and said with a big hand: "Go, go back and announce my final decision." After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the hotel.

"Brother Yin? What are you talking about? I'm fine. The teacher is so excited after hearing this, and there is such a big difference in attitude?" Ma Hongjun was absolutely inconceivable seeing the changes in Flender before and after.Come to Tang Yin for the first time to inquire about the situation.

"Fatty, remember, you didn't know anything about the conversation I had with Dean Flender before. You didn't hear anything, and no one was allowed to say anything, especially the master. Otherwise, not only will I not be able to spare you, but neither will your teacher. I will let you go, understand?" Tang Yin said with a look on his face that if you dare to speak out, I will pull you out for solo practice tomorrow.

"Obey!" Seeing Tang Yin's serious emphasis, Ma Hongjun immediately said that what the boss said was correct, and absolutely obeyed the boss's arrangement. M.


On the other side, the master was already chatting with Qin Ming about some details about the Shrek people going to Tiandou Royal Academy, and at this moment, Flender, who had recovered, walked in with strides.The master and the others were taken aback by the great changes before and after.For a moment, everyone was curious about what Ma Hongjun and Tang Yin said to Flender.

"Xiao Ming, I'm sorry, I finally decided that we don't want to go to Tiandou Royal Academy." As a result, everyone was still curious about how Flender recovered, and Flender's first sentence made the master anxious .

"Flender, you..." The master thought that Flender hadn't thought it through clearly, and was about to launch a wave of violent damage to the opponent, but Flender stopped him first.

"I just remembered that I have a very strong friend who also opened a college. When she opened the college, she asked me to work with him, but I refused at the time. But now the past is just right, and The various colleges and facilities on her side are very complete, and as far as my relationship with her is concerned, it’s hard to be passive, and it’s very easy to ask a deputy dean to come to Dangdang, so that we can arrange more guarantees for the brothers when the time comes, right?” Flender said.

Finally, Flender looked at the master and said with a smile: "Don't worry, master, you've figured out what you mean, don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who would hurt the future of little monsters for the sake of face."


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Chapter 180 The Sixth Shrek People's Psychological Shadow Area...

"Okay, since you know what's in your mind, I'm relieved." The master said, as a partner for many years, he knew very well that Flender was definitely not the kind of person who would ignore his child's future for the sake of his own face.

Seeing the master's unconditional trust in him, Flender was also very happy, and finally said to Qin Ming: "Xiao Ming, I'm sorry, I'm going to waste your previous painstaking efforts." After all, Qin Ming was communicating with the master before. Something he heard too.Flender was really a little embarrassed that the disciple was so concerned about his own affairs, but he rejected it with a single sentence.

"We don't need to care about the dean. On the contrary, we can see that the dean and the teachers can get the best affiliation. This is the best news for the students today." Qin Ming didn't care about these things, after all, what he did Everything is for the greatest benefit for Flender and others, and now Flender has a better place to go.So he doesn't mind.

"Okay, since this matter is completely settled like this, let me say one more thing before the end." At this time, the master called everyone to draw everyone's attention back, and at this time Tang Yin and Ma Hongjun also came back from the balcony, Just in time for this scene.

"Now that you have obtained the Silver Fighting Soul Badge, tomorrow will start the final assessment of the second stage of confusion. You will fight against Tang Yin without using the fourth spirit ability. As for the passing criteria, we will compare it with your team. The performance among them has been persisted for a comprehensive evaluation. If anyone fails, then an additional month of physical training will be added." After the master finished speaking, he looked at Qin Ming.

As a result, before the master could say anything, Yu Tianheng beside him exclaimed and asked, "What? Wait, uncle, you just said the fourth soul skill, right? Tang Yin is already a soul sect ?"

The same astonishment not only appeared on Yu Tianheng's face, the Huangdou team was shocked from the mentor to the team members.After all, in the previous exchanges, they already knew that Tang Yin was Tang San's younger brother, who was also only 13 years old this year. For the 13-year-old Soul Sect, this kind of thing is too subverting everyone's perception.The daily three views are shaken...

"Oh, I'm sorry... This is my fault. Speaking of which, I haven't fully introduced myself." Tang Yin walked directly to the dining table, and while walking, he stepped out of four soul rings with Tang Yin's every step Appear one by one in order.Yellow, purple, purple, red!The configuration of the four heaven-defying soul rings directly shattered the three views of everyone in the Huangdou team.

"Ten... ten... 10-year soul ring!" Especially after seeing the fourth 10-year soul ring clearly, Dugu Yan and the others were completely at a loss when they saw these for the first time. Failed to enter downtime...

It was precisely because the shock of the 10-year soul was so great that Tang Yin's second thousand-year soul ring was directly forgotten by them in front of them.

At this time, Tang Yin's voice was also idle again: Dharma Protector Yasha Tang Yin, Martial Soul Blue Silver Firearms, Level 45 Assault Part-time Control Department Battle Soul Sect. "

"Level 45!" This level was reported, and the Huangdou team directly ignored Tang Yin's strange position as a strong attack and part-time control system of the Soul Sect.The three views that had been stabilized just a second ago continued to collapse.

Looking at the shocked members of the Huangdou team, Shrek said, don't be six.They are used to it.

"Teacher Qin, I would like to ask, when are you planning to leave, are you in a hurry?" The master interrupted Tang Yin's desire to continue pretending.Otherwise, it will take a long time for them to rebuild the Three Views.

"We're not in a hurry about this. What's the matter, master?" Qin Ming was obviously stunned for a moment before recovering and replied

"If there is time, I would like Yu Tianheng to join our Shrek's final test tomorrow." The master said.

"Uncle, you are Yao, shall I team up with Tang Yin to fight? But... Although Tang Yin's level... the soul ring configuration...but..." Yu Tianheng wanted to describe the suffering of this kind of plan, but But for a while, he couldn't find words to describe Tang Yin, so that Yu Tianheng was stuck here like a bug, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Although Tang Yin is very inhuman, relying on the two of us alone to fight against Dai Mubai and the others is still somewhat..." In the end, Yu Tianheng finally thought of an adjective that he thought was the most appropriate.

Tang Yin: "..." If you can't speak, you can donate your mouth to those who need it...

The master obviously also found that the other party had misunderstood and said: "Tian Heng, you misunderstood."

"That's it, I'll just say..." Yu Tianheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the master say that he had misunderstood, but before he could relax, the master's voice continued to sound: "I asked you and Shi Lake and everyone form a team together to fight against Tang Yin."

Yu Tianheng: "??" He felt that he must have misheard, but seeing everyone's reactions, he didn't... At this moment, Yu Tianheng was completely messed up...

"Tianheng, after my observation of your various behaviors during this period, although you have realized your current shortcomings, you have no determination to completely correct them. Or you don't pay much attention to them. So this time, I plan to let you have a goal, and let you see a real genius. Tomorrow's game must not be careless. For example, Xiaosan, how is your score against Tang Yin now? "

"Teacher, all members of our team have played 81 battles with Tang Yin so far, with one win and eighty losses!" Tang San said.

"How is it possible?" Everyone in the Huangdou team, who had finally rebuilt their three views, failed to restart again.No way, at level 45 they can use Tang Yin's talent to decide to understand, but at level 45, they directly won [-] wins in the hands of everyone in Shrek, is this still human?

Those who just fought against the Shrek people knew the strength of the Shrek people best, but such a team was abused by Tang Yin alone, which could not be explained by talent.

"Uh... that master, since senior Qin Ming and the others didn't leave so soon, why don't everyone in the Royal Fighting Team join together? After all, Yutian has a high degree of tacit understanding with his teammates, and the degree of tacit understanding with the elder brother and the others They have to be re-trained, and one is a fight, and two are also a fight, I can directly choose two." Tang Yin said, after all, this is a reasonable and legal opportunity to avenge his own wife, and Tang Yin will certainly not miss it.

Why do you ask that everyone is not all friends now, why are you still thinking about revenge.Just kidding, the old man is still my father, do you think my enemy has been pulled down?

And everyone in Shrek, who instantly saw Tang Yin's intentions, could only mourn for their teammates tomorrow for three seconds... Wait... Teammates?Doesn't that mean they won't be able to shoot tomorrow...

Seek the psychological shadow area of ​​Shrek people...


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Chapter 180 Non-human creatures that look like humans, they said they would not evaluate them!

Everyone in Shrek recalled that after Yao defeated Tang Yin inexplicably with a sentence they didn't understand at all, they were beaten down by Tang Yin the next day with a bruised nose and a swollen face. You must know that even when a girl was knocked down, there was an extra head on her head. Bag.Even the steps are all run with the bag on, except of course Yao...

And now everyone in the Huangdou team on the opposite side has wounded Yao after all, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living penalty cannot be escaped.With Tang Yin's character as a wife-protecting madman, they feel that there is a high probability that they will be miserable tomorrow...

It's a pity that Qin Ming, who was practicing against each other, didn't realize the seriousness of this matter. From his point of view, now is an excellent opportunity. It is the existence of true geniuses, and if they win, it will also allow them to regain some confidence and at the same time increase their relationship with everyone in Shrek.

"I don't have any objections here. Master, why don't you bring all my students with you for this duel? You can arrange all the duels." Qin Ming said to the master. It's two teams.So Qin Ming didn't take it seriously, and finally chose to let the master arrange it.

"That's not bad, otherwise it's not good for Tang Yin to have too little pressure in every battle." The master has no objection to Tang Yin and Qin Ming's views.

"No? We're the only ones who haven't been under pressure? Is Brother Tang Yin so strong? Our two teams have a total of 14 people. Not to mention that Dai Mubai and our boss are both close to level [-]." This time even Ye Lingling couldn't help asking.

"That's right, what's more, you don't let Tang Yin use his forty-odd soul skills, so harsh, and there is no pressure?" Oslo also felt incredible.

"Don't ask, the reason why you have this idea is because you don't know anything about Tang Yin's strength. Tang Yin's martial spirit is very special. If nothing else, guess how many Tang Yin has now? Soul skills? Not four, up to now, Xiaoyin already has dozens of skills in one martial spirit... Also, let me tell you something, we fight against Xiaoyin with all members, so it is not a pair of fourteen, but It's a pair of fifteen." Dai Mubai said emphatically.

After all, everyone will be teammates suffering together tomorrow, so of course some information must be shared.

So the next step is for everyone in Shrek to start researching and explaining Tang Yin's five skills, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of Tang Yin's firearms with various attributes.Plus two external spirit bones...

So the three views of everyone in the Tiandou team are like this, repeatedly rubbed by all kinds of inhumane, ground into powder and then rebuilt, and then continue to be repeatedly reincarnated in the process of being ground into powder...

It was only then that they realized that the Eight Spider Lances that Tang San instantly killed them before were also external spirit bones, but this also made them even more surprised. After all, these two brothers actually possess such precious external spirit bones. The younger brother is even more perverted, and there are two more, is this fucking human?

At this moment, they suddenly realized that the captain's description of Tang Yin before was so apt, this guy is definitely not human!

"Okay, let's go here first today, everyone go back to rest early. We will return to the academy early tomorrow morning, and the game will start in the afternoon. Let me tell you first, you have two chances for this match, one in the afternoon and one in the evening." When we disbanded, I told everyone.

At this time, Yao was also beside Tang Yin, and whispered to Tang Yin: "Just play casually, and don't embarrass others. The purpose of our use is to discover our own weaknesses. This time, it is also a good thing to discover my passive judgment loopholes. If it weren't for them, it would be more dangerous to know in the future."

"Okay, I'll listen to my wife." Of course Tang Yin knew what Yao meant, so he didn't say much about it.No way, who called Yao is such a gentle person?

Since Yaodu came here to tell him on purpose, Tang Yin can't help it, so let's make their flesh and blood suffer faster, anyway, they still have to be beaten after all.Thinking about how to deal with everyone tomorrow, Tang Yin couldn't help laughing again like Master De.


After a night of nothing, everyone went to Shrek Academy with Flender early the next morning, but it was different from going out, this time they brought everyone from the Royal Fighting Team with them, so that the number immediately increased.

Among them, Qin Ming needless to say, knowing that he will set off back to the academy in the morning, he can be said to be the most excited. After all, this is the first time he has returned to his alma mater after graduation. Naturally, don't hesitate to be excited, and the familiar scenery on the way is even more exciting. It made him feel a lot of emotion.

Also looking forward to it were the members of the Huangdou team. After all, they were also very curious about what the alma mater of their teacher Qin Ming was like?Not to mention that this school also cultivated monsters like the Shrek Eight Monsters.What?You asked, didn't Shrek have nine students?What about Tang Yin?

It's very simple, in order to rebuild the Three Views, everyone in the Tiandou team has a tacit understanding, just like everyone in Shrek, and directly classifies Tang Yin as an inappropriate person.And for this kind of non-human creature that only looks like a human, they express their disapproval!

"This... is this your academy? You are really good..." Seeing the appearance of Shrek Academy, everyone in the Emperor Fighting Team didn't know what words to use to describe it. After all, the soul in front of him The downfall of the Teachers College has also exceeded their imagination, and there is no equipment to assist cultivation.But even under such learning conditions, everyone in Shrek still reached the current level.

This is powerful to describe students, but also to describe teachers...

"The academy is still the same..." When Qin Ming saw the academy that didn't seem to have changed since he left, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Huh? Teacher Qin? What is that flying in the sky over there?" At this moment, the two brothers of the Shi family asked curiously when they saw the air combat machines Kuangfeng and Baofeng divided into two teams in the sky.

Hearing the student's question, Qin Ming also looked over, but it was clear that strong winds and storms were his blind spots in knowledge, so he could only look curiously at Dean Flender, after all, he had never seen this thing before.

"They are what I told you yesterday, Tang Yin's fourth soul skill, the mechanical part, one of which is the air combat mechanical wind and storm. Don't take it lightly when you think it is the fourth soul skill, their limit flying speed can be close to five Normal flying spirit masters of the tenth level. Add them to fight in groups. Just the small team of Gale and Storm that we see now can directly wipe out our two teams." Ma Hongjun took the lead in introducing.

"This... this is too strong..." Even if you already know Tang Yin's defying nature, you still can't believe it when you see it...


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