And they are different, because of the reason he appeared.Their family is much richer than in the original book.The small money Tang Yin brought out alone was enough for Tang Yin and Tang San's various living expenses this year.

As for Tang Yin's words, Tang San naturally wouldn't object, after all, it was his own Oududou who beat the girl.It is also necessary to invite a guest.

At this time, a middle-aged mentor in his 50s and [-]s came to the dormitory and shouted: "Who are Tang San and Tang Yin here?"

"We are, what's the matter, teacher?" Tang San brought his Oududou over and said.

"Our Mr. Mo here, these are the quilts that the master asked me to bring to you." Said, Mr. Mo handed the two three-piece bed sets to Tang Yin and Tang San.

"Thank you, Mr. Mo, thank you!" the two brothers said after taking their quilts.

Next, Teacher Mo talked to Tang Yin and the others about the area that the two brothers were responsible for cleaning as work-study students.In the end, he told some precautions in the school before leaving.

As for the boss of their dormitory, it still fell on Xiao Wu in the end, there was no way.It was originally said that Tang Yin defeated Xiao Wu and Yao, and Tang Yin was going to be the head of the house.But Tang Yin upheld the principle that he would not do such a troublesome thing with his brother around, and pushed it to Tang San.

As a result, Tang San returned to Xiao Wu on the grounds that Xiao Wu had defeated him before, and Xiao Wu didn't want to be the head of the house because she had never beaten Tang Yin.

A group of people seem to be stuck in a bug, and they just can't move around this point.In the end, Yao proposed to use the most sacred rock-paper-scissors to determine the ownership of the final boss.

And Xiao Wu, with the advantage of a piece of cloth, directly got rid of the stones of the two brothers and became the boss here.In order to celebrate the birth of the new boss, Wang Sheng invited everyone to dinner as a senior.This brought Tang Yin back to his college days.

I think back then, when I had a lot of quarrels with a few rebellious sons, the relationship was quite good.What?You ask why Tang Yin and his roommate have such a good relationship.Are you kidding me, would you argue with your five sons?

And the most frequently recognized father is when someone helps to bring meals and treat guests...

Seeing Wang Sheng like this gave Tang Yin a sense of déjà vu.

A group of people rushed to the cafeteria like this, and because of the previous fight between Tang Yin and Xiao Wu, they did not meet the master in the cafeteria this time, and naturally there was no such thing as Wang Sheng insulting the master.

On the way back, the master asked someone to give them a message.Tell them to meet him in his office after dinner.Tang Yin and Tang San also knew the purpose, the master wanted to see the real situation of their spirits.

The master is worthy of being a master, the moment he saw the Clear Sky Hammer, he had already guessed about the life experiences of the two brothers.And like Tang Hao, he once again asked them not to attach any soul rings to the Clear Sky Hammer.Then they began to study the next soul master route of the two.

Here Tang San's future route is actually no surprise, the control system is his best choice.But when it comes to Tang Yin, the master is a little entangled. As far as the setting of Tang Yin's long-range ADC is concerned, strong control is definitely a more suitable one.But Tang Yin's movement speed is there, and it would be good if it develops in the direction of sensitive attack.After all, speed is also a very important factor in long-range attacks.

In the end, it was Tang Yin who made the final decision. First, let's see what the skill of the first soul ring he got was, and based on this, decide the direction of the next upgrade.The Master agrees with this.

"Teacher, why don't you and father allow us to attach a spirit ring to this hammer spirit?" Tang San said.

And hearing his elder brother's words, Tang Yin covered his face for a while.After all, this is actually a matter of time to understand.When Tang Yin first read the novel, he felt that this was definitely a bug.After all, when Tang San arrived in Shrek, Tang San already had a very rich knowledge of martial spirits and spirit beasts in terms of martial spirits, but even though his knowledge was so clear, he still didn't understand the problems.

Moreover, Tang Hao had told them before that twin martial spirits can make normal breakthroughs by relying on one, so combining them together, after the level is higher, it is easy to figure out how to absorb the spirit ring for the hammer?

But it was such a simple question, Tang San, who was so smart and could be called an old fox, couldn't figure it out. It can be said that if Dugu Bo hadn't reminded him, it would probably take longer to figure it out.

"Brother, where did your usual cleverness go, why did you waste time on such a simple question?" Tang Yin said, covering his face.

"Huh? Xiao Yin, have you thought of the reason?" Tang San asked Tang Yin curiously, after all it was in his impression.My younger brother is often misbehaving, but being witty is definitely not Oududou's personality.

"Didn't the master say it before? Each martial spirit level has a corresponding upper limit for absorbing the spirit ring." Tang Yin said.

"I know this, but what does this have to do with our hammer?" Tang San asked curiously.

At this time, the master also turned his attention to Tang Yin who was on the side. He didn't expect Tang Yin to have already guessed the deep meaning of him and their father not letting the hammer attach the soul ring just by relying on what he said just now.

"Think about it, when we are seventy or eighty levels in the future, or even Title Douluo. At that time, we will put a soul ring on our hammer, then we can get a soul ring that lasts ten thousand years or even one hundred thousand years Matching?" Speaking of this, thinking about the Haotian Hammer, which is full of 10-year-old soul rings, Tang Yin wants to sacrifice his sister-in-law to the sky again...


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Chapter 18 Yao's Cheat

"But the question is, can my body really bear the burden brought by so many spirit rings? After all, that's nine more spirit rings than ordinary people." Tang San said with some worry.

The master sighed when he saw the two brothers discussing a problem. He really didn't expect Tang Yin and Tang San to be so smart, and they could think so far-reaching just by listening to a note they said.

"Brother, tell me you're stupid, you can't do it. Didn't the master just say that absorbing spirit bones can enhance our physical fitness? When the time comes, we will all have spirit bones bonuses, so there is nothing to worry about." Tang Yin said .

Tang Yin didn't respond to Tang San's words, but there was a loud noise in the master's mind on the other side, and an aura of Conan's style flashed in the master's mind.

Yes, you can enhance your physique by absorbing spirit bones.In this way, in the later stage, the twin martial souls will be more and more burdened on the body due to more and more soul rings, and finally the shortcomings caused by insufficient physical strength can be perfectly made up for.

"Did you use this method to complete it..." A figure appeared in the master's mind.

Shaking his head, the master dismissed the picture that appeared in his mind, and brought his attention back to reality. After all, it doesn't matter if you know some things, and some things cannot be changed after all.

"That's right, that's what your father and I meant, but to be honest, we didn't think about how to deal with the burden on the body after too many soul rings, but Tang Yin's idea is indeed a very good idea, through the soul bone to improve the body Quality. And this may be the last piece of the puzzle for your peak achievement." The master's tone now is a little excited, and he has once again found a very valuable research topic.

Next, he plans to study the feasibility of this point of view. If the second martial spirit is a ten thousand year spirit ring, how many years does it take for the spirit bone?If the second spirit ring is lucky enough to get a 10-year-old one, what year do their spirit bones need?

"I want to sort out the ideas and methods that Xiaoyin said. You go back today. I will take you to obtain the soul ring tomorrow." The master drove Tang Yin and Tang San out with a look of excitement. Brothers are confused...

But the master is still very concerned about the two brothers, worrying about their food and nutrition.At the last closing, the two brothers were given an oiled paper bag, each of them a big chicken leg, plus a big meat bag and some side dishes.

"Now is the critical moment for you to grow your body. You must pay attention to eating. If you don't have enough money, come to me. Well, you can leave now." The master closed the door and showed the appearance of a scientific researcher. vividly.


At night, in the complex cleaning area of ​​the two brothers Tang Yin and Xiao Wu in the academy, Tang San was talking to Xiao Wu about the two brothers going to get the spirit ring tomorrow.And hearing this, Xiao Wu complained for a while and said: "You left just after school started, what about the work? Do you two boys want us two girls to do it?"

"Sorry, sorry. After we come back, we will pay you twice the amount of work, and we will treat it as an apology, and then I will treat you to an extra meal." Tang San said.

The brothers and sisters here were chatting about work, but what they didn't know was that they weren't the only ones who didn't go back to the dormitory tonight.

On the roof not far away, Tang Yin and Yao sat on the eaves.The two just watched their first date with Ernie's house and Ernie-chan.

"I was really surprised today. I really didn't expect that when I came to this world, I would still meet fellow villagers." Tang Yin said with some emotion.

"I'm more surprised, okay? Do you know how I came here these years? I was curious before. When I discovered the Douluo Continent I came to, I deliberately recorded the relevant memories. As a result A few years ago, I suddenly found that it was useless, and now it seems that it is definitely the butterfly effect brought by you." Yao also said with some emotion.After all, Tang Yin has only been in this world for a few years, but she has been in this world for more than a hundred thousand years.

"Hey, hey, you can throw things around, but you can't talk nonsense. I haven't been out of the Holy Soul Village since I came to this world. The only butterfly effect that appeared was that I was supposed to see an awakened Blue Silver Grass girl, but in the end I saw her. It's an awakening pan..." Tang Yin immediately expressed that he would not take the blame when he heard Yao's words.

"And no matter how you think about the butterfly effect, it should be you. After all, you are still a hundred thousand years old..." Tang Yin didn't dare to continue, because he had clearly felt a strong murderous intent locking him in. .

"Xiao Yinjiang, what did you just say? Didn't hear clearly." Yao looked at Tang Yin with a smile on his face and said every word with a smile.

"'s nothing, I just suddenly feel that the sun is so round today...ha...haha." Tang Yin tentatively changed the topic in embarrassment...

For Tang Yin's excuse that doesn't even make sense to logic, Yao is too lazy to pay attention to him.

"It will be clear when you see it by yourself. I look forward to your expression then." Yao said with a smirk on her face.

"Uh... But having said that, your memory is really strong. It's been so long, and you still remember these things." Tang Yin said enviously.

There is one thing to say, Tang Yin thinks that if he lives for 10 years or something, he will probably forget what he was called in his previous life.

"Tch, you are allowed to hang up as you said, so I can't hang up?" Yao said with a small and arrogant face.

"Speaking of which, what exactly is your cheat?" Tang Yin asked curiously.

"Well, I surpassed it when I was playing Glory of Kings. As for the hero I use, you can see my martial soul." Yao said.

"Yeah, this is what I'm mainly curious about. After all, even if you add passive skills to Yao's words, there are only four skills. It's not that four soul rings are enough. What about the others?" Tang Yin asked curiously road.After all, I have been curious about this question for a long time.

"Correct you, to be precise, it's three, because the passive has been there since the beginning. But now my skills have no cooldown time, which means that all control skills are ineffective against nothing. The only estimate of the nemesis is I can't attack when I'm in a deer state..." Yao said.


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Chapter 19 The master is ignorant...

"Oh, I understand when you say that. Simply put, your passive is equivalent to a low-end version of Obito Kamui. This is good enough, a passive skill, and you don't need to trigger it at all. And you become a deer. Sometimes you are in an invincible state, and others can't do you any harm at all, what else do you want. But what about the soul ring after that?" Tang Yin asked curiously.

"This is my plug-in. After the tenth level, I can have one more skill slot, and these skill slots can be used to place any summoner skills. After changing it once, it can't be changed again until after twelve o'clock in the evening of the same day. And my summoner The skills are the same as ordinary skills, and the skills do not need to be cooled." Yao said proudly.After all, the summoner skills in Glory of Kings are still very practical, not only with strong auxiliary abilities but also very comprehensive.

There are 10 skills in total: sprint, smiting, healing, finishing, berserk, interference, stun, purification, weakening, and flash.From attacks to various status bonuses and treatments, to various limiting debuffs on enemies.

Among other things, just one end, think about killing Yao infinitely without CD, this is simply a skill against the sky in the residual blood game.After all, let's understand the real damage.

"My God, this hanging is a bit exaggerated." Tang Yin obviously thought of the horror involved. "I can already imagine the fear of being dominated by Zhanshayao in this world." Tang Yin imagined how he would let Zhansha go, tsk tsk, it's scary to think about it.

"As for why I can remember the past so clearly, it's because of another cheat of mine. But it's a little wrong to say that cheat, after all, this is the ability of the body itself that I traveled to this world, that is the innate spirit Sea and the accompanying absolute memory," Yao said.

"I'm dammit, innate spirit sea! You mean..." Tang Yin has already begun to envy Yao, who is also a time traveler, why is there such a big gap in being a human being?

"That's right, just as you think. Because of my own relationship with the god deer, my spiritual power, the starting point is already your end point." Yao said proudly.It can be said that Yao does not know the Purple Demon Eye, otherwise he would directly transform into Uchiha Yao, and start with an infinite more Douluo version.Isn't it directly invincible in the early stage?

"That's right, it's exactly what you think. Because of the relationship between my body and the deer, the starting point of my spiritual power is the spiritual sea." Yao said.

"Why is everyone a time traveler? I only have one Wuhun blue silver firearm here, but you have so many, blah blah blah. Boss, do you lack any pendants on your legs? The kind that can be cute... ..." At this moment, Tang Yin looked at Yao with extremely devout eyes.

"Sorry, I'm just a "weak" auxiliary system soul master, and..." A soul ring appeared under Yao's body, and the next moment Yao turned into a spirit body and flew to Tang Yin's head. www.

"I am a professional pendant, so keep working hard, young boy." Yao said in the tone of a time chicken.

After all, Tang Yin has such a convenient and powerful long-range martial soul, this is simply his best mount!

"Don't worry, I won't cheat on my teammates. As a pendant, I'm absolutely professional. Guofu Yao will find out!" Seeing that Tang Yin didn't reply, Yao thought that Tang Yin was afraid that she would cheat her and continued.

Until this moment, if you finally let out the anger of being defeated by Tang Yin, hehe, so what if you have a hot weapon plug-in, I have more words than you!

As a result, after Yao finished speaking, she still didn't hear Tang Yin's voice, so Yao looked at Tang Yin curiously.

And Tang Yin didn't speak now, but simply raised his head...


"Ah ~ teacher. Where are we going to find our spirit ring?" In a carriage, Tang San asked while yawning.

"What's the matter with you two brothers? You're just fine, so what's the matter with your bruised nose and swollen face?" The Great God asked the two brothers, who were obviously not in a good state of mind.

There is no way, now the two brothers are like a boy who opened a certain mysterious door one night, they come several times in one night...

"'s nothing, I accidentally knocked on the door when I got up to go to the bathroom last night." Tang Yin said in a vague tone.After all, what he did last night was really not very authentic...

"Uh... what about you, little San?" The master looked at Tang San, who was more energetic than Tang Yin, and asked again.

"I'm fine, just because I'm about to get the spirit ring, I didn't sleep well last night." Tang San also made an excuse casually.After all, he came back later than Tang Yin and the others last night, so he had no choice but to be dragged by Xiao Wu for a long time.

"Don't worry, we don't have any problems. Teacher, you can continue to talk about Wuhun." Tang San continued.

"Well, that's good. Under normal circumstances, our soul masters will rely on the year of the soul beast to distinguish them..." The Great God has already begun to explain seriously at the side, but these settings that Tang Yin has known for a long time now appear in his It was simply the top lullaby in the world.

The more the master talked, Tang Yin felt that his head was getting heavier.

In order not to let himself fall asleep right away, Tang Yin decided to ask the master something he didn't know.

"That...Master...ask me, why does the soul ring of a soul master change color due to different years?..." Tang Yin asked intermittently.

"Ah?" Tang Yin suddenly asked, but the master didn't react for a while.

"Why is this soul ring only one ring? Or why is it round? Not a triangle, a square, etc.? And why are the same creatures in this world, soul masters have soul rings, and we humans or There are no soul masters. Why do humans have martial souls and why don’t soul beasts? Is there any relationship between our beast martial souls and soul beasts? If so, what about the various weapons and martial souls?”

The master is ignorant...

(Uh... Sanshou didn't explain these problems in the original book... Right... Anyway, Erha couldn't find it after searching for a long time. This may be a work that Erha didn't see much of Douluo Yi's accident. So here may be There is a bug. Erha first apologizes to all the book friends here. Erha is full of desire to survive jpg.)

And the questions Tang Yin asked in a daze really stunned the master for a while.After all, he really didn't think about what Tang Yin said.It's as if no one before Newton would have thought about playing with apples that would fall from a tree instead of flying away.

Often some things that seem to be taken for granted will make people ignore...


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Chapter 20 Entering the Hunting Forest

For a while, the master was directly confused by Tang Yin's series of questions, one said one, and these questions were not studied, or even paid attention to.Not to mention others, even if it is him who has a ceiling in the theoretical field, the master suddenly feels that his research is weak.

After all, for Tang Yin's question, his research is somewhat simple.To know his most peak research results, they are nothing more than what they look like:

The level of innate soul power is directly proportional to the strength of the martial soul.

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