Martial souls only have tool martial souls and beast martial souls, nothing else.

Most weapon souls advocate assisting, while beast martial souls mostly advocate attacking.

Soul masters have their own development directions and so on.

In comparison, the master himself felt that his research direction was superficial, but even so, he was still regarded as theoretically invincible by the Wuhun world in the theoretical circle.

"And if we know the formation of soul masters, can we create artificial soul rings? If we can achieve artificial soul rings, can we artificially increase the age of soul rings..." Tang Yin continued to ask, but his voice became more and more serious. come smaller.

These problems were seen by Tang Yin himself when he was reading novels and browsing forums.At this time, I am curious to ask, after all, the most peak theory in this world comes from the master.

But in Tang Yin's opinion, the master's ten sets of theories were somewhat private. Among other things, there was only one sentence: there are no useless martial souls, only soul masters who can't cultivate.

This was obviously used to comfort him, don't tell him anything, didn't his elder brother just use the blue silver grass?

Just kidding, is my brother a normal Blue Silver Grass? He is the Blue Silver Emperor, even if he has not fully awakened, Dugu Bo also said that Tang San's Blue Silver Grass is stronger than normal Blue Silver Grass...

And the master here found that since he was completely questioned by a child, the atmosphere in the carriage became awkward for a while.

Maybe it was because he hadn't heard the master's reply, Tang Yin finally couldn't hold it back, his head fell on his elder brother's shoulder unexpectedly and fell asleep.

"Uh... that... teacher... I'm sorry, Xiaoyin..." Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Tang San wanted to help O Doudou, but because Tang Yin used him as a pillow, he now Still can't move.

As a result, before Tang San could speak, the master waved his hand and said, "It's okay, not to mention your teacher, I'm not so stingy, just the questions Tang Yin mentioned, each one is a research direction that I haven't thought about before, and if It is really possible to succeed in research, which is definitely an unprecedented achievement for us human beings, even a subversive existence. Xiao San, please wait first, I will write down Xiao Yin's question, and we will continue the class." Master The more he talked, the more excited he became. At this moment, he even regretted why he didn't force Tang Yin to be his disciple.

This child's brain circuit is too strange, but it is such a strange brain circuit.But we can find so many topics of great research value.He had only known Tang Yin for a few days, and his research topics suddenly increased.

Time passed continuously during the master's class to Tang San, and then, just like the original book, the master gave Tang San his own soul guide, and looked at the 24 spaces attached to the soul guide.Tang San named it: 24 Moonlit Bridges!

This time Tang Yin slept well, and the facts proved that the quality of Tang San's brand pillows was indeed very good.This sleep went straight to the destination.

Tang Yin, who was shaken awake by his elder brother, heard someone shouting not far away when he got out of the car: "Twenty gold coins to help hunt the hundred-year-old soul beast, and there are two places left."

"Let's form a team to hunt down fire-type soul beasts, and get an assistant."

"Form a team to hunt down a thousand-year-old soul beast, with a brand and support, and then a defense-type soul master or agility-type..."

All kinds of team invitations and sales voices, hearing Tang Yin's instant illusion of dreaming back to the online game, there is no way, this scene is too similar to the scene before he played the online game and made a dungeon.

Seeing that the two brothers were so interested in forming a team, the master began to introduce to them the composition and relationship between the soul master and the team.And the best team configuration.This made Tang Yin feel like he was just playing the game, and there was a big guy explaining the strategy to take him away.

Tang Yin was really excited about starting the first hunt in his life soon.

"Master, let's find a restaurant to eat before we set off!" Tang Yin suddenly said to the master. After all, as a hunter, how could he not eat cat food before hunting?Although there are no Ailu cats in this world, it is not impossible to replace them with some human delicacies.After all, Tang Yin, Douluo's local delicacy, hadn't tasted much.

"Hahaha, that's okay. I remember that there is a very good restaurant not far away, and we just adjusted our status there." The master nodded and said.After all, after riding all the way in the car, it is really necessary to adjust it carefully.

While eating, the master began to eat again, while explaining to Tang San and Tang Yin the purpose and origin of the Wuhun Token that they needed to get in and out, but Tang Yin didn't listen at all.You tell your story, we cook people, cook souls.

You guys who are not active in cooking have problems in your thinking, and you are all proper heresies. We cooking talents should not confuse you when eating.

After the meal, the master took the two brothers to buy a lot of white radishes, sweet potatoes, crotons and the like.These things were put into Tang San's 24 bridges by the master in the moonlit night.Looking at the things the master went in, Tang Yin, who knew the reason, felt a chill for no reason.Don't talk about it, this blow is not very harmful, but it is extremely insulting!

In this way, while explaining all kinds of knowledge, the master brought the two brothers to the entrance of the Imperial Soul Hunting Forest.

After seeing the token issued by the Wuhun Temple in the master's hand, the soldiers in charge of the guard immediately became very respectful, even though the token in the master's hand only had three marks.A group of soldiers still made way for the master and the others as soon as possible.Seeing this scene made Tang Yin lament the status of soul masters in this world.

After all, the guards here didn't even ask the master to bring two such young children into the Hunting Soul Forest.This is still a master who is looked down upon by all kinds in the world of soul masters.

A profession with almost no production capacity in any aspect can have an absolute majority of resources in this world. It is no wonder that this world is full of disasters and disasters...


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Chapter 21 Luo Sanpao is actually a blow-up doll?

The master led the two brothers through the steel fence, and soon entered the interior of the Hunting Soul Forest.As they entered the depths of the forest, the originally noisy voices also began to leave them.And the surrounding air also became more and more fresh. I don't know if it's a psychological effect. Walking in this forest actually feels refreshing.

But Tang Yin didn't dare to relax his vigilance just because of this, after all, even the great god who had a somewhat decadent look in his eyes was very serious and focused now.

I saw the great god calling the two brothers to stop, and then made a seal with both hands in front of him like a ninja, and then saw the master said: "Come out, Luo Sanpao."

And Tang Yin, who watched this scene, got stuck in his neck, and he really wanted to say: "What age is the master now, who is a serious ninja?" But Tang Yin didn't say it after all, after all, Once changed, the master himself is not a ninja.So it's not unreasonable to learn the seal of that honest man, Kisame.

Although he complained all kinds of things in his heart, Tang Yin himself was actually quite curious about the master's martial spirit.Then there was a "poof", a burst of lavender soul power exploded like smoke, and with a burst of soul power fluctuations, a creature appeared in front of the master.

Master, you definitely went to Naruto for training, right?You are clearly a psychic!Seeing this series of special effects, Tang Yin's spirit of complaining became stronger and stronger.But the attention has been focused on the creature in front of the Great God. M.

And this creature is Luo Sanpao, the master's spirit.It can be seen that Luo Sanpao is somewhat similar to a dog overall, but more like a pig in terms of body shape.The length is about 1.5 meters or more, and the waist circumference is about the same.This shape alone is just right for the national football team to practice...

The numb sweat all over the body is lavender, two big furry ears drooping on both sides, and a pair of small eyes that are as smart as Erha are blinking.But there is a very gentle feeling in the eyes.There are two additional small meat buns on the top of the head, which are round.Make it look cuter.

As soon as Luo Sanpao appeared here, he immediately ran towards the master.The chubby body bouncing and bouncing after running, giving people a silly and cute feeling.And Luo Sanpao came to the master just like that, rubbing against the master's leg.

And with the appearance of Luo Sanpao, two yellow soul rings appeared under Grandmaster's feet now.

And Tang Yin is the least resistant to this furry and stupid creature. If he is not worried that the master will mind, he is already planning to touch it now.

At this time, the master also began to introduce to Tang Yin and the others: "This is my Wuhun Luo Sanpao, you can just call him Sanpao."

And Sanpao seems to be able to understand what the master is talking about, knowing that the child in front of him is the master's partner, and the eyes that look at the two brothers again are somewhat flattering.

Seeing this expression, Tang Yin had already started masturbating directly.Originally Tang San wanted to ask more about Luo Sanpao, but was stopped by Tang Yin.

However, the little action between them was still seen by the master, guessing what Tang Yin was worried about, he said: "Little Yin is fine, it's been so long, and I don't care anymore. Little San, do you want to Ask why my martial soul is an entity, not possessed like other beast martial souls?"

"En." At this moment Tang San also realized that this kind of question was obviously poking at his teacher's sore spot, so now he didn't know what to say, so he could only respond like this.

Regarding his apprentice's question, the master also showed bitterness, and said: "It's very simple, because my martial soul is actually a mutated martial soul. But it's different from Tang Yin's blue silver firearm that mutates in a good direction. My martial soul, but it mutated in a bad direction. Because of my talent, I only had one level of soul power when I awakened it, which led to such a result. If my soul power could be higher, it would not Like now. No matter how hard I try in the next five years, my soul power will never be able to break through to level [-]. And this is why I put all my winning experiences on theoretical research.”

Tang San had heard about his teacher from some places in the academy before, and it was precisely because of this that he knew very well that his teacher was a very persistent person. How similar was his obsession with hidden weapons in his last life, Tang San understood this feeling very well.It may also be because Tang San saw the shadow of himself in the previous life in the master, so Tang San never regretted his apprenticeship with the master.

This can be regarded as a kind of... sympathy...

Seeing Tang Yin's sudden silence, both the master and the apprentice felt helpless. Can't you learn from me?Although I'm masturbating... um... I don't know what species it is, but I've never stopped being vigilant about my surroundings.

Even before Luo Sanpao issued the warning, Tang Yin had already summoned the Blue Rain revolver into his hands, the faint purple light in his eyes loomed, and he locked on it in an instant, firing several shots in several directions.

And Tang Yin's actions would also wake up the silent master and Tang San. At this time, Luo Sanpao also jumped out of Tang Yin's side, making an attacking posture.

At the same time, with the end of Tang Yin's gunfire, there were sounds like a puppy whimpering from several shooting directions.

Sure enough, after a while, several wolf-shaped soul masters surrounded them, and each of them was about 1.6 meters long. Taking advantage of the iron gray color, they began to approach them little by little. .

"This is the Nether Wolf. Don't worry, Xiao Yin, Xiao San, you take this with you first." The master recognized the species and year of the besieged soul beast immediately, and then turned to Tang Yin and Tang San threw two masks.

But Tang Yin knew Luo Sanpao's attack method very well, and the mask was quite neat.

And Tang San originally wanted to ask, but seeing that his own Oudou Dou was carrying it so neatly, he took it obediently first.

Sure enough, after the two brothers put on the mask, the master immediately put it on himself, and the next moment, the master's first soul ring flickered.

The master said in a disdainful tone: "How dare a mere ten-year-old wolf cub attack me? Three shots!"

After Luo Sanpao heard the master's order, he directly attacked the frame, standing firmly with four short legs apart, followed by a low growl, followed by a deep breath like a whistling hurricane.And with the inhalation, Luo Sanpao's figure also began to grow bigger.

Tang Yin, who saw this scene, had an idea inexplicably... all... Luo Sanpao is actually an inflatable doll?


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Chapter 22 The Blue Star

Tang Yin shook his head and had already driven to the point where his head flew away, and he would directly focus his eyes on the master again.And at this time, the master raised his hand, and with the master's movement, a soul ring rose from the master's feet.Then it was put on Luo Sanpao's body like a nesting doll, and at the same time the master said loudly: "Fart like thunder, thundering Luo Sanpao!"

Luo Sanpao's eyes lit up when he heard the master's order.The blue eyes representing wisdom lit up, and with the yellow soul ring surrounding him, Luo Sanpao's voice became louder and louder. Finally, he jumped up with four short legs and instantly adjusted to the height of five seconds. Up and down facing the direction of the Nether Wolf, the next moment there was a loud noise like the roar of thunder. www.

Even Tang Yin, who had already put on the mask very firmly, still smelled an unspeakable stench. If one had to compare it, it was definitely above canned herring, and the only thing comparable to it was pickled petrel.This is still the situation when Tang Yin and the others are wearing masks, what will it be like outside.Let's look at the wolf spirit beast Nether Wolf, which has always been known for its sensitive nose...

Tang Yin has already started to mourn for him for three seconds, there is no way, he really can't hold on for too long, three seconds is already the limit.Now Tang Yin drove directly to the tree in Ghost Shadow Fantrace, and still avoided the wind.

When Tang Yin's eyes began to move down, he had already seen a patch of fainted ghost wolves on the ground.God knows what they went through during this time...

Tang Yin looked at the ghost wolves who were foaming at the mouth, twitching all over, and some ghost rings on their heads, Tang Yin could only say: I hope there is no Luo Sanpao in heaven...

After finishing the group of ghost wolves who were planning to besiege them, Tang Yin and the others left the area immediately.There is no way, this smell will not go away for a while, even the master himself dare not stay here for a long time...

The three of them continued to go deep into the forest, while Tang Yin was feeding Luo Sanpao radish.

No way, he liked pets very much in his previous life.But there has never been much chance, which is why he chose the path of raising poultry to get rich in this life.But Tang Yin, who left home now and had nothing to support him, was still depressed for a long time. At this time, Luo Sanpao came.

With Luo Sanpao's sensitive nose, the three of them moved very easily in the forest.

Along the way, as long as you meet a soul master.The master will tell the two brothers the soul master's name, type, characteristics, living habits, method of distinguishing the year and weaknesses, etc.For a moment, Tang Yin had the feeling of seeing the animal world in his previous life.

And the spirit beasts they encountered along the way were also very rich. Although there were not dozens of them so exaggerated, there were still twenty or thirty.But with such a random type and frequency of soul beasts, the master was able to tell their information immediately, without even a little hesitation or thinking.

Seriously, those who don't understand will even think that the master is talking nonsense.

It's a pity that until the evening, several people still didn't find a suitable soul beast. The one they met was not suitable but the year was not good, that was the year was enough but not suitable.There was no way, the few people could only make an open space and start preparing for the night.This made Tang Yin feel a little excited about surviving in the wilderness for the first time camping outside, but he didn't know if there were wild instant noodles here...

Tang Yin and Tang San assisted in cleaning up the weeds on the ground, and the master still sprinkled some powder to drive away snakes and insects everywhere.Of course, it is only effective for ordinary weak snakes and insects.

Of course, the master's small class didn't stop during this time, all of them were telling the two brothers Tang Yin about the knowledge of living in the wild.

Tang Yin is still very interested in this, and he was very interested in wilderness survival programs in his previous life, and now he still has the opportunity to practice it even more.

Just when Tang Yin tried his best to change his name to Don Bell Greer said Yin, Luo Sanpao who was by his side suddenly became alert.

Seeing Luo Sanpao's somewhat abnormal behavior, the three immediately realized that something was wrong. The two brothers did not hesitate. sight angle.This is the tacit understanding that the two brothers have cultivated together for so many years.

"There!" Tang Yin pointed the two guns in one direction, and the next moment Tang San had already thrown the Huozhezi with a concealed weapon technique, and it landed precisely on the position Tang Yin said.At this time, the master also turned his eyes around, and under the illumination of the fire, he saw a huge snake.

The whole body of this snake is covered with dark green scales, and the triangular snake head represents its part that belongs to the poisonous snake.At this time, it seemed to know that it had been discovered, and the whole body stood up straight, a pair of ruby-like eyes, staring straight at Tang Yin and the others, faltering, showing his threat.

Fortunately, the realgar that stopped beforehand had some effect, preventing it from attacking immediately.

When the master saw this snake-shaped soul beast, he immediately remembered its information.But it was precisely because of this that the master subconsciously took a deep breath.

"This is a mandala snake. This kind of soul beast is very ferocious and vicious. We are still on the outskirts of the Hunting Soul Forest. Why did we encounter this dangerous soul master? Damn it! Now I can only hope that his age has not reached a hundred years." said the master.

"Come on, is this mandala snake so terrible? You are not his opponent either?" Tang San asked.

Upon hearing Tang San's words, the master chanted and said: "That's right, the Datura snake is a kind of highly poisonous snake-like soul master. The venom not only has powerful nerve destructive power, but also has a very strong paralyzing effect. Even It can be said that the Mandala Snake is also ranked among the poisonous soul beasts. Not only that, but his body is also very tough, and the scales are also very hard. It can be said that there is no weakness in the whole body except the double one and the mouth. That's why the Datura Snake is excellent at protecting its weak spots. Coupled with his speed, it can be said to be the most troublesome jungle hunter..."

"Hey, wait, it's poisonous and resilient, isn't that the most suitable soul ring?" Tang Yin knew that although this guy was full of various buffs when he appeared on the stage, to put it bluntly, he was his brother's soul bone , now that you're here, don't leave, just get the soul ring to eat snake meat.

"Little Yin, don't get excited, this snake is very dangerous..." As a result, before the master finished speaking, the blue silver rifle in Tang Yin's hand had already made sounds one after another.

And the target of Tang Yin's sudden attack was the mandala snake's eyes.

What's the point of being blind, since you encounter it, you will be reckless. When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. I grew up watching the bright sword.It was the sentence that was spelled: cavalry company, charge!

"Brother trap him, don't let him escape." At the same time Tang Yin added in his heart, your friend, Canglanxing is online.


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Chapter 23 The Shocked Master

In the previous life, Tang Yin liked to play monsters to torture people, um, that's right.Tang Yin played monster abuse, perfectly interpreting what it means to be abused by monsters thousands of times, and he loves monsters like first love.Still persevering in finding them.Looking back on those times now is quite pleasant.

As a player who has successfully obtained the title of Canglan Star, Tang Yin said that there is nothing that a hunt cannot solve.At worst, there will be another one.It's not the first time that the three cats are out of the game, Tang Yin is not at all cowardly!

"Hey Xiaoyin,..." Seeing that Tang Yin fired two shots, he began to move.What else does the master want to say.In the end, he was stopped by Tang San.

"Teacher, don't worry, Tang Yin is having a good time now." Tang San smiled, he had absolute confidence in his younger brother Tang San, after all, since the awakening of his spirit, he never persisted in the duel training. After 10 minutes.Tang San is the clearest about the strength of his own Oududou.

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