"Teacher, you just take this opportunity to have a good understanding of Tang Yin's martial spirit, as well as the characteristics and power of Xiaoyin's martial spirit." Tang San was not idle as he spoke. Bean playing assistant.

"The characteristics and power of the little silver martial soul?" After being said by Tang San, the master looked at Tang Yin again.

I saw Tang Yin's figure was extremely fast, and he used ghost shadows to the extreme.Even the Mandala Snake, which has always been known for its moving speed, can barely surpass Tang Yin in the blink of an eye, and this is still under the condition that Tang San has no restrictions.

Now Tang San has made a move, the Blue Silver Grass and various pebbles attack one after another.Don't forget that Tang Yin's sharpshooter is a long-range profession.The initial attack directly knocked out one eye of the Datura snake.Now Tang Yin's blue rain rifle has turned into a revolver.

Although the revolver is slightly weaker than the rifle in terms of attack power, its attack speed and flexibility are much stronger.

Tang Yin's figure was erratic, and every bullet rain was precisely tilted on the body of the mandala snake.Every time the mandala snake finally approached, Tang Yin would directly flash in the direction of his blind sight.So much so that the Mandala Snake missed several attacks.

Tang Yin flew the kite all the way. With the passage of time, the mandala snake had more and more bullet holes, and his fierceness was also aroused to the extreme.The figure turned again, looking for Tang Yin's disappearing figure while preparing to attack.

But this time to dodge Tang Yin, he didn't continue to distance himself.Instead, the revolver in his hand instantly turned into a hand cannon, and when Mandala turned his head to his side and opened his mouth slightly, he directly stuffed the two hand cannons into it.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The steel-like cannon body made Tang Yin not have to worry about the fangs of the Datura Snake. This shot directly blasted the Datura Snake's head into tatters.And Tang San's Blue Silver Grass completely bound his figure again at this time, making him even have no chance to fight back.

"Little San, quickly kill the Mandala Snake!" The dignified top-level hunting Mandala Snake was killed by the two teenagers like a game, which obviously subverted the master's three views.But the current master didn't have time to adjust, so he said to Tang San immediately.Just like what Tang Yin said before, he also felt that the Mandala Snake was very suitable for Tang San.

Although Tang San said that he still had some problems in his heart, he also knew that the teacher would definitely not harm him, no matter what, it would be right to kill the Datura snake first.

And Tang Yin had regarded the Mandala Snake as his brother's soul ring as early as when it appeared, so of course he would not make up for it.

Tang San took the dagger that Tang Yin handed over, and came to the dying Mandala Snake and just hit it.Accompanied by the flying of blood.A yellow spirit ring appeared in front of Tang San.

And seeing this yellow soul ring, the BGM of the successful hunt already sounded in Tang Yin's mind.Almost subconsciously, he took out some food and wanted to feed it to his cat Ailu.But... no cat picks up...

"I'm still not used to it..." People are such strange creatures. They are fine when they are fine, but they can cry for a long time when they are emotional.And Tang Yin's originally agitated mood could not be depressed now...

"Hey." At this moment, Luo Sanpao had already pulled Tang Yin's side, and ate the dry food in Tang Yin's hand in one bite.

Seeing Luo Sanpao rubbing his body happily after eating, Tang Yin felt that he was doing well now.

And the master who had just adjusted, saw the appearance of the soul ring, and then looked at Mandala's body again.Now Tang Yin has recovered and is cutting meat with a small knife.After all, the dinner that was brought up was not for nothing.Besides, which hunter doesn't collect some materials after hunting?

Looking at Tang Yin who was cutting snake meat with a happy face, the master still can't imagine that a child can directly kill the mandala snake in a few minutes.And it looks very easy.It doesn't look like someone who used a big move at all.But with that explosion just now, who would believe it if it wasn't a big move?

"Teacher, do you want me to absorb this spirit ring? But our spirit is a plant, is it really okay to absorb its spirit ring?" Tang San asked curiously at the yellow spirit ring.

The master adjusted his mentality and said, and then he said to Tang San: "Don't worry, mandala snake, a thousand years ago, every time the year increased, its length would increase by one centimeter, and now this mandala snake His height has reached about four meters, which means that his cultivation base is about 400 years old. And this year is just on the edge of the limit year for a soul master's first soul ring. Combined with your innate aptitude full of soul power , Absorbing it is not a problem at all.”

"I just said it's very suitable for my brother, what kind of brother, I got you such a suitable soul ring, how can you thank me?" Tang Yin, who had already cut three pieces of satisfied snake meat, also came to join in the fun.

"You bastard, how much more do you want me to thank you. Little Yin, I have found that since you can beat me, you have become more and more unsteady." Tang San rubbed Tang Yin's hair with a fond face, and directly touched Tang Yin. hair messed up.

Seeing the two brothers who started fighting with each other just after the fight, they also smiled slightly, but they still pretended to cough, and focused the two brothers' attention on him again.

"You two stop fighting, Xiaosan, don't worry. I know what you are worried about. You are worried that your martial soul is a plant-type martial soul, but the current mandala snake is an animal-type martial soul. You are worried that if you absorb it like this The repulsion of the soul ring or even the conflict reaction, right." The master said very patiently.net

"Well, that's right." When it came to business, Tang San stopped making trouble.After all, this matter is related to his future Wuhun growth.

After all, only when he becomes strong enough can he protect his rowdy Oudou.


The second update, Erha thinks he is so powerful!Proudly ask for a recommendation ticket and collection!Thank you guys!

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Chapter 24 The Same People

The current master has finally recovered from the shock brought to him by Tang Yin Wuhun, and when talking about his theory, the master's eyes once again radiated a light of confidence: "According to my research over the years, and based on One of the ten core competitiveness theories of Wuhun proposed here is one of the theory about Wuhun form and functional simulation. As far as your blue silver grass is concerned, in fact, you may not only be able to absorb plant-type souls Huan, some animal spirits similar in appearance or function to Lanyincao still have high compatibility. That is to say, as long as conditions permit, no matter whether it is the first-line spirit or the plant-type spirit, they can be used under certain circumstances. are mutually absorbable.”

After the master finished speaking, he was not in a hurry to continue, but gave Tang San a little time to accept before continuing: "I told you before in my office that the development direction of your martial spirit has reached its advantages. Among them, the blue The biggest advantage of Silver Grass is that it is too weak, which leads to its non-exclusivity. It is precisely because of this non-exclusivity that he can choose from a wider range of spirit rings. It is also more convenient for the integration of other types of spirit rings .To sum up, you will have no problem absorbing this martial spirit at all."

After finishing all this, the master once again looked at his only disciple earnestly, and said very solemnly: "Whether it is an ordinary soul master or a member of the Wuhun Temple, the current soul master world treats my Wuhun very well. The theory of big core competitiveness is a kind of sneering attitude, no one believes it, and there is no case."

After saying all this, the master's tone became a little more serious: "Little San, are you willing to try it once? Even though I am [-]% sure in theory, there is no precedent before this. Practice is the only way to test the truth." standard. My theory didn’t go from theory to truth because there wasn’t any case.”

At this moment, Master Tang San saw something he was very familiar with, that thing called fanaticism!Because of the mutation of his own martial soul, it is impossible for the master to stand at the peak of the soul master in his life.But even so, he still didn't give up.Dedicated all his energy to the research of Wuhun.

This is very similar to the self who was only an outer disciple in his previous life, but who did all kinds of things because of his enthusiasm for hidden weapons.

Tang Yin also really admired the master for this. The master is indeed a scumbag, and some character flaws are also objective facts, which cannot be washed away.But in this aspect alone, the master is indeed worthy of respect.

"Teacher, let me be the No.1 of your theory. I think it is my honor to be the No.1 for your research." Tang San's eyes at this moment were also very firm, this is a kind of Recognition of peers.

Next, Tang San began to absorb the spirit ring under the guidance of the master. Although it looked dangerous, Tang Yin knew very well that it would go smoothly at this time.Besides, he has resurrection coins anyway.Even if my elder brother is G, he will be a hero again in three years.

Wait until the time comes when I am not three years older than my brother, then who will call who brother at that time.Tang Yin's brain twitches every day...

Here Tang San began to absorb, and the master was not idle.The idea has spread to the point that if his elder brother is really GG at this time, when Xiao Wu is called younger sister or sister-in-law in the future, the master will hand it over to let Tang Yin talk about his martial soul.

And after listening to the various settings of Tang Yin's martial soul, the master has an urge to let Tang Yin use the Clear Sky Hammer to upgrade.Even the master can be sure that if the Clear Sky Hammer is Douluo's strongest melee spirit, then Tang Yin's blue silver gun is the strongest long-range spirit.

With such a heaven-defying martial spirit, coupled with Tang Yin's powerful shooting accuracy and extremely high movement speed, Tang Yin can definitely become the strongest long-range combat soul master in the world.

This is not the most against the sky, the most against the sky is that the weakness of long-range soul masters is melee combat, which is completely untenable for Tang Yin.

Think about an opponent who was fighting with Tang Yin. He managed to kill Tang Yin with great difficulty. The moment he thought he could win, Tang Yin backhanded out a baby that was bigger than the opponent and directly stuck it in the face, tsk tsk... ...This scene, the master just thinks about it and feels pain in the face...

"As far as the current situation is concerned, our top priority is to make the advantages and disadvantages more prominent. In the selection of spirit rings, we can give priority to speed. After all, with the existence of hand cannons, you don't lack attack power." The master analyzed.

"Hmm, I think so too. It would be great if there are any skills that can increase my agility of thinking. This can greatly increase my shooting accuracy while moving at high speed. Of course, some bullets with control attributes may also be generated. OK." Tang Yin said.

As the master said, with the existence of the hand cannon, he does not lack explosiveness.Now instead of adding control, restriction and other means, or increasing the soul ability of one's own reaction ability, the priority is higher.

"Your idea is very good. Tonight we will take turns to protect the little three. Tomorrow we will follow this idea to find a soul ring for you." The master finally said.

One night without words, the next morning.Tang San also successfully absorbed the spirit, and while eating roasted snake meat, he introduced his first spirit ability to the master: Entanglement!

Then Tang San showed some new features of the Blue Silver Grass after he upgraded. After Tang San finished, everyone also finished their breakfast.The three of them rested for a while before continuing to set off.

It's a pity that the three of them walked straight to the depths of the forest, but there was not a single soul beast suitable for Tang Yin.

"Let's go forward a little bit. If we haven't, we should go back first. After all, going forward is a bit dangerous. After I go back, I will contact my friend and ask him to help you obtain the soul ring." The master said, after all, they Going forward, we will reach the area of ​​the thousand-year-old soul beast, which is not something they can handle now.

Tang Yin is not in a hurry about this, anyway, now is their period of peaceful development.Everything can be taken slowly.

As for the friends the master mentioned, Tang Yin knew it without guessing.It is definitely the official match of the master in the true sense, the first generation of Dean Shrek, and Fred, who is called one of the golden iron triangle together with the master.

"Boom!" As a result, just as the master's voice finished speaking, a violent impact attracted the attention of the three of them.

"This kind of impact sound should be two soul beasts fighting. Let's go see if there is any suitable one for Little Silver. If there is, we can get a bargain." Hearing this sound, the master probably thought that the two soul beasts were fighting. The body shape has been calculated in the mind.


The third update, if nothing unexpected happens, Little Mica will return tomorrow, everyone welcomes the number one sniper God of Glory!

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Chapter 25 Two-tailed cloud cat

Tang Yin and the others walked carefully along the direction of the sound, and what appeared in front of them was a rare open space in the forest.And on this open space, two soul beasts are standing opposite each other.On one side is a giant scorpion covered in a purple-black jacket.On the other side, there are always two big fluffy tails, and the neck has a fluffy mane like a lion.

The fur on the body is mostly light yellow, but around the ears, the diamond-shaped part in the middle of the forehead, and finally the two stripes on the tail are black.

And a pair of red pupils are now staring at the scorpion soul beast in front of them.

And the size of the two soul beasts is equivalent to two or three times the size of a lion.

"Strange, why did the purple poison scorpion and the two-tailed cloud cat, two soul beasts whose life circles have no intersection, fight." Seeing this scene, the master immediately recognized the two soul beasts.At the same time, he also raised his own doubts.

"Why did the teacher say that?" Tang San asked curiously.

"Because the two-tailed cloud cat is a mild-tempered soul beast, and it mainly lives beside the river in the forest. But the purple poisonous scorpion mainly lives in a relatively dry environment. Under normal circumstances, they will not meet, and there is no need to fight , fight to the death." The master said.

"It's because of the child." Tang Yin's voice was a little trembling, and at this time Tang Yin had already opened the Ziji magic pupil, and he clearly saw that there was another two-tailed cat the size of a domestic kitten behind the two-tailed cloud cat. cloud cat.

This scene can be regarded as the cruelest way to express the phrase "the woman is weak, she is the mother!"This involuntarily reminded Tang Yin of his mother who sacrificed himself to protect their family in this life.

When I first read the novel, I might just feel it, but this life really happened to Tang Yin himself.This made Tang Yin feel more deeply about this sacrifice.

"Little Yin, if the year of this two-tailed cloud cat is suitable, it will be very suitable..." The master array is going to recommend the two-tailed cloud cat to Tang Yin.

"I want to save them." But without giving Grandmaster a chance to speak, Tang Yin spoke first.

"What, no, although I can't observe them carefully, they are all hundred-year-level soul beasts in terms of size. If you are not careful, you may not be able to come back." The master said immediately.

"It's really too dangerous, Little Silver." Tang San also said with some worry.

This is not to say how cruel Tang San and the master are, and they will do nothing to save them.After all, this itself is the most basic law of nature.Don't say anything, I'm just protecting the living beings. After all, when you are protecting the sheep from being eaten by wolves, aren't you also killing wolves?

After all, this is the natural world, either the weak sheep are killed, or the weak wolves are starved to death.No matter which side you help, it is cruel to the other side.

Of course, Tang Yin didn't want to save him because Tang Yin was so noble, he just didn't care about these things, he saved it, he didn't care what happened to the other party.How do you say that sentence: "I destroy you, what does it have to do with you!"

After all, ever since he knew this was the Douluo World, he knew very well that he would have to face some things sooner or later.So Tang Yin's goal is simple, to protect his family and prevent the tragedy that happened in the original book from happening again.

Seeing Erwei Mica who was desperately protecting her child reminded Tang Yin of the mother he had never met in this life, so he wanted to save her, that's all.

After all, he has lived with Tang Yin for a long time, and the master also knows Tang Yin's character.Seeing that Tang Yin didn't listen to them at all, he said in a solemn tone, "How sure are you?"

Tang Yin looked at the external attachment of the Purple Poison Scorpion, and recalled the attack he heard before and the strongest attack power of his revolver, rifle and hand cannon.

Although the defense of this purple poisonous scorpion was much stronger than the mandala snake he had defeated before, its moving speed was also much slower.

"Seventy percent! With my brother's new soul skills as support, I have ninety percent!" Tang Yin said seriously.

"Okay, let Luo Sanpao prepare for me." The master finally said.

Seeing his Oududou's determination, Tang San also patted Tang Yin's shoulder.After all, as Tang Yin's older brother, he knew very well why Tang Yin wanted to rescue the soul beast mother and son.Although the soul rings of the two-tailed cloud cats are very suitable for Tang Yin, since Tang Yin has decided to help them, then he will help them, as for the reason.If Oududou wants to do this, that's enough!

"Come on, your brother is responsible for everything." Tang San has summoned the Blue Silver Grass, and the Clear Sky Hammer in the other hand is ready to summon at any time, if Tang Yin has an accident, Tang San will throw it over at any time.net

"En!" Tang Yin nodded earnestly, the ghost shadow fascination was activated immediately, he had to act quickly, because he had already seen that Erwei Yunmao's mother had been poisoned.And now the toxin has begun to spread and spread in its body along with the battle.

Just as Tang Yin rushed out here, the four legs and the end of the tail of Erwei Yunmao's mother were simultaneously ignited with flames.This shows that this two-tailed cloud cat is about to start its final desperate effort.

Looking at the many scorched marks around it, it can be seen that Erwei Yunmao has used this skill before.But because of accidental poisoning, it was released in order to maintain physical strength and protect the child.But now that he used such an explosive skill again, the toxin in his body would only spread and erode faster.

Tang Yin didn't continue to wait for the opportunity, and as Tang Yin's figure rushed out, Tang San also shot instantly.The blue silver grass is entwined!

Although Tang San's Blue Silver Grass only has one spirit ring now, it's impossible to completely restrain it.But Tang Yin himself didn't want to restrain him for long.The two guns in his hands appeared in Tang Yin's hands the moment the blue silver grass appeared, and the rifles fired four bursts.

With four bullets, the target is still the eyes.And Tang Yin and Tang San's sudden attack obviously did not expect the Purple Poison Scorpion.Even though he tried his best to break free from the shackles of the blue silver grass at the first moment, Tang Yin still concentrated his firepower and knocked out an eye.

And Tang Yin narrowed the distance from the blind spot of the purple poison scorpion, and the hand cannon had already appeared in his hands.The starting power is directly adjusted to the maximum.

Accompanied by a roar, the hit eye of the Purple Poison Scorpion was completely obliterated, and the entire soul beast was repelled by Tang Yin.

At this time, Tang Yin had also appeared between the two beasts.

Seeing such a change, the reactions of the two beasts were completely opposite.The purple poison scorpion that Fei glanced at was completely enraged and roared at Tang Yin.On the other side, the two-tailed cloud cat was on the contrary. The moment it saw the purple poisonous scorpion being repelled, it breathed a sigh of relief, but as soon as it was relieved, its whole beast completely languished.Even Wind Howl became extremely weak...


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Chapter 26 Poor Violet Scorpion

Tang Yin ignored the reaction of the two soul beasts to him. After repelling the purple poison scorpion, the hand cannon in his hand had turned into a blue silver revolver, and then Tang Yin's ghost shadow fan moved around.The double-gun attack never stopped, relying on the high attack speed of the revolver, Tang Yin directly fired a burst of intensive two rounds.The main target of the attack is the piece of flesh that was blasted by the hand cannon.

At the same time, the direction of Tang Yin's movement was also moving the purple poisonous scorpion farther away from the two-tailed mica.

With Tang Yin attacking like this, the purple poison scorpion would not care about Erwei Mica, and directly pursued Tang Yin.At this time, the purple poisonous scorpion was fully fired, and its moving speed was no slower than yesterday's Mandala snake, and even a little faster.

And the poisonous needle behind him has also been raised high, ready to attack Tang Yin at any time.

"It's not good, Xiaoyin. This purple poisonous scorpion is a thousand-year-old soul beast. Come back soon, Xiaoyin." After finally seeing the condition of the purple poisonous scorpion's tail, Grandmaster's face immediately changed, because he found the purple poisonous scorpion's tail. There are sixteen sections.

You must know how long the poisonous needle of the purple poisonous scorpion is after every 100 years, plus the initial six lengths, this purple poisonous scorpion is actually a soul beast that has just passed the millennium!

"No wonder, I said why apart from the wounds and eyes shot by the hand cannon at the beginning, this guy's attack can only interrupt and repel. This is the reason." Tang Yin also had a headache , but it is not impossible. www.

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