A crime big enough to be elected Mond's event of the year happened.

The most precious treasure of Mond—[The Violin of the Sky] once used by the wind god Barbatos was stolen!

The suspect is a bard in green clothes and a green hat, and there is also a blond girl.

It is very likely that it is an honorary knight known as the rising star of the knight order.

"Wow! I was discovered, run!"

Paimon fled out of the window in a panic, only to see Wendy was already waiting on the balcony.

"Come with me!"

With an updraft, Wendy glides over Mond with unfurled wings.

There is no moon tonight, and night is covering them.

The piano stealing plan failed perfectly.

On the other side, the thief who got the zither from the sky and blamed Ying did not escape according to the original plan.

On the way to the meeting point, she is blocked by a handsome boy.

This person does not have the eyes of God and cannot use the power of elements. It stands to reason that he should be an insignificant little person.

But he stopped in the middle of the road without fear, stretched out three fingers, and uttered a lunatic declaration:

"I'll give you three pieces of advice..."

It is important to take away the treasure. The thief does not want to cause disputes, and is ready to ignore the person in front of him and move to the shortcut on the left.


The boy's words were like a revelation from the gods.

The fire is like a shooting star, passing in the darkness for a moment.

The flaming arrows forced the thief back to his original position.

Looking up, on the city wall, an archer with the outline of rabbit ears has already drawn the bowstring.

No matter how you move, the red arrow on the bowstring will be precisely locked.

When the flame touches the lightning, it will explode in a wide range due to overload, and the ability of the thunder element used by the thief is completely restricted.

"I reminded you not to go left."

The teenager spread his hands regretfully: "By the way, don't even think about attacking me, this is

"A little person without the eyes of God, so what if I attack him?"

The thief has no scruples, just when she relies on the thunder element to flash forward quickly——

The water flow began to move, flowing around the thief's body, depicting the star map under the night.

Then explode!


The thief still came in front of Xia Tian, ​​but looked a little embarrassed.

She was blasted into the air and then fell, the qin of the sky in her arms leaped high, and finally landed in the boy's hands.

"The last one is both advice and a request. Can you give me the zither of the sky? It is very important to my friend."

Even though he has already held the Qin of the Sky in his hands, he still wants to say such sanctimonious words.

This is a great humiliation for the thief who did not complete the organizational task.

"Do you want to make enemies of fools?" The voice was surprisingly nice.

When the thief got up, the hood that covered his face slipped off, revealing the familiar masks of fools.

Nice voice, attractive figure and naughty personality from time to time.

If there is any monster in the entire Yuanshen that makes people want to recruit, it is probably the Thunder Ying warlock in front of him.

Unfortunately, the first encounter scene was not friendly.

Thunderfire Warlock is a mysterious army under the command of the Fools. Compared with the violence and technology of the advance team, Thunderfire Warlock pays more attention to summoning and spells.

And all of them are charming women, usually with ghost lights as weapons in their hands, but this one in front of me is a bit special.

Xia Tian thinks for a while:

"Those are famous fools, no one in the whole world would be willing to be their enemy."

"If possible, would you like to have a meal together, drink a glass of liquor and make friends? I'm quite interested in you."

Xia Tian showed her white teeth and reached out to help her up, but the kindness was not accepted.

Warlock Thunderfire looked at the two sides.

Mona is not far away, the control magic of the water element is quite annoying, it is not advisable to force a breakthrough, and the inexplicable self-confidence of the young man in front of him gives people an invisible pressure.

The left passage was blocked by Amber. Although he could call his companions for support, it was obviously irrational to fight with members of the Knights in Mond City.

While hesitating, Amber jumped off from a high place and showed his identity:

"I am Amber, the investigative knight of the Zephyr Knights. I am going to arrest you now because you are suspected of stealing the treasure of Mond."

The voice of the Knights can already be heard in the distance, and there is no further delay.

"This gift, fools, remember it!"

Warlock Thunder Ying gave up the qin of the sky, and the thunder and lightning disappeared until he was submerged in the darkness.

Xia Tian did not order to stop her, causing Amber to be puzzled: "Aren't you going to arrest her? Maybe you can ask the purpose of stealing the zither from the sky."

"She is an official member of the Fools. If you arrest her, she will be released on bail for diplomatic reasons..."

Xia Tian patted his chest: "There will be many opportunities to catch them in the future, and I will definitely let you catch a big fish."

It's not easy for a righteous investigative knight to give up on pursuing a suspect, but fortunately, Amber has something more interesting now.

Amber ran two steps forward: "Mona, you are really amazing! Not only can you divination, but you are also very strong in water magic!"

"As a great astrologer, of course!" Mona raised her head with some air, with water dripping on her body.

Xia Tian confirmed that the zither of the sky was not damaged, and thanked the two right-hand assistants: "Thank you Amber, and thank the great astrologer for coming to help!"

Mona made an unreasonable excuse: "I just happened to pass by, so I didn't come here to help you!"

"Yes, yes, but thanks to your water divination technique, it's really accurate!"

After parting from Ying, Xia Tian

The harp of the sky would be stolen, she figured it out.

She also counted the escape location of the thief.

Without Mona's help, this Hu-cutting operation would never have been successful.

Amber is not familiar with Mona, but after today, she will probably completely bow down to Mona's divine calculation.

"If I can also do divination, I don't need to ask strangers when I see them in the future, just do divination directly!"

Mona's attitude towards Amber was particularly friendly: "If you want to learn, I can make an exception and accept you as an apprentice."

"I want to learn!" The excited face was soon replaced by regret: "But the work of scouting knights is too busy, maybe I don't have time..."

Xia Tian joined in the fun: "Can I learn too?"

"You can not!"

The refusal was so decisive that Xia Tian was not convinced: "Why?"

Mona suddenly became serious, looked at the few stars in the sky, and murmured: "The unknown cannot predict the unknown."

met in summer

At that moment, she understood that Xia Tian was not from this world.

The voice of the Knights was getting closer, and Xia Tian pulled Amber and Mona away.

The harp of the sky cannot be returned to the Knights for the time being.

"I still have something to do and I need the help of the two of you. I have to go out of the city."

The zither of the sky has been found, but we still need a few crystallizations of Tewarin's tears. Xia Tian remembers where to get it.

But he appeared in the wild at night with no power to restrain the chicken, and he didn't have enough lives to give.

Two bodyguards, Amber and Mona, are needed.

Amber agreed very freely: "As a Zephyr knight, it is an obligation to protect Mond, let alone Twarin's business."

"Where's Mona?"

"I can go..." Mona hesitated, but agreed.

"Don't get me wrong, I just happened to be fine at night..."

Mona anxiously explained: "It's because Amber is going, I'm worried that she's too dangerous, you don't have to expect me to protect you..."

"Okay, Amber protects me, you protect Amber, okay?"

Xia Tian pointed to the city gate: "Let's go, I will prepare a big table of delicious food for you tomorrow as a thank you."

Chapter 23 Angel's Gift

Wine is made by fermenting grains as raw materials.

During cellaring, water evaporates and seeps into the staves of the casks, resulting in less volume at the end of the brew.

Winemakers generally interpret that part as "a portion taken away by an angel", and the remaining wine is naturally "an angel's gift".

[Angel's Gift] is a tavern located in the east of Mond City.

It was invested and established by Chenxi Winery with a long history and directly supplies wine. It has a very high popularity in Mond.

If you need to host a banquet, Angel's Gift will be the best choice.

It was close to closing time, and Di Luque was checking the latest accounts in the store.

"Master Diluc, this is the account for this week." As the bartender, Charles is also in charge of the tavern's accounts, and he is considered half the store manager.

He has worked in the tavern for more than ten years, and he has no interest in alcohol. Perhaps because of this, the boss doesn't have to worry about him stealing alcohol and affecting his work.

Di Luke looked at the accounts without much emotion: "This storm has really had a great impact on business."

"Hey, I hope this time will pass sooner!" Charles likes the lively feeling.

Chu Chu Chu!

Accompanied by the hurried footsteps, the wind blew open the door of the tavern. If it wasn't for the two people running in, they would have thought it was the Wind Demon Dragon attacking again.

one of them is

The other person is familiar, and often comes to ask for drinks, but has not been deeply impressed.

He always said that he was a popular poet three times in a row, but in the tavern, he was not as popular as Joseph Six Fingers.

"Boss, we want to find a slightly hidden place!"

Paimon spoke anxiously, causing Diluc's eyes to change slightly.

"An unknown creature that can fly and talk?"

Di Luke pointed to the top: "If you want to talk about concealment, the second floor should be fine."

Diluque has the elegance of an aristocrat, even in the face of an unknown pursuer.

He looked at the green poet: "Aren't you a bard? Why don't you choose a lively place, and have a poem before closing?"

"Ahaha, we'll wait for the next paid performance, we'll go up first, see you later!" Wendy smiled and fooled around.

When Ying and his party went upstairs, Di Luke told the bartender: "Look at them, that poet is very suspicious, I'm going to ask about the situation!"

Trivial hustle and bustle came from outside the shop. Like the gods they believed in, the knights never did business.

There must be such a big movement at night, something must have happened.

Stepping out of the store, I happened to meet two West Wind knights who were about to enter the store to search.

Di Luke didn't change his face: "What happened, why are so many people dispatched?"

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