"Haven't you heard of Master Di Luke? There are two thieves who actually came up with the idea of ​​playing the piano of the sky..."

The West Wind Knight looked ashamed: "And they succeeded!"

"Ah? It's really strange..." Di Luke had already understood the general situation, and mocked:

"Someone would be so stupid as to steal something that can't be sold. It would be better to steal my wine cellar."

The two West Wind knights showed astonishment. If other people said such words, they would definitely get angry for blaspheming the treasure left by Fengshen.

But in front of him is Master Di Luke, the richest man in Mond, and the senior of the Zephyr Knights...

"Sorry, I got off topic, the two people, one yellow and one green, seem to be running towards the city gate."

Di Luke blocked the door of the tavern, apparently not allowing the two of them to go in and search.

"Okay, thank you, Master Diluc."

The two knights sneaked a few glances into the tavern before rushing to the city gate.

back to the tavern, diluc

When everyone left, Wendy swaggered downstairs, and customers who seemed to have nothing happened sat at the bar:

"In order to thank the tavern for helping me out, I will pay for a drink..."

"Put down the wine I found from behind the cabinet!"

When caught, Wendy stuck out her tongue: "I want to drink ice."

Diluc leaned against the bar, looking at the flying creature that hadn't calmed down yet:

"Before that, you should answer my question carefully."

"Can't you just let me finish the drink first? I'll pay the bill, um, use the performance to pay off the debt..."

"It's not about money, you don't look old enough to buy alcohol!"

"You can rest assured that you were still there when I was drinking..."

I couldn't find a suitable metaphor for a while. If it was too outrageous, it might cause people to get angry and be sent directly to the Knights.

Wendy jumped off her seat, faced Ying, and introduced:

"By the way, let me introduce you, this is the big boss behind the winery, Master Diluc!"

"It's a famous man in Mond. By the way, I like the dandelion wine produced by his family very much, although most of the time, I can only buy it in bulk."

Most people like to hear flattery, but Diluque is an exception:

"I just learned about the thief from the guards, let me explain first, you dare to steal the zither of the sky, which makes me appreciate..."

Di Luke has already observed, and there is no trace of the Sky Qin: "But it seems to have failed?"

Paimon immediately explained: "We didn't steal it, the culprit was someone else, we just took one look, and we were snatched away by that person!"

Wendy also explained: "This is a popular newcomer to the Knights, how could he steal Mond's sacred object?"

He said one thing after another, completely forgetting that all his actions were due to his instigation.

"The popular newcomer? It really is you!"

Di Luke was not surprised: "As a traveler, he is willing to lend a helping hand to Mond in distress. It is a pity for such a person to join the Knights."

"The Knights of the West Wind have always been timid and inefficient when it comes to the Wind Demon Dragon..."

"Diplomatically, he has always remained weak to the fools, and he can't even catch you thieves..."

When it came to the Knights, Di Luke complained a little, and finally just sighed: "Tsk, forget it, I don't want to mention this topic too much."

"Answer my question first, why did you steal the zither from the sky!"

Wendy drank a glass of ice water and played with the glass: "Do you really want to know? Maybe you will get involved in trouble with the Knights?"

"Oh, I am not afraid of trouble, I am the trouble of the Knights!"

Diluc signaled the bartender to leave, and there were only three people in the tavern, plus Paimon.

Wendy took a few steps to the right, with the harp in her hand, ready to sing.

"So, if I were to play a true story, would you believe me?"

"Depending on the situation, I will make a judgment!"

With Diluc's permission, Wendy once again tells Twarin's story in poetry.

"So, have you decided to partner?"

The fall of the Dragon of the East Wind is not a secret to the well-informed Di Luke, but it is also unexpected that this little-known bard will describe it in such detail, as if he had experienced it in real life.

Di Luke chuckled: "Interesting, give me some time, I'll see if there are more collaborators."

He believed the poet's story.

Chapter 24 Mond's Wine

Outside the tavern, the sound of the armor of the knight order became farther and farther away.

The thick-skinned and big-hearted green-hatted poet took advantage of the time when the boss was away, thinking about the fine wine at the counter.

"Chenxi Winery not only produces particularly mellow wine, but also top-quality grape juice."

Wendy acted as the bartender temporarily, pretending to toss the purple juice back and forth between the cups, and finally pushed it in front of Ying and Paimon.

"Please enjoy, both of you..."

The fragrance is intoxicating, and the sweetness can be smelled in the air.

The tip of Ying's nose trembled slightly, and she sniffed: "Is this wine?"

"No, pretty girl..."

Wendy stroked the wine glass: "This is just ordinary juice, you should like its taste."

They were still talking here, but Paimon couldn't bear it any longer, so he poured a full cup into his mouth.Down

The residue of the juice in the corner of the mouth turns red.

"Wow! It's delicious!"

"Of course, such top-quality grape juice may not be available even if you have money. The price of a cup is more than 5000 Morats!"

"5000 mora!?"

Ying and Pimeng almost spit out the juice in their mouths, and hurriedly put the cups back on the table respectfully.

That one bite just now could directly bankrupt them.

Wendy didn't worry, she held the juice in her mouth with great enjoyment, and swallowed it after a few seconds:

"Every year, the grapes are divided into two parts according to their color. The unripe part is made into wine, and the ripe part is made into juice."

"Whether it's wine or fruit juice, there are good and bad grades."

"What you are drinking is the top masterpiece of Chenxi Winery. There are not many in total. How many noble traders have traveled thousands of miles to Mond just to beg for this cup."

"Such a priceless treasure is of course expensive!"

Listening to the explanation, Ying nodded frequently, but was puzzled: "How do you know so much?"

The harp strings are plucked, and the bard answers in his own song:

"The original war is over, and the wind blows away the snow and ice in the northern part of Teyvat."

"She cleaves the mountains and channels the warm monsoon winds around Mond."

"She helped the ancestors get rid of wandering, build cities, and spread civilization."

"She built windmills, taught people to process food, and brew fine wine."

"She weaves wings and teaches people to fly with the power of the wind."

"She left countless songs and celebrations behind."

"She disappeared into the wilderness far away after everything subsided."

This is a repertoire that every bard must master at the beginning stage, and the content is to praise the greatness and omnipotence of the wind god Barbatos.

Listening to the singing and seeing Wendy's self-praise, Ying wanted to ask something:

"Her? Barbatos, the wind god? The god of Mond who knows and teaches everything..."

"Hey! Don't talk about that!" Paimon interrupted anxiously: "Drinking such expensive fruit juice! We don't have that much money!"

Shaking her hand to tell Paimon not to panic, Wendy skillfully put away the wine glass:

"Money? If you don't say it, I won't say it, if everyone doesn't say it, no one will know. We just need to quietly..."

Just as he was about to mix a bottle of low-quality drink with top-quality grape juice, the door of the tavern opened.

"What are you going to do quietly?" Di Luke blocked the bottle with his hand, protecting the treasures of Chenxi Winery from the hands of those with malicious intentions.

"If it's just drinking secretly, we still have room for negotiation, and you can pay it off if you live in singing for three years at most..."

"But if you plan to add water...to ruin the reputation of the winery, then you may spend your whole life in prison!"

Wendy hurriedly left the counter and hid behind Ying: "Hey! How could I have such an idea!"

Di Luke was not the only one who entered the tavern, but also the collaborators he brought.

In Mond, there are not many people who can be called collaborators by Master Diluc.

Seeing the blond girl, Ying and Paimon became tense:

"Qin... Leader."

You must know that they are wanted objects, at least for now.

If he was imprisoned...then it would be useless to save Twarin and find clues for his brother.

The Dandelion Knight, acting head of the West Wind Knights, was also surprised: "Ying, why are you here? Could it be that you stole the blond hair from the Qin of the Sky..."

Paimon quickly explained: "We really didn't steal it..."

Di Luke had already checked the counter, and under Wendy's distressed expression, while recording the loss, he said:

"Don't worry, this one is just Qin, not Qin who is the head of the West Wind Knights. At least for the time being, you don't have to worry about arresting you."

"This is someone you, an honorary knight, have no chance of getting in touch with."

Paimon shook his head: "No matter what kind of harp it is, we didn't steal the harp...Huh? It sounds weird."

In order to let Paimon not be nervous, Qin came over, touched her head gently, then turned to Ying and said:

"Then Di Luke senior... Di Luke said that the sound of the piano can restore the Wind Demon Dragon to normal, is it true?"

Di Luke found Qin and Lisa who were looking for information in the library, and briefly explained the story about the wind dragon from the poet.

Qin decisively agreed to cooperate, while Lisa continued to sleep irrelevantly on the grounds that "insufficient sleep time will affect her beauty".

"That's right, in order to solve the Fengmolong incident, Yingzheng is actively working at the forefront."

Wendy stood up and said yes: "Hi, I'm Wendy, the bard of Mond, can you help us?"

All eyes are on Qin. As a representative of the Knights, her opinion is very important.

"Hello, poet of ancient songs, and strange stranger."

In many records of Mond, there are poets dressed like this appearing, with Vanessa, with the dragon, and with the lonely king of the tower...

"I believe you are Tevarin brought by the wind god Barbatos, no, the saviors of Mond."

Qin agreed with the poet's story, which surprised Diluc, who thought it would take a lot of talking.

It seems that the captain's trust in the honorary knight is higher than expected.

"Twalin, the Dragon of the East Wind in Guardian of the Four Winds, I have never thought of the reason for her betrayal."

"However, if he was harmed by poisonous blood during the battle to protect Mond many years ago, and was corrupted by the abyss mage after waking up, he would indeed become involuntary."

Qin is sure of everything, but she still has her own worries:

"But I can't express my understanding and goodwill towards Fengmolong as the acting team leader."

"That will be interpreted as connivance and inaction, and it will give fools a negative diplomatic excuse."

"So I can only act in private and assist you with my own strength."

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