"So there is definitely something wrong with this battle process?"

Seeing Mona who had been knocked to the ground surrounded by a large group of shrunken cattails and laughed loudly, Xuerong covered her face and sighed, feeling a little mentally polluted, and quickly left the town son.

The journey of Hero Evelvet is not over yet.

She is going to conquer the great devil king of this world, and bring eternal peace and beauty to this world!

So next, she came to a whole new city, a city where all the kids were running away.

"The great hero Xuerong, please help us!"

The children begged loudly at this moment.

"Okay, as a great hero, Mr. Xuerong... Why is this nickname getting longer and weirder? Ah no, anyway, since I am already here, I will protect everyone and defeat the monsters. Don't worry about it!"

Although Xue Rong who pulled out the sword always felt that something was wrong, she still shouted very seriously.

"Then I'll leave everything to you. Let's go over there and beat Pu for fun. Come on, great hero Xue Rong!"

These children walked away while talking, and went to a small town not far away. Each of them received a small-sized cattail from Aunt Mona, and then pressed them on the ground. They all fell on Pu's body.

"Okay, I'm going, but remember not to beat Pu to death, otherwise I will still be a little troubled."

Edelweiss who said that didn't think there was any problem... No, there are still many problems, right?Why did Pu become so many, and all of them were being beaten?Do people in this world use beating Pulai as a form of entertainment in their daily lives?And among those tools used to beat Pu, some of them are not things that can be used to beat people, no matter how you look at it?Are they not in the category of PG-13 anymore?Is that a chainsaw?It's a chainsaw, right?As long as that thing is sawed off, the scene will immediately soar to R-level, right? Even NC-17 is completely possible, right?Why can you accept all this so calmly? !

All in all, Xue Rong came to the city and looked ahead at the enemy she had to face again.

(Xuerong: I was obviously complaining about how those guys who beat Puwan suddenly entered the city directly, what is this?

Is there a setting like forced CG transition? )

But this time, Xuerong saw the enemy appearing in front of him.

That is--

"Uncle Jason and sister Liz?!"

The wide-eyed Xuerong looked at Jason and Liz who were posing in strange poses not far away, one was holding a laundry tub and the other was holding a feeding bottle.

"Xuerong, you're here, you, come, come, ah."

Jason smiled at this moment.

"Ah, obedient Xuerong, come, let Aunt Liz feed you."

Lisi also smiled at this moment, and the two of them approached Xuerong together.

"So why is it Uncle Jason and Aunt Liz again this time? Why are people I know turned into monsters? And aren't you hunters? Isn't your duty to protect ordinary people? Why? Instead, it turned into a destructive monster?!"

Xue Rong, who raised his sword, complained loudly at this moment.

"Of course we are protecting them. The children must be well protected, right?"

The smile on Jason's face became darker at this moment.

"That's right, you don't need to walk, you don't need to talk, you just need to lie down quietly, I will bathe you every day, feed you every day, you don't need to do anything, and take care of all of you They are all protected."

Lise's mouth was completely opened, and at this moment she became extremely horrified.

"Is this captivity? It's captivity, right? This is no protection at all. What are you all protecting!?"

Realizing that something was wrong, Xue Rong retorted angrily at this moment.

"How come, everyone will be safe forever and forever, and will never be threatened again. Isn't this protection?"

The smile on Jason's face became brighter and brighter.

"So, as long as we completely protect you, lock you up, and take good care of you, you will be well protected, won't you?"

The expression on Liz's face became more and more gentle.

"So this is not some kind of protection, you two adults with brain problems, I want to wake you up here——"

Xue Rong, who could no longer listen to it, rushed forward in the next moment.

Hero Evelvet, confront the strange parents Jason and Liz!

Blame parent Jason for using love hugs!

Weird Patriarch Liz used a loving touch!

Xuewei uses double dodge!Successful dodge!Dodge failed!

Xuerong is enjoying Lisi's head-touching!Hit, 11 o'clock!

Blame Parent Jason for using Super Hugs of Love!

Weird parent Liz used a super fondling of love!

Snow Velvet used a trick!The cheating hand of Xiong Zipu!

Pu, the bear child, smashed the window of someone else's luxury carriage!

Blame the parent, Jason, for using the skill of [You are also wrong]!

The strange parent, Lisi, used the skill of "He's still a child"!

Snow Velvet used the Way of Justice [But you are already grown-ups] skill!

Snow velvet skill takes effect!Jason and Liz skills failed!

Snow velvet skill damage succeeded!Crit!Damage 666!

Blame parents Jason and Liz are down!

Hero Evelvet got 0 gold coins and 888 experience points!

The weird parents Jason and Liz have since become peaceful again.

"So there must be something wrong with this battle process..."

At this point, Xue Rong found that she was used to having nothing to complain about.

No, it seems that there are still some, so why not reward gold coins this time?

Does it mean that everything has been lost?

Or is it that the property has been transferred, so you mess around so that the plaintiff can't get the money or something?

In other words, does this transfer some kind of resentment from other worlds into it?

All in all, next, the hero Xuerong is going to challenge the real big devil in this world and bring real peace to the world.

By the way, who is this great demon king...I always feel as if I can already imagine who it is...

Is there really nothing wrong with this world?Or just destroy it?

"Master Xue Rong, the super great hero, the peace of this world is entrusted to you. Ahem——"

On the way to Demon King City, Xuerong met the sage Casablanca, and solemnly entrusted her with her on the side of the road.

"I won't complain about my long and strange title, no matter how it sounds, it's abnormal. Mr. Sage, you are vomiting blood. Is there really no problem?"

Xue Rong with a complicated expression looked at the great sage in front of him, not knowing what expression he should show.

"It's okay, people will die if they vomit something like blood, there won't be any major problems, cough cough——"

Blanca smiled calmly and gave a very reassuring answer.

"No, this answer can't be reassuring at all, no matter what, I can't just die like this!"

Xuerong shouted loudly at this moment.


"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!


"Blood is already flowing all over the ground! It's really flowing into a river, how could it just vomit blood and turn into a river of blood!"

"Ugh—so... the super great hero lord

Snow velvet...don't stop...vomit..."

"Why did you just fall down like this!? And why did you stretch your fingers forward!? Why is this action so full of malice!? And you are obviously about to vomit blood and die, why can you still say it right in one breath? That weird title!? So, is there a doctor, doctor, doctor? Hurry up and save him, there is a person here who is dying, the doctor hurry up!"

In short, the hero Xuerong officially entered the Demon King City.

No, so was that person saved just now?

"Forget it, I'm already tired..."

Clutching the snow velvet on his forehead, he walked into the Demon King City with a sigh.

In the huge and empty Demon King City, the Demon King is already waiting for the arrival of the hero Xuerong.

it's here.

at this moment.

Xuerong saw the Demon King.

That is--

"Uncle Disma...oh, that's right."

She was no longer surprised, or no matter what happened now, she couldn't surprise Xue Rong anymore.

The so-called tired probably refers to this kind of situation, right?

"Uncle Disma?"

This time the enemy seemed a little strange, sitting on the throne of the Demon King, ignoring the incoming velvet.

"Hello, Uncle Disma? What are you doing? Do you have time to talk?"

Xue Rong waved her little hand, and shouted a little louder.

【Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump——?】

The background music started at this moment.

Isn't it why there is such a thing as background music in this world?

And the incomparably tall Disma stood up in red panties.

Hiss—what kind of weird mod is this image?You mod players install this kind of weird thing, are you worthy of such a handsome character as a robber?

"Isn't it who the hell is complaining about such things here!?"

Xuerong finally couldn't help shouting.

At the same time, on the throne, Disma opened his mouth with a smile and began to speak.

他 说:




Why does this primitive roar feel full of stink?

Xue Rong covered her nose, and just looked at the man in front of her in silence.

"Mo!!! Na!!!!!!"

Disma roared loudly.

"Why! Why!!! Don't let me drink alcohol!!!!!!"

Was it a complaint about drinking?

"How can a man not drink?"

"How can a hunter not drink?"

"Is a man who doesn't drink still a man? Is a hunter who doesn't drink still a hunter? It doesn't count at all!!!!!"

Obviously you like to drink bad wine, don't spread this thing to all men and hunters, give me a good apology to those men and hunters who don't drink!You drunkard hunter hero Uncle Disma!

Although he didn't shout out, Xue Rong's heart had already started to growl.

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