"This world where you can't drink is no longer necessary. I want to completely crush this world into dust, and then create a new one. There will be a vibrant world, and people will live happily. One day Don't eat for three meals and only drink, a perfect world!"

Disma took out the gloves inlaid with five gems and put them on his hands, and said with a holy expression at this moment.

"If it wasn't for the sake of avoiding readers thinking that the author has gone mad, I would have vomited at least [-] words by now. Uncle Disma, do you know that it is really hard to bear it?"

The expression on his face became more and more vicissitudes at this moment, Xue Rong could only cover his face at this moment, and said reluctantly with trembling shoulders.

"My Precious!"

Disma, holding the golden ring aloft, had a grim expression at this moment.

"So don't give me random stitches! You will make this book more and more strange!!!"

Finally unable to bear it, Xue Rong raised his sword and rushed forward like this.

Hero Evelvet, confront the Demon King Disma!

The Demon King Disma used his skills to smash it!

Demon Lord Disma did nothing!

Snow Velvet uses a flat cut!

Crit!Double crit!Injury 23333333!

Demon Lord Disma has fallen!

Hero Evelvet got 22 gold coins and 22222 experience points!

Demon King Disma has since become peaceful again.

"No, why is the final final boss battle so perfunctory? Generally speaking, the final battle shouldn't be a particularly gorgeous and handsome one, right?"

At this moment, Xuerong spoke in a somewhat confused manner.

"Because I'm messing around."

Disma, who was paralyzed on the ground, said solemnly.

"So you still have to cheer up a little bit. How can you be a hunter? If you all decide to do it, who else can save you?"

the world?Relying on a superhero falling from the sky? "

Xuerong looked at Disma who was slumped on the ground very dissatisfied and said seriously.

"It's not that I don't want to work hard."

Disma shook his head.

"What's that for?"

Xuerong raised her eyebrows and asked.

"I'm just dead. Ah~"

After speaking, Disma tilted his head, and he was so breathless.

"Isn't it too easy to die too casually!? And what kind of extreme thinking is it to die if you don't want to work hard? There is absolutely no need to go to this point!"

Xuerong covered her face and couldn't help complaining again.

In short, the Demon King was wiped out just like that.

The whole world ushered in eternal peace.

Everyone can live and work in peace and contentment. They won't be forced to drink by the evil king, they won't be annoyed by strange parents, they won't be given inexplicable orders by the tyrant, and they can take Pu to beat and play casually every day. What a wonderful life this must be.

"I only feel an unprecedented chill towards this kind of life, and why people in this world are so hostile towards Pu, it's as if he did something outrageous and really harmed someone, Mingming Pu has never done such a bad thing, the worst thing he did was to throw a flowerpot from the third floor and hit someone, causing the other person to stay in the hospital for three days and use more than ten healing techniques to get rid of it. Rescued or something... emmmm, thinking about it like this, it seems that he really deserves to be beaten."

The so-called "I can't even convince myself" probably refers to this kind of situation.

Xuerong just felt endless sadness about this.

I hope that in the future Pu will have the opportunity to correct himself and be a good person.

"Super invincible, great hero, great lord Xuerong, we will always thank you and commemorate you, the whole world will never forget your name!"

Residents of the whole world are shouting at Xuerong at this moment.

"If possible, I really hope you can delete all those things before the word 'snow'..."

With a tired expression on his face, Xuerong said helplessly, having decided to accept this world view and stop thinking about other things.

In short, this strange journey should be considered as the end.

The hero Xuerong defeated all the enemies, and everyone got peace and tranquility.

This story can end here.


"No, there is still the last enemy to be defeated, hero Xuerong, are you ready to face new challenges?"

Blanca, who was floating on the sea of ​​blood she spat out, floated up from the blood at this moment, only showing her pale head, and said to Xuerong.

"Do you have to use such a bloody and terrifying way to appear?"

Xue Rong, who was carrying the sword, supported her forehead and said helplessly.

"There is one last threat, threatening everyone, a particularly terrifying monster, you may not be able to defeat it."

Blanca said seriously, and pointed to the terrifying huge body that slowly emerged from the dark mist not far away.


Slightly, I felt a little fear, a terrible feeling that I didn't dare to face the other party.

"This monster will definitely hurt many, many people. Even if the very powerful hunter heroes want to destroy it, they will have to pay a lot of sacrifice."

"If you are going to fight this monster, you will definitely be injured and you will definitely die."

"Even so, are you still willing to stand up?"

While Blanca asked, she gradually drifted away into the distance.


He raised his head and looked at the figure in the black mist.

That terrifying monster is like the kind of suffocating and frightening thing that Uncle Disma and the others occasionally mentioned in their stories.

Will such a horrible monster come to harm those around me, harm everything I know?

if it is like this……

"Of course I will stand up, I will."

Xue Rong nodded slightly, and looked at the huge shadow without fear.

"But, it will hurt, it will hurt."

Blanca's voice came from afar, with a hint of seclusion.

"I'm not afraid of pain."

Xuerong showed a proud expression and said.

"You will probably die, you will never be able to speak again, you will never see the people you want to see, you will never eat what you like, and you will never come back to this world."

The voice of Blanca, who was already invisible and disappeared into the mist, continued to reach Xuerong's side.

"I'm not afraid either."

Shaking her head lightly, Xuerong stretched out her hand to lightly touch her badge, which was given to her by her mother, showing a firm expression at this moment.

"Everyone says that my mother is a hero, she sacrificed herself to protect her companions."

"I want to be like my mother, and I want to be a hero. Heroes are not afraid, so I am not afraid."

"I want to protect everyone, I will definitely protect everyone!"

i will be,

The hero who can protect everyone.

I certainly will!

The dream gradually dissipated at this moment.

Consciousness slowly woke up.

Xuerong opened her eyes, sat up from the bed, rubbed her eyes and yawned heavily.

I don't remember the details, but it seemed like I had a strange dream yesterday.

Very strange, I don't know how to describe the dream, it seems a little funny, and there are some inexplicable places.

However, in the end, it seems that it is still a dream that can make people happy.

I became a hero, a little sweet dream.

"Huh, get up, get up."

Xue Rong, who had become very energetic, got out of bed with a cheer.


Pu, who was sleeping on the other bed beside him, showed an extremely tired expression at this moment.

Last night, he had a very bad dream. He dreamed that he was beaten and kicked by others, and he was beaten all night, and different people came up and beat him all the time. Not far away, Xuerong was still smiling. Tell everyone, "Don't beat him to death, you can keep him beating him several times a day."

Which world did that devil-like velvet come out of?

The Xuerong he knew was not such a scary person!

"Ah... got up..."

Although he was very tired and his body was very heavy, Pu got up slowly.

Speaking of which, sister Lisi didn't come to wake them up today.

Pu felt a little puzzled.

At this time, Xuerong had already left the room and went to the first floor.

After washing, wipe your face clean.

Bounced to the living room, but found that the living room was a little deserted today.

"Aunt Mona, Uncle Disma, where are they?"

Noticing that some people were not there, Xuerong trotted to the kitchen, looked curiously at Mona who was busy with breakfast, and asked.

"Mr. Disma and the others have left for the time being. They have tasks to do, and they won't be back until at least a week later. Well, since you got up early, come and help me, Linda is sleeping again Too much."

Mona spoke calmly, stretched out her hand and flicked Xuerong's little head.

"Okay, Uncle Disma and the others have a mission, are they going to help others as hunter heroes again?"

Xue Rong, who was helping Mona in the kitchen, asked with bright eyes.

"Yeah, they are all very powerful people, that's why they can help others and be heroes."

Mona said with a little emotion.

"Well, Uncle Disma, they are all great heroes. Without them, our life would not be so good now. When I grow up, I will become a person like Uncle Disma, and I will also Be a hero like them."

Xue Rong, who raised her little hand, spoke with great momentum at this moment.

"I have ambitions, but you can't drink like your Uncle Disma every day."

Mona showed a smile at this moment.

"Hey hey hey, I don't know how to learn to drink."

The child's lovely laughter, in the soft moonlight of the morning, just like this spreads a long distance.

Fragment 1-07: Returning Spirits

Star Town, no different from the past, ushered in a new day.

The hunters continued their laughter.

Ordinary people are still going on with their lives.

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