"It can be used not only as a cold weapon to crush monsters, but also as a catalyst for magic? Is this your idea, Your Excellency Hunter?"

Ai Ke next to him made another sound of admiration, but the hunter himself blinked and showed a slightly puzzled expression.

Can the cane be used in this way?

In any case, the hunter now has another powerful weapon, which can be regarded as further enhancing his own strength.

Next, it is time to cross the terrifying land known as the Kamasa Hills, which is feared by hunters.

The hunter who put away his cane turned his head to look at the white moonlight rising outside the window.

And Solal had stopped praying to the lost sun. In the moonlight, this resolute man put on his helmet, took his sword and shield, and slowly walked towards the ruins beside him.

"Your Excellency, are you ready?"


In the plain response, Marman, who was wrapped in many bandages around his body, raised his head and looked at the shadow that was slowly approaching in the distance of the ruins of the town under the moonlight.

Chapter 29: The Sun Warrior and the Priest

The time went back to more than half a month ago, and the Hunters and the Hunting God Squad had just set off, in the morning of the next day.

The residents and hunters of the entire Starry Sky Town have basically retreated. There is no one left in the empty and silent town, only the ruins after burning, destruction and collapse are left. It looks like a cemetery, which is disturbing. .

Solar softly recited the mantra of prayer, releasing the miracle of recovery. The golden light covered Marman's body, but it quickly shattered, as if there was no way to leave any trace on his body.

"It's useless, the star god's curse has penetrated into my body, this power can't change anything."

Malman shook his head lightly, seemingly not caring about his physical condition.

"This is really bad news, but aren't you the priest of the Star God? Why are you cursed by it?"

Solal tried a few more times and found that there was really no way to treat Marman's body burns, so he had no choice but to give up, shaking his head and sighing.

"My grandfather and father led the improvement of the blood lipid ceremony. After the improvement, the soul of the child will not become the food of the star god, but will remain in the transformed body until death. This behavior angered that existence, so I My family was cursed, and I was the only one left to survive, and my child was also cursed to die soon, so I sacrificed him in Xingkong Town, at least his death brought peace in Xingkong Town for a period of time .”

Marman narrated with a calm expression, as if he was telling a story about a stranger.

"I see. It seems that both you and your elders are a group of genuine lunatics."

Solar shook his head, sighing

Said with a sigh of relief.

"Since you know this, why stay here, you should understand what will happen next."

Malman's voice became a little deeper.

"The brilliance of the sun is far greater than you can imagine, Father Malman."

Looking back, Solal looked at Malman through the gap in the helmet with extremely open eyes.

"I have traveled many places and paid endless hardships in pursuit of the lost sun."

"I have seen noble saints, and I have seen people as crazy as you, and as far as I know, the only thing they have in common is that living in this goddamn world is worse than death, until they die, they can't find anything that can be done. A light that reassures oneself."

"You may indeed be an inhuman lunatic, but you have indeed saved many more people than you killed. I will not swing a knife at you because of personal grudges. If you want to face trial, it should be in Accept the judgment under the witness of mankind, instead of waiting for its servants to bring you the end under the curse of an evil god like now."

In the words without the slightest hesitation, Solar finally laughed.

The hearty man's laughing voice was contagious, even though he was already suffering from severe burns all over his body, Malman couldn't help laughing together.

A little stiff, it seems that he hasn't smiled so easily for many years, so that his smile is very ugly.

The burnt flesh on his face was torn from his smile, and blood with pus flowed out.

Malman quickly stopped smiling, staring at the shadow gradually appearing in front of the ruins of the town under the moonlight, he couldn't help but speak again.

"You understand what we're going to face next, don't you?"

The priest's voice was somewhat cold.

"I know, the star capital's firing squad, the puppets dedicated to the Star God."

Solal pulled out his long sword and spoke slowly.

"No, they can't be described as puppets, Sun Warriors."

"They are one of the very few fighters chosen by the star gods in the past thousand years, and they could have become the most powerful fighters among human beings."

"The power of the star gods has completely eroded their ego, turning them into immortal beings who will not fear or retreat, and possess inhuman power."

"It can be said that these people themselves are the extension of the star god, a part of the body that exists in this world."

"That's why they are called [Star God's Tentacles]. They are very dangerous, definitely more dangerous than any enemy you have ever faced."

Taking a deep breath, standing up while supporting his bandage-wrapped body, Malman held the short staff with a scimitar inlaid beside him while speaking.

"So they're still puppets, aren't they? Hahahahaha—"

However, Solal just laughed loudly after hearing these words, without the slightest fear at all.

"Oh, that's right, they are indeed puppets, but they are just a group of things that don't even have their own ego."

Malman was taken aback for a moment, his original serious expression collapsed again, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

"You are a hero worthy of praise."

The priest spoke seriously to the Sun Warrior beside him.

"No, I'm just a warrior seeking the sun, and warriors, when there are people who need light by our side, we are the extension of the sun."

The Sun Warrior shook his head lightly, and his voice became more and more high-pitched.

"That's true, heh, the Lost Sun Cult, I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still such devout believers."

The priest sighed softly, turned his head to look at the ruins of the church behind him, and then focused his gaze on the approaching darkness ahead again.

I can feel that extremely familiar breath.

Wandering in his own will and soul, wanting to occupy himself, but there is still no breath of success.

What is coming towards me now is my original destiny, the appearance of the fate that will come if I choose to be weak.

And now, it's finally time to welcome fate and draw the sword towards fate.

At this moment, at this moment, Lord Hunter and the others, I am afraid that they have only walked a short distance.

These tentacles must not be allowed to touch the hunters. These things carry the genuine will of the star gods, and with the current growth level of the hunters, they must not be able to fight them. They must be held back, at least for half a day.

Originally, this interception plan, which was tantamount to death, should be executed by Marman himself alone.

He was originally a villain who was cast aside by thousands of people. In addition, he suffered severe burns all over his body when he defended Abigail from the explosion.

It's just that he didn't expect that the Sun Warrior would see through his plan, and then choose to stay without hesitation, staying on this mortal battlefield.

What a pity, Grandpa, back then you and that leader tried so hard to spread the Lost Sun Cult. If the warriors at that time were like this man, how could they be easily defeated by the Star God belief? ?

Opening his eyes, Marman no longer recalled the past, but calmly stared ahead.

Solal restrained his laughter, his aura gradually became sharper, and he clenched the big sword in his hand.

And in the darkness ahead, a tall figure under a broken cloak

body, slowly stepped out from the ruins.

【Star God's Tentacles】has arrived.

Chapter 30: 【Star God's Tentacle Executioner】

The moonlight has dimmed.

And the tall figure in the broken cloak stepped out slowly from the ruins.

The sound of heavy breathing can be heard, accompanied by the crisp sound of the chain being dragged.

A long giant ax was dragged on the muddy road, drawing a long trace amidst the sound of clatter-clack-clack.

The Sun Warrior clenched the long sword in his hand, and the priest stretched out his hand to support the staff as a support for his body. He walked forward slowly, facing the same slowly oncoming figure in front of him, and gradually drew closer to each other. distance.

The air seemed to become solidified and viscous in an instant.

Then, the giant hammer wrapped around the chain fell.


During the huge shock of the heavy explosion, a house was suddenly shattered and collapsed.


The chain was pulled suddenly, and the other hand of the tall figure swung violently, and the chain wrapped around it brought a hammer head full of spikes, sweeping across the Sun Warrior who was attacking forward.

At this moment, Solar did not choose to resist, and rolled forward to avoid the fatal blow. Then he got up and swung his long sword to face the enemy directly. A sword cut out and swung towards the opponent's body.


The next moment the blade hit the thick armor made of fine steel.

Even stronger than the expected defensive performance.


Withdrew a few steps to the rear, Solal swung a blow to no avail, and then wanted to increase the distance to avoid a close fight with this behemoth nearly three meters high.


The darkness suddenly extended over at the next moment.

An illusory arm protruded from the shadows, grabbing Solal's body violently.

The next moment, a huge force pulled him, and he couldn't control himself to face the silent enemy who was swinging a long axe in front of him.

The golden thunder swept violently in an instant.

Amidst the roar, Solal retreated more than ten steps one after another, and he stabbed the long sword in his hand into the ground, stabilizing his body in this way to avoid falling.And the armored body under the cloak flew upside down, smashed through a low wall, and splashed muddy water to the surroundings, but the thing had already climbed up again between breaths.

"Fire, devour my enemy!"

At this moment, Marman's voice resounded loudly, and the light of the flame illuminated the ground, roaring and attacking the tall body.

During the explosion, Solal could feel the tremors of the ground, and the shock wave in the fierce flames even shattered the ruins of the surrounding houses, and a large amount of rubble fell towards the surroundings for a while.

"Father, your physical condition no longer supports the use of this technique, you are consuming your own life!"

Solal, who understood something from the power of the spell, turned his head, looked at the priest behind and said seriously.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, it's far from over."

Marman, who coughed lightly, reminded Solal in a very serious voice.

And as if responding to his voice, the flames not far away were cut open suddenly, and in the gust of wind, the tall figure close to three meters flew high, aiming the heavy long ax at the Sun Warrior below. chopped down.



With no time to dodge, Solal, who could only raise his shield, let out a muffled grunt, and the ground under his feet exploded, sinking into a shallow pit.

The sound of chains followed, but at the same time that the body was attacking Solal, the chain hammer wrapped in the other hand was swept out, piercing through three buildings in a row, and directly facing the distance to release the spell the location of the priest.

Boom! ! !

The ruined houses that were already crumbling collapsed with the penetration of the chain hammer.

The next moment Solal rolled over to avoid it, and just stood up when he saw the giant ax cutting towards him obliquely, and had to raise the shield in his hand to resist, but the whole person was sent flying with the shield, and landed not far away. In the ruins there, the ceiling smashed through the house and landed on the wooden table in the living room, and the table was smashed and dumped among the gravel and sawdust.

"It's really... a terrifying power..."

The hand holding the shield was almost unable to lift up. Solal, who was struggling to get up, had not had time to catch his breath, but the strong sense of crisis forced him to get down again.

The roar sounded again, and the spiked chain hammer almost brushed against Solal's back, knocking down a wall beside him.

Immediately afterwards, the tall body slammed into the outer wall directly, and the huge ax swung towards Solal was chopped down.The Sun Warrior had to dodge again by rolling over, and following him, he saw a deep hole directly opened by the ax in the place where he was lying on his stomach just now.


The long sword stabbed forward, sparking a spark on the armor of this huge body.

Realizing that the attack with cold weapons could not break the opponent's defense at all, Solal took a deep breath, and instead of retreating, he bent down to avoid the long ax wielded by this huge body, and a golden thunder light suddenly condensed in his hand.


Amidst the thunder and lightning, the tall body was sent flying by Solal's blow, and hit the side of the room.

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