Raiden's lance burned black parts of the tall enemy's armor, but it didn't seem to

Inflicts excessive paralysis on it.Everything was just a breath, and the huge body stood up again, facing Solar and charged straight up.

Amidst the clattering sound, the chain hammer struck from behind, dancing with the movement of the huge enemy pulling the chain.

Solal didn't fall into a panic, he rolled sideways, the long sword suddenly raised, and slid along the chain, unexpectedly wrapped part of the chain around the blade amidst the ear-piercing friction sound.Immediately afterwards, the Sun Warrior grasped the blade with both hands, and the moment the huge body met him, he turned around suddenly, driving the chain hammer and smashing it directly on the opponent.


With a fairly crisp sound, the huge body hit by his own weapon fell directly to the ground, denting the ground.

The Sun Warrior gritted his teeth without hesitation, and immediately took a step forward, intending to pursue the victory, but suddenly found the shadow on the ground wriggling again.He only had time to raise his shield to defend, but he was hit by the wriggling shadow, and he flew upside down, passed through the wall that had been pierced, and smashed into a room that looked like a bedroom.

"This is more painful than expected..."

He could clearly feel the bone cracking sound coming from the left hand holding the shield, Solal took a breath, stood up while supporting the bed board in the bedroom, and then he saw the tall enemy smashing through the broken wall with a long ax in his hand. up.

Dodging the attack dangerously and dangerously, the giant ax slashed down and split the bed board in half from the middle.

Sawdust flew up, and the tall body hadn't pulled out the giant ax that had been chopped off, but Solal had once again raised the long sword in his hand. This time he didn't try to stab at the enemy's armor again, but looked for it. Aiming at the joints of the armor, the sword suddenly stabbed at the enemy's back knee.


After a layer of defense that wasn't too strict, Solal felt the touch of flesh and blood.

Pull out the blade, bringing up a black and red blood flower.

Solar rolled to avoid the swinging chain hammer, and then jumped out of the window on the side of the room through the broken glass before the body pursued.

Father Malman was standing outside the house, apparently waiting for Solar to come out. A dim light was gathering on the staff in his hand, and it was released almost as soon as Solar turned over, hitting directly on the It was on the huge body that wanted to rush out from the rear.


In the first explosive sound, the huge body was blown away.


The subsequent explosions were followed by the collapse of the house with the dim light blooming, and the huge body was directly buried in the rubble among the sweeping dust.

Marman raised the scepter in his hand high, and amidst the solemn shouts, the flames fell from the sky, smashed into the broken buildings, hit the body that was about to step out of it, and set off the third explosion.While the flames were blooming, Solal was almost blown away by the shock wave, and the armor of the tall body holding the giant ax showed large and small cracks and melting marks.


As for Marman himself, who released two high-powered spells in succession, his face was already pale at this time, and even the blood-red burns seemed to shrink.

"Is your skill talent actually so powerful?"

Solal looked at Marman with some surprise. He had to admit that in the current situation where everything is dying and human beings are coming to an end, there are very few strong men like Marman who can cast destructive spells.

"That won't kill it."

Marman himself didn't pay attention to this, he just watched the burning flames in front of him closely, and spoke again in an indifferent voice.

"I know that as a direct extension of the star god's power, these monsters are no weaker than the powerful monsters in the corrupt field."

Solal, who nodded, cast a simple spell on his wounded shield-wielding hand for treatment, then held the long sword and stood in front of Marman, watching vigilantly at the still burning fire not far away. ruins.


You can see the tall figure standing up from it.

The giant ax and the chain had turned dark red, and the cracked armor peeled off a little, revealing bloody flesh from inside the shattered armor.These believers who turned into tentacles seemed to have been completely integrated with the armor, and only the flesh and blood remained under the armor. The wriggling and twisting appearance was almost no different from the filthy monster in appearance.

Perhaps, in essence, there is no difference at all?

Such thoughts just flashed through Solal's mind, he clenched the blade tightly, quickly put aside distracting thoughts, and concentrated his will on the enemy in front of him.

"[Star God's Tentacle] manipulates shadows and uses heavy weapons. This tentacles should be Star God's [Executioner]."

Marman recognized the other party's identity at this time.

"Then let's see if this puppet has the ability to execute us."

Solal, who laughed, took a step forward.

Chapter 31: Senran Starlight

Under the soft moonlight, in the dilapidated town, a death struggle is still going on.

The executioner stood up from the ruins, his cloak was already burning, turning into a fiery red color and covering the metal armored body.Under the stripped armor fragments were rotting and squirming flesh and blood, revealing the fact that this body was no longer human.

no dialogue, no

Sound, a puppet that has lost its self will not feel pain and shrink, and it is impossible to communicate with the enemy.

It just raised its long ax and chain hammer again, took a step forward, and rushed towards the two people in front of it.


Amidst the sound of the surging wind, the chain hammer attacked first with the swing of the chain.

Malman took a step back. His physical condition had reached its limit, and he couldn't fight in close quarters, so he needed to distance himself.But Solal rushed forward quickly, rolled to avoid the attack of the chain hammer, and then provoked to avoid the second attack when the chain hammer was retracted, the distance between the two sides was only one step away in the blink of an eye.

Solal could already smell the festering stench of the executioner.

The long ax slashed heavily, but failed to catch Solal's movement trajectory.

Stepping on the handle of the axe, the Sun Warrior jumped up step by step in the next moment, and the long sword in his hand stabbed out, deeply embedded in the crack in the chest of the armor, among the squirming flesh and blood.

The moment he succeeded in the blow, he drew his sword to dodge without hesitation. Solal rolled over in the mud. Although the mud splashed all over his body looked quite embarrassing, at least it was better than being hit by a chain hammer much.

The shadow squirmed again, and it was obvious that another spell was about to be activated.

Before that, Malman's chanting ended one step earlier, and a burst of green light directly blasted the executioner away, hitting the stone tablet in the small square not far away.Immediately afterwards, the green light turned into a large number of vines, directly binding the executioner himself who wanted to stand up.

Solal took a step forward, rushing to meet the huge body before it completely broke free from the vine, the golden thunder gathered in his hand, and suddenly threw it out with the movement of waving, hitting the executioner's chest amidst the violent roar. on the chest.


The vines exploded with the shock wave.

And the flesh and blood on the executioner's chest had been blown out a big hole.

"The body of this thing..."

The pupils shrank slightly, and Solal saw the things oozing out from under the flesh and blood.

Boom! ! !

The explosion was more violent than before, knocking Solal to the ground.

The huge executioner stood up slowly, and the surging starlight emerged from the surging flesh and blood, exuding a beautiful and strange color at this moment.

"Is it finally showing the whole picture, 【Tendacle】?"

Marman, who seemed to have expected this scene long ago, whispered to himself, and raised the staff in his hand to release the spell again.

However, no release effect was manifested.

Raising his head, Marman looked at the wand in his hand, but he didn't feel the release of magic power.

The magic power in the air no longer responded to him, and the magic power in his body could not be released, as if blocked by some invisible force.

"The power of the gods..."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the priest's expression became a little ugly at this moment.

The starlight was shining, and the executioner covered by the starlight raised his weapon again, his aura was very different from before.

Solal only had time to get up from the ground, and then felt the approaching gust of wind.

He raised the shield in his hand, but amidst the roaring sound, the giant ax slashed into the shield abruptly, and then the shield was lifted in mid-air together with Solal himself.

Gritting his teeth, the Sun Warrior thrust out a sword without hesitation, piercing through the starlight and piercing into the wriggling flesh and blood. The next moment, the monster swung the long ax in his hand, so Solal flew out and pierced through it. A remnant wall fell into the flying rubble.

The starlight became more and more dazzling, and it seemed that even the long ax and chain hammer were dyed with holy colors.

The huge executioner took a step forward and approached Solal who was struggling to get up from the ruins.

The shield with the pattern of the sun has been cut in half, and even the left hand holding the shield has been cut into a large piece of flesh, blood dripping on the shield.

Solal panted, trying to heal, but found that he could no longer use the power of spells, and froze in place for a while.But the executioner didn't intend to give the enemy more time to react, he swung his long ax and jumped up, and the next moment he fell hard in the direction of Solal.


The sound of the wind was accompanied by the sound of explosions, and a sharp crossbow stopped the executioner's body in mid-air, causing his landing to deviate and hit a house not far away.

Marman, with an extra steel crossbow in his hand, appeared outside the wall, panting slightly, the bandages on his body showed a bit of blood, obviously causing the wound to tear in order to rush over as soon as possible.

"The power of the Star God has stopped the flow of magic power in this area, and it is impossible for people other than these [tentacles] to use any spells."

Seeing Solal stand up, Malman spoke to him in a calm voice.

"This is really bad news, does it mean that we must fight in close quarters?"

The Sun Warrior smiled helplessly, and then heard the whistling wind from the house in front of him.

The wall was shattered in an instant, and the heavy chain hammer swept across.

Marman, who was seriously injured, obviously couldn't avoid such a quick attack. Even if he had already reacted, his body couldn't keep up with his thinking.Solal rushed out quickly, throwing Marman to the ground, listening to the strong wind passing over his head, barely avoiding the attack.

But before they had any further reaction, the chain hammer drew an arc in midair, aiming at the place where Malman was below.

The position was suddenly smashed down.

At this speed, the priest has no possibility of dodging.

The body that subconsciously wanted to avoid stopped in place, Solar raised the shield in his hand, and blocked Malman at this moment.


Amidst the trembling explosion, cobweb-like cracks appeared on the ground, sinking under the terrifying force.


In the roar of pain, Solal roared and swung the long sword in his hand to slash at the chain connected by the chain hammer, knocking the chain hammer off the broken shield.

In the flying blood, Solal's left hand was completely twisted and deformed, the shattered shield was even embedded in his arm, and the white bone fragments pierced through the skin and exposed, looking terrifying and bloody.

Forcibly resisting the heavy attack that is impossible to resist, this is the unavoidable result.

Solal half-kneeled on the ground, enduring the severe pain of shattered forearm bones and complete rupture of wrist joints, gasped and raised his head, looking at the executioner who was slowly walking out of the shattered ruins.

The starlight is still shining, as if it is emitting light gently and compassionately.

The executioner had already raised the long ax glowing in his hand, and once again faced the two people in front of him.

Chapter 32: Solar Sun Warrior


Blood was slowly dripping from the arm that had been shattered by the chain hammer.

Solal gritted his teeth, stood up with his long sword clenched tightly, and raised the weapon in his hand again with difficulty.

His left hand is completely distorted at this moment, and the original appearance cannot be seen at all. The fingers are completely broken, the forearm is bent, and the bone fragments even directly penetrate the flesh. The dented and cracked shield is embedded in the flesh and cannot be pulled out. The broken part of the shield also pierced into the flesh and blood.


Severe pain is being sent to Solal's senses continuously along with the nerves.

This feeling is really bad enough.

First, he was half-crippled in the fight against the silent monster, and after healed, he came out again. Isn't it a bit too unlucky recently?

Sun Warrior couldn't help laughing from the bottom of his heart.

And the wind has already chilled again.

The huge monster approached in an instant, and the long ax swung fiercely.The Sun Warrior who had lost his shield was not afraid at all, instead he took a step forward, and the moment the two sides crossed each other, blood sprayed up, and it was the flesh and blood of the monster that was sliced ​​open by the warrior's sharp sword. "

The blade of the sword reflected bright red marks in the flames, and Solal's footsteps stopped suddenly. The long sword that had already been swung swirled in mid-air, and then stabbed back suddenly, directly piercing through the cracked armor gap , pierced this twisted flesh and blood thing fiercely.

At this moment, the smell of burning flesh and blood was so strong that it almost filled the entire nasal cavity.

Pulling out the long sword, once again brought up a large spray of blood.

Solal took a deep breath, stepped back abruptly, followed by the monster's long ax and almost swept across his cheek, cutting a gap in Solal's helmet amidst the sound of metal friction.

The chain was wrapped in the chain hammer and fell, but because Solal was too close to hit it, the long sword fell again, and the sharp blade pierced through the wriggling flesh mercilessly, splitting it to reveal the festering internal organs , and the starlight flying out from the internal organs.

The sound of breathing is getting heavier and heavier, but thinking is also becoming extremely clear at this moment.

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