Malman replied softly.

"It is the thing that cuts off the tentacles of the gods in the name of human beings."

Chapter 34: The prey has been slaughtered [Star God Tentacle Executioner]

The dazzling starlight is constantly flickering and trembling, as if struggling hard.

But under the strange pitch-black scimitar held by Marman, these rays of light completely lost the ability to resist, and could only be quickly sucked into it one by one.

In just a few seconds, this huge flesh and blood monster began to shrink.Those squirming flesh and blood seemed to have lost their source of vitality, gradually unable to support the movement of the body, and the giant ax and chain hammer that had been shining with light also lost their color, and even began to gradually spread cracks.

"What weapon is this?"

Solal, who supported his body with a long sword and stood up with difficulty, looked at the scimitar in Malman's hand and asked.

"It was my father, and some others who have not left their names to make weapons."

"They are called the [Profane Crowd]. You may have heard the name of this group."

Piercing the scimitar deeper into the body of the flesh and blood thing, Marman calmly answered Solal's question.

"Yes, I have indeed heard that it is really unexpected that you are related to this force."

Solal was a little surprised, he thought that he was unlikely to hear the name of this force again.

Blasphemy, this is an organization that was established in secret and has been maintained for hundreds of years.

Unwilling to succumb to the brutal rule of the star gods, but at the same time understand that human beings have gradually lost the possibility of defeating the filth under the care of the gods.Therefore, in order to find a way out, and to find the possibility of allowing human civilization to continue to survive and develop, some people with knowledge and ability began to organize secretly, and formulated a shocking plan.

They want to seize the power of the ruler of the starry sky, plunder the power of the gods into the human body, cut off the connection with the gods, and completely take it as their own.

There is no doubt that this is an act of complete blasphemy. Once discovered, it will inevitably bring irreversible disasters to himself and the people around him.

However, the people who made this decision, that is, the secret meeting at that time, is said to have a total of 13 people, including some scholars, warriors and warlocks, and even a priest of the Starry Sky Church who violated his beliefs and joined them. He joined this cause without hesitation, and continued to develop this organization for hundreds of years without stopping for several generations.

Whether they finally achieved results is unknown, because the organization was completely ruined by the betrayal of traitors 40 years ago. The entire force was basically wiped out, and no member survived.

It is said that during that period of time, there were new monsters outside the city gate of the Star Capital every day.

The corpses were hung on the top, and for a while, the densely packed people hanging on the city wall actually formed a shade on the city wall. As long as there was a slight wind, countless people's feet would shake, and at the same time, a large number of maggots would fly all over the sky and fall into the sky. on passers-by.

Solal tried to find these blasphemers, but was unsuccessful. In the end, he actually saw their descendants in this border town. How should I say this kind of development? Destiny is really mysterious.


While Solal was still secretly sighing, he heard the sound of something breaking apart.

Raising his head suddenly, he saw Marman's black scimitar stabbing into the flesh and blood thing's body, and at this moment, cracks gradually spread.

"Have you reached the limit after absorbing this level?"

Marman said with some regret, grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled it out abruptly.

And almost at the same time that the scimitar left the body, the monster that had shrunk to a height of about [-] meters moved violently, grabbed the giant ax and slashed at the priest in front of him.


In the clear and crisp explosion, it was Solal who took a step forward with one hand holding the sword, and unexpectedly blocked the heavy blow.

"It looks like it's the end of the battle."

Solal, who had healed himself to stop the bleeding after the spell restriction disappeared, murmured to himself, took another step forward, and pushed away the long ax cut by the flesh and blood thing with his shoulder against the blade. And immediately cut out a sword, leaving another wound on the opponent's body.

In the clattering sound of chains sweeping across, the monster swung the chain hammer towards Solal the moment it retreated.But this time, the Sun Warrior just dodged sideways for a while, and then he clenched his sword and slashed down. Accompanied by a sharp explosion, Solal's sword cut off the chain of the chain hammer directly, causing the spiked The hammer rolled on the ground, unable to cause large-scale damage with the swing of the flesh and blood monster.

"Come on, let's go on."

The blow with all his strength made the slightly healed wounds on the shoulder and abdomen bleed again, but Solal couldn't care less about such minor injuries at this moment.

He took a deep breath, and moved forward again facing the powerful enemy in front of him, and the opponent also attacked without flinching. The long ax and the long sword collided and intersected among the ruins, and Solal swung forward continuously in the crisp sound. The blade continued to deflect to resist the swing of the long axe, creating wounds one after another on the twisted thing.

The suppression of power no longer exists. It would be better to say that the remaining power of this flesh and blood monster is not even comparable to that of Solal, a half-disabled Sun Warrior. Xia will also be at a disadvantage when fighting with Solar.

It's really sad.

Looking at the flesh and blood monster in tattered armor struggling to stand up again in front of him, Solal sighed silently.

The existence that was supposed to be a strong man against the filth of human beings and a great hero, but in the end became such a flesh and blood monster under the power of the Star God, forever losing the possibility of further progress.

An immortal puppet who has lost himself.

It's like the god in the starry sky, facing the dying struggle of human beings, the biggest mockery.

"I have come to bring you to rest, Nameless One."

The blade swung out again.

Amidst the shattering roar, the handle of the giant ax was directly split by the long sword.

The golden thunder lighted up immediately after, and Solal took a step forward, grasping the berserk lightning, and hit the body of the flesh and blood monster with a violent blow, and then knocked him out amidst the intensely diffused light and shock waves. He fell to his knees on the ground.

Struggling, the monster that had lost its weapon wanted to continue standing up.

And Solal's long sword had already passed over its neck, beheading its head completely.


Amidst the oscillating sound, Solal raised his head and saw the starlight emerging from the neck of the headless monster, dissipating in the air bit by bit.

The flesh and blood no longer continued to squirm, but festered, corrupted, and just collapsed and dissipated.

In the end, only a fragmented armor remained on the ground, and there was no remnant of the monster.

【Star God Tentacle Executioner】

prey slaughtered

Chapter 35: Mallman

"This is really... It seems that it has never been so miserable."

Amidst the murmurs, Solal limped and supported Marman, and walked slowly back to the half-collapsed church.

In order to defeat a [star god's tentacles], Solal fell into a state of serious disability. As for Malman, who was already seriously injured, his state was even worse at the moment, and he was almost unable to walk.

"The injury on your body is okay in other places, but I'm afraid your left hand won't be able to recover easily."

Supporting Marman to sit down on a chair on one side of the church, the other party looked at Solal's left arm that had been embedded with a shield, and after observing for a while, he shook his head and said.

The bones were shattered, and the flesh and blood were burnt by fat. It can be said that it was a complete mess.

Under such circumstances, even if Malman himself takes action, in the case of only emergency temporary treatment, I am afraid that at most it can only restore the hand to the extent that it can barely move, and the repair of the nerve cannot be completed quickly. , and once the treatment time is too long, and the best treatment period is missed, I am afraid that Solal's

The left hand is completely useless.

To challenge the gods with a human body is just a negligible tentacle, and you have to pay such a heavy price.

"At least give the hunters some time. Now they should have gone far enough. The Corruption Field will clean up all the traces. In this case, if those tentacles want to catch up with the hunters, they won't be so Easy."

As Solal spoke, he reached out and grabbed the shield stuck on his arm.

Gritting his teeth, he pulled out the twisted and deformed metal shield forcefully. The appearance of his flesh and blood being torn apart looked terrifying.But for Solal himself, he didn't feel too much pain, just a little discomfort.

The priest quickly cast the restoration technique, allowing the broken bones to return to their original positions, and the burnt flesh gradually recovered.

Rehabilitation of deeper blood vessels and nerves took a lot of time to remodel, so Malman did not proceed, and instead repaired the wounds left by Solar elsewhere on the body.

After a hasty treatment, Solal basically recovered his fighting ability, but his body was much weaker than before.

The moonlight outside the church was still soft, and in the silence, it seemed that only these two people were left in the ruins.

"We can't survive the second battle, Father, we have to retreat."

Solal moved his body, carried the broken shield on his back, and said to Marman beside him after thinking for a while.

"No, this alone is not enough, it must be delayed for some time."

Gently shaking his head, Marman took a hard breath, and looked at the broken dome of the church, the moonlight still softly illuminating the earth.

You have to hold on for a while longer.

"To be honest, with the two of us in our current state, even if we continue to persist, we won't be able to delay the time. Not only will we not be able to delay the time, but if we are captured and the enemy detects our brains, we will have even bigger problems. Instead, it will be convenient for the enemy.”

"Father, now is not the time to be brave, we should leave."

Solal spoke earnestly.If he still planned to fight for a while before, now that he has clarified the fighting strength of the tentacles, he has confirmed the fact that it is meaningless to continue to stay.

"It's true if you continue to stay, but I won't. If I stay, they will definitely follow."

Malman shook his head, there seemed to be a ray of restraint in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Well, I knew it would be like this."

Solal, who smiled and sighed, sat on the pew in the church and did not get up.

As a person who pursues the lost sun, but finally falls in this kind of battle that is bound to lose, thinking about it carefully, it seems that he is somewhat unqualified as a believer.

However, since the decision has been made to stay, then so be it.

"Please do me a favor."

Malman said suddenly.

"Basement, it's feeding time for that child."

"My body can't move anymore, can you help me?"

The priest who said this spit out a mouthful of blood, and it was obvious that his physical condition had indeed reached its limit.

"It's not something I'm good at."

Solal shook his head and said, but still stood up with the chair supported, and walked step by step to the underground passage on the side of the church.

Although he didn't have much contact with Disma, Solal still knew about Branca's child.

Originally thought that the child had died with the destruction of Xingkong Town, but did not expect that she voluntarily became a sacrifice and became the source of blood lipids for the hunters.

Solal, who had just learned of this fact, sighed for a long time, not knowing how to evaluate such a thing.

If possible, he doesn't really want to be in contact with the other party.But now Marman's condition is extremely poor, and he really can't afford the daily care work, so Solal finally has to go to the basement to feed the girl.

"It's really dark in here."

Lifting an oil lamp, Solal walked a distance in the darkness.


Suddenly, I heard some kind of mechanical vibration.

He stopped instinctively and looked around vigilantly, but when he turned around, he saw the door of the closed underground passage.


Realizing something, Solal's face changed drastically, and he hurried back to run, but he still couldn't catch up and was stopped by the thick gate of the underground passage.

"Father, what are you doing? Open the door!"

"Now is not the time to be a hero, open the door quickly!"

Reaching out and knocking on the heavy door, Solal quickly confirmed the fact that it was impossible for him to destroy this door.

"That child can still be saved."

Marman's steady voice suddenly sounded from outside the door.


"She's still alive, Casablanca, the last blood-lipid sacrifice in Xingkong Town."

Solal's expression had completely changed, he knew what the priest was about to tell, and the reason why he had to leave.

"The sacrificial ceremony has been improved for several generations, and the soul of the sacrificial child will no longer be destroyed and become the nourishment of the star god."

"She is still alive, and there is still the possibility of becoming a normal person and returning to her previous life.

Sex. "

"Take her and go to Saltwater Town. There is a female doctor who originally studied the plague. She will know what to do."

Following the priest's voice, the door roared a few more times, and it seemed to be getting heavier.

"What about you, do you want me to throw you here to die?"

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