Solal took a deep breath, clenched his fists and asked.

"I was going to die, Sun Warrior, you know very well that my injuries won't last for a few days, and it's impossible to survive."

The priest's voice was very calm, without any fear of death.

"But that child can still survive. The sacrificial ritual cured her serious illness. As long as she successfully reverses the ritual, she will be able to return to adulthood."

"She can stand up, she can run, she can laugh and dance like other kids, and grow into a beautiful big girl."

"She is the one who is really weak here and needs to be protected. Solal, as a Sun Warrior, your creed means that you must help this child, protect her to survive, and let her leave here successfully, don't you? "

Speaking of this step, it is impossible to turn around again.

Solal sighed deeply, put his right hand on the door, and punched hard.

His fingers were embedded in the door, bleeding came out, and the tingling sensation made him weaker, but he couldn't find a way to get the best of both worlds.

"The escape route is behind the bookshelf in the fourth room, which leads to Baishan Town. When you walk halfway through the passage, you will see an explosive device. Light it and the passage will collapse. Make sure there will be no People can track you."

"I have written all the things that need to be paid attention to when taking care of Blanca in this state. It is in a booklet and placed in Blanca's room. There is also a small gift box inside, which is the child's gift from before. I said I wanted a cloth bear toy. I tried to sew one, it might be a bit ugly, but I hope she won't dislike it."

"However, I still want to remind you that although the resistance of the child after the sacrificial ceremony is not bad, you still need to keep warm and try not to let her catch the cold. In addition, although she can no longer feel the stimulation of the outside world, occasionally you You can try playing the piano to make some music, it seems to relieve her pain. And most importantly, Branca’s food must be completely smashed into a paste, and spicy condiments such as chili must not be added.”

In the rambling words, Malman's voice seemed to carry some imperceptible emotions.

Then, suddenly fell into silence.

Solal stood in front of the gate, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but couldn't say a word in the end.

"...Is there anything else you want to say?"

He could only ask like this.


The priest, who seemed to be breaking free from some kind of emotion, replied indifferently.

"Is there anything you want to say to that child?"


"Don't you have anything to tell me?"



"Well, there are still."

"What is it?"

"Don't praise me."

"What do you mean?"

"I can be hated, I can be cast aside, I can be described as a devil, a bastard, anything, but I can't be remembered, praised, or commemorated. What needs to be commemorated in this world is the hunter, Lord Solar A hero like you, not a person like me. Xingkong Town will only remember a dehumanized Priest Malman, and it is enough to remember such a Priest Malman. So, please don’t call me Let the story of the sun continue to be sung, respected warriors of the sun, please let everything you see continue to sink into darkness."

"……I understand."

Can hear the footsteps of the other party going away.

The priest, who was severely burned all over his body, was struggling to breathe at this moment. He limped, supported his body with a staff, turned around, and slowly walked out of the dark underground passage.

His steps are slow but steady.

Over the years, he has walked through this underground passage countless times, to the sacrificial place where the children were, and to the bloody Star God ritual place.

But today, at this moment, he left this dark underground passage after a long absence, and suddenly felt an indescribable relief.

Ah, is it because I won't go back anymore?

Marman chuckled as he thought this way.

Walk past dilapidated churches, past crumbling statues of gods, past damaged prayer benches among the rubble.

At this moment, the moonlight was particularly gentle, causing the man's eyes to appear in a trance for a moment.

But soon, he sighed softly, closed his eyes, and then opened them slowly. "

Then he continued to walk, pushed open the old door, and came to the still silent street of the ruined town.

A shadow was already waiting for him ahead.

The tentacles of a star god, a huge figure wearing a broken cloak and heavy armor, exuded an inhuman and terrifying aura.

Turning his head and looking to both sides of the street, he saw more shadows slowly walking out.

one after another, belonging to

The tentacles accumulated by the Star God over the millennium slowly took over the street completely.They walked out in silence, holding blood-stained sharp weapons, and silently surrounded all of Malman's escape routes amidst the twinkling stars.

"The 340, no, 339 Star God Tentacles, heroes who have been deprived of themselves for thousands of years, are all here?"

In a calm voice, Marman slowly drew out the long knife at his waist.

"Starry Sky Town, Malman, I'll wait here for a long time."

"Come on, everyone."

Chapter 36: To the Kamasa Hills

More than half a month later, the Hunting God team that the hunter was in was ready to set off.

After sorting out the equipment and thinking about it for a while, the hunter handed over the broken giant sword and the cold long sword to the courier for these illusory little guys to keep.After all, there are too many weapons on his body, and he is in a hurry to replace them. Therefore, the hunter finally decided to use his most commonly used meat saw knife, and the modified and strengthened hunter that also came from his own memory. The cane is his main weapon.

"The next section of the road is a dangerous section in the true sense."

William, who fed some dried meat to the hound, stood up and said in a deep voice.

"You don't need to say it, hey, Kamasa Hills, I never thought that one day I would walk into this restricted area for hunters."

Tardiff snorted, although the expression on his face was still indifferent, but the seriousness that was obviously different from the past was very clear.

As for Disma, who was arranging his guns without saying a word, although he didn't say anything, his look of being ready for battle also made people very concerned.

Speaking of which, many hunters I saw before became very serious when they were about to set off.

Is the Kamasa hills so daunting and worrying?

The hunter couldn't help showing some doubts.

"Speaking of which, Lord Hunter, you seem to have no idea of ​​where we are going."

Noticing the expression on the hunter's face, William began to introduce.

The Kamasa hills are a stretch of mountains on the side of the pilgrim's old road in the rotten field. There are no high mountains in this hill, but only one layer after another, undulating like waves. .The entire hill is not easy to pass because of the continuous ups and downs and the rocks all over it.But relatively speaking, the vegetation here is very sparse, so there is no need to worry too much about all kinds of monsters who like to hide and ambush.

In the case that the old pilgrim road that originally went directly to the cursed forest was blocked by the spreading black lake, this hill was the nearest, and in fact the only one that could be chosen.

How this place originally came from, there are not many related things handed down.However, there is a theory that this huge rocky hill was manifested by the power of the goddess of the earth herself, and the name "Kamasa" comes from a goddess knight who is said to have challenged God with human skills. The knight of the gods.Of course, this kind of talk is just an unfounded country legend, and the real history has long been buried in time.

However, the reason why this place is feared by hunters is not because of these fragmented stories.

There is something that has been wandering in this hill for thousands of years.

People call it [Howling Spirit], a strange ghost-like existence that keeps howling and crying.

It is believed by some to be an abominable entity gathered from the grudges of the countless dead in the Corrupt Fields.

Some believe it is a monstrosity cobbled together from the remains of the souls of those who turned into monsters.

Others believe that it is a special monster born out of evil and filthy power.

But no matter how it is understood, the only thing that can be confirmed is that most of the hunter heroes who encountered that thing head-on fell into a crazy nightmare.That terrifying howl seemed to be able to quickly disintegrate reason, and then caused the entire hunter team to collapse.What's even more frightening is that these things are really like ghosts, completely invulnerable to swords, and even magic can't hit them, as if they don't exist in the real world.

The appearance of [Howling Spirit] seems to change with the people who observe it, and its number and volume will also change accordingly. It seems that as many people see the Howling Spirit in an area, there will be a corresponding number of Howling Spirit moments Show up and attack everyone.

The only confirmed way of surviving is to hold on to the ego from being corroded, and then hold on for about an hour to three hours.As long as it can maintain itself during this time, the howling spirit will slowly disappear.It's just that although the howling spirit itself will disappear, the crazy people whose spirits have been crushed by the howling spirit's power will not disappear. They will even be resurrected by the filthy power after death, and continue to wander the hills in a near-living corpse Among them, it became a problem for later hunters.

All in all, when a small-scale team encounters this twisted spirit body, it will basically end in defeat, and it will not even be able to escape, while a large team will collapse at a violent speed.Because of this, the hunting god team will advance in a loose team.In this way, if one team encounters the howling spirit, the other teams will only hear the screaming sound of the howling spirit itself, and at the same time, due to the distance, there is no way to observe the direct situation of the team encountering the howling spirit.

In this way, small

The team was able to hold down the Howler itself, giving the other team a chance to make a quick escape.

In a sense, it can be said that the team entangled by the howling spirit is essentially equivalent to the bait that was abandoned.Just to be able to retain enough vitality before arriving at the Forest of the Curse, sometimes the only option is to give up.


After William's narration ended, the hunter remained silent.

Give up your companions and move on?

This way of acting made the hunter frown.

"This is just the method passed down by the former Hunting God Crusade Team, and it does not mean that we will do it."

As if seeing the unhappiness in the hunter's heart, Disma spoke at this moment.

"Few hunters have reached such a far-reaching place, so the existence of [Howling Spirit] itself is a stuff mixed with a lot of messy stories. In fact, not many people have seen what this thing looks like and what it is capable of. Witnessed."

"To put it bluntly, no matter how special it is, it is essentially just a special filthy monster. Maybe this thing has nothing to fear at all, and it can be killed casually. After all, those members of the hunting god team back then, although We haven’t been able to get rid of the old gods, but basically there are people who return safely every time. Since they can go to and from the hill smoothly, then we can naturally do it too.”

After such words, the others didn't say anything more, but concentrated on the next thing.

The hunter's team, as the vanguard, was the first to leave the town after getting ready to go, and returned to the wilderness.

Next, it will take about a day's journey to reach the location of the Kamasa hill. No matter how you think about the situation of the hill, you will have to wait until one day before you can see it.

"Mr. Hunter, don't worry."

Abigail, who had already returned to the logistics team, prayed for the hunter in a low voice, and then set off with Andre, Aike and others.

The hunters left Blue Lake Town, which had rested for more than a day, and stepped into the seemingly endless wilderness one by one.

The familiar stench quickly occupied the nasal cavity, and the sticky and corrupt soil made it very difficult to move forward.Occasionally, people will come across a section or two of stone roads where the old pilgrims' road has not been destroyed, and that is one of the rare places where people can walk normally.Of course, there are also some half-collapsed old buildings, but when walking in the field, sometimes you need to be careful when you encounter these buildings, because there may be a monster or two hidden in the house waiting for you to come up and open the door .

The hunter who opened the door carelessly was attacked several times in a row, but because he was very good at fighting, those attackers turned into pieces of meat that fell on the ground.

"Seriously, Hunter, can't you restrain your hand a little bit? If you want to see something that can be pulled and opened, you have to go up and try it?"

Tardiff, who saw the hunter being attacked several times along the way, couldn't help complaining.


The hunter who scratched his head didn't know how to answer this, so he chose to play dumb.

click - click -

The rotten straw made a cracking sound as the footsteps stepped down.

"The number of monsters is decreasing. We haven't encountered any monsters for two hours."

In the right wing back team, Leolin squatted down, checked the surrounding situation, stood up and said.

"Because we're approaching the Camasa Hills, aren't we? I've heard it's a pretty scary place."

Sulvivale was carrying a heavy hammer, and he spoke casually while guarding his surroundings.

"If you don't go to bed obediently, you will be arrested by [Howling Spirit]. Many people should have heard this sentence when they were young. At least I was scared by my mother a few times."

Bolin yawned, stretched out his hand and scratched his head and said.

It is worth mentioning that his fingers are not flesh and blood, but metal mechanical hands, both hands.The workmanship of the two prosthetic hands is very rough, some of the joints are even exposed, and two short knives can be seen hidden in the forearm of the prosthetic.Bolin himself was carrying a considerable number of weapons, three pistols hanging from his belt, and a short crossbow and two slender rapiers on his back.

When he was in Pilgrimage Town before, due to the deployment of personnel, Bolin himself did not stay to appreciate the scene of the changes in the world when the hunter killed the longing knight. I have to say that this made him feel a little regretful.However, in the Hunting God team, it is natural to put the overall situation first, so Bolin himself has no disobedient thoughts, he just sighed in his heart.

"Are you going to the land of demons soon? Interesting, my blade is already thirsting for the blood of evil spirits."

As for Weiron at the front of the line, he still carried his long samurai sword like a laundry pole, and spoke confidently.

After all, evil spirits don't bleed at all, do they?

Thinking like this, Bolin yawned again, and when he saw Leolin behind him finish the inspection and move on, he also followed suit.

Lei Olin himself is a 50-year-old hunter whose body has already passed its peak, and whose physical fitness has declined a lot due to injuries.He had already retired a long time ago, and stayed in Xingkong Town as a small town doctor.It's just that after the devastating disaster in Xingkong Town, this former first-rate hunter decided to

Determined to continue fighting, he joined the hunting god team.

Normally, Boleyn rarely saw this man speak, and even if he spoke, it was usually only because of some need.He doesn't seem to like communicating with people around him very much, and his personality is slightly withdrawn.Ah, but that's nothing. Compared with Sulvivale, the male copper, and Veron, the guy who dreamed of being a hero, his personality is a bit withdrawn, and it's not a big problem to be honest.

And guys who have been hunters for several years these days basically have more or less problems, some are cheap, some eat and drink too much, some sleep across the street, and some just like to steal other people's things when they have nothing to do.Those who stand on the front line against madness and insist on surviving must have some spiritual alienation. In a sense, this can actually be regarded as a way to maintain humanity and self, although showing it always makes people feel a little bit alienated. People feel unwell.

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