【That is, we are all living happily here, and you are safe here】

A woman holding a little girl smiled and spoke.

[Brothers and sisters stay here and become good friends and family with everyone, you are safe here]

A boy who came out of the alley smiled and spoke.

People came up one after another, and everyone was smiling happily.

They stared softly at the four hunters, showed a happy smile from the heart, grinned slightly, and uttered the same voice with happy emotions.

they said:

【This is our happy town, you are safe here】

Chapter 49: Darkness and the Hunter

No more fear, no more worry, no more fear.

No one can hurt us, no one will be a threat anymore.

We are safe here.

It's safe here.

We are in a safe place.

Yes, it's safe here.

We are safe here.

So laugh, laugh heartily, smile happily.

There is no need to worry about anything anymore.

We are safe here.


That voice seemed to ring directly from the hunter's heart.

Whispering, like someone whispering in the ear, vague but clear voice.

where is this place?

The hunter looked around, but only saw the almost endless darkness.

The stone hill disappeared, the companions beside him disappeared, and even the campfire that should have been burning behind him also disappeared.

I seem to have come to a wilderness, an endless, endless wilderness. "

Shrouded in darkness, the wilderness that has lost its color. "


The sound of footsteps became very clear in the darkness.

The hunter took a step forward, walking forward in clear footsteps one after another.

In this lightless world, vision seems to have completely lost its function. No matter what direction you look in, you can't see anything. No matter what you want to see clearly, you can only get futile results.For ordinary people, this might be an extremely terrifying experience, but the hunter didn't have any deep feelings, just walking forward at a leisurely pace, like walking in the backyard of his own home.


Then, it seemed that something sounded.


I can't hear clearly, I can't distinguish the real cries, the cries full of despair and pain.

The hunter turned his head and turned his head slightly in the direction of the voice, only to find that the voice had subsided unknowingly and could no longer be heard clearly.


The hunter who didn't quite understand what was going on stopped, showing a somewhat puzzled expression.

【Save me】

【Save me】

Then, the voice suddenly sounded again, but this time it came from another direction.

The hunter stood there for a while, and after thinking for a while, decided to walk in the direction of the voice.

Then as expected, the sound stopped within a few minutes of walking, and when the hunter started to identify it again, the sound changed direction and started ringing again.

【help me--】


It became clearer, the voice of howling and begging for help.


The hunter stood where he was, didn't move on, just listened to the sound silently.

[Save me——save us——]

As a result, the hunter then found that although he did not move, the sound seemed to be moving

It became clearer and louder.

It was as if the source of the sound was approaching him.


After thinking for a while, the hunter wordlessly pulled out the pistol from his waist, and pulled the trigger at the source of the sound.


The crisp gunshots, accompanied by the sudden burst of flames, followed by a shrill scream sounded from the darkness.

The sound of the wind became intense in an instant, and the smell of blood arrived in front of him in an instant.

The hunter suddenly took a step to the side, and he slid a long distance to avoid the attacking thing in the darkness, and then the threaded cane popped out from between his arms, accompanied by a fierce The staggered sounds of the mechanism turned into a long whip, which sprang out like a bloodthirsty boa constrictor as the hunter pulled violently.


The spikes on the metal-knuckle whip caught something.

Grabbing the whip, the hunter pulled violently at this moment, dragging the thing in the darkness forcefully.

Immediately after, the left hand pulled out the meat saw knife, ejected the blade in the second interlocking sound of mechanisms, and then retracted it forcefully.

The thing caught by the chain was clamped by the rebounding mechanism of the meat saw at this moment. If it was punished by beheading, it would be pinched off abruptly, crushed, and torn apart in the bursting plasma.

The scream became more horrific, and the severed body didn't seem to affect the thing's ability to move too much. In the sprayed plasma, the hunter felt a huge force break free from his chains, and followed the creature. The sound of things began to move away from the hunter's position quickly.

The hunter didn't choose to chase after this, he just flicked the long whip in his hand, and at the same time as the plasma flew out, with the activation of the mechanism, the whip suddenly retracted and turned into a delicately structured threaded cane.

Then, the hunter aimed the tip of the cane in the direction of the voice, and a light blue light condensed thereupon.

The condensed thing that turned into pure magic power was released according to the hunter's will, and turned into an azure blue illusory arrow that was as thick as a human arm.

The arrow flew out at an astonishing speed, and caught up with the fleeing voice in the blink of an eye. Accompanied by a dull explosion and an even more mournful wail, it was obvious that the thing that had been severely injured was making a "plop" sound. Li fell to the ground, leaving only the ability to howl in vain.

The hunter swung his cane again, and this time a small ball of light floated on the cane, illuminating an area around him.

Things like magic seem to be quite useful.

Looking at the yellow-black flat land that became clear like wasteland around him, the hunter couldn't help but have such thoughts.

Extracted and refined with the power of a powerful soul, coupled with the fusion of the hunter's own memory, the staff that was finally taken out, in addition to the dual form transformation weapon mode of the long whip and staff, also has the ability to act as a magic catalyst Ability.

The hunter's own magic talent is not too strong. When Abigail consumed invisible echoes to strengthen himself before, he didn't pay too much attention to the improvement of magic talent, or arcane talent.However, after Aike's research, it was discovered that the cane itself can actually record magic, and greatly reduce the release requirements and consumption of the magic recorded in it, so that the hunter can release the high-intensity that could not be released originally. magic.

Even so, the hunter found after trying it out that although the magic recorded in the cane did require much lower consumption in all aspects, the consumption of invisible echoes brought about by the act of recording magic itself was terrifying.

For example, at this moment, the spell called [Soul Arrow] that he used at this moment, the hunter spent an astonishing invisible echo to complete the record.And originally Aike said that three different magics should be recorded in the cane, but after the hunter recorded the soul arrow, there was only one space left to record magic.Obviously, more powerful spells will occupy more than one space when recording. In this case, the hunter can only choose [Bright Shining], a small magic that is relatively simple to record.

By the way, the two magic scrolls were all bought from Aike. The other party claimed to give the hunter a fracture price, and then the hunter owed Aike two hundred silver coins after spending all the silver coins. Aike also told the hunter I am at a loss.

After accidentally discovering that Aike had stored dozens of similar magic scrolls, the hunter wondered who had lost money.

But anyway, at least for now, this thing is pretty good.

Thinking like this, the hunter turned his head, and then saw the limbs of the monster he had cut off.


A little bit unexpected.

What the hunter saw was not some twisted and deformed limb of a monster, no decay, no strange parts growing.

It was a very normal-looking arm that seemed to belong to a human being. From the appearance, it should be the arm of an adult male with a height of about 1.8 meters to 1.8 meters five. After a certain amount of exercise, it was not considered strong.

Was it a human being who attacked him?

The hunter briefly had such doubts.

No, it's impossible. The hunter remembered the position of the panting sound very clearly. It was more than two meters high, and it didn't match the position of this arm.

It's kind of weird if that's the case

Strange, could it be a monster with certain human characteristics and no complete mutation?

Thinking like this, the hunter turned around and saw Abigail.


Abigail is completely different from the impression.

Wearing a white gauze dress with shoulders and collarbone exposed, Abigail with a bold style of clothing, hair loose and white floral decorations.

hunter:? !

I have to say, this outfit is very impactful.

But what is more impactful is the words that the little girl came up to, took his hand and said with a smile.

"Mr. Hunter, the wedding is going to be late~"

hunter:? ? !

Chapter 50: "The Wedding" and Emotional Intelligence

The hunter has thought about what kind of predicament he might encounter in this weird and strange space.

It may be some kind of powerful monster, or it may be some hidden mechanism, or it may be trapped in some kind of dark maze, etc., which are very challenging and dangerous situations that require concentration to deal with.

But the only thing he didn't expect was that he would be here for a wedding.

"Mr. Hunter, I like you~"

Abigail, who said so, stood in front of the hunter in her wedding dress.

Many people stood not far away and applauded, and the girl in white gauze on the long platform walked slowly towards the hunter.


Is it some kind of fantasy?

Kind of like that, but not exactly like that.

The hunter turned his head suspiciously, and looked at the surrounding people who couldn't see their faces clearly.

Indistinct, people who seem to exist only as a foil.

Or, is it because it is an edge area that I didn't notice, so I didn't perform fine rendering?

Thinking of the hunter here, he suddenly understood something at this moment, turned his head, and looked at the reddish girl in front of him again.

"Hunter first - wow!"

This time Abigail hadn't finished speaking when the hunter's hand fell on her head.

The scene of the wedding scene disappeared in an instant, and Abigail, who had changed her wedding dress back to her normal clothes, fell to the ground and raised her head in a daze.

"I'm not... sleeping..."

Some sluggish girls rubbed their eyes, and found that the hunter showed a brain-dead expression in front of her.

The last moment in my memory should be when I stayed by the campfire with Andre and others, because I couldn't hold it anymore and fell asleep first.

But now, the hunter appeared in front of him.

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