And I don't know why I always feel a sense of shame.

"Mr. Hunter, um, what happened?"

Shaking her head to drive away the messy thoughts, Abigail noticed that the surrounding environment seemed abnormal, so she quickly stood up, patted the dust on her clothes, walked to the hunter, and asked cautiously .


The hunter nodded slightly, signaling the girl to stay by his side to avoid danger, and was considering how to explain what had just happened.

After the entire hunting god team was caught in a loop and realized that they could not easily get out of this place, they launched an attack that night.That is, is the enemy behind the scenes trying to take advantage of their fear to catch them all?

It is unlikely that the filthy monster has such an IQ, so, is it the arrangement made by the forces of the Star God behind it?

The girl who was thinking hard, then heard the words of the hunter beside her.

"You just... um... married me..."

"Hey hey?!"

The sudden explosive words made Abigail's eyes widen, and the thoughts in her mind were broken.

"A lot of people attended the wedding..."

"Hey hey hey hey???!"

"'s all right..."


"Well... besides, the wedding dress... is very beautiful..."


The hunter, who didn't realize what he was talking about, gave a thumbs up after thinking that the explanation was complete, saying that Abigail's attire was very beautiful just now.

"No, no, no, no, why did I marry Mr. Hunter all of a sudden, wow, I, I'm not ready, no, no, wait, Mr. Hunter, don't tease me, this kind of joke is not funny at all, wow, ah, ah -"

And the girl, who had obviously been greatly stimulated, was almost unable to speak a complete sentence at this moment.

Such a strange reaction, did I say something that was not right?

Seeing the girl's thinking program collapsed, her hands dancing and her face flushed, the hunter showed a very puzzled expression, not quite understanding why the other party had such a big reaction.

I obviously want to tell Abigail that she seems to have fallen into a state of extroverted spirit just now, and it is very likely that the things she dreamed of have appeared and shaped into something similar to a fantasy. Find a way to wake her up and end the dream that manifested.Of course, by the way, I also commented on the wedding dress that Abigail imagined in her dream that she would wear in the future. After all, it is really beautiful.

So, it should be clearly explained to the other party, right?

The hunter (chance 8) is very confident about this.

"So, so, so, me, I was just here,

Married to Mr. Hunter? "

Abigail, whose mind had completely turned into a muddy puddle, spoke in a daze.


It should be considered, although it is just a dream, and it seems that the ceremony is over before it is completed.But then again, doesn’t marriage require a vow ceremony item called a [wedding ring]?

The hunter, who actually knew nothing about so-called weddings, scratched his head, not understanding why the girl reacted so violently.

"Then, should I, should I change my name to Mr. Hunter dear?"

Once again, the hunter gave an affirmative answer. The girl's face was as red as a ripe apple, and her pupils were about to lose her sanity completely, but for some reason even in this situation, she still organized Thinking ability, although it seems to be a thinking ability that is not quite right.


The hunter's expression became more and more puzzled, as if he didn't quite understand what Abigail was talking about.

The magical light source created by the cane gradually dimmed at this moment. The hunter waved the cane again to create a new light source, then looked at Abigail, thinking about what to say.

But at this time, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from behind.

The hunter turned his head and saw William leading the hound out of the darkness and walking towards them.

"Oh, I seem to have heard something extraordinary just now. It's quite a pleasure for you to hold a wedding in this kind of place."

William smiled as he said this, and Fergus also wagged his tail.

"Although it may not be the right time to say it, I don't mind if there is wedding wine."

While speaking, the distance between the two sides gradually approached.


The hunter nodded slightly, and walked towards each other with Abigail. The moment the distance between the two sides reached one and a half meters, the sound of each other's footsteps changed suddenly.

The hound suddenly turned into a flesh-and-blood monster, tearing and pounced, and William himself turned into a deformed, twisted, swollen monster, waving his abscessed arm to attack.

The glowing moonlight greatsword and the meat saw followed closely. The hunter tore apart the twisted monster that the hound turned into with one blow, and then bent down and cut the leg of the monster that William turned into. He fell down and was cut in half by the moonlight sword swung by Abigail.

The whole process is less than a breath, and everything is over.

"Sure enough, it's fake."

With a sigh of relief, Abigail reached out and rubbed her still hot cheeks, then muttered softly.

The hunter looked at the girl beside him in surprise. He had only just recognized her as a guy because the hostile killing intent disguised under the smiling face couldn't fool the hunter with his extremely keen perception, so it was exposed at first glance.

"Well, how should I put it, if it was Uncle William, when he heard what we just said, he would definitely not have reacted like this."

Abigail, who didn't dare to meet the hunter's eyes, lowered her head and whispered.

"Ah, Lord Hunter, and little Abby, why are you two here together? Have you seen other people? And what were you talking about just now, I just heard you say my name when I came here coming?"

At this time, William, who was holding a hound and holding a torch, came out of the darkness. Judging from the blood stains on his body, it seemed that he had just experienced a battle.

He didn't walk directly in front of the hunter and Abigail, but kept a certain distance cautiously. The hound Fergus kept sniffing, as if he was judging the authenticity of the hunter and Abigail.

After a while, seeing the hound wagging its tail, William approached the hunter with a sigh of relief.

"Others haven't seen it yet. What you said just now was talking to Mr. Hunter... um, about marriage."

Abigail replied helplessly, and at the end stretched out her little hand to cover her face.

"What? Get married!? Your Excellency Hunter, she is just a child, please don't make such a foolish joke!"

William, who was the sheriff of justice, frowned almost immediately.

"Look, this is the true reflection of Uncle William."

And Abigail sighed, shrugged, looked at the hunter and said again.

Chapter 51: Dreamland?

All in all, after spending a little time, the three members of the hunting god team who were present confirmed some things.

First of all, this weird space probably affected the entire Hunting God team, involving all of them without exception.

Secondly, the hunters who entered this place seemed to be scattered, and even the hunters who entered together were likely to be scattered to other places.Of course, there may also be hunter teams that will not be separated, but at least for the three of them, it seems that most of them should be dispersed. "

Also, hunters who entered this place in different states seemed to be in very different states.At least for now, Abigail, who entered this place after falling asleep, had a dream that turned into an illusory reality.Although in general this does not seem to be too serious

However, considering that different people will have completely different dreams, and there may be some dangerous dreams such as dreaming of monster threats, [people who enter this place in a sleeping state] may be in a very dangerous state among.

"In addition, according to what you said, just now you met something that can pretend to be me and my girl, we have to find a way to agree on a code to distinguish each other, so as to avoid being unable to distinguish when encountering those disguised things .”

William tried to offer advice after a brief exchange.

"It's unlikely that more than 60 hunters will agree on a code to identify them one by one, and the current situation is definitely someone playing tricks. Who knows if someone will stare at us in the dark and write down the code? If we really agreed on a secret sign, maybe it would be more prone to accidents."

After a little thought, Abigail quickly rejected William's plan. Although she looked like a 12-year-old child, the maturity shown by the girl at this moment must be praised even by someone as experienced as William.

"So, do you have a plan?"

William, who didn't treat the girl completely like a child, asked seriously.

"Let Mr. Hunter identify it."

The girl nodded slightly and gave her thoughts.

"Mr. Hunter can sense the hostility of others, so no matter how good at disguising those strange things are, it is impossible to deceive the hunter."

"And I also have some special abilities, which can determine whether Mister Hunter is real or not. Of course, Mr. Hunter is very powerful. With the strength displayed by those monsters, they can't imitate Mr. Hunter's combat power at all, so they can Make a distinction from that.”

Abigail said so with a serious look on her face.

"Well, so far it seems that this is the only way to go, then, let's find a way to search for other people first."

William nodded, and the hunter used magic again before the summoned light was about to disappear, so that the surrounding area was once again in the light.

If you fall into the dark, it seems that something bad will happen.

The previous attack may be just the beginning, and the hunter is still more inclined to act cautiously when faced with such an unknown situation.After all, he is not acting alone now, he has to consider the safety of his companions.

The hunter who was thinking this way looked down and saw Abigail showing a pensive expression.


The girl frowning as if thinking of something, followed the hunter without saying a word.

Soon, feeling the hunter's gaze, Abigail raised her head to meet the hunter's somewhat curious eyes.

"Well, that, Mister Hunter, speaking of it, I haven't told you yet, I encountered a strange thing in Xingkong Town before."

It took some time, and Abigail told the hunter that she was trapped in the house for a continuous cycle, and finally summoned the moonlight sword to break the situation.

This incident was obviously very strange. The hunter who had never encountered such a situation showed a somewhat surprised expression, and William, who seemed to know something, said to Abigail seriously after thinking about the memory carefully:

"What you said sounds like the priests over there in the City of Dreams messed things up."

During the speech, William stretched out his hand and gently stroked Figs' fur, a trace of cruelty appeared in his eyes.

"The Land of Dreams, or the Capital of Dreams is more appropriate."

"One of the three gods they believe in is the god who rules dreams, and the priests of that god have similar abilities."

"They would drag people into a dream from which they could not wake up, torture them repeatedly, and then sacrifice the soul of the nearly obliterated victim to the gods."

"It is said that the strong ones among the priests can even transform illusion and reality, thereby creating things that do not exist, or making things that have already happened false. But I can't understand guys of that level. "

"Little girl, the situation you encountered feels a bit like what those guys did."

In the words, the three of them had already walked a certain distance in the darkness.

Uncle William knows a lot.

Abigail listened carefully to what the other party said. Although a little doubt flashed in her heart, she didn't show it.

"Maybe that's the case. Anyway, this time I actually have a similar feeling."

The girl didn't speak until the other party finished speaking.

"It's hard to describe the specifics, but I do have this feeling. Although there are some differences in more detail, there are indeed similarities."

"It's like entering another dream that you can't wake up from, um, or it's a strange half-waking feeling between half-dream and half-awake."

Abigail, who really didn't know how to describe it, could only say this in the end.

Is it like a state between half dream and half awake?

The hunter fell into contemplation. In his vague memory, although the fragments belonging to Yanan were still incomplete, at least part of them had gradually become clear.


That's right, that city, what he saw was also the city in his dream.

Will the situation here be similar to that time?


The footsteps stopped suddenly.

The thought was temporarily interrupted, and the hunter raised his head, staring at the things that gradually appeared in the darkness ahead.

"Is that... a small town?"

William frowned.

In front of what should have been darkness, a burning town appeared amidst the flames.

"This town..."

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