Abigail, who had a better memory, widened her eyes in surprise, and the hunter's sight had locked onto one of the buildings.

"Hmm... Blue Lake Town..."

In the light of the fire, the hunter looked at the observatory building that he had explored before.

Chapter 52: Memory World

Blue Lake Town, which was reached half a month ago, appeared in front of the three of them from the darkness at this moment.

However, what the hunter saw at that time was an abandoned town that had fallen into corruption. The whole town was completely reduced to ruins, and it didn't look like it used to be at all.

But here, what appeared in front of the three of them was a very complete and seemingly prosperous town.Although the whole town has been engulfed in flames and looks very chaotic, the appearance of those buildings clearly shows the difference from the Blue Lake Town in the real world.

If it weren't for the conspicuous building of the observatory, the hunter might not be able to match the small town in front of him with Blue Lake Town.

"Is this...an illusion?"

William took Figs by the neck and asked in a low voice while holding the mace tightly.

"It doesn't feel like it, maybe it's some kind of spiritual manifestation?"

After careful observation, Abigail spoke, while the hunter on the side began to think seriously. Soon, the hunter who seemed to have thought of something signaled Abigail and William behind him to follow, and he took the lead. Walk towards the town ahead.

"Hunter Lord, are you sure we want to go into this place?"

William was still a little hesitant. This ghostly place revealed suspicious features everywhere. Out of caution, he actually didn't support the approach of directly approaching this abnormal area.


The hunter just nodded slightly, and didn't intend to explain anything, or even if he did, he didn't know how to explain it.

"Mr. Hunter, he should have discovered something, maybe it can help us get out of the current situation."

Abigail knew that the hunter was not good at explaining, so she said a few words for him.

Soon, the three approached the burning town, and by this time, they could hear clear sounds, explosions, shattering, roaring, screaming and wailing, roaring and crying , interweaving and overlapping, the ringing continued.

There are festering corpses piled up on the street, some of which can still be seen as human beings, and others have obviously shown serious mutations. Most of the limbs of these corpses have been deformed, and some of them have even grown thick hair, or bred Eyeballs or extra limbs look terrifying.

boom -

A violent explosion sounded in a house not far away. A tall man wearing silver armor and wielding a giant hammer rushed out of the flames and knocked out a deformed half-man half-wolf monster. The child hit the ground and smashed it with a hammer.

While the flames were scattered, the man took a deep breath, wiped the corners of his mouth full of blood and minced meat, and spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm. Then he stood up with some difficulty, and then found the hunter and others not far away.

"Are you survivors?"

The man asked loudly.


Abigail froze for a moment, a little not understanding the other party's words.

And William has quickly recognized that the other party's face does not match anyone in the Hunting God team, and he is a complete stranger.In terms of memory, William, who has been a police officer for many years, can be said to be very confident in this area. As long as he has met people once, he will never forget them. As for the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, William is very sure that he has never seen him before. It is impossible for him to be a member of the hunting god team that he deliberately remembered his appearance, and he is a complete stranger.

A stranger popping up in a place like the Corruption Fields, the Kamasa Hills?

At this moment William was ready to meet him.

"We are mercenaries. We came here after seeing an accident in this town. May I ask what happened here?"

But then, Abigail suddenly took a step forward and spoke seriously to the man.In order to make her "mercenary" identity more convincing, the girl also directly summoned the moonlight sword and held it in her hand, so as not to be suspected as an ordinary child.

What is this girl doing?

Communicating with someone who is likely to be a filthy monster, if the other party has some ability to transmit the power of pollution through words, big things will happen.

Although he knew that Abigail was very precocious and mature, William was still a little puzzled at this moment.

The hunter noticed his companion's doubts, so he reached out and patted his shoulder to express his trust in Abigail.

"Mercenaries? Why did mercenaries come to the Field of Blessing? Forget it, it doesn't matter now."

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the man with the giant hammer came forward, and he could see his exhausted expression.

"I'm Horfors, the knight of the goddess of the earth. You can call me by my name directly. This place has been severely eroded by filthy forces. It is very dangerous to stay any longer. I have tried to gather a group of survivors."

Or, you come with me, and I will take you to the Kamasa hills where the filth power is relatively weak. "

Goddess Knight Horfus? !

The man's seemingly ordinary self-reported words made the three people present couldn't help but pay attention.

The silent monster that once led a group of beasts into Starry Sky Town and caused a brutal slaughter was the wolf-shaped monster with the name of Horfors, holding a sledgehammer.

It is said that this knight who used to be a member of the goddess knight eventually fell into madness due to the infection of filthy power, and killed and ate one of his goddess knight companions alive.Then, in the interval of madness, Hovers, who accidentally woke up, realized the terrible act of killing his companions, and because of this, he fell into a complete mental breakdown and turned into a complete monster.

And Hovers, who became a monster, will never make any sound again. Whether he is killing, eating, being attacked, or even being killed, he will always remain silent and will not make any sound.It is said that this monster has this strange characteristic, that is, the behavior of killing its companions is deeply imprinted in its incomplete consciousness, so that it wants to impose a curse of eternal silence on itself.

Both Abigail and William are very clear about these legends. Although the hunter doesn't care much about them, after the destruction of Xingkong Town, he has more or less learned about all aspects of the invading monsters, so he knows about the silent monster Huo. Foss' story.

But now, a person who claimed to be the goddess knight Horfus appeared in front of them.

"Why are you looking at me with such strange eyes, now is a very critical moment, let's go!"

As for the knight who called himself Hovers, he didn't act too strangely. He just acted quickly after introducing himself, and turned around to call the three stupefied people behind to follow his footsteps.

The hunter chose to keep up with Horfors after a little thought, and Abigail immediately followed suit. William, who was still a little hesitant and worried, had no choice but to follow his two companions, followed That Horfors marched through the burning town.

It's a little too careless to follow the guy of unknown origin so straightforwardly, right?

William murmured in his heart, but now he is no longer the sheriff, but just a hunter. With the team as the center, and when other teammates have already made up their minds, he doesn't care. Going against the tune and stuff like that.After all, the police force is a place that pays attention to discipline and obedience. It is not a good thing to be too assertive at this time. After all, I was not a hunter fighting in the corrupt field half a month ago, and I still leave these judgments to them. alright.

William, who was thinking like this, heard the voice of Abigail speaking in front of him.

"Has everyone else been evacuated from the town, Mr. Hovers?"

While trotting, Abigail asked the knight in front of her.

"At least half of the area I'm in charge of has been evacuated, but only those who survived have been evacuated. The black mist that fell from the sky... Tsk, there are still many people who are fine, and there is another one in the town. Two knights are in charge of the evacuation. They are all very honest and strong, trustworthy players, and there will be no problems."

Hovers swung his sledgehammer violently as he said this, knocking over a half-human, half-wolf monster that sprang out from the side of the street. The hammer directly crushed the monster's head, which could still barely see some human gestures, and crushed it heavily. Crush it.

"Rest in peace, poor fellow."

Horfors, who had killed the monster, sighed, then quickened his pace.

From time to time, more monsters with distorted appearances sprang out from both sides of the street. The hunter held a meat saw and eliminated the monsters coming towards them one by one.William holds a mace and cooperates with the hound Fergus to solve the directions that the hunters can't take care of temporarily when multiple monsters appear.

The sound of the blade waving was mixed with the sound of the hound biting, and the monsters that attacked were cut and shredded one by one, and then fell down. During the process of walking and beating like this, the group of people walked out of two or three streets in a short time distance.


Abigail, who summoned the Moonlight Greatsword and wanted to join the battle, was a little helpless to find that with the three-way cooperation of the hunter, William, and the hound Fergus, she couldn't find any place to intervene.Even when there is an occasional opportunity to try to do something by themselves, Hunter and William will quickly react and speed up their actions to not give themselves a chance.

"You do have impressive strength, haha, after this crisis is over, maybe you can try to introduce yourself to the Great Temple and get a chance to advance to a higher level."

Horfors, who was a little surprised watching the battle of the few people behind, smiled at them and said.

Great temple?

The hunter secretly took note of this place, and he felt that this might be included in the destination he was going to arrive in the future.

At this moment, Abigail frowned and looked at the killed monsters around her. She remembered the time when she was attacked by those wolf monsters in Starry Sky Town.Those wolf-shaped monsters are obviously similar to the monsters that died at the hands of several people at this moment.It's just that the wolf-shaped monster that Abigail saw at that time had basically lost its human form, and transformed into a tall monster with deformed and distorted physique on all fours.And at this moment

These monsters basically still have the body structure of a human being, except that the hands and feet have abnormal growth and hair growth, and the head shows a distorted structure like Yanan's animalization.

It's like comparing the future with the past.

The girl couldn't help but have such thoughts in her heart.

In other words, is this town a phantom of the past?

If this world is indeed a world between illusion and reality, a world like a dream, a world that can manifest things in the spirit.

So, what they see and experience at this moment is the image of the past formed by the condensed consciousness of the people who once lived here and have now turned into monsters?

if it is like this……

Wait, if this is the case, then will the observatory, the giant telescope that has been damaged and unusable in the future, still be normal and usable at this time, and still have some kind of Where are the clues?

The girl who realized this couldn't help but turned her head to look at the building standing silently among countless burning buildings in the distance.

Even in this memory, the building has not suffered any blows and looks intact.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

And at this moment, Hovers, who was leading the way, suddenly bent over and half knelt on the ground, retching loudly and spitting out a big mouthful of dirty blood.

The man showed an extremely painful expression, and black blood vessels appeared on the neck exposed by the armor.He vomited one after another, spitting out a large mouthful of black and red blood. After vomiting for a long time, he stood up with some difficulty and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth.

"Sorry, my companion and I were attacked by a large number of monsters."

Hovers smiled and explained to the three of them weakly.

"There are a lot of those ghosts, and their fighting power is stronger than the scattered monsters we encountered before."

"I was injured at the time, maybe passed out for a while, and my companion was not in a good condition at the time."

"However, when I woke up, I found that he had already left. Maybe he recovered first. In short, let's continue walking. We will soon reach the place where the survivors gather."

Hovers, who said so, continued to move forward, while Abigail stared silently at the man's half-chewed finger in the big mouthful of blood spat out by the man on the ground, without saying anything, just continued to move forward.

Then, they came to an open field outside the town and stopped in an empty wasteland.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's go, the Kamasa Hills are safe now, let's evacuate there first."

Hovers said so, holding the torch aloft, and walked towards the darkness first.


William froze for a moment at this moment, looking at the empty surroundings with some confusion.

But soon, the hunter pointed his finger at the ground, and William, who lowered his head immediately, had his pupils constricted and subconsciously clenched the weapon in his hand.

On the ground, under the light of the fire, shadows were reflected.

One after another, densely packed, overlapping each other, shadows swaying around them.

Chapter 53: What Happened to This Land


Every time he walked a certain distance, the man who called himself Horfus would cough several times in succession, and even vomit blood profusely.

The man's breathing became more and more painful and difficult. His walking speed gradually slowed down, and he stumbled, seemingly unable to support the weight of his own body.

"Sorry, hold on, everyone, we'll be there soon."

Hovers coughed up another mouthful of blood as he said this, and he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth indiscriminately. His condition looked extremely bad, as if he would faint at any moment.

The hunter who remained silent looked around at this moment.

In the empty wilderness, there were no other people other than the four.

But under the light, there are human figures piled up on the ground one after another, indistinctly, as if countless people are walking with them, the only people who cannot be seen are only the reflections that continue to exist.

Such a weird scene seems to be going on very normally at this moment.The hunter and the others walked silently, and Horfus, who was leading the way, also walked silently, but coughed up blood from time to time, and his condition seemed to be deteriorating.

"Mr. Hovers, are you in good health?"

Thinking of something, Abigail asked the man in front of her.

"It's okay, maybe I got hurt a little bit, I can still hold on, cough—"

The man who said this turned around and smiled at the three of them, but soon spit out a few more mouthfuls of blood.

William lowered his head and saw some obvious parts of human body structure in the blood, and the expression on his face changed slightly.

The surrounding shadows seemed to be stirring at this moment, and Abigail felt that she seemed to hear the whispering voices of the people around her.

【Your Excellency Hovers, what happened to him? 】

【Those things he spit out... are they human flesh? ! 】

[I saw black fluff on his neck, could he be becoming the same kind of things? 】

[Why did we come out for so long without watching

To other evacuation teams? 】

【Those things that were spit out... Could it be, could it not be Lord Hovers...】

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