One after another, the voices of those terrified people.

Their eyes were focused on the man in front of them, wincing, guessing, doubting.

In a trance, it was as if all these shadows had come to life, turning into people with different expressions one after another.

"I told you... I'm fine..."

In the man's voice mixed with a bit of pain, Hovers in front turned his head again.

But this time his turn made the hunter and William take a defensive posture at the same time, and the hound Fergus also showed his fangs at this moment.

Because, the face that Hovers revealed was not a human face, but a deformed one, as if the flesh and skin of a wolf and a human were stitched together.

Half of the cheek protruded forward, and the skin expanded and squeezed open, revealing the bright red flesh and yellow-white pustules inside.The teeth were deformed, and the dense fangs pierced the lips, scratching the flesh, making the whole jaw fragmented and dripping with blood.The black fluff has even expanded to cover half of the face, and the eyes have also transformed into light yellow pupils like wolves at this moment, and the suppressed animal nature seems to be struggling in it.

At this moment, the originally bright silver armor was distorted into an indescribable appearance like a melting candle.A large number of cracks spread out, and among the falling debris, it can be seen that Hovers himself's body has begun to appear more and more deformed and twisted.Although there are still great differences from the silent monsters that followed, the characteristics displayed at this time alone are enough to confirm the connection.

"Please... everyone... please trust me..."

On the deformed face, it was difficult to show the expression of a man begging.

"I... can still sustain myself..."

"I will... take everyone safely to Kamasa Hills..."

"Don't be afraid...I won't hurt you...please trust me..."

"Already... there are a few survivors over there... We just need to be able to..."

"The other teams...should have reached the hills over there...soon...we will arrive too..."

"You will soon... be safe..."

The man whose entire neck had been severely deformed could no longer express himself clearly at this moment.

He could only continue to pant with difficulty, enduring the pain of his mouth being torn apart, and the deformed teeth piercing into his own flesh and blood repeatedly, and he tried hard to plead and plead with people.

Abigail heard the scream, and the shadows around her became messy at this moment.

【No no no no!Lord Hovers, he has—]

【monster!Monster! ! ! 】

【Do not kill me!Please don't kill me! 】

[Run away, everyone run away! 】

[Stay away from me, you damn bastard! ! ! 】

The chaotic voices became noisier and more chaotic.

The crumbling shadow disappeared out of the light, and then erupted with even more terrifying screams and howls.

The girl was startled suddenly at this moment, and found that the scene in her eyes had changed in an instant.Burning villages and dilapidated farmlands were all shrouded in the black, filthy force that fell from the sky like mist.

As a goddess knight, Hovers used his divine power with great difficulty to prop up a protective shield, so that the survivors he found could escape successfully without being infected by the filthy power as much as possible.

But this kind of behavior made the pollution he suffered more intense. Even if the will can continue, the alienation of the body will inevitably spread.He just successfully walked about half of the distance, and when the hills were still just a distant phantom in front of him, Hovers' appearance had become extremely deformed and terrifying.

And for those who have been fleeing for a very long time, exhausted physically and mentally, like frightened birds, the fear of the goddess knight they trust most becomes such a terrifying monster, and the fear at that moment is enough to completely ignite the critical point of the survivors.

People ran frantically, escaped from the protection of the knight structure, and were violently eroded by the filthy power that had accumulated for a day and became extremely thick. Almost a few minutes turned into deformed monsters, and in turn began to attack other people who hadn't yet. Transformed fugitives.

Some people swung knives at the knight in fear, but Hovers, who was unwilling to resist, just used the giant hammer in his hand to defend, but was pierced through the abdomen by a half-sized boy from behind, and the blade directly penetrated the entire back from the front stomach Show through.

The already extremely weak knight fell from the gushing blood, and the original protective shield was also shattered at this moment.So the filthy power that broke out in the next moment turned these already mentally fragile people into crazy twisted things. They laughed wildly, cried and shouted, and waved their weapons to attack each other. Losing breath, the child's cries gradually disappeared, and the pungent rust smell became more intense.

"No, stop now..."

The half-kneeling knight groaned and tried to stand up, stretching out his hands and shouting.


He fell down again due to loss of strength, and got up again.

Hovers took a deep breath, trying to think

He wanted to build up his protection again, but he subconsciously lowered his head and stopped.

"what is this……"

Something flowed out of the huge wound in the abdomen pierced by the half-grown boy.

From his body, something flowed out.

What is it?

What the hell is that?


In the voice of struggling to breathe, he stretched out his hand and picked up the incomplete thing.

is a hand.

It was a chewed, digested, tattered hand that was almost left with only bones.

Why... is it in my stomach...

Thinking seems to be a little frozen at this moment.

Then, I saw an engagement ring flowing out of my stomach.


I remembered.

At the moment when the filth broke out, resist the filth with yourself, and lead the survivors to another knight in the Kamasa hills and her lover.

Although she has just passed the goddess test and became a member of the knights, less than two years ago, she is still a girl who is regarded as a younger sister by everyone, but she is already an extremely reliable companion who can complete various tasks.Ah, I still remember that she only met a man she liked half a year ago, and the engagement ceremony had just been held.

Ah, yes, the engagement ceremony was so big and lively that Miss Kothea was a little jealous, and Mr. Glendale spent a lot of time trying to appease his wife.The goddess brewed a new mead, which is very sweet, but also easy to get drunk. As a result, some people took off their shirts and jumped on the table to sing and dance after drinking too much. In the end, it was Lord Elvis who happened to be supervising the construction of the waterwheel nearby. Come over and help hold that idiot down.

Why... is it in my stomach...

Gradually understood.

Gradually recalled.

In front of countless corpses of filthy monsters piled up, among the broken and collapsed houses, his hands twisted into the shape of a beast, and the companion who was seriously injured in front of him.

Do not!

Do not! !

Do not! ! !

Why is this happening?

It shouldn't, it shouldn't be like this!

Why did I do such a horrible thing?

I, I, I...



Unrestrainable, completely plunged into the twisted and roaring sound of madness.

The knight's body exploded with the sound of bone shattering and flesh tearing, twisted flesh and blood grew wantonly, and the filthy power of darkness absorbed his remorse and pain to its heart's content, turning him into a deadly evil monster.

And amidst the rain of blood, the huge wolf monster opened its big mouth full of disordered fangs, as if roaring mournfully, but it couldn't make any sound.

At the end of her sight, Abigail saw the huge monster walking slowly towards her, but immediately after, everything in front of her eyes disintegrated like a foam board.As far as the eyes could see, there was no goddess knight named Horfors, no silent monsters, and no swaying shadows, just the three of them and a hound.

Abigail, who stood there in a daze for quite a while, took a deep breath and finally calmed down a little.

Then she raised her head, only to find that the hunter was silently staring ahead, and when she realized it, she tugged at his sleeve and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Hunter, did you see it too?"

The girl got the hunter's nod in response, and the hunter could indeed clearly perceive the things that appeared just now.

"What happened just now? Why did those shadows disappear suddenly? The knight is gone too? Did you see anything just now?"

William, who didn't feel anything, looked at the hunter and Abigail with heavy expressions in a daze at this moment.


At the same time, in the burning town, Alhazred was walking alone in the alley.

"There is no doubt that the spiritual world is shaped by the memory frame, using the fear of the hunting god team of more than 60 people after a long journey and falling into a loop, it connected everyone's spirits in an instant, and at the same time contacted some other people. things, so as to build up the framework?"

"If this is the case, then the manipulator behind it is probably quite powerful. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary priests of the Master of Dreams to possess such power."

"Could it be, one of the three [spokespersons]? Only they can cast spells of this level. So which one is it? Is it Wildrin? Or Ellen Komischlo? It should be It won't be the one who directly serves the master of dreams in the star capital, but if it's one of those two, who will it be?"

The mystic scholar frowned. Compared with other hunters, he has already deduced a lot of things at this moment, but because of this, he has a kind of scalp numbness and doesn't know how to deal with it. Feel.

Ha, forget it, anyway, since I decided to come to Xingkong Town, I was destined to embark on a dangerous path.

"Well, this is..."

The walking pace suddenly stopped.

Alhazred frowned slightly, and closed his eyes the next moment, and then his vision that should have been plunged into darkness was dyed a bit dim in an instant, making him see a phantom-like scene.


In the distorted sound, a knight holding a giant hammer fell to the ground, his hands turned into distorted limbs in the wailing sound, and deformed teeth grew out.

And farther away, there was a similarly dressed female knight who had been seriously injured, and a man who seemed to be close to him, who was wearing armor and holding a sword at the moment, was also scarred. At this moment, the breath of the two They were all very faint, and it seemed that they would die soon.

【Our running out...】

[Although several batches were successfully transferred to the Kamasa Hills, there are still many survivors who failed to evacuate...]

[Under this terrible filthy power...the longer the delay, the worse the situation...]

【Let go of your resistance... Let Mr. Hovers come...】

[That's right, the power of my Goddess Knight and the prayers you practice can communicate with each other, let him come over, and we will transmit the rest of the power to him...]

[If he is lucky, he can temporarily break away from his current state. Perhaps his memory will be confused due to repeated switching, but it is enough for him to take more people and evacuate this town...]

The light dissipated bit by bit, and the bloody aura that had lost its cover caused the monster-turned knight to fall into madness.

Roaring, the knight rushed forward, biting his companion with a big mouth full of fangs, but the two of them did not resist, but shifted the light on their bodies to the companion who had turned into a monster, turning themselves The remaining power is given to the opponent.

【We... can't go any further...】

[Hovers, please, please continue to live, don't waste our strength...]

[Take those people away, take those who are still alive, and please live on...]

The sighing sound gradually died down.

The bubble-like picture then dissipated and ceased to exist.

On the street, Alhazred stood silently among the ruins, looked at the phantom-like two fragmented and mutilated corpses not far away, finally sighed softly, and bowed slightly in the direction of the corpses.

"The fire of human beings has not been cut off, your sacrifices have not been in vain, rest in peace."

After the words fell, the shadow of the mysterious scholar squirmed, and the scholar himself frowned slightly, as if he became a little manic.

"Stop talking big, you can't even completely devour the will of me, a human being, what right do you have to laugh at human beings?"

"Ha, let's wait and see, we will see the result sooner or later."

In the words that suppressed some kind of bloodthirsty impulse, Alhazred held the skeleton candlestick in his hand, and walked towards the depths of the town step by step.

The direction he was headed for was the observatory building.

Chapter 54: What happened to the hunters


Panting with difficulty, Leolin propped his rapier against the ground and stood up, looking at the wriggling corpse that had just fallen in front of him.

"It's really a warm and hospitable town."

While speaking, Bolin on the other side pulled out the blade that had pierced a corpse, and wiped it on his sleeve.

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