Weiron flicked the blood stains on the long knife, and subconsciously wanted to say a handsome word, but amidst a sudden snarl, the man turned around and slashed like a clothes pole. The slender blade pierced a figure who wanted to rush in through the broken window.

Fesby carefully wiped his saw blade, and was quietly alert to the surrounding situation.

At this moment, the four of them were more or less bloodstained, and they were not in good condition. It was obvious that they had gone through a fierce battle.

The surrounding walls were covered with traces of bright red, and the corpse that fell on the ground twitched, as if it hadn't completely lost its sound.And farther away, one after another swaying figures approached slowly, densely filling the street.

"What the hell is this place..."

Looking at the approaching strange figures with smiles on their faces, Bolin couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"It's better to wait until you survive to ask this kind of question."

Leolin breathed a sigh of relief while speaking, and turned his gaze to the darkness on the other side of the alley.

A few minutes ago, watching those seemingly ordinary people suddenly besiege them violently, the four hunters had to fight and retreat all the way, looking for opportunities to escape from the surrounding houses and alleys.

Stepping into the darkness seems to be an extremely dangerous thing. Veron just stepped into a room without any light when he was not paying attention. When he came out, something bit off a piece of flesh on his arm. , Veron didn't even notice the wound until his teammates discovered it.

Realizing that the dark environment seems to have some kind of terrifying power in this ghostly place, Leolin used his experience as an old hunter to make four simple torches for lighting by using various materials found in the town to ensure that they Don't fall into the dark and encounter danger.

"Those things seem to be able to roughly sense our location, and we must leave this town."

After a fight, Bolin understood to some extent the certain characteristics of these inhuman things.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. I went to the roof to look just now. There are quite a lot of people gathered near the exit of the town. They seem to be

It seems to be waiting there for something. "

Holding the torch, Leolin spoke seriously as he walked deeper into the alley.

"Is it the hardships that a so-called hero must go through?"

Veron nodded in a serious manner.

This town is quite large, and the hunters walked through this dark alley for a few minutes, and passed two narrow streets with no people in the process.From time to time, those things with smiles on their faces and saying things like "this place is safe" will appear, and their bodies will be torn and bloody rushing over, causing trouble for several hunters.Fortunately, the people present all have good fighting power, so they can still cope with this kind of scene.

It's just that it won't last long like this.

Lei Olin couldn't restrain his worry.

The individual strength of these ghosts is not too strong, but the number seems to be endless, no matter how you kill them, they will come out again.And the long-term battle will greatly wear down the physical fitness of the hunters, and if this continues, they will be at an increasingly extreme disadvantage.

He must escape from this town as soon as possible and return to the wilderness outside.

Leo Lin came to a conclusion at this moment.

Although there will be an extremely weird sense of crisis in that completely dark wilderness, at least for now, there is no hostile thing in the wilderness that directly appears to cause harm, unlike this town full of smiles humanoid monster.

It's just that the closer to the periphery, the denser the number of those things.It was because they were attacked by too many monsters that the four of them couldn't handle it, so they could only fight and retreat. As a result, they were forced into the inner area of ​​the town and had to walk through these alleys.Next, if you want to get closer to the edge area and pass those things, I'm afraid it won't be so easy. You still have to come up with a solution.Hmm...maybe it's possible to make a splash and create some chaos to attract those things?

While thinking like this, Leolin suddenly saw Feisby, who had been silent all the way, raised his head and looked towards a certain direction ahead vigilantly.

"There's something in there!"

She quickly pointed forward, a hidden door on the side of this dark alley.

The hunters quickly entered a state of vigilance, guarding against any monsters that would suddenly appear and attack.

But then, in Feisby's voice, as if realizing that he had been discovered, the door opened slightly at this moment, and then a small head came out from inside.

It was a little girl who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, with gray-black long hair.

"Hello, are you the followers of the goddess knights?"

The little girl stared curiously at the several hunters who were very vigilant, and asked softly.

Can talk, be able to communicate?

This normal-looking girl seems to be different from those ghosts with grinning smiles.

But before being surrounded by a large group of people smiling and saying "this is our happy town, you are safe here" and then being besieged mercilessly, none of them relaxed their vigilance at this moment , still carefully guarding the girl in front of him and the surrounding environment.

"A follower of the Goddess Knight?"

Bolin repeated it in a low voice, a little puzzled by this strange title.The Goddess Knight thing, are you talking about the ten knights from the old god era?

The past stories have been more or less lost. Regarding the ten goddess knights under the goddess of the earth, more than half of them have lost their names. Only Hovers, Glendale and others are relatively well-known. The knight, to be precise, is a monster with the remaining power of a knight, who can still be remembered by people.

However, this strange child, what she said, and her attitude as if she had seen the goddess knight with her own eyes, what is it...

"We are not followers, we are heroes who save the world, hunters who fight monsters to save the weak."

Following Weilong, he was not shy, and spoke seriously with an upright face, interrupting his teammate's thinking at once.

"Heroes? Eh? I, I don't know much about this, oh, anyway, Lord Horfors and two other adults are organizing the evacuation. They said that we are the third batch of evacuation teams, so just wait quietly for the assembly signal, Then retreat to the Kamasa Hills together."

"The filth is about to hit this town. It's very dangerous here. Would you like to come to me and hide for a while?"

The girl who seemed to have never expected such a strange conversation showed a moment of confusion.

But soon she seriously suggested to several hunters, and opened the door of her own room, revealing her dark room without any light.

"No, thank you for your kindness, ma'am, but we can just stay out."

Knowing very well the strange attack that Veron encountered in the dark environment just now, Leolin, who would never have entered such a place on his own initiative, shook his head, took a step back warily, and looked at the girl cautiously as he spoke.

In this weird place, it is unlikely that normal people exist.

Are these some kind of phantom, or some kind of monster with a special mechanism that will pretend to be normal before the trigger mechanism, or something else?

had better not

It's better to act rashly to stimulate the other party, if something happens, it's over.

Upholding this attitude, the four hunters did not attack the girl tentatively, they just moved away from each other by a certain distance.


Then, something seemed to resound over the small town.

Looking up, one can see the golden light streaking across the dark sky, and the originally clean and beautiful buildings around them suddenly turned into distorted and incomplete ruins burning in the flames, and then turned back to the sky in the blink of an eye. normal look.

"It's Lady Knight, they came to take us away."

The girl said in surprise at this moment, and then disappeared into the darkness behind the door, and then she ran out quickly, holding a child who looked less than one year old in her arms, sleeping peacefully in the swaddling baby baby.

"Everyone, well, Mr. Heroes and Ms. Heroes, this place is very dangerous. Come with me to the evacuation location. With Lady Knight here, no one will be in danger."

"Oh, by the way, my name is Sally. This is my younger sister, Linka. My parents and the others seem to have assisted in the evacuation. Anyway, let's go here first. If we stay here, something will happen."

It seemed that some chatty girls were chattering away, and carefully walked out of the alley with the baby in their arms.

It seems that even if the hunter stops talking to her, she can continue talking. Is it because there is some kind of distortion in her cognition, so that the conversation can continue?

The four of them didn't dare to follow the girl easily, originally they wanted to wait until she left before continuing to explore other ways out.But what I didn't expect was that as the girl opened the door and walked out, the surrounding doors opened one after another, and figures came out one after another from inside.

I'm afraid it can no longer be called a human being, an indescribable figure.

The skin has melted, and the flesh has proliferated, causing serious distortions in the entire body.It's like the red wax oil has melted and piled up and solidified at random. Even the bones have lost their original posture, leaving only twisted and deformed, barely remnants of the strange posture of a human figure.



【 ■】

Incomprehensible, like the raving of a lunatic, only a few words can identify the sound.

The teeth that were randomly arranged on the flesh, and the things that tore the flesh and opened up, but the tongue has melted in the mouth.

These horrible things just came out of the house one by one, accompanied by the strange sounds they made that are no longer human beings, the eyeballs growing on the head, torso and limbs are indiscriminately. While spinning, he looked at these hunters standing in the alley, and froze, not looking away.

The babbling of the madman disappeared.

The whole alley fell into silence.

And the flesh and blood of these strange things began to surge, and the bloodthirsty impulse began to spread.

"Damn, I knew it wasn't that easy."

Lei Olin cursed secretly, clenched his rapier and was ready to fight.

"Then, the next step is the trial of being a hero. Yes, this is a trial that must be overcome."

Weilong pointed at these enemies with a long knife in his hand, without the slightest fear in his expression.

Are you going to fight here?

With these inexplicable ghost things?

Bolin quietly raised his crossbow, selected a strange-looking thing, and prepared to shoot at that thing first.

But immediately after, a voice sounded from behind them.

"Everyone, don't waste any more time. Lord Knight is responsible for the safety of many people. We must rush to the evacuation location as soon as possible, and we must not cause trouble!"

The young girl who was holding the baby and called herself Sally said seriously.

And these flesh and blood creatures that had stopped to surround the hunters shifted their gaze one by one, staggered, and began to walk out of the alley with the girl.The strong killing intent and bloodthirsty feeling that spread originally disappeared, as if it had never existed.

This is how the same thing?

The few hunters who are ready to fight are unknown.

"Aren't you following up? It's dangerous to stay in the town."

In the distance, Sally stopped holding Linka again, looked at the four people in the alley with puzzled expressions and asked.

And as if reflecting what she said, the light in the entire alley suddenly became dim, and the opened doors, which were completely dark inside, fell into deeper darkness at this moment, like yes--

Bolin exhaled and felt that something was wrong with his eyes.

This feeling is like... It's like the darkness inside the door has come out and is spreading towards the surroundings.

No, no, it is really spreading.Originally, it was only pitch black inside the door, but now the door frame has all disappeared, and even a part of the wall has become completely dark.

"...Let's go, let's follow that girl."

Leorin, who was watching all this, spoke slowly, turned around with determination, and walked towards the girl who was moving forward among the strange flesh and blood.

Pick up

Come down, what else will happen?

Chapter 55: Analysis Time for the Occultist

Slowly taking steps, the mystic scholar arrived at the gate of the observatory at this moment.

The distorted monster fell behind him, incomplete as if it had been torn apart by some ferocious monster, and on the streets further back, one could see corpses of monsters one after another, or were torn apart, Or it was pierced by something, and there were even marks like teeth biting.

Screams sounded around, and from time to time, the residents of the town could be seen fleeing in all directions.But Alhazred didn't care about these people, because he knew that they were just images of this fantasy, life and death were just a meaningless replay, and there was no time to waste on these people necessary.

Of course, there may be some ambiguous or soft-hearted guys who will help these people, but soon they will find that what they have done is futile, and even put themselves in danger .But, what does this have to do with me?For Alhazred, who is a mystic scholar, he never participated in this battle for the so-called [heroic honor]. The knowledge hidden in the darkness is what he really desires.

"So, at this point in time, what will be here?"

With a low laugh, Alhazred stretched out his hand and opened the door in front of him.


The next moment, when the pupils were constricted, the skeleton candlestick suddenly ignited a flame, and a pitch-black tentacles emerged from behind him, dragging the mystic scholar himself for a long distance in an instant, causing him to roll on the street in a state of embarrassment. .

And in front of the man, the gate of the observatory was still closed at this moment, as if it had never been opened.

"Unexpectedly... nothing..."

Alhazred, who got up from the ground, couldn't hide his disappointment.

The moment he pushed the door just now, he saw clearly that there was nothing but darkness inside the door, and there was nothing there.

There is the end of the dream, an unknown land that the dreamer cannot know.

"That is to say, among the people who make up the main body of the dream, there is not even one person who came from the observatory and entered the observatory?"

The mystic scholar quickly began to think.

The main body of the dream that I originally thought, I am afraid I have to think about it again.

Although he doesn't know much about the things in the Dream City, as a mystic scholar, he has done the necessary knowledge collection.

Under normal circumstances, being able to construct such a large-scale fantasy must rely on group memory and thinking to complete.Corresponding to this town, it is very likely that the construction was completed through the thinking of people who have lived in the entire town.

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