However, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, [thinking] must exist.

People who have died completely, their brain function is completely damaged, and their souls dissipate and disappear. Such people do not have [thinking].Of course, if it touches the taboo level of the time realm, then he didn't say it, but it is impossible for those who are really capable to play this kind of trick with them, the Hunting God Squad, and just come up and kill them all.

In addition, for people who have been completely transformed into monsters and have no self, there is also no "thinking".

Those monsters with powerful power, such as the silent monster Horfus, the caller Elvis and the like.Although they are no longer human beings, in fact, their souls and wills still have the human part, just like the crushed residue, stubbornly struggling in the filth.

If these heroes transformed into monsters can establish some kind of communication channel, they can get their memories and emotions.But this is an extremely dangerous thing, after all, the power of these monsters is too powerful.Relatively speaking, those ordinary people who do not have this kind of power, who are straightforwardly swallowed by filthy power, and weak people who have some power but are not strong enough, they will have nothing left, even if There is no possibility of remaining the most basic instinct, let alone the so-called "thinking".

At the beginning, Alhazred speculated that the mastermind behind the scenes might have used the memory and thinking of some powerful monsters to construct this terrifying and dilapidated town.

But now it seems that maybe not so?

"With the power once possessed by the Goddess Knight, just a glance of thought is enough to figure out the situation in the entire town."

"As for the two goddess knights who once led the evacuation of Blue Lake Town, there is no reason not to scan and observe the entire town."

"That is to say, if the memory of this town is originally from the Goddess Knight, then there should at least be the outline of buildings in the observatory, rather than the darkness of nothing."

So, I was wrong.

Then the problem is coming.

Where does the memory of this town come from?

He could know the faces and names of the goddess knights who had evacuated the residents, know what happened at that time, and know the terrible scene of the town on the night when the disaster broke out.

You can also know the original peaceful and soothing appearance of this small town, know its beauty once, and know its appearance that no longer exists.

Even those that mutate into monsters

The residents can still see the original faces, not the blurred ones. Those people who are running around, changing, screaming and struggling in fear and despair also have their own clear appearance, with various Different reactions, instead of rigid and homogeneous performances, there will be no stereotyped faces.

This means that the source of this town, the blueprint object of its memory, is a person who knows the appearance of most of the townspeople, has lived in this town for many years, experienced that crazy night and witnessed those goddess knights step by step. Yes, an existence with great power.

No, this is not possible.

Alhazred overturned this statement almost immediately.

If there is a guy of this level, in terms of strength, it is estimated that he will not be inferior to Elvis the caller. He must have been known to the hunters long ago and become a huge threat to the entire corruption field.

However, there is no information about such a monster in this area. It is just an inexplicable legend of "Howling Spirit", which has no clear direction, and is believed to be the accumulation of resentment of countless tragic deaths.

But that is also impossible, the power of filth will completely erode a person's cognition and self, and the emotion of resentment has no possibility of remaining alone and gathering.

That's right, as a mystic scholar, Alhazred was able to clearly demonstrate that the [Howling Spirit] rumored by the hunters does not exist.In other words, even if that thing really existed, it couldn't be the kind of thing that the hunters rumored.

But if that's the case...

"No, no, I was wrong!"

Then, Alhazred, who realized something, widened his eyes, and his pupils constricted at this moment.

"That's right, that's right, the individual of ordinary people cannot fight against the power of filth."

"However, because of the special environment of the Kamasa hills, the survivors in it will not be eroded by too strong filthy power."

"Although it is impossible for them to survive, and they have no possibility of surviving, at least they will die more slowly and more painfully."

Because the power of filth will erode the bodies of those survivors in a relatively slow manner, they are likely to remain awake during the transformation, and they can still watch their bodies fall into fragmented deformed and distorted forms bit by bit , may be able to maintain self-awareness for a while even after completing the transformation.

Of course, there is no doubt that under the corrosive effect of the filthy force on the spirit, even if they retained a certain degree of consciousness, the survivors at that time would definitely fall into extreme madness.Unfathomable hallucinations and various paranoid mental symptoms will turn everyone into a lunatic, and no one will survive the possibility.

But is there such a possibility?

Is there such a possibility that those survivors who fell into madness did not die completely?

They used some unknown method, some method that ordinary people can't understand, to preserve their own will.Of course, those like the longing knight Grendel have been completely turned into monsters in essence, leaving only a meaningless residue of spiritual self.But for the construction of the current fantasy dream, this level of residue is enough, and only by building with such residue can the current situation be achieved.

"Only in this way can it explain the reason why there is nothing in the observatory."

While talking to himself, Alhazred turned his head to look at the observatory building behind him.

Because it is impossible for townspeople to enter this research building.

Because none of the residents in the observatory escaped successfully, and the only survivor just lived in it for a while, and did not retreat with the survivors and entered the Kamasa hills together.

Therefore, this building that no one knows its internal structure has become like this.

Alhazred understood everything at this moment.

"But how exactly is it done?"

The occultist quickly had new questions.

It's just a group of ordinary human beings, and they can come up with some shocking methods.You must know that even a learned scholar like him paid an extremely heavy price when trying to control that dark existence, and even now he is in danger all the time, and he doesn't know when he will be backlashed.

Trying to explore the darkness is a very dangerous act, and if you are not careful, you will be in danger. Alhazred doesn't believe that a group of farmers and townspeople who don't understand anything can have such good luck, so that they can be like those great heroes, After thousands of years, there are still remnants of his own will.

"...Forget it, now is not the time to care about such issues."

The mystic scholar with a sigh restrained his curiosity at the last moment.

Sometimes people still have to learn when enough is enough, especially in such a dangerous area.The previous actions alone have brought many crises to me, now I have to get together with my teammates as soon as possible to find a way to solve the situation in front of me.

"The subject who created this dream, no matter which spokesperson it is, is asking for trouble if he dares to directly link to the spiritual residue eroded by the filth, so the spokesperson must go all out to fight against the filthy power attached to the residue. deal with being pulled into its

in the hunter. "

"Then what the other party can do is to use the danger of the fantasy itself to deal with the hunter. After all, it is the first moment when the disaster breaks out, danger is everywhere, and there will be transformed monsters appearing and attacking constantly. In such a situation It is difficult for even a seasoned hunter to sustain it."

"And if you want to solve the situation in front of you, um... if you come from the inside, you really need to find the [final gathering point]."

Find the last area recorded by the mental residue that constitutes the subject of the dream, that is to say, find the node where the subject that constitutes this memory finally dies and loses its own will.There is a real point that cannot be completely covered up by illusions, and it is the key to breaking the blockade from the inside.If you want to crack this perilous and distorted town as soon as possible, this is the best way. Although it can treat the symptoms but not the root cause, the mastermind behind the scenes will soon be able to pull the breakaways into the dream again.But there must be a buffer time difference. In this case, as long as the escapee can act quickly and seize the opportunity to find the real location of the main body of the dream, he can directly cut off the source of the dream and let the people behind the scenes lose control possibility.

Of course, it is definitely the best choice to directly find the mastermind behind the scenes and kill the opponent, but unfortunately it requires the corresponding talents.And obviously, among the hunters, including the hunter, no one can master the anti-tracking ability of the dream.Perhaps the hunter and that Abigail have talents in this area, and they can use this ability to some extent after a certain amount of acquired training, but obviously there is no such time now, so they can only choose a second-level method.

"Then, the next thing to do is to join the hunter as soon as possible."

The mystic scholar nodded slightly, and then started to walk in the small town.

And at the moment when Alhazred took action, some kind of shock seemed to surge suddenly, making him stop involuntarily, and turned his gaze to the other side of the street.

The next moment, he saw the corpse standing up staggeringly, and the darkness emerging from the corpse.

"A change in the dream... the filthy power directly manifested in the dream?!"

The skeleton candlestick ignited in an instant, and Alhazred took a big step back. Almost at the same time, amidst the shrill and hoarse roar, one figure after another pounced.

Chapter 56: The cost of trial and error

"Linka, be good, be good, don't cry, don't cry, you can see mom and dad soon~"

Sally hugged the crying baby in her arms, and gently comforted her.

The burning town is gradually dimming and receding in the background, while the people walking forward in silence seem to be led by an invisible person, just like this, they continue to move forward in silence moving forward.

The baby's crying sounded far, far away in the darkness, with a hint of creepiness.

But the silent crowd didn't seem to be aware of this, they still kept quiet, just moving forward slowly without saying a word.

But to be honest, if these people really reacted, that would be the scariest thing.

At least this is the case for the four hunters who are among the crowd at this moment.

Like melted wax solidified again, deformed and twisted, flesh and blood, internal organs and bones are completely mixed together, barely retaining the human shape, just like this one by one slowly moving forward.

They, or should they?Some of them were holding torches, with limbs that could not tell whether there were fingers or not, holding burning torches, illuminating a little light in the dark wilderness, so that the whole team would not be plunged into darkness.

Sally, who was walking near the front area, hugged the baby and hummed softly, calming down the crying baby.

And these things that can hardly be called human beings continued to keep quiet, just walking silently in the firelight, as if they had completely lost their ability to speak.

And the four hunters were surrounded by these things, among the hundreds of these things, and moved forward together with them.

"Honestly, don't you feel creepy?"

Bolin, who swallowed a mouthful of saliva, grasped the blade nervously, and kept scanning the surrounding things.

"One thing to say, it's true..."

It is rare that Weilong, who did not hang the word "hero" on his lips, nodded slightly, put his finger on the handle of the knife, and was ready to get out of the sheath at any time.


Feisby still remained quiet, but it could be seen from her slightly stiff movements that she was also under great pressure at this moment.

"Keep calm and don't act too abnormally."

On the contrary, Lei Olin has always maintained a calm state. Perhaps because he has experienced too many hunts and endured many dangers, this man has become the most reliable person in the current team at this moment.

"These people, they should be the people from when Blue Lake Town was evacuated."

"Follow them, and we may be able to figure out the unsolved mystery of [Howling Spirit]."

"If you want to solve this weird situation in front of you, someone must take risks."

Leo Lin spoke in a calm voice, while several teammates nodded slightly, Veron even showed

Come on with a smile.

One thing must be admitted.

That is, compared with hunters, hunters' combat effectiveness is much worse.

Even an experienced four-person team that is skilled in cooperating with each other can't match the hunter's strength, and the levels of the two sides are completely different.Even if all the hunters were sent out to fight side by side with the hunters to deal with a certain target, they probably wouldn't be able to play much role.

Yes, this is the fact. When facing a real battle, except for a few extremely powerful hunters, everyone else will only be a burden to the hunters.Even those very few hunters with superior strength are only relatively undeterred.

So under such circumstances, what is the meaning of the existence of the hunter team?

The answer is, the cost of trial and error.

Yes, in this journey of hunting gods, the greatest significance of hunters is to reduce the trial and error costs of hunters.

As the most powerful hunter who surpasses human beings, he is not really invincible.This can be seen from the combat effectiveness of the hunter and the caller Elvis. Without Marman's powerful bomb support, even if the hunter tries his best, he can only go to a stalemate with the terrifying existence of Elvis. .

And in the corrupt wilderness and the dreaded forest of the curse, danger is everywhere, and the hunter must ensure that he will not make irreparable mistakes every time in order to successfully reach the root of the filth.

This is an extremely difficult matter, and if there is a slight mistake, this hard-won hope may be lost again.

Therefore, hunters must exist, they need to reduce the burden on the hunter, so that he does not need to deal with too many monsters, does not need to worry too much about logistics supplies, and does not need to spend too much energy when faced with various unexplainable strange situations. Probing and trial and error.

These hunters who have rich hunting experience and have been active in the corrupt wilderness for many years, the greatest significance of their existence lies in this.

Just like at this moment, Lei Olin and others boldly followed these things, trying to figure out their final destination.

There is no doubt that this is extremely dangerous, almost tantamount to death.

In fact, before leaving the town with these things, Lei Olin and the others also saw hunters from other teams.

Most of those hunters have experienced a lot of battles, and more or less signs of injuries can be seen on their bodies.They are trying various methods to try to get out of this weird space and return to the original Kamasa hills.

For the Leo Lin and the others they encountered, they only had a secret and brief exchange with each other, and then they left each other and continued to try their own methods.

They may die, or they may get into trouble because of the various dangers that exist in the town.

Just like Lei Olin and the others at this moment, they will be in danger anytime and anywhere because of the changes of hundreds of strange things.

However, even so, they still have to try.

[During the disaster that year, those people who managed to escape the first round of infection from the filth and fled from Blue Lake Town to the Kamasa Hills under the protection of the Goddess Knight, what was their final outcome?What happened to them in the end?what happened? 】

With such doubts in mind, Leo Lin continued to move forward in silence, and continued to move forward with his teammates amidst Sally humming softly.

And not far from them, the hunter who had already confirmed the disappearance of the knight who claimed to be Horfors raised his head, frowning slightly, and quickly discovered this strange team advancing in the dark, as well as the some of the hunters.

What are they doing?

The puzzled hunter signaled William and Abigail beside him to follow him, and then stepped forward.

Chapter 57: The moment of silence

Deep into the darkness, into the darkness of nothing.

Until the flames at the rear completely disappeared, only the faint light spots brought by the torches continued in the darkness.

Where will this team go?

Can the so-called destination really be reached?

The further you go, the harder it is to calm down.

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