Tardiff, who knew something about that team, immediately shook his head and denied.

"However, that team did lose its response..."

Disma frowned, and looked in the direction of the left-wing vanguard, but he could only see a large area of ​​weeds.

"Last night, because they couldn't find a suitable place, the left-wing vanguard walked a little further to camp. In other words, they should be the team closest to the hot wind hills last night. Could it be that they were out of Why did you come there early?"

William pondered and offered a possibility.

"Impossible, and with that bad old man David, there is absolutely no way they would do something that violates the code of conduct."

Tardif once again denied this possibility.

"But they did not respond. There must be a reason. Maybe their contact stone is broken?"

"This is also impossible. This contact stone disk is quite strong and hard to damage. And even if it is damaged, messages will be sent out. If you stay away from living people for a long time, you will also send out messages. If you don't respond for a long time, messages will also be sent out. It is effective to leave There will still be information transmission in the scope. When this thing was originally designed, various possible situations were specifically considered. Let's wait a little longer, even if they don't reply, there will be an automatic reply in a while, so that we can confirm their position."

Disma shook his head, and explained the effect of this thing to the people around him a little bit.

A group of hunters who were already ready to set off stopped temporarily, waiting for the message of the missing vanguard team to come from the stone plate.

They didn't wait too long, and a light lit up on the stone plate.

However, that ray of light was not where the vanguard team should have been.

"Their position has changed greatly compared to before. They ran directly from the left to the right, and almost completely out of the communication range. This place, this coordinate... are they now in Senhai Town?!"

It didn't take long to determine the outcome.

However, this result made the expressions of the hunters extremely ugly in an instant.

With that look, the hunter couldn't help feeling that whether it was Disma, Tardif, or William, the three of them had directly equated this result with the death of all the four-member team.


sea ​​town?

What kind of place is there, why do you come to such a conclusion and show such an expression? !

"This is really true. Let's go at full speed. I'm afraid they have no way to leave. Let's go directly to Hotwind Hills."

The next moment, Disma's words made the hunter's pupils shrink slightly.


"Okay, well..."

What shocked him even more was that neither Tardiff nor William showed any objection.

Abandon teammates, abandon teammates who are still alive and able to reply to messages.

This is by no means a choice that Disma would normally make, nor should it be a choice that Tardiff and William would accept on the spot.

What exactly is going on?


The hunter stopped in front of the three in the next moment.

"I know you have a lot of doubts, and you're angry, and I know I understand, and I'm angry right now."

Disma, with a complex expression, hesitated for a moment, and finally just shook his head and said.

"But I can't say it here, hunter, you should have heard about the situation here before, but we didn't give a detailed explanation at that time, including now, we can't give a detailed explanation, at least not in this place .”

"We have to go to the hot wind hills first and leave this grassland first. Once we get there, we can do further things to communicate, such as rescue. But now, we can't do that, not here."

"If you're really wondering, I can only tell you, Hunter, there's a reason why so many of us avoid town and have to walk in such rotten mud. It can be said that we do this for the sake of To avoid some kind of bad possibility, but now it seems that there is a small team that can't avoid it."

"Let's go first, leave here first, this is what we must do now, in order to prevent more people from having accidents, we must do this first."

At the end of the words, Disma patted the hunter on the shoulder, and moved quickly together with the other two.

What is going on...

The hunter followed the three of them, and couldn't help but look up in the direction of the missing team, but he could only see countless weeds blocking his sight, and nothing else.

Chapter 77: Dead Marsh

By the time we arrived at Hotwind Hills, it was already afternoon.

The hunters finally came out of the muddy swamp and took a rest in the surrounding low mountains to relieve their tiredness and fatigue for a while.

People scraped off the mud from their clothes, cleaned the dirt from their hair, took water from the black lake and swamp not far away to purify it, added some potions to it, and used it to wipe their bodies and drink to solve their hygiene problems.

In fact, this is considered a somewhat extravagant usage, but before entering the cursed forest, before entering this Jedi that has always been considered extremely dangerous, hunters must be fully prepared, so this is also considered rare. The chicness is the preparation that must be made for the next danger.

All in all, this is a time when everyone is trying to relax.

However, not everyone can relax.

For example, the hunter at this moment has no way to relax at all, completely, there is no possibility of relaxing at all.

He stood in front of Disma and watched the other party closely, waiting for the other party to give an answer. If he gave an answer, he would not rescue his teammates immediately, but take the large army away to this hill first, which would delay several times. hour justification.

"Well, although I mentioned some of them before, I still need to explain it carefully, hunter, do you know the place [Dead Marsh]?"

Disma took a deep breath, sat down in front of the hunter, looked at him and asked seriously.

The hunter shook his head. As an outsider, he certainly couldn't know what is worth noting here.

"Then, let me explain that place a little bit. Basically, it won't be affected too much here."

Disma exhaled again, and then began a simple explanation.

For the hunters in Starry Sky Town, the Corruption Field is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous dark place where they will encounter all kinds of terrifying monsters.

However, on the other hand, the Corrupt Fields is also a place full of opportunities, and there are various lost ancient ruins, which are quite worth exploring in depth.

Hunters usually don't go too far. They usually only search for prey according to the commission given by the hunter's hall. However, some hunters who are actually adventurers are completely different. Not only will they Go very deep into the corrupt fields, even trying to get to those hard-to-reach places.

And thanks to the efforts of these people, many lost areas in the Corrupted Fields have been redrawn and known again. The path chosen by the Hunting God team is, in a sense, these adventurers who have tried their best with their own lives. explored.

Then, since there are places that can be passed, there are naturally places that are difficult to go to.

For example, in the ruins of Lucerne City, the roads there are too difficult to pass. Although many adventurers have tried to go deep, they did not achieve any good results in the end.On the contrary, the hunters and his party relied on their brute force to fight hard.

It broke in, and basically killed the monsters inside.

Another impassable place is called Dead Marsh.

One is located behind Senhai Town and Hongshu Town, an extremely mysterious swamp area.

Some say that swamp eats people.

Some say there is a deadly curse in that swamp.

Some say that the swamp will even approach you actively.

No matter what it was said, the only thing that was certain was that none of the people who entered that swamp came out alive.

There is a dead land in the true sense, a dark place that no one has ever walked out of.

Not only that, but that swamp can really capture those around it.

This kind of record has been left more than once. The hunters who passed by woke up but disappeared. As a result, some hunters with communication methods found that their companions appeared in the direction of the Dead Marsh, and some of them were outside the Dead Marsh. Some of the abandoned towns are directly in the swamp.But there is no difference, because none of these people who disappeared unexpectedly have ever reappeared alive, even the hunters who fled from the town immediately did not survive. None survived.

So far, no accurate information has come out of that mysterious land.

People can only see that place from a distance at most, and know that it is a swamp, but that's all, there will be nothing more.

And those who really go deep into it become part of it forever, part of the legend and part of the record of this eerie place.

"In fact, when we were still in that swamp just now, the reason why I didn't want to mention this matter was because in the records left behind, it was very possible to talk about that place near the dead swamp. Sex is transferred."

"I can't do this at the risk of causing greater losses to the entire team, sorry, but those four people, they basically have no chance of getting out of it alive. No one has succeeded in so many years, if it is true Taking risks to rescue will only bring more casualties.”

While speaking, Disma checked his gun and dagger, then exhaled lightly, and stood up from the ground.

After hearing all this, the hunter turned around and looked in the direction of the Dead Marsh.

On this low mountain, the hunter can see two abandoned towns in the wilderness, one tall and one short, standing under the moonlight, dark and without any lights.

And behind the abandoned town, a swamp can indeed be seen faintly, a piece of dead swamp dormant in the shadows, which seems to be no different from an ordinary grassland area, a quiet dead swamp.

"So, are you ready to go?"

Disma's voice sounded beside him again.

The hunter looked back with some doubts, only to find that this guy was ready to go, and he was ready for action. Tardiff, who took off his helmet and sat on the ground, spit out with a displeased face, and stayed where he was with William. .

Didn't this guy just say he couldn't go to the rescue?

The hunter was a little confused. He was already prepared to go up alone, but this Disma suddenly changed his attitude, which made him a little confused for a while.

"If the entire Hunting God team is involved, then I would really say that I can't go to the rescue. After all, the strength of the team members varies, so if you go there, you will send them off."

"However, from a personal standpoint, I definitely cannot accept the disappearance of these four teammates for no apparent reason, so just as an individual, as a hunter, I must find a way to rescue them. .”

"Especially with you, the hunter who can create miracles and turn the impossible into the possible."

Disma said so, with a cheerful smile on his face.

It must be admitted that this smile made the hunter very uncomfortable. In his impression, Disma had always had a dark face and rarely showed a happy look.He always seemed to be burdened with something, always suppressed, as if he was bearing some extremely heavy sin.

But after going on this journey of hunting gods and joining this mission of hunting gods, it is obvious that the hunter can feel that Disma is much more cheerful than in the past, and the whole person's spiritual temperament has changed obvious changes.

The reason for this is unknown to the hunter.

But now, he feels very good, especially when he is ready to fight alone and run away from the team to save people in Senhai Town alone, Disma, a friend who has fought side by side several times, is willing Standing up and going together, this feeling is actually very good in general.

"Don't die there."

Tardiff's displeased voice continued to sound. In order to ensure safety, the team had to keep two people. He really wanted to follow the bounty hunter who went to see the so-called Dead Marsh, so he was very displeased. He just accepted it out of reason.

"Then, let's go, let's try our best to get to that abandoned town before dark."

Disma nodded, and quickly descended from the hill with the hunter, returned to the wilderness, and rushed towards the abandoned town in the distance.

Chapter 78: Thoughts and Senhai Town

"Huh... finally

Can step on normal ground. "

Among the logistics team, Abigail let out a long breath after cleaning up the mud on her legs, and stretched her waist with her little hands up.

I remember hearing Mr. Disma say that he and Mr. Hunter have been to worse and worse places, and it feels really hard.

The little girl couldn't help but feel sorry for the hunter, the hunter who didn't say a word dully, and refused to show any bitterness or tiredness, how much hardship did he endure when he went to Luce City on the spot?

I don't know what Mr. Hunter is doing now.


Falling backward suddenly, Abigail lay on the grass, staring at the moonlight in the sky, and slowly closed her eyes.

Mr. Hunter, are you seriously arranging your weapons and equipment?

Or are you cleaning up the mud on your body like yourself?

Or have you laid down and rested lazily?

I'm a bit curious about the situation on Mr. Hunter's side, and I want to sneak over to him to have a look.However, it's really not good to disturb the other party, after all, we must focus on business now, and focus on the entire Hunting God team, and we can't mess around.

Therefore, I can only endure it first, endure it, and wait for the opportunity to meet Mr. Hunter again.

Oh, but, sure enough, I still feel a little lonely.

You can't let Mr. Hunter know this side of yourself.

It's completely like a child, afraid of being alone.

If Mr. Hunter knew that he was so immature, maybe he would prefer himself more.

Woow, why can't I help thinking about this kind of thing, like a bad boy.

I can't trouble Mr. Hunter.

Abigail, who blushed a little, stretched out her small hand and patted her cheek a few times.

What she didn't know was that at this moment, the Mr. Hunter who she was thinking of in her heart had left the Hunting God Team without hesitation, and together with Disma who led the way, the two of them returned to the village full of muddy pits. In the swamp, they are heading step by step towards the abandoned town not far away, towards the small town named Senhai Town.

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