The entire hunting god team will rest in the hot wind hills for about two to three days.Because there are basically no monster threats in this area, the entire team has a long time to rest.And this time is also owned by Hunter and Disma, the time to go to Senhai Town to rescue the mysteriously disappeared team, as long as they can return within this time frame, naturally the actions of the whole team will not be delayed.

It's just that although the idea is very good, it often cannot be realized this time.

And what the result will be this time is also completely unknown.

At least at this moment, the hunter and Disma are still troubled by the mud everywhere, so they can only walk through it cautiously, trudging through the mud with difficulty.

It was obvious that there was still a long way to go before they arrived in Senhai Town.

Then, turn the time back, back to the morning, when the hunting god team just started to move on, and continued to move towards the hot wind hills.At this time, among the ruins of the town in Senhai Town, the four hunters opened their eyes and woke up one after another.

"Here is... everyone, wake up, the situation is wrong."

As soon as David opened his eyes, he immediately realized that the surrounding environment was wrong, and he woke up instantly.

Instead of yelling loudly, he quickly confirmed the location of several of his team members, took up their weapons and put on their armor, then crawled over silently to wake them up, and covered their mouths in advance to prevent anyone from speaking too loudly .

He first woke up Serra, and then when he approached Bartley, the other party woke up directly, and not far away, Reginald also quietly got up, apparently also awake and realized that something was wrong.

"Sila and I were keeping watch in the middle of the night, why did we suddenly fall asleep..."

David couldn't understand what was happening to him.

"It may be some kind of mental interference. We don't know what's going on in this ghost place. Anyway, try to contact other teams first."

Reginald confirmed the surrounding environment, then shook his head and said, and motioned for David to take out the stone plate for communication.

The place where the four of them are at this moment is a hut that seems to have been abandoned for a long time, and it can barely be seen that it seems to be some kind of hotel structure.

The walls are covered with black, some kind of liquid that has dried up, splashed, dripped, swayed, all kinds of traces, and many black handprints that seem to be left by someone reaching out to touch the wall , densely covered the walls.

The furniture in the hotel is basically rotten, and it seems that there is some kind of strange power that makes these furniture unable to maintain their original state.

There are also large areas of corrosion marks on the ground, many places appear to have collapsed, and the ceiling is even more dilapidated, with a large piece directly collapsed.

The place where the four woke up was in the corner of the hall on the first floor. This is one of the few relatively stable places, but there are obviously many cracks on the ground. will collapse.

"Can't be contacted, their distance has reached the contact limit, there is no way to send an active message

Hey, we can barely confirm their location...Damn, they are all on our left, where did we run to? "

David took out the stone plate, and the tentative contact quickly got a negative answer, which made the old hunter spit out bitterly.

"We...maybe in Senhai Town..."

Bartley, who had been quietly observing his surroundings for a long time, said in a low voice at this moment.

"Senhai Town? You mean that Senhai Town? How is it possible, we are so far apart, and Senhai Town..."

Reginald smiled, seemingly not believing this possibility.But soon, the smile on the hunter's face, realizing a certain possibility, completely disappeared, replaced by a few drops of cold sweat streaming from his forehead.

"Damn it, the legend of this place is true, it will take the initiative to pull people here, it will—"

"Shut up, since you know this thing is true, then you should understand the consequences of speaking out."

Reginald couldn't say more words, because David covered his mouth first, and warned him in a low voice.

When approaching this area, the more things you say about Senhai Town, and the more things you say about the dead swamp, the faster death will search for it, as if something terrible has been silent in the dark Listening quietly, waiting for someone to say the relevant content, and then completely obliterating it.

This taboo refers to those who are close to the Dead Marsh, people who are close to the two towns outside the Dead Marsh, and the terrible thing is that they are now in the town.In other words, if they continue to break the taboo here, I am afraid that what they will face next is not the problem of death gradually finding it, but the problem of death directly facing the face.

"...From now on, unless there is a special need, we will communicate with gestures and writing."

Taking a deep breath, David was still an experienced old hunter after all, and immediately set a rule of action.

Speaking has always been a big part of the taboos about the dead swamp, so if you want to survive this ghostly place and leave this horrible place alive, the first thing you need to pay attention to is talking.

Don't say anything, although probably still can't survive in this ghost place, but at least, it should be able to give them more time to survive, so that they can think about countermeasures.

Countermeasures, yes, what they need now is countermeasures.

David frowned, thinking seriously.

Since becoming a hunter, after decades of fighting, this old hunter must admit that this is the most dangerous situation he has ever faced.

A completely unknown place of death that has never been heard of.

After really falling into this place, what can I do to survive?What can I do to keep myself and the whole team alive?

Think, think carefully, in the end, how to...

beck - beck -

Thinking is interrupted in an instant.

The hunters raised their heads and looked at the gate of the inn.

He looked at the door of the hotel that had just been knocked.

Chapter 79: The Actions of the Hunters

Dark, dank, dead.

This was Bartley's first impression of the town.

At this moment, he has turned out of the hotel just now from the window, moved carefully in the alley, and squatted behind a hut to observe the surrounding situation.

Beside him, David was in charge of guarding the situation in the rear, while Serra was paying attention to observing the houses on both sides. Reginald entered a room through a broken window, and made a general survey of the situation inside. investigation.

During their time at the hotel, they hadn't tried to check the knocked door.

Such a thing as death does not exist for these experienced hunters, so they will not do such stupid things.In a ghostly place where no living person has ever come out for thousands of years, the best thing to do is to be careful with all your strength.

Therefore, as soon as the door of the hotel was knocked, the hunters fled through the window without hesitation. Among them, Reginald, who was the last to leave, after a little thought, picked up a stone while turning over the window. He hits a window opposite, and quickly ducks before the stone throws out to hit the target to make sure he won't be seen by anything on the other side of the window.

pat- pat-

He was pretty sure that he then heard two voices that sounded in tandem.

One was the sound of a window being hit by a stone.

A...something, the sound of holding the window from the outside.

If it is the same as the knock on the door... the distance is about 15 meters? At a distance of 15 meters, there was still a corner in the middle, but the sound appeared almost as soon as the stone he threw hit the window.

What the hell is that?

Absolutely no sound.

This is the first rule that Reginald then summed up.

No matter what the reason is for those who strayed into this place and cannot escape, at least now, at this moment, if they want to live, then the first rule that must be followed is not to make a sound.

Any sound must be avoided as much as possible, talking is absolutely not allowed, that ghost

Mostly because they heard what David said when he woke up, they came to check.Coupled with the results of the stone throwing test just now, it is enough to show that this thing has an extraordinary sense of hearing and a terrifying speed that is absolutely impossible for humans.

From this point of view, if you add the powerful combat power of death to this unknown thing, it can explain why no one can escape.

It's very simple, because the field outside the town is full of mud pits, and it is impossible to step on them without making a sound.

And once the sound is made, the thing will find it immediately.

Damn, isn't this a [-]% dead end?

Even so, the hunters definitely didn't intend to wait for death, so they immediately started trying to save themselves.

After roughly exploring the house and confirming that it should be safe, Reginald poked his head out of the window and gave the hunters a look to signal them to come in.

Whatever it was, it seemed to try to knock on the door first when it was approaching the proper room.This very polite gesture may be a remnant of a certain habit of the filthy monster during its lifetime, and for hunters, it means that they can get a precious opportunity to be reminded when the opponent is approaching, so as to gain time to react and escape .

With the help of the ink pen and paper that Selah carried with him, the four of them communicated in words in the room, roughly delineating the actions and behaviors of the unknown thing they had speculated about in the encounter just a while ago. available places.

This exchange lasted for a while, and then the four of them waited for a while. About 10 minutes later, they heard the sound of something knocking on the door of this house, and then the four of them quickly walked out of the window. Flip out, land softly and leave the area.

As long as the sound was quiet enough that it wasn't too obvious, the thing didn't seem to have a way of pinpointing their location.

Under such circumstances, as long as a certain distance is quickly opened, that unknown thing will need a certain amount of time to find them.And when that thing finds them, as long as they are indoors, that thing will not come to them immediately, but knock on the door first.

Well, the only thing I don't know now is what will happen after being found.

But for this unknown item, it is better not to try it casually, right?

【We can't run away forever, we are human, our physical strength has limits, we need to eat, we need to sleep, but that thing, I think it should be a filthy monster transformed by some ancient powerhouse, and it is very powerful At that level, maybe it can be compared with that appealer Elvis, this ghost thing can definitely chase us non-stop, and it will not stop until it catches up with us and kills us]

【So, we must find a way to fight back, otherwise when we are dragged down, it will be our death day】

David wrote a long string of words on the paper, and showed it to his teammates very seriously.

[That is, the traces left by my dog ​​when it hit the wall are more like words than what you wrote]

This is the handwriting Reginald showed David with frowning.

【You fucking poor me, I'll take your two eggs and fry a poached egg for you on the spot】

This is the handwriting that David showed Reginald with a livid face.

[How old are you two? Can you stop arguing at this time?And I don't bring much paper, so don't waste things, okay? 】

This is the handwriting that Sierra showed to the two of them at the same time very unhappy.

tuk tuk-

This is the thing that everyone still doesn't know what it is knocking on the door politely.

Once again, he escaped through the window, and this time Reginold noticed some traces left on the window, which were obviously left by his predecessors.

Apparently, someone who was trapped here before them also managed to figure out some rules of motion for this thing, and used it to survive for a while.But that wasn't enough, so the unknown smart guy didn't make it out of town alive.After all, people get tired, but monsters don't.

So, they have to fight back.

Even if the result might anger the opponent, lead to more cruel revenge, and cause them to be wiped out on the spot, they must fight back.

[Dynamite? 】

David wrote a plan on a note.

【We don't have enough explosives. If Bolin is here, we can consider this, but... well, I didn't say it】

This article was immediately rejected due to insufficient conditions.

[How about the trap?Dig a hole to bring it in and bury it? 】

Reginald came up with a second plan.

[The size of monsters is basically no less than two meters, and the physical fitness of powerful monsters is amazing. It is not a problem to jump more than ten meters high casually. How do you plan to dig a more than ten meters deep? hole and then put it in, or do you want to dig yourself a grave? 】

This proposal was immediately denied as soon as it was put forward, followed by Reginald and was also mercilessly ridiculed by David.

[Sniping? 】

Obviously, Bartley, who is not good at communication, spent a long time thinking about the plan. It was so long that someone knocked on the door to urge them, forcing them to move to another house. This somewhat feminine-looking man

The hunter gave his plan.

【You lure it to knock on the door, I will snipe it from behind】

Bartley thought about it, and explained his plan specially.

【No, this plan won’t work. It’s impossible for a powerful monster to be killed by a musket bullet. This plan will only expose you to that thing’s sight】

Then of course, this path is also unworkable.

The hunters fell into silence. They realized that even if they wanted to fight back, given the strength gap between the two sides, the various counterattack strategies they had come up with were likely to be nothing more than a fancy sliding shovel in the end. Beautiful and chic, the monster will be full after shoveling.

It's useless...

[Maybe, we can try to use medicine to deal with it? 】

Then, when everyone started to frown, Sera hesitated, showed his note, and pointed to the big box on his back.

Chapter 80: Serra's Drugs

As a hunter, Sera is undoubtedly an absolute alternative.

She is not good at cold weapons such as knives, guns and sticks, nor does she know much about hot weapons such as firearms, let alone magic spells and miracles.

There are two main abilities she possesses. One is punching and kicking. Well, yes, although she looks like a woman who is just over 1.7 meters tall, she can punch 400 pounds with a punch. She can crush the skulls of filthy monsters directly with her fists and kicks.

This ability comes from her experience when she was young. At that time, she was just 18 years old. She accidentally discovered a relic in the country of the stars, entered an ancient relic site called "Oath of the Overlord", and successfully After passing one of the tests, he obtained this extremely powerful unarmed combat ability.It is said that after passing the three tests in that ruins, she can directly reach the highest level with her fists, but it is a pity that Sera does not have such a talent, and only the second test almost killed her.

However, even with the benefits of the first test, she can directly rank among the first-class hunters with her fists.

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