David couldn't help but smiled wryly, feeling that among the filthy monsters, there are such completely unreasonable, powerful, and unimaginably terrifying things.

"That potion, can it have an effect on it?"

Reginald swallowed his saliva and looked towards the small town behind, before speaking with some uncertainty.

"It should be fine, otherwise that ghost thing would have caught up with us a long time ago, or could it be that that thing is looking for a suitable angle to cut us all open in one go? Hahaha, if that's the case, this dog Really smart."

David smiled reluctantly, wanting to tell a joke to liven up the atmosphere.

But obviously

Ran's joke was so terrible that none of the hunters could laugh. Even David, who faked a smile twice, couldn't continue laughing after seeing everyone's faces.

Running, the hunters are running with all their might.

Passing through those deserted towns along the way, until this time, they noticed that there were large and small cutting marks on many buildings, and there were obvious blood stains around many marks, and some that seemed to be human bones. , but it is broken, and the section is quite neat.

How many people have strayed into this place and tried to escape from that terrifying monster, only to be left with a miserable ending?

These hunters are actually no better than those who came here.

Maybe the experience is richer, maybe the ability to act is better, maybe there are more and more complicated things.

But these things, there is no way to widen the absolute gap.

In essence, their level, their level, is still at the same level, a level called [humanity].

As for the method that can exceed this level, it has been lost along with the destruction of the ancient era.

And those who were able to have talents beyond this level were eliminated by the three gods in various ways, and none of them had a chance to grow up.

Therefore, they who are here at this moment, even if they are already quite close to the top group of hunters, still... have no chance in the face of these powerful monsters!

"Lie down!"

Amidst the roaring sound, Bartley, who had keen vision, spotted a shadow standing on the roof, and took a sudden step forward, throwing Reginald and Sera beside him.

The ground beside him was dusty, and severe pain came from the side of his face.

Bartley clenched his teeth, and suddenly felt the icy wind blowing against one side of his teeth. Only then did he realize that the small half of his face on the left side, including the entire ear, had been directly cut off, and half of the teeth were directly exposed. in the air.


Amid the rapidly spreading blood, Bartley, who fell to the ground, couldn't even make a clear scream.

And David, who raised his head in despair, has already seen a cold light, sweeping towards his group again.

The nerve potion that cost Serra a lot of effort to make, enough to paralyze ordinary humans forever, can only buy them less than 2 minutes?

The gap between humans and monsters is so huge.

This is really...not funny at all...

Closing his eyes, this old hunter was ready to face his end at this moment.

However, there is no pain.

Obviously, there is no way to stop the attack of that thing. That kind of attack is so fast that even if you dodge it with all your strength, you will still be severely injured. Why, you don't feel anything?Will I not feel any pain?

Opening his eyes, he saw a figure from behind.

It belonged to the hunter, that dark and tall figure.

The broken giant sword was slightly tilted towards the side of the body, and the hunter looked to the side, looking at the attack that was deflected by himself and cut a house in half.

Then, he looked at the four hunters behind him.

More or less injured, there are obviously two seriously injured people, but they are still alive.

This time, I managed to catch up!

Chapter 82: 【The Fiendish Swordsman】

I tried my best to come here, and finally arrived successfully.

Although I was a little tired from running and my whole body was covered in mud, but fortunately, I caught up.

It wasn't like the last time. When we finally arrived, only one person was still alive, and the other three were already dead.

At the entrance of the town not far away, Disma was holding on to the wall of a house and panting heavily. Obviously, for a hunter like him, it was too difficult for him to keep up with the serious marching speed of the hunter. , the result of forcing myself is that others are about to vomit at this moment.


The heavy broken sword pierced the ground and stood on the ground.


The hunter's hoarse voice sounded, he just said such a word to the four people behind him, and then his eyes locked on the figure on the house.

The figure that stood motionless on the roof didn't move after the attack was bounced off.

This enemy is very strong.

Hunters can feel this very clearly.

This unknown enemy is very powerful.

The opponent is tall, but compared to other powerful monsters, it seems a bit short.

About [-] meters tall, thin, you can see that the limbs are almost skinny and dry.

Originally, it seemed that there was a piece of armor worn on the opponent's body, but now the armor was basically completely rusted, leaving only a few incomplete structures, and the old black cloth that could barely be used as a cover-up.

The face of this thing seemed to be covered with sores that had festered and then dried up and scabbed. Only one eye was still able to see, and the only remaining eye was already showing a cloudy appearance.Its teeth have been turned out, and only a few lips remain.

At about halfway, there is no nose, and two hollows for nostrils are directly exposed, and the ear on one side has disappeared.

There are more wounds on the body, but also more signs of healing, not as ugly as the face.

But the most worthy of the hunter's attention is the thing held in the right hand of this thing.

A long sword.

A long sword that looked old and covered in dirty bloodstains.

You can't be wrong, the attack just now was made with this weapon.

The hunter frowned and watched the silent figure, and took the meat saw knife from his waist and held it in his hand.

The four hunters stood up and fled from this oppressive death.

The hunter stood there, motionless as if his feet had been nailed to the ground, and looked at the figure on the roof.

The opponent is an existence that must go all out.

Just at the first glance, the hunter has already realized this.

If you don't take it seriously, you will die.

Moreover, I am afraid that there is still no way to fight back, such a way of death.

Glancing at the dimly glowing lantern hanging not far away, the hunter turned his gaze back and found that the figure was no longer on the roof.


The next second, the air suddenly exploded, and the hunter turned around sharply, the meat saw and the long sword collided directly.


In just a split second, the blade moved like a poisonous snake, scraping violently from the side.

The hunter only had time to take a step back when a bright bloodstain was scraped off his arm, and the dazzling red color also flew up.

And that thing didn't seem to have any intention of accepting it as soon as it was good, and it followed the hunter the moment he retreated, and the long sword in his hand swept towards him.The hunter raised the meat saw in his hand to block the attack, but the opponent changed his move, stretched out his hand to hold the tip of the sword and pressed down fiercely, directly pressing down on the hunter and knelt down on one knee, stabbing the tip of the sword hard into his shoulder.

boom -

The ground opened like a spider web of cracks.

And the hunter has exerted all his strength, fending off this strange enemy that he had never heard of before, and sending him flying.


The figure in mid-air directly relied on the power of the hunter to face him, swung the blade around and drew a bloodstain on the stomach of the hunter who couldn't dodge in time.


The hunter, who took a step back, frowned more and more at this moment.

Just now, as long as he dared to take a step forward, that attack would completely cut him open.

Every attack is followed by a second attack, and almost immediately after each attack, there will be a counterattack. It is obvious that he has been swallowed by the filth and turned into a twisted and evil monster, but such a skill, such an ability ...

Slightly, he hesitated for less than half a second.

The hunter thought about how to attack in order to be able to cause damage to this kind of enemy.

Then he found that the opponent had already attacked, and the long sword drew long marks on the ground, and swept it out the moment it approached him.


A house behind the hunter was blown up directly.

In the violent roaring sound, a large amount of debris was flying all over the sky.

And the meat saw knife and the long sword have already crossed and collided once again in an instant.


The staggering within one second has reached twice.


In the blink of an eye, more than three attacks have been swung.

Boom! ! !

Then the speed of the attack exceeded the limit of the hunter's ability to react.

Blood flew, and the hunter's side face was stabbed by the sword blade, and half of his face was stained red as the blood flowed.

The meat saw knife popped out amidst the sharp cracking sound of "click", but before it hit the opponent, the hunter's hand holding the knife was hit by the opponent's hilt, the huge force directly broke the hunter's fingers, followed by The meat saw flew out of his hand and fell to the ground.

In the next second, the hunter's head flew into the sky.


His eyes froze slightly, and he still couldn't react to what happened.

Disma's exclamation sounded not far away.

Immediately afterwards, under the faint light of the lantern, the hunter stood up again.


Seeing this scene, Disma was dumbfounded.

The hunter couldn't care less about being seen by others as having the ability to revive. In the less than a minute of the fight just now, to be honest, he was almost stupid, and he was about to be beaten stupid.This was the first time he encountered such an enemy who could react to every blow he hit and immediately countered, completely suppressing his rhythm and pressing him from beginning to end.

Have you reached the ultimate absolute skill?

An overly heavy and slow meat saw can't keep up with the speed of this kind of enemy.

Therefore, he must use more agile and faster weapons.

The hunter frowned and stared at the one not far away, as if a little confused by the reappearance of the slain target, a threaded cane appeared in his hand at some point.

Chapter 83: Fierce battles

"Is this... how hunters fight?"

Disma frowned slightly, watching the battle not far away.

Shadow and fire tremble, the hunter's

The threaded cane in his hand turned into an afterimage in an instant, colliding with the long sword swung by the figure in front of him.


Amidst the fiercely oscillating voice, a spark clearly emerged.

And an instant later, the second collision followed closely behind, with more violent vibrations and collisions.The third time, and the fourth time, in just a few seconds, only afterimages of the two sides remained, and there was no way to see the movements of the two sides clearly.

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