
Waving the long whip in his hand, the sound of the wind was torn apart in his ears.

The hunter and that figure suddenly crossed each other, bloodstains were splashed on his clothes, and a bloodstain was left from his right shoulder to his upper arm at an unknown time.

Stopping, stepping on the ground into a shallow pit.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around again, and the long whip in his hand turned suddenly, but was blocked by the figure crossing a sword.

The hunter rushed forward at the next moment, and the long whip in his hand shrank instantly with a crackling sound, turning into a sharp cane, piercing forward with the hunter's movements, and hitting the opponent's crossed sword.

There was an instant burst of power, and even though the figure possessed considerable strength, it still took a step back under this blow.

But almost immediately, the thing used the impact of the hunter's blow to spin around in place, and then stabbed straight at the hunter with the long sword in his hand.


So the hunter chose to shoot directly.

The mercury bullet penetrated into this figure's body without hindrance, and after fighting for several minutes, the hunter successfully injured this thing for the first time.However, the monster whose body balance was expected to be disrupted by this blow, and thus the hunter found a chance to make a move, did not fall down, but adjusted its body shape at the moment of being hit, and stretched out its arms to support it at the moment of falling. The ground jumped up violently, and the long sword in his hand followed suit.

The premonition of danger reached its limit in an instant, and the hunter slammed to one side to dodge, and following the position where he was standing just now, a long and narrow trace was cut on the ground, which spread straight for a distance of hundreds of meters, covering the distance along the way. All the buildings are cut out.

this thing……

I feel more and more that this feeling is completely different from all the enemies I have encountered before.


The sound of the wind has already rang from the ears again.

The cane was thrown out at a slant, colliding with a long sword.

The difference in strength caused the hunter's figure to stagger, and then the thing directly stuck to the hunter. It let go of the hand holding the sword, allowing the long sword to rotate in mid-air, and then held the sword again, turning the original forehand The posture of holding the sword was changed to holding the sword in the backhand, and he slashed directly against the hunter's blow.

The frowning hunter quickly raised his cane to resist, but after the blow, the opponent reached out and grabbed the cane, and then the opponent exerted force suddenly, pushing the hunter directly into the wall of the building next to him. He rolled on the ground together with the hunter amidst the roar and shattering sound, and then directly wrapped his legs around the hunter's right hand holding the cane.

Ground twist? !

Without hesitation, he turned over and got up, relying on the fact that his body was not completely stable and his arms were not completely locked, he broke free. Following the hunter, he was kicked directly by the opponent, and the whole person flew up and fell through the table in the house. At the edge of the wall, smash a depression in the wall.

The moment the dust fell, the thing was approaching again, and a sword pierced down from above without the slightest breath. The hunter quickly turned over to avoid it, but the sword actually changed direction in mid-air, which was exactly the same as the hunter's instinctively raised sword. The canes collided together, causing him to be lifted up by this force and hit the ceiling directly.

boom -

Shards of wood and masonry danced in the sky.

And the hunter in mid-air had already stepped on the wall, swung his cane violently, and the metal long whip covered with spikes swung violently in the narrow room, tearing the whole room apart even more in an instant .

The figure rolled and dodged on the ground, shifting its shape and dodging the hunter's attack and getting close again.

In the sound of the mechanism crackling, the hunter turned the long whip back into a cane the moment it hit the ground, and collided with the enemy's attack again. The hunter took a step back, relying on the distance to unload the force to resist the heavy attack from the opponent, but Before he had time to fight back, Fang Fang took advantage of his retreat and directly pressed him up.The next moment, amidst the loud noise of the wall shattering, the hunter was knocked away by this figure and fell on the aisle from the room. Just as he stood up, he was almost slashed on the neck by a sword swung by the opponent.

The skill of attack, the ability to observe and judge the battle situation in an instant, plus this strength and speed far surpassing that of human beings...

I have never encountered this type of enemy before.

This kind can completely suppress its enemies with this simple fighting technique.


The hunter's breath became long at this moment.

The spirit became more and more concentrated, and the fingers holding the cane tightened slightly.

The two figures suddenly came into contact in the aisle of this abandoned house, the air flow surged, and the dust in the house was blown away at this moment due to the collision between the hunter and the figure in front of him.

The cracks extended on the wall, on the ground, and continuously extended in all directions of the entire room.

In the collision of blow after blow, the hunter and the figure kept jumping, falling, and turning around. The offense and defense of the two sides could switch several times or even more than ten times within a second, so that only one person in the air could move. The afterimage of the two shots was left behind.

boom -

Finally, at this moment, the whole house collapsed because it couldn't bear the damage from the two of them.

Among the ruins, the hunter's figure suddenly jumped out and landed on the roof of a nearby house.

After that figure appeared from the dust, the long sword swung out towards the hunter, and then the shock wave that was set off shattered the buildings connected to the three houses within tens of meters on the spot, and even more than ten people around The windows of the buildings were shattered.

The hunter jumped up before the house exploded, and thrust his staff out at the enemy in front of him.


There was another collision in mid-air, and in the turbulent air, the figure reached out and grabbed the hunter's walking stick before the two sides were shaken apart.

But immediately before it could make another move, the hunter's cane split into a long whip with the sound of crackling metal joints, and the sharp spikes on the whip immediately pierced the thing's palm, and then The hunter twisted his body in the air and exerted all his strength, throwing the figure holding the whip flying.


In the second transformation, the hunter held the weapon that had turned back into a cane in his hand, and aimed the round head above the cane at the sound falling in the mid-air not far away, and a blue light suddenly condensed.

Soul giant arrow!

It is a magic that can be continuously used at a low cost through the magic record stored in the internal space of the cane.

Although the recording space is not too large, and the hunter's own arcane cultivation is not too strong, and he has not used the invisible echo to enhance his strength in this area, so the magic used is more or less powerful. some deficiencies.

But in the current critical situation, this thing can be used as an output method very well, especially after the hunter and the opponent have been hacking for a long time, they didn't even touch the clothes of the thing a few times, and in the end they had already been chopped off. In the case of wounds everywhere.


The giant blue magic arrow hit the figure, crashing it into a half-collapsed building, kicking up a lot of dust.

The moment the hunter landed on the ground, he rolled to reduce the impact, and then immediately stood up and rushed towards the direction where the opponent fell, but he stopped abruptly when he rushed less than half the distance, and the whole person rolled on the ground , avoiding the figure who was cut down with a sword behind him.

When did you run behind yourself.

The hunter's gaze stayed on the opponent's body, which was slowly healing, the wound from the bombardment of the soul giant arrow, and the wound that had been completely recovered at this time. It was impossible to see the palm that had just been pierced once, and suddenly realized something.

However, he had no way to react the next moment. Before he rolled over and stood up, the opponent stabbed out with a sword, directly piercing through the hunter's side eye, and then piercing through the back of his head, hooking his head on the spot. .

Chapter 84: Reflection and Aid

Hunter, is this the third resurrection?

Disma on the edge of the battlefield frowned slightly as he watched the hunter, who continued to fight fiercely in a dilapidated building, with the smoke and dust billowing, and the completely unknown, powerful and terrifying enemy, and began to think.

To be honest, I was really shocked at the beginning. After all, the hunter who was beheaded on the spot in front of him a second ago, rushed out from the lantern not far from him in the next second, and continued to fight with that enemy. Together.

This kind of thing is too shocking in various senses. If Desma hadn't experienced enough things recently, many things would no longer matter, he might wonder if the hunter is the body of some evil god or something s things.

However, if he has this ability, it can explain his strength.

After all, it's not that he hasn't fought side by side with hunters. Although it is true that hunters are much stronger than hunters, there is still a certain limit to this strength, and it has not reached the level of complete invincibility.Fighting those filthy monsters with such strength, even a hunter cannot avoid serious injuries or even death when facing those truly powerful monsters.But every time after this kind of battle, the hunter can always appear unscathed, as if he was not injured at all.

Especially when facing the appealer, Disma was very sure that the hunter's combat power could not have won that Elvis.Even with Marman assisting him in some way, it was impossible for the hunter to survive the initial battle.

However, if there is the ability to resurrect after death, this problem can be explained.

That's right, it's true that if you can't win, you can't win, but after losing, he can start again, but the enemy's injuries will accumulate. Under such an advantage, even if there is a certain gap between his own hard power and the enemy's, You can also rely on repeated battles to smooth out the gap and finally win.

"It is precisely because of this power that he will be feared by the master of the starry sky?"

"This inhuman ability, maybe because of this ability, he can become our hope."

Disma thought a lot at this moment.

Then, this ability cannot be exposed in front of too many people.

As a veteran hunter, Disma is well aware of how mixed the hunters are. Once the magical power of the hunter's constant resurrection is discovered, the attitudes of the people around him will inevitably change greatly. .Although it is also possible to bring a

However, Disma, who has always been pessimistic about human nature, feels that hunters may be treated more harshly, and there will be fewer people who are willing to sincerely believe that he treats him.

After all, possessing power beyond the control of human beings also represents the characteristics of being separated from human beings.

As for creatures like humans, if they treat their own kind cruelly, if they treat a different kind that is not even the same kind...

Not only that, those secret enemies, those who caused them trouble along the way, caused them big//trouble outside Blue Lake Town and the Kamasa hills, and caused two downsizing behind the scenes, the other party will inevitably Find ways to find the hunters' weaknesses, and find ways to disintegrate their team.

This kind of thing cannot be allowed to happen, and the only hunter who has the ability to solve the current situation cannot be found weak point.

The key to resurrection...is that lantern?

I have to talk to Tardiff when I go back and tell him to protect the lantern. William... No, William is not trustworthy in this kind of thing. The fact that he parachuted from Star City to Star Town to become the sheriff is full of doubts. Some people suspected that he was actually a criminal who was wanted and escaped by the capital of the stars.This kind of key matter involving the life of the hunter cannot be trusted with such an unknown person, and he must beware of that guy so that he does not cause trouble.

Disma thought of many things at this moment, and his expression became a little gloomy.

And at this time, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him, and when he turned around, he found that it was actually two hunters, David and Reginald.

"Why did you come back?"

Seeing the two people who should have escaped from the town come back, Disma frowned.

Did they see the scene where the hunter was resurrected?

Are they trustworthy?

These two guys are local veterans in Xingkong Town, and they seem to be trustworthy, but it's hard to say...

Disma's fingers had already been placed on the gun before he knew it.

"Relax, we're here to help."

As David spoke, he put a box on his back on the ground.

"Sierra is giving Bartley emergency treatment. Both of them are seriously injured and need to be treated before they can continue to operate."

"That thing is very dangerous, and it's hard for a hunter to gain an advantage in fighting that thing, right?"

"We tried to deal with that thing before. Although it failed, we found that some nerve drugs can have an effect on that thing. Although the effect may only be one or two minutes at most, but among such strong people I think it is enough to tell the winner."

David, who said so, opened the box, revealing the three bottles of medicine that had been prepared inside.

Do you want to use these potions as an aid to help in battle?

It seems like this is the case, but...

Disma still somewhat distrusted the two people in front of him.

"Okay, now is not the time to cover up, I know you are a little worried and suspicious, but if we really have any intentions, do you think we will come out in such a swagger and come to you unprepared?"

Reginald suddenly sighed at this moment, and said to Disma.

"Since we have joined this operation, we are already prepared."

"The problem you are worried about, at least here, is completely unnecessary. The most important thing now is to quickly end this battle and return to the team."

"You know, it's going to be dark."

At the end, Reginold pointed to the darkening sky.

Among all the legends about the dead marsh, "darkness" has always been the most taboo part.

All kinds of weird horrors that exist in the dead marsh seem to become active after the moon sets, and things will be more terrifying than during the day.

Although it seems that most of the legends in the dead marsh are unrealistic, in fact there is only a terrifying monster with unimaginable combat power, so that no one who enters can survive.However, no one is sure whether the situation of the most taboo "after dark" in the legend shows that this monster will undergo some unknown changes after the light is dimmed, thus becoming stronger and more dangerous.

Therefore, it is necessary to make a quick decision and resolve the battle before dark.

"...well, you're right."

After a moment of silence, Disma nodded lightly, agreeing to what the other two said.

It is already certain that these two guys know the secret that the hunter can be resurrected next to the lantern.

Otherwise, they would not use such words to persuade themselves.

Speaking of which, the hunter was too careless, he hung the lantern directly on the side of the road, making it so conspicuous, is he overconfident?As a result, he was killed by the opponent several times in a row, and his secret was exposed on the spot.

I have to remind this guy to pay attention in the future. This is not a small problem that can be ignored casually.

"You go to help the hunter, don't join the battle directly, you two can only die when you go up."

"I stay here, I have to guard this lantern, you go."

After two or three sentences, Disma sat down beside the dimly glowing lantern and said nothing more.

And David and Reginald

The two hunters, one tall and one short, looked at each other a little bit, nodded to each other, and then walked towards the area not far away where there was a violent shock and explosion. It was obvious that the hunter was fighting fiercely with the unknown enemy. .

The sky was getting darker at this moment.

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