This is really... quite confident.

However, considering the strength of the other party, it is a matter of course to have such self-confidence.

Edra sighed helplessly, and found that Harrier beside him had already chased the hunter and walked forward.Without further hesitation, she followed suit, and the three of them disappeared into the darkness deep in the woods together.

And at the same time as the exploration on this side continues to deepen and approach the root of the enchanted tree, various things are also happening in the other direction.

"Look at this thing, tsk tsk, it really makes people feel sick when they see it."

Tardiff shook his head while pointing to a large sarcoma lying in the bushes not far away.

It was a dark red mass of sarcoma, which was as big as a person, filled with countless filthy poisonous snakes.As long as someone approaches within ten meters, this ghost thing will explode directly, throwing countless snakes around, creating a hell map full of countless poisonous snakes.

Although the poisonous snakes created by these filthy forces are basically not very active, as long as they avoid a distance of about one kilometer, these things will exhaust themselves before they get close, and then quickly dissipate and turn into ashes.But the problem is that the moving speed of this thing is quite terrifying. According to the research of the hunters who came here, every poisonous snake produced in this kind of sarcoma can easily reach a moving speed of 30 kilometers per hour, and the moving speed of this thing It is hardly affected by the complex terrain here, and what is even more amazing is that these snakes can still climb trees.

Under such circumstances, it can be clearly said that as long as the hunter accidentally triggers these things, there is basically no possibility of escaping alive.

"How many such sarcoids are there in this forest?"

Disma couldn't help but frown in thought.

"No matter how many there are, just try not to touch them, tsk, I really want to burn this thing with a fire."

Tardive, who had been seeing this sarcoma displeased him all the time, felt itchy and wanted to throw a Molotov cocktail afterward, but considering that after throwing this thing exploded, they would probably stage a desperate game, the bounty hunter finally had to Can very helplessly choose to give up.

I don't know how the hunting on the hunter's side is going now.

"Well, two big brothers, let's rush to the town as soon as possible. There is actually no need to stop here, right, right?"

As for Woodrona, who was following behind the two of them, this timid support staff, after seeing the huge sarcoma with an extremely ugly shape, now he was all hairy and felt all kinds of discomfort.However, Disma and Tardif were still here to spend their time pointing at the sarcoma, which was about 20 meters away, as if they didn't care at all, which made him quite uncomfortable.

"I said, you guys have the courage to go all the way from Xingkong Town to the Forest of the Cursed, why don't you even dare to look at this kind of thing, you kid can't do it

. "

Tardiff looked at Woodlonona with a look of resentment.

"When I walked over, I was protected by two layers of hunters in the middle. I just need to think about how to transport supplies. How can I face such things at that time?"

The mournful Woodrona, at this moment, watched the sarcoma in the distance squirm a little bit, and his whole body would tremble up and down, like a frightened bird, and the whole person looked extraordinarily funny.

And obviously, whether it's Tardiff or Disma, these two people have more or less evil tastes, so they deliberately stopped in front of the sarcomas split by the wart snake, pointing here Watch this guy's jokes most of the day.

"Okay, okay, I won't say more, and we really should continue on our way."

Seeing that the young man, who was almost 1.9 meters tall, was so frightened that he arched his whole body, Disma waved his hand, bypassed the tumor with Tardif, and continued to move deeper into the forest. .

The deeper it went, the more obvious the smell became.Those unknown things that seemed to be hidden deep in the darkness gradually began to be attracted by these living beings who broke into this place, and began to show their own terrifying appearance.

At the very beginning, it was Woodlonona who suddenly felt something being pulled behind his collar.

This kind of specious, hallucination-like thing, if it were a different hunter, might be regarded as a feeling of hallucination caused by drinking too much.But Woodlonona yelled out in a loud voice, and fled to Disma and Tardif with a scramble.The two hunters who followed closely turned around did not find anything, but Woodrona insisted that he did feel something touching his collar from behind.

Then, Disma, who had a careful observation ability, suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some kind of shaking in the air in front of a tree, so he shot it decisively, and immediately heard a mournful howl, and the Suddenly, an ugly monster composed of countless human hands and tumors emerged from what seemed to be nothing more than air. It descended from the sky with an incomparably miserable howl, and charged towards the three people standing on the ground.

Then he was chopped down on the ground with an ax by Tadiff on the spot.

"Are there still monsters that can be invisible? The variety of these things is really getting richer."

Tardiff looked at the deformed monster that fell on the ground and dissipated slowly, then swung his hand ax and opened his mouth.

"This is already an area quite close to the source of the filth. To be honest, no matter what ghosts we encounter here, it is reasonable."

Disma shook his head slowly, speaking with a little emotion in his expression.

At this time, the distorted voice became clear from a distance, and the two hunters took a support staff to hide quickly. After a while, they saw some people wearing tattered clothes, their heads were wriggling, and their eyeballs were fused with flesh and blood. Things that got up slowly passed by.

The hands and feet of these monsters have already shown the characteristics of plants, with a large number of forked branch-like structures, but in those structures, sharp teeth and continuously dripping, strongly corrosive liquid can be seen.

There are also some half-human, half-spider things crawling slowly on the tree trunks. Those human body structures abruptly replaced part of the spider's structure, such as five or six human arms and spider limbs to support a huge and inflated human. Stomach and spider's head, or three human hands and four human legs plus a spider limb supporting five or six rotten human heads and spider bodies, etc., such a strange mix and match style.

Disma and Tardif did not disturb these things. Although their strength as hunters is already the first batch, it is still very irrational to blindly provoke such unknown monsters that have no clue of the details. Behavior, they wouldn't do that.

"Disma, have you noticed?"

As he continued to move forward, the expression on Tardiff's face gradually became serious.

"Are you talking about those sarcomas?"

Disma, who also looked serious, hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at his companion and asked.

"Sarcoma? And, another sarcoma?"

Woodrona, who followed cautiously behind, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, subconsciously becoming nervous again.

"That's right, there are too many sarcomas here."

Tardiff said so, and pointed to the woodland not far away.

His eyes followed Woodlonona who turned over, and he blinked, but he didn't notice the sarcoma at first.

But soon, following the direction indicated by Tardiff, with the help of the faint light in the woodland, he gradually saw those things in the woods clearly.

"Oh my God……"

The scene that was too horrifying made Woodrona tense up.

Black and red, sarcoma hidden in the roots of the tree.

One by one, there were at least [-] or [-] sarcoid tumors that were spread along the entire road and extended to unknown places.

In the gloomy environment, these tumors are constantly wriggling, and countless poisonous snakes are struggling in it, trying hard to break free from it.And because the light was too dim, Woodlonona didn't have any light at all at first.

Discovering these things, he couldn't help but think, if there were no guidance from these two hunters, if he was alone, if he accidentally stepped into the detonation range of those sarcoma...

I'm afraid that the result of the subsequent detonations will be that he will be completely submerged by those poisonous snakes.

When he thought of such a picture, he thought of being completely submerged by countless venomous snakes one or two meters long, being penetrated into his internal organs by those things, and finally his whole body was completely dissolved and turned into food for those monsters. I couldn't help but feel chills all over my body, and I couldn't calm down no matter what.

"This is not right."

The two hunters beside him were still discussing, Tardiff knocked on his helmet, thought and sighed.

"Indeed, there are too many. This does not conform to the habits of [Gump Snake] in the records."

Disma on the side also spoke up, obviously there are too many things that are wrong here.

"Could it be that some fool has met this ghost and is being hunted down?"

The bounty hunter thought of one possibility.

"It's very possible, I've read the records, when the [Tump Snake] tries to chase down a target, if the tumors on its body are in the way, it will start to separate those tumors on a large scale to improve its movement Speed, I'm afraid, some unlucky guy collided head-on with this thing."

Disma shook his head lightly as he said this, obviously he had already put that unknown unlucky guy on the death list in his heart.

A huge venomous snake that is three to forty meters or even longer, is bitten by this thing or sprayed with venom on the body, basically it will die.With such a disparity, no matter how brave and powerful the hunter is, it is unlikely that he will survive.The only thing Disma can do is to pray that that guy is lucky enough to be killed as soon as possible and leave this world without pain.


At this time, they suddenly felt that there seemed to be a little vibration coming from the ground.

Is something moving nearby?

Disma and Tardif stopped in place, looking around carefully.


Gradually, the feeling began to become clearer.

Something is moving.

There is something extremely huge, extremely heavy and terrifying, moving around here.

what will it beWhere is it?


A small stone fell at Desma's feet at this moment.

Almost reflexively, Disma drew his pistol and aimed it in the direction the stone had been thrown.But in the next moment, a somewhat surprised expression appeared on his face, and he immediately moved the muzzle of the gun away, and walked over there.

"Andre, you are still alive, you actually hid here."

In front of Disma, in front of a small bush between two twisted and huge tree roots, Andre's huge and solid body leaned out, and made a movement towards Disma, and at the same time very Carefully looked around.


That unknown vibrating voice seemed to be getting closer.

"Don't hang on there, that thing will be back soon, come here quickly."

After a low growl, Andre pulled up Disma and Tardif who were walking up, and then pulled up Woodlonona, who couldn't climb up, and pulled them together to the two raised quilts. In the shrub area blocked by the big tree roots, it is like a small safe zone.

After entering here, Disma discovered that under the bushes, a small area of ​​the ground had collapsed, leaving a small cave with a depth of about five or six meters, which could hide many people. Hiding a lot of people, Disma saw the four members of the left-wing vanguard, David, Reginald, Bartley and Serra were hiding here, and Aike from the first logistics team was also staying here, and His face looked ugly.

"Your situation does not seem to be very good."

Disma looked at the more or less injured people and said.

"Bumping into that crazy snake head-on is of course not a good thing, but it seems that because of the infection, the snake's senses have degraded a lot. We have been hiding here for a while, but the ghost has never found us hiding. Where."

David scratched his gray hair, sighed helplessly and said to Disma and Tardif.

At the beginning of this incident, no one expected to encounter that monster. The left-wing vanguard team just met Andre and Aike who were looking for the two apprentices they lost. Proceed in the direction of the abandoned town in the forest that has been confirmed as a safe area.

As a result, at this moment, the deformed giant snake suddenly appeared and rushed towards them.

Andre reacted in an emergency, took out a cannon of the same type as the hunter from his backpack, and fired two rounds at the thing, using the huge impact of the shell to repel it, and then everyone fled quickly , ran out quite a distance.As a result, it didn't take long for the giant snake to catch up quickly, and during the pursuit, it kept separating the sarcoids on its body, continuously increasing its moving speed, and quickly caught up with them.

fighting in haste

However, they were not unable to resist. Andre first fired the last shell, which caused the guy to suffer another serious injury. Following the blacksmith, he rushed up to hug the snake head and threw it to the ground, followed by the hunters. He also rushed forward and beat fiercely, stabbing one of the giant snake's eyes blind on the spot.But during the battle, the venom sprayed by the snake crazily splashed on Aike's body. Although she received treatment immediately afterwards, her condition is not very good until now, and this is why the hunters continue to stay here the reason.

"We're going to try hunting this thing."

David looked at Disma and Tardive very seriously and said.

"We didn't find it at first, but this thing is not impossible to fight, so we decided to try to hunt this thing."

"If you can have a careful plan and enough strong manpower, I don't think it's impossible, and it's worth a try!"

"How about it, do you want to join our operation?"

The old hunter said with a smile, and stretched out his hand to Disma.

"Hunting this kind of ghost...Your self-confidence is indeed very strong, but at least tell me where your self-confidence is. I am not here to fight this kind of guy desperately."

Disma, who frowned slightly, didn't immediately agree, but he didn't choose to refuse either. He just looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

"That's true. This question really needs to be explained well. Come on, let's talk about it."

As a result, after David nodded, he did not answer Disma's question, but turned his gaze to another direction.



Disma turned his head and saw a haggard middle-aged man squeezed in from the edge of the bush.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lubesk, a doctor from the Fourth Logistics Medical Team. I know a little bit about surgery and healing magic, but recently, I've started to study some toxicology. Take advice from a doctor's thesis."

The man who said this walked up to Disma, David and the others and sat down on the ground, with a little excitement on his face.

"As for how to deal with this giant snake that has been infected by filth, I can indeed provide methods and experience here."

"Of course, there is also a little help."

The smile on the man's face showed a little complacency at this moment.

They started talking, and the angry giant snake was still searching for their traces.

And in the forest, in another place, Abigail panted, stopped while holding on to a tree trunk, and finally sat on the ground exhausted from continuous running.

"Mr. Brereton, Mr. Gilbard, Mr. Delaune, Parkside Cole, and Mr. Horold..."

Death and blood are so real and cruel.

With such a simple and crisp method, the Forest of the Cursed showed Abigail the biggest difference between it and the Corrupted Field.Before this, she never thought that a group of seasoned hunters would be wiped out directly because of two or three guys who were not even powerful monsters, and no one could survive.

What should I do next?

The girl panted one after another, took a deep breath, clenched her teeth, endured the exhaustion from her whole body, and slowly stood up from the ground.

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