I have to find a way to find other people.

Those hunters were dead, but the self they protected survived.

You can't give up on yourself, you must continue to live, find other people, find hunters, and join others.

Step by step, Abigail continued to move forward in the dark and dead forest.

Beware of all kinds of weird monsters that may appear at any time, the girl who was walking step by step suddenly stopped.

Because a man wearing armor and holding a broken sword walked out in front of her.

"Mr. Baldwin?!"

Abigail did not expect that she would suddenly meet a hunter, and it was this somewhat mysterious hunter who was said to have just come to the town when the disaster happened in Xingkong Town.A man who never took off his mask, and the exposed skin looked very festered.

"This voice, are you Abigail, the girl next to the hunter?"

Baldwin nodded slightly, and stretched out his hand subconsciously to touch Abigail's head.However, after noticing that his fingers were full of pustules, he pressed his outstretched hand on his broken sword, wiped it lightly, and then turned and walked forward.

At this time, Abigail saw the second person here.

"This can be regarded as a kind of fate, little girl, it seems that we will fight side by side here."

Alhazred, holding the burning skull candlestick in his hand at this moment, walked out with a mysterious and strange aura.

Did these two hunters meet together in the Forest of the Cursed?

The girl was a little surprised by this fate, but soon she heard some kind of trembling voice, followed by Baldwin and Alhazred, beckoning her to hide in the bushes together, and after a while, an extremely huge , the giant snake covered in festering marks quickly swam past not far away, and disappeared into the darkness.

"The snake locked a

The group of people has been narrowing the encirclement, and it is about to find them. "

Alhazred said in a low voice.

"We have to rescue those people, and if possible, let this ugly and blasphemous thing return to the Netherland where it should return."

Baldwin's slightly weak, but strong voice sounded calmly, and the faint light cast from the sky through the dense forest shone on his great sword. At this moment, there seemed to be some flickering spots of light emerging.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The ground was shaking and trembling.

The huge giant snake was slowly wandering in the dark jungle. The festered body could hardly find the scales that a normal snake should have. Finally, it becomes a sarcoma one by one.And among these extremely large number of pustules, as the pustules themselves grow stronger, more and more poisonous snakes are also conceived, writhing, entangled, and constantly swimming in the wildly spreading appetite until they find something they can eat.


The serpent's gray eyes looked around.


The monster, which has lost the senses of a normal snake, is silently observing the environment in front of it.

On the squirming body, those little black snakes crawled under its flesh, constantly tearing away the flesh and blood on its body, and then healed and recovered.

This twisted and evil filth just swam through giant trees and shrubs one after another. Its long body of more than 40 meters left countless pieces of meat and blood foam all the way, and those that fell off its body minced flesh and blood foam.

And what it didn't see was the figure standing above it, standing on top of the giant tree, silently observing it passing below.

"This ghost thing is really not small..."

Tardiff looked at the head and tail that could not be seen for a long time when the thing was swimming, and couldn't help but shook his head and said.

"Are you really sure you want to hunt monsters of this level?"

Disma hesitated a little. The size of the opponent was bigger than he imagined, and he could continuously produce small snakes with venom. This could already be called an extremely tricky monster. He really didn't think Only my own team has the ability to eat this kind of enemy.

"Actually, to be reasonable, we don't have much confidence."

Reginald shrugged, his attitude was rather bachelor.

"It's better to say that if you are really confident, it is impossible. If this thing is really close to people, it can kill us casually. Not everyone can fight with these muscle monsters like Andre. Something hand-to-hand."

David also smiled and said with a little emotion.

"That can only prove that your training is not enough, the purity is too low."

Andre, who was sitting on another branch, shook his head and adjusted the cannon in his hand while talking.

At this moment, the hunters were hiding above the woods where the giant snake would not usually notice, chatting like this while watching the actions of the basilisk below.Some small explosives began to be arranged, and Bartley switched to a special sniper rifle and moved towards the more concealed branches, moving back and forth between these branches that are several times thicker than a human thigh, looking for the beginning of the battle The best attack angle after that.

"Will the thing Lubesk debugged really work? The monsters in this area are basically not afraid of poison."

Looking at Bartley who was carrying a special bullet far away, David still showed a worried expression.

"Even if you're worried, it's useless, but didn't the doctor say that what he prepared wasn't poison? What, uh, what is it, acid bomb? Anyway, it's something very powerful that can corrode flesh and blood and prevent rapid healing. on."

Tardiff tried to recall the pile of proper nouns that the doctor in Lübesk had mentioned just before he separated from him, and finally found that his memory had no other function in front of this kind of relatively advanced knowledge.

"Then, get ready to act."

In the end, Disma spoke calmly, and the state of the whole person has changed accordingly.

"The hunter went to hunt the magic tree, and we came to hunt the poisonous snake. This is the so-called division of labor and cooperation."

Clenching their fists and weapons in their hands, the breath of the hunters has changed at this moment.

But before they really started their hunt, some unusual movements were suddenly unfolding in the distance.

Luigi was panting heavily, dragging his injured body forward in the woodland.

The mind is becoming more and more confused, and the whole person is becoming more and more tired.

There was severe pain from the right arm replaced by the prosthesis. Because it was only a temporary modification, the section of Luigi's right arm had not healed well, and now it even looks a little rotten. It flowed out, and his right prosthetic arm became dripping wet.

"Ha... huh..."

After the pain lasts for too long, the body starts to feel numb and sluggish.

His senses were far from as sharp as they were at the beginning, when he was not injured, and when he was still able to kill those monsters at will.Instead of the current miserable appearance, this one... is simply like a waste.

【he he he he he……】

Is it coming again?

Luigi raised his head and looked at the things that climbed down from the tree.

Is this the first time I have encountered a monster?These are completely different from the things in the Corrupt Field, each of which made him fight extremely hard, and even had to escape in embarrassment.What will it be this time?

Slightly blurring his vision, he tried to observe the appearance of the other party.


It seems to be the kind of trouble.

This is a strange monster whose whole body has been misplaced and distorted, with many redundant limbs growing out.They seem to be normal human beings, but after turning into monsters, they have the habit of snatching and splicing other people's limbs, so their appearance becomes more and more distorted with the passage of time, and finally become this kind of monster that is difficult to describe Inexplicable appearance.

Obviously, this thing has taken a fancy to Lu Yide, so it has been following him, trying to kill him and take his hands and feet.In fact, Luigi had tried to get rid of this thing many times just now, but it has not been very smooth, so that he was injured by this thing several times.

This time, do I still want to continue to dodge?

"Come on, you bastard, come on."

There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and Luigd hooked his fingers at the thing, and drew out the dagger with his left hand.


The sound of the wind sounded in an instant, and before the blade was thrust out, Luigi was directly thrown to the ground, hitting the ground heavily.

The twisted limbs directly pressed against his right shoulder, and sharp teeth emerged from under the skin, directly tearing off large pieces of flesh from his shoulder.


I don't feel much anymore, it seems that it's just such a pain.

The wide-eyed Luigi stabbed the short sword into the monster's body, followed the whole person to sit up abruptly, and turned it over to the ground.The blade cut through the flesh and blood, causing the monster to howl terribly, and more arms pressed down on his back, legs, hands and even his face, tearing apart pieces of flesh and blood, The blood was dripping, but Luigi, who didn't realize it, just stirred the flesh and blood with the blade more vigorously, and even bit on one of the limbs of this thing, forcing off a large piece of stinking rotten flesh.

Struggling, gradually subsided.

Pulling out the blade, the panting hunter staggered to his feet. His whole body was already bloody and there was not much good meat left.

With most of his face torn off, Luig reached out tremblingly and grabbed his lips and half of his nose that were only connected by flesh and blood. He opened his mouth and felt the wind blowing directly on him. Suffering from the pain in his teeth and nasal cavity, he suddenly smiled, and his whole body relaxed.

Yes, I am going to die.

Scattered with the team members, leaving him alone in this extremely dangerous place.

In the face of these powerful monsters that have never been heard before, with his own pathetic strength, it is almost the limit to be able to walk this distance.


Difficult to continue to move forward.

Louis could feel the gradual loss of body temperature.

Those sharp teeth almost tore off the skin of his whole body, and he has completely turned into a blood man, dripping a lot of blood every step he takes.

Gradually, I began to feel exhausted.

I will probably fall down soon, right?

Luigi suddenly thought of his team members, the quiet Vic, and Natia Vida who treated him badly.

Heh, they really hate him, after all he doesn't want to obey other people's orders, and he likes to rush to the front and entangle and fight monsters.In the eyes of these guys, a person like himself must be a dangerous person, an extremely troublesome guy, and he might think that he might go crazy and attack the team members or something.

He is just a bunch of fools. Who is he, Luigi? A warrior who is proud of hunting and killing monsters. He attacked his companions and stabbed them in the back like rubbish guys?It's hilarious.

It's just that now that I look like this, I don't have the right to talk about pride.

I have to find a way to find a doctor, at least do some treatment for my injuries, otherwise it will be really too late after a while.

Haha, he is still thinking about this kind of thing. It seems that even he is afraid of death, and he also doesn't want to die.

Lu Yide, who was sighing like this, suddenly heard some voices.


Is it human voice?

Although one ear has been torn off, the other ear is still fine. Luigi tilted his head slightly, trying to hear the voice clearly.

"It's okay, Jacob, don't force it, you have suffered a lot of injuries."

"Don't worry about me, take care of your own injuries first..."

"Don't stop, monsters may appear here at any time, we have to get to the abandoned town in the forest as soon as possible."

What appeared to be the voices of a woman and two men.

Jacob?Is it the machete-wielding soldier of the right-wing vanguard?I remember that guy's strength is very strong, and he can completely compete with him.

Well, that means the two people with him should be Audrey and Webster. It sounds like Audrey's voice is quite weak, and she seems to have suffered a lot.

It hurts.But no matter how serious the injury is, it is impossible to compare with the current self.

However, if it is the right-wing vanguard, then that Edra should be there, she can heal magic, and the wound on her body can only be slightly effective by healing magic, and normal medical methods are useless.

So, go towards them...

Suddenly realizing something, Luigi slowly turned around.

Pale and torn clothes floated through the woodland, a festered face was peeping secretly in the dark, and some squirming things were already about to move.

Ah, that's right, I almost forgot.

Things like filthy monsters are attracted by the smell of blood.

I just killed that troublesome thing, but now my body is full of strong blood smell that can't be washed off. For these things with noses bigger than dogs, it must be very fragrant and make them greedy Delicious.

Now, these things are still some distance away from me.

If you act quickly and join the vanguard over there, you still have a chance to get treatment and survive.

Moreover, they can also use their few masters to fight against these monsters here.But most of them can't win. After all, the quantity and combat effectiveness of these things have obviously exceeded a certain level.Well, it should be because the smell of blood on my body is too strong, so I attracted all the filthy monsters around me, right?

Only in this way can it explain that the team over there can continue to move forward steadily without causing a large number of monsters to besiege.

So, now I...

"Ha, hahaha, it seems that I can be generous today."

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