Because he lost most of his lips, Luigi, who was speaking out of breath, laughed at this moment.

Then, his voice suddenly rose high, echoing in the dark forest.

"Hey! Over there, Webster, and your team!"

"Can you hear that, you idiots? Get lost if you hear that!"

"Towards the farthest direction from me, roll like a dog as far as possible, unless you want to feed these monsters, hahahahahaha!!! Hear that, you rubbish bastards who have nothing to do but run away, Hurry up and run away like hell! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!"

The insolent laughter came from a great distance in the darkness.

At this moment, Webster and the others obviously heard Luig's voice, after all, the distance between them was not too far.

At this moment, those monsters that had been secretly spying on Luid began to become restless, and began to approach the hunter who had run out of oil lamps faster and faster. Every twisted and deformed face was full of lust. lust for blood.

"Come on, come on, you scum that are only worthy of being hunted down."

In the voice of muttering to himself, Luigi turned around and walked away from the hunters who just heard the voice, step by step, walking slowly in the opposite direction of his only way of life, slowly Slowly move away.

Will you feel scared, will you feel scared?

It seems that, more or less, there is still a little bit.

After doing it for a long time, it turns out that I am not that powerful?

When the first hungry monster threw himself down, before his consciousness disappeared, Luigi just thought this way in his heart.

The sound of eating began to sound in the darkness.

Webster and the others, who had already understood what had happened, began to run away at a faster speed, trying their best to stay away from this area, away from the dark things that were attracted by Lloyd's corpse and came to eat one after another.

"We were saved."

In the previous battle, Audrey was attacked by a branch of the magic tree, causing a hole in her stomach. Audrey, who could only barely bandage while Webster was carrying her on her back, said at this moment with a low sigh.

"So we can't be buried with him, we must survive to be worthy of his sacrifice."

Webster spoke calmly, and continued to move forward step by step with Audrey behind his back.

In this darkness, how many people have died silently inside, and have not been discovered by anyone until now?

No one knew the answer, all they could do was try their best to ensure that they survived, to ensure that they could reach a safe area, the only abandoned town in the dense forest where there were no filthy monsters.

"It's... really bad..."

Audrey, who closed her eyes, sighed softly. She felt that today was the saddest day she had ever experienced.

"This damn place is terrible..."

Natia Vida sighed and said, reaching out to grab Vic's hand behind him, pulling him so that he could climb up the huge twisted tree roots in front of him.

A large number of tree roots and roots protruding from the ground at a height of three to four meters have caused many difficulties for the hunters walking in them. Suffered quite a bit from the huge tree roots.

"It's almost like repeating the situation in the Kamasa hills, one up and one up, one up and one down, I don't see any difference between turning over rocks and turning over these tree roots."

The expression on Natia Vida's face when she said that was rather ugly.

"I don't know how others

How is it? "

Vic was a little worried about his teammates.

"Baldwin should be fine. Although there seems to be some physical problems, that guy is really strong. As for Luid, I'm very happy to be able to separate that guy. With that bastard's distorted personality, if he really Stay together, maybe he could even kill us for our lives."

Natia Vida, who had great opinions on Luigi, said with a sneer.

"...No, it shouldn't be..."

Vic sighed and wanted to explain to Luigi, but considering all the unhappiness that had happened before, he just closed his mouth and didn't speak anymore.

He felt that although Lu Yide had a weird and bad personality, he should still have his own pride and bottom line.It's just that if you fight side by side as teammates, that kind of person is really difficult to get along with. Alas, I hope to see the other party appear safely in the abandoned town.

"Speaking of which, do you smell anything?"

Suddenly, Natia Vida frowned and asked.


Vic was confused by this inexplicable sentence.

"Yeah, it seems like I've smelled it several times before. It's quite impressive. When I smell it, I feel like I'm going to have a nightmare."

Natia Vida shivered all over while speaking.

Somewhat puzzled, Vic closed his eyes and took a serious sniff, and indeed smelled a faint scent coming from not far away.

Ah, this taste, this is not... this is not...

"Is it Ms. Kleiner's garbage... um, the smell of a nutritious meal?"

Vic thought for a while and tried to speak.

"You just wanted to say rubbish, right? I don't think the taste of that thing is any different from that of rubbish."

Natia Vida said with an ugly expression on her face, obviously recalling some unbearable past.

Kleitinger, one of the chefs of the third logistics team, is quite good at preparing nutritious meals, and can prepare the most suitable nutritious meals according to the conditions of different wounded.Well, she is indeed a very good cook, if you don't pay attention to the taste of the food.

Then, I don't know whether it is a talent problem, or my bad taste, or some other reason.The nutritious meal prepared by Kleitinger himself has a little bit of a problem in terms of taste.To put it bluntly, it is hard to swallow, and it is an extremely unpalatable thing that anyone with a normal taste can't stand.There were even rumors that the hunters brought the meals she made to the corrupt field to try to lure the filthy monsters to eat them as bait, but in the end there were no monsters that even paid attention to them for a few days.

How could this place smell like this?Could it be possible——

"Go, there may be survivors nearby."

Natia Vida, who reacted earlier, waved her hand and said, and quickly walked through the roots with Vic.

It didn't take too long to find the source of this smell. Soon, the two found two shivering people hiding in a bush among winding tree roots.

"The third logistics team, Elsaac, and Kleitinger, you logistics personnel are really lucky to be able to survive until now."

Natia Vida said with some emotion, and stretched out her hand to pull the two out of the bushes.

Even experienced hunters, when faced with those dangerous monsters wandering in this forest, it is difficult to guarantee that nothing will happen to them. As a result, these two logistics personnel who have no fighting power actually just survived. , it's really hard not to be surprised.

"Yeah, thanks to Miss Claytonal, we wouldn't be able to live without her."

One of the chefs of the logistics team, a fat chef named Elsaac, said with a sad face at this moment.

"If possible, I actually hope that I don't survive on this kind of thing..."

Klein Tinger's expression is much more complicated, and he seems to be a little dumbfounded.

"This kind of thing? Uh..."

Some doubts, Natia Vida and Vic paid attention to the situation of these two people again, only to find that their bodies were covered with dumped rice and meat dishes, and they gave off a smell that made the two of them feel uncomfortable in every sense. The hunters were suffocated by the smell.

They... poured the meals made by Klein Tinger on themselves, using this method to make those filthy monsters unwilling to approach them? !

How come there is such a funny way of surviving!

Now the two hunters really felt that they were going to suffocate.

"Ahaha, this method is actually just to help us hide. Even if those things won't get close, they will still follow us from afar. If you didn't come to the rescue, wait until the smell is gone, and we who have no pointers will finally There is still only one dead end."

Elsaac said very seriously, his face was full of the kind of joy that survived the catastrophe.

"That's right, if you hadn't arrived, I'm afraid we'd either have to get lost in the woods until we died, or we'd have to hide here until we died."

Klein Tinger also spoke with great emotion, holding Vic's hands seriously, and thanking Vic earnestly under the stiff expression of the other party holding his breath.

"If you want to thank you, it's not the time yet. When you get to that

Let's talk about the abandoned town, we are still staying in this ghost place. "

Natia Vida shook her head, motioning everyone to follow her.

Soon, the group of four left the bushes emitting an indescribable smell, and walked farther and farther in the darkness of the forest.

The two hunters carefully observed the surrounding situation in front, only to find that the monsters that might have appeared from time to time had disappeared, and seemed to have escaped because of the smell of the two people behind them.

This is really, quite surprising.

Natia Vida couldn't help shaking her head with emotion on her face. She felt that today was the best day she had ever experienced.

Chapter 110: Infighting and the Spirit Tree

Lowes put the huge scimitar on his shoulder, and stared blankly at the darkness that still stretched ahead.

The tall and strong body is covered with scars, and the heavy hammer is carried on the back, and there are also horrible-looking pieces of meat on it.The chain armor on his body only covered his torso, and on the man's head was an iron helmet that exposed his face. It can be said that his outfit was quite rough.

At this moment, beside the man were several mutilated and filthy monsters, each of which had almost no whole body left, and each of them looked very terrifying.And the scimitar on Lowes's shoulder was even wearing a struggling filthy monster. Following the movement of the man's blade, it fell suddenly and fell between the roots of the tree. Before he could get up, he was hit hard The hammer smashed the whole thing apart, and the burst pieces of meat splashed everywhere.

"Do you guys have to make the picture so disgusting?"

Beside Luoers, a lightly dressed man carrying two claw knives and a hook rope shook his head helplessly. He obviously didn't like Luoles' bloody behavior that was almost killing monsters. scene.

"Either they kill us or we kill them, it's nothing to worry about."

Lowes replied indifferently, pulled out the heavy hammer from the monster's rotten head, shook it, and then put it back on his back.

A sharp howling sound suddenly came from the side, and a twisted monster that looked like a fusion of a man and a dog jumped out from the roots of the tree, and rushed straight towards Luoers.However, following a sound of piercing through the air, an arrow flew from not far away, directly piercing the monster in mid-air, hitting it against the tree roots beside it with astonishing force, causing its entire body to shudder. Being nailed to the tree, he couldn't move and howled.

Carrying a longbow and carrying a rapier sword, Dukain fell from a high place, and walked in front of the still struggling monster with a blank expression. Give it a stir, then pull it out, letting the twisted monster rest in peace.

"Good head."

The man with the claw knife, the hunter named Karnis, spoke in admiration.

But Dukain, the bearded hunter didn't react too much to his companion's compliment, he just took back the shot arrow silently, wiped it on his clothes After checking it, he put it back into the quiver behind him.

"There are no traces of other people or monsters around."

The last member, that is, a member of the left-wing guard, a slender and tall hunter named Lasse, walked out from behind a tree root holding a one-handed long sword with a little blood on his face. Said to the three of them, and then jumped down from the tree roots.

Among the four people present, except for Karnis, the remaining three were all expressionless and indifferent. It can be said that the style was quite unified, almost like brothers.

For Karnis, who likes to joke a lot, staying in this team is really torture to be honest.

However, he was almost used to walking up the Corruption Field.Of course, occasionally he will still complain. After all, this kind of situation where you want to liven up the atmosphere and tell a joke, but the people around you stare at you indifferently is really not happy.

"What did you find?"

Lowes put away his weapon, looked at Russell, who was going to reconnaissance, and asked.

"An unfortunate companion is a member of the logistics team."

Speaking like this, Lasse took the lead, followed by the three people, and soon found a woman lying in the bushes, a woman whose chest had been almost emptied, and the woman lying next to the woman, It looks like a deformed monster headed by a sword.

"The captain of the third logistics team, Susanna, she is a kind person, what a pity."

Karnis sighed softly, squatted down and closed the woman's eyes.

Judging from the frying pan held tightly in the opponent's hand, she seemed to be thinking about fighting the monster before she died, maybe she was protecting her companions and retreating?As a purely logistician, entering such a dangerous place already requires great courage, and fighting to the last moment is even more admirable and respectful.If I remember correctly, this lady's child is a hunter who died in a hunting mission many years ago. Perhaps it is because of this experience that she chose to join this operation.

"Rest in peace, Ms. Suzanne."

After praying in a low voice, Karnis pulled out his dagger and cut off the corpse

One of his fingers was in the package.

"It's a woman, huh, it deserves it."

Lowes just glanced at the corpse, then sneered and didn't bother to pay any more attention.

"It's still my companion, keep your mouth clean."

Karnis, who was a little displeased, turned his head and stared at Lowes and said.

"A useless woman is not worthy of being my companion. She is just a fool who can't see herself clearly and deserves to die."

Lowes replied with a cold expression, not even bothering to look at the corpse again.

"Then I advise you to spit out all the food you have eaten since you entered the corruption field, or you can fucking shut up your rotten mouth that can do nothing but spray dung, and you will be benefited by others. Insulting, I think your parents died quite early, right?"

Karnis stood up with his arms folded, and spoke to Lowes in a tit-for-tat manner.

In fact, along the way, many contradictions broke out in the entire left-wing back team, and one of the frequent problems was Lowles and Karnis.One of them was born as a gladiator. He once lived a life of fighting to the death in exchange for applause from the nobles. He came to the border for the so-called [true glory], which is an inexplicable pursuit, and has a very strong plot of power. He looked down on women and slaves. When he was in Xingkong Town, he beat some servants to serious injuries in the street because he despised their actions. Even many female hunters in Xingkong Town were insulted by him. There were many conflicts, and many female hunters were seriously injured by him.

Karnis, on the other hand, is very easy-going and kind, basically a good person who can get along with everyone, and coupled with his youth and activeness, he can be said to be a very popular hunter.For him, naturally, there is no strange idea such as "women are not qualified to go to the battlefield". It is better to say that what he hates the most is this kind of bullshit behavior of self-serving to label others and force others to obey, so he and Lol Si quarreled several times and was unhappy.

It's just that the previous unhappiness was at most just because of some of Lowles' hilarious words that made people uncomfortable, and it wouldn't develop into anything serious, but now, in front of the corpses of his teammates, this guy is still posing like this Come on, Karnis suddenly couldn't control his emotions.

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