"I never eat food from the logistics team. I bring my own dry food. I don't need this kind of handout from the weak. Only a self-willed and depraved guy like you will deal with a bunch of waste, to deal with this unwanted The crap with the face that needs the protection of others to survive."

In the indifferent voice, Lorles looked at Karnis with a mocking expression.

"Really? How do I remember that you received treatment at the medical logistics team? There seem to be female doctors there, too. You seem to take the initiative to accept help, wagging your tail like a hungry wild dog looking for someone Begging, you're not going to tell me this is your backbone, are you? That's it, that's it, it's ridiculous."

But immediately, in the midst of Karnis's more sinister cynicism, the indifferent expression on Lowles' face was a little bit unbearable.

The atmosphere among the teams obviously changed slightly at this moment.

Lowes' face turned completely dark, while Karnis clearly showed an expression of anger and disgust.

The two teammates next to him soon noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, but Dukain didn't bother to pay attention to it at all, and just sat on the side leaning against the tree trunk.Lasse also stood in the corner without saying a word, turning a deaf ear to the conflicts among his teammates at the moment.Obviously, different from other teams, the atmosphere in this hunter team is quite rigid, and there is basically no unity and friendship between them.

"...I went to the medical logistics, and it was just the treatment I received from Lubesk."

After a moment of silence, Lowes, who was too lazy to argue with the other party, just explained calmly.

"The medicines of the logistics team are shared, so you know that the medicines you use are not prepared by other doctors?"

However, Karnis seemed to have no intention of getting along with each other at all, waiting for Lowes to finish his words, and then followed up with another taunt.

"You like to argue about these words."

Lowes frowned more and more.

"Because I want to see how well you can fool yourself."

Karnis, who said so, spit out a mouthful of phlegm at the feet of Lowles.

Silence lasted for a while.

Then, the cold light swept across violently.

Realizing that something was wrong, Karnis rolled over abruptly, but still took a step slower. A wound was cut on the side of the shoulder by the machete, and blood oozed out immediately.

And Lorras, who had drawn his sword, didn't intend to stop at all. The moment Karnis had just dodged, he swung his knife up again, aiming at the opponent's neck, unexpectedly intending to kill him right here. .


The scimitar and the ax suddenly intertwined and got stuck together.

A short ax popped out of Ducain's prosthetic left arm, collided with the scimitar swung by Lowes, and then separated.

Karnis, who stood up from the ground, already had four more throwing knives in his hands, and was almost ready to throw them out as soon as he got up.But after noticing that Du Cain was standing in front of him, he withdrew his hands in time, covered the wound on his shoulder and stood up frowning.


Come on, this kind of rubbish doesn't deserve to be in my team. "

The expression on Lowes' face was horrific.

"You're too much."

Du Cain, who had no intention of giving in at all, just spoke calmly.

"I told you to get out of the way.""

Lowes just spoke in a cold tone.


Du Cain, who was too lazy to continue talking nonsense, directly drew his sword and pointed at Lorres, who was a head taller than him.

A well-behaved team of hunters, but at this moment inexplicably started internal strife and splitting. Everyone's emotions seemed to become more or less extreme. Only Lasse, who had just completed the reconnaissance mission, stood there yawning. Land, as if unable to see all these things that are happening, very indifferent, without the slightest intention of getting involved.

In fact, he did not have any interest in other people. As a spontaneous believer of the former ruler of the starry sky, Lasse was originally very devout, a fanatic who firmly believed that the ruler of the starry sky could save mankind.As a result, after coming to Xingkong Town, he saw the bloody sacrifice of Father Malman, and after learning more about the real side of the ruler of Xingkong, Lasse, whose faith was broken, fell into an even more extreme level, hating all gods and believers.This hatred is so distorted that even a lost Sun Cultist like Solal is extremely evil in Lasse's eyes, an enemy who should be killed as soon as possible as long as there is a chance.

As for ordinary hunters who don't have much faith, that has nothing to do with him.Lasse had no interest in making friends, and he didn't bother to care about other people's life and death. There might have been one or two friends who were barely able to talk to each other, but most of them died in the event of the collapse of Starry Sky Town.So these so-called teammates now are as meaningless to him as shit on the side of the road, of course, except for guys with faith, they are flying shit that actively ran to his face.Anyway, for this mission, Lacey also held an indifferent attitude like "I don't have any ideas, I will come when I come", and if there are duties that need to be performed by myself, then he will perform them well.As for the life and death of other people, I don't bother to care about it, whatever.

Yawned again, Lasse, who was not interested in the confrontation happening beside him, looked at the darkness at the end of the forest, and just stood there doing nothing.

"Okay, this team really can't stay any longer, I'll just go."

Before Lorles and Ducain were about to fight, Karnis sighed, turned around and walked into the depths of the forest.


After a moment of silence, Dukain put away his weapon, took a deep look at Lorles and Lasse who were still holding the scimitar in front of him, turned and left without saying anything, and followed in the direction Karnis was walking. left.

Among the dispersed personnel, some were completely dismantled and could only struggle to survive, or were even easily killed. However, their lucky team that was not dispersed had internal strife, and it was directly divided into The two parts go their own way, and the different developments of fate can really constantly produce dramatic changes.It's a pity that the few hunters present are not sentimental people, and naturally they don't think about this kind of problem.

"You don't have to follow me. That guy Lowes is really strong. It's safer to follow him."

Seeing Dukain walking towards him, Karnis said with some emotion.

"That has nothing to do with me. I have no interest in traveling with a guy who insults the dead."

Du Cain shook his head expressionlessly and said, and then walked into the darkness first.

Karnis couldn't help laughing, and moved forward with Dukain, continuing to go deep into this dangerous and quiet place.

On the other side, Lowes, who stayed where he was, watched the two disappear into the distance, his entire face distorted slightly by anger.

Putting down the scimitar in his hand, he thought about whether to chase up and kill those two people. Anyway, no one here can see what he has done, and there are no constraints such as laws and morals.For Lowes, who grew up as a gladiator, it has always been his habit to kill anyone who dissatisfies him.

However, if it is here, it should be forgotten.

After thinking for a moment, Lowes put down the weapon.

It's very dangerous here, even if he is confident that he can definitely pass through with his own strength, but if he consumes too much power to get rid of the two hunters and makes himself weak, then the situation will be very difficult. He is not conceited enough to feel that I can get rid of two powerful hunters without getting hurt.

Moreover, monsters are attracted to blood.

And that Karnis had a wound on his shoulder cut by himself.

If they go ahead, they can attract those lurking monsters and make their side safer.

Anyway, for those stupid trash who are not worthy of being his companions, Lowes doesn't think there is anything wrong with treating them in a cruel way. In his eyes, this kind of sympathetic and weak trash is only worthy of being used by others. The truth to survive in this world.

"It seems that I still have at least one person who can be called a brother."

He turned his head, looked at Lasse who had been quietly watching all this, and smiled contentedly

Let's talk about it.

"...Continue to leave?"

Lasse, who was not interested in calling each other brothers, just asked calmly.

"Indeed, it's almost time to move on, let's go brother."

Speaking in this way, Lowes smiled, his eyes inadvertently swept across the eaten corpse on the ground, and his brows frowned a little.

Walking in front of the corpse with some displeasure, Lowes directly raised his foot and stepped on the head of the corpse, smashing it to pieces with heavy force, crushing the whole head into pieces with the sound of bones cracking Tan meat sauce, and then kicked the corpse so that it was covered in dust, and then spit on the corpse, and then left contentedly. "


When walking halfway, Lowes was still talking to himself angrily.

And what he didn't see, and what Lasse who was following him didn't see, was in the midair, hidden behind a huge tree trunk, a twisted dark thing that was slowly wriggling He stared down with his huge eyeballs, staring in the direction he was leaving.

Before the wound on Karnis's body attracted the monster, something had already followed behind Luoers.

Gululu - Gululu -

Viscous, squirming.


He seemed to be still chuckling quietly.

A twisted thing moving silently from the darkness.

And at the same time when the hunter team here split into two groups due to infighting, somewhere in the dark, the hunter cut off a bunch of wriggling branches, then turned around and cut off a branch that was trying to sneak attack, and then sent His eyes turned to the buildings ahead, which seemed to have only a few wreckage left.

"This...could it be that abandoned town?"

Edra looked around in surprise and said.

Then she saw Harrel who pulled a piece of rotten wood from a house, fed it into his mouth, chewed and ate it, and showed her a very simple and kind smile like a big country boy, and then raised his head Thumbs come.

"That's what it tastes like!"

Harrier said to Edra very happily.

This guy's problem looks really serious...

Edra, who didn't know how to comment, smiled awkwardly, and then turned to look at the hunter not far away.


The hunter shook his head, indicating that this is not the abandoned town in the forest.

Disma gave a lot of information about the abandoned town in the forest, one of which is certain is that there are no trees in the town, and the whole town can receive the outside light normally. , is a place where you can live temporarily.

Of course, it is only possible to live temporarily. After all, this is an area full of filthy power. If you really try to live in that town for a long time, under the long-term stimulation of the filthy environment, people will suffer from the disease in at most two or three years. All kinds of serious diseases, the whole body will fall into irreversible catastrophic deterioration, and will die very, very painfully.By the way, the hunters know this because there was a team that fled after the God of Hunting failed. They tried to stay in this town for a longer period of time. As a result, the skeletal beasts at the outer gate were revived and reborn, which made the gate unable to be opened from the inside. , so the survivors of that team were trapped in the cursed forest for five or sixty years, and by the time the next batch of hunting god team arrived, they had turned into a pile of dry, necrotic, rotten meat, and some The notes they left to record the tragedy of their lives.

But at this moment, the place where the hunter, Edra, and Haril arrived was not so much a small town, but more like a small residential area opened up by forest guards.Or it is a place used for some kind of sacrificial ceremony.

Although it seems that it has been abandoned for a long time, the hunter can still see that many of the giant trees here were originally connected with huge ropes.The low wooden buildings of the branches here are separated in a certain way of juxtaposition, and the stone brick road was originally built here, but because of the gradual uplift of the tree roots, the entire road has been destroyed It is almost invisible, and only a small part of the area can still see the weathered stone brick structure.

Hmm, I always feel like I've heard of this place somewhere?

The hunter's eyes continued to scan the trees, and he noticed that the trees in this area were more or less different from those outside.How to describe it specifically, it is probably that these trees give people a more delicate feeling, it seems that even the bark is emitting a little shimmer, and the trees themselves are very smooth, and it seems that they have already been compared with this piece of land. The types of trees distributed in the forest are somewhat different.

It seems that a different atmosphere can be felt. Was this place originally a very sacred place?

Where did I hear about this place?

[Mr. Hunter, Mr. Hunter, do you know?What is recorded on it is the Forest of Blessing where the Goddess of the Earth lives, and the place where everyone holds festivals]

Ah, just remembered.

In the ruins of that run-down and gray town of Fengrao, in that little library

in the time spent.

Holding a book, Abigail gestured to herself with a little excitement, telling herself about the contents of the book.

[On the outside of the Forest of Blessings, there is planted the spiritual tree that was first established in the Forest of Blessings. It is a tree planted by the Goddess of the Earth herself. All the trees in this forest are grown from the seeds of that tree. Yes, that is to say, that big tree is the mother of the entire Blessed Forest, the mother of all trees]

[It is said that it is a spiritual tree that has self-awareness and can give blessings to others. It is also written on it that the goddess of the earth will often sleep under the tree, and slowly fall asleep listening to the music that the big tree sings for her The story, it feels like it should be a very warm story! 】

Is it the mother spirit tree of the trees of heaven and earth, planted by the goddess of the earth?

As the hunter walked forward slowly, he recalled the story he heard from the girl.

It sounds like a very good and beautiful story.

Unfortunately, just like every story in this world, behind the story, the real things have all been distorted into ugly, sighing, miserable and sad appearances.

There is no way to change what has already happened.

But at least, for more tragedies that have not yet happened, we must find a way to prevent them.

So, here it is up to me to draw a proper end to this never-ending nightmare.

"You...stay here..."

The hunter suddenly opened his mouth and said to the two people behind him.

"Here... the spirit tree won't move... it won't hurt you..."

"Stay here...you two...are safe..."

"I go to the innermost...it's at the innermost...I go to end...its pain..."

The hunter, who is not good at speaking, took a little effort to explain this long paragraph of words clearly.

"I see, Harrier, we'll stay here and not go any further with the hunter. Didn't I say you can stop eating this thing?"

"That's the smell! That's the smell!!!"

"Hey, stop quickly, this rotten wood has been rotten for countless years, don't chew on this thing!"

It looked like the two of them were having a good time.

The hunter glanced back at the one who was holding Harrel to teach him not to eat indiscriminately. Sela, who kept sighing, didn't hesitate any longer, and walked towards the darkness ahead.

From the twisted road covered by tree roots, to the gradually leveled road with some cracks and damage.

Slowly, you can see the normal stone brick structure, which has been winding on both sides of the road, but for some reason there are no roots that have grown.

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