In the end, the road under my feet turned into a very solid and neat, seemingly well-maintained masonry staircase, leading to the top one by one, such a slightly inclined, surrounded by countless trees. down the road.

The hunter seemed to be able to see something.

To see things from the long past, from a time before everything was broken.

People sang songs, swayed the water, danced, and walked up this road step by step, offering praise to the mother-like spiritual tree.

And the huge spiritual tree also sang, rejuvenating these lovely people, and sending blessings to a farther direction.

The goddess smiled gently, stood under the spirit tree, stretched out her hand, and slowly held the branches of the spirit tree, feeling the warmth and emotion from each other.

The smiles and singing at that time have now disappeared on this gloomy and gloomy road.No matter how hard you try to maintain it, how smooth and clean the road is, things that won't come back will never come back after all.


The hunter's steps slowly moved towards a higher place.


Step by step, finally reached the end of the ladder.

Looking up, the hunter saw what he was looking for.

And the meat saw knife in his hand has also been untied, and the staggered fangs are flickering coldly at this moment, like a wild beast waiting to drink blood.

Chapter 110: [Blood Binding Demon Tree]

Huge, huge beyond imagination.

Such a huge towering tree, in the true sense, is hundreds of meters high, and there is no way to see the real giant tree in the sky.

Covered with countless twisted branches, no, at this point, it can already be seen that the thing is not a branch at all, but disguised as a branch. In essence, it is a flesh and blood thing transformed by filthy power, parasitic here. A thing of flesh and blood on a huge giant tree.

【Ah ah ah ah ah……】

A distorted voice sounded like someone panting in pain.

Is the giant tree itself making the sound?

The hunter raised his head and looked at the trembling, extremely tall one. At this moment, it was covered by countless squirming and twisted dark red flesh, and fleshy tentacles grew out one after another, crazily towards the surroundings. Huge trees that spread.

The bark that should have had some kind of brilliance has now withered and peeled off, leaving only cracks and cracks that spread layer by layer.

The legendary leaves with beautiful brilliance are now gone.

It was completely dyed in pitch-black color, and even exuded a foul smell.

The black and red flesh grows on this huge giant tree, covers its surface, erodes its interior, and blends with this giant tree that has gone through a long time, and there is no way to distinguish each other .

A large number of tentacles of flesh and blood spread densely, weaving layer after layer on this huge tree, like a structure like a layer of towers, spreading towards the surrounding forest, towards the surrounding land spread.These distorted flesh and blood pierced into the surrounding big trees, transforming themselves into the shape of branches, as if they had obtained some kind of power from the trees themselves in this way, so that they could extend farther and do more things , and further stimulate the trees in the entire forest.

Perhaps, the reason why the roots of the big trees in this forest protrude from the ground and form a piece of rugged and twisted root structure on the ground is because these tentacles go deep into the trees, causing some kind of abnormality. effect?

The hunter thought for a while, but did not come up with any precise answer, but there was no need to deliberately pursue any answer.

He just took the meat saw off his back and held it in his hand.

He pointed his weapon at the real towering object at a height of hundreds of meters in front of him, with no end in sight.

And with this movement of the hunter, something seemed to sense the strong killing intent from the hunter on the squirming flesh and blood, and eyeballs suddenly opened one after another, looking at the tiny figure of the hunter. Instantly locked.

And the battle also started at this moment.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh-

Countless tentacles of flesh and blood flew out suddenly, striking down directly from high altitude, facing the hunter below with a ruthless blow.

In the roaring sound, the ground was bombarded with huge cracks, and the hunter's figure had suddenly moved to the side of these fleshy tentacles, and the meat saw suddenly popped out. The blades of the meat knives bounced forward while being deformed, like a ferocious beast leaping forward, biting fiercely at the prey, the blow of the hunter directly smashed those flesh and blood tentacles When it was cut off, a large amount of black blood immediately exploded, directly spilling over a large area of ​​land.


The severed tentacles wobbled up, and more tentacles swept in from all directions, directly ejecting towards the hunter below again.


Between the loud tremors, a deep pit was once again bombarded on the ground.

The hunter's footsteps moved forward, and when he stepped on the floor, the dust oscillated and flew out in all directions along the soles of his feet. The next moment, the hunter had already reached the distance, and he stepped forward with his second foot. .

With just one step, the hunter walked a distance of more than ten meters. Behind him were tentacles piercing the ground one by one, leaving deep pits of flesh and blood on the ground.

Move, and move.

The hunter was constantly moving on the huge square in front of the giant tree, and countless tentacles chased him from all directions, piercing the ground ferociously.Booming sounds sounded one after another, and the ground collapsed along the place where the hunter passed, and was crushed by those tentacles one after another.

Suddenly, the hunter stopped in his tracks. He turned around and struck. The fangs of the saw knife bit a dozen of the incoming tentacles, tearing them apart forcefully.

Then the hunter directly grabbed one of the severed tentacles, and the moment the tentacles retreated rapidly upwards, the whole person was driven to fly up, and the whole person jumped into the air, and arrived at the destination in an instant. In front of those large pieces of flesh and blood covering the giant tree.


From the squirming flesh and blood, a huge blood-red eyeball slowly emerged, staring at the hunter falling from before his eyes.

The broken giant sword was untied from his back, and was thrown by the hunter in mid-air, piercing the huge eyeball directly.

A miserable howl sounded in an instant, and the hunter's walking stick had turned into a long whip, which was directly wrapped around the hilt of the broken giant sword that he threw out, pulling the hunter's whole body forward in the next moment. Going out, narrowly avoiding countless tentacles of flesh and blood flying in.

In the next moment, the hunter almost directly bumped into his own broken giant sword, causing the blade of the whole giant sword to penetrate deeper into the eyeball, and the entire eyeball was directly stabbed open.The flying blood rain soaked the hunter, turning his whole body into a dark red color, but the hunter didn't care about it at all, he just pulled out the giant sword and fell down again, stabbing the blade in his hand into the covered area beside him. The wounded flesh and blood penetrated the flesh and blood while falling like this, and opened a deep wound tens of meters long on the flesh and flesh in one breath.

【Ah ah ah ah ah--! ! ! 】

heard it.

Can hear clearly.

That miserable howling, extremely painful and distorted voice.

From the cut flesh and blood, there was a hoarse sound.


The tentacles attacked again from all directions, each of which opened its fangs full of thorns, and each of them opened long, thin and sharp needles.

The hunter pointed the cannon upwards and bombarded the huge wound he had cut. The shell exploded and burst into flames.

light, and the violent impact pushed the hunter to fly backward at a faster speed, crossed the encirclement of those tentacles and hit the ground, smashing a new shallow pit on the ground that was already full of cracks. come out.

【Roar! 】

The sound of a roaring monster suddenly sounded.

The hunter raised his head, and saw that the tens-meter-long crack he had cut on the giant tree suddenly expanded. Among the countless wriggling flesh and blood, there was a wolf on all fours, made of pure flesh and blood. The thing without any fur jumped out suddenly, roaring and rushed directly towards itself.

Could it be possible to directly create monsters with combat power from flesh and blood?

It seems that this is the defense method of this thing.

The footsteps moved forward and accelerated sharply. Dozens of tentacles pierced the ground, and the whole floor was lifted up amidst the roar. A large amount of gravel was thrown into the air, and the flesh and blood monster rushed towards the hunter amidst the dust. , but caught nothing, followed by a sharp long whip full of spikes and directly grabbed its legs from behind.The hunter suddenly took a sliding step, and shook the hand holding the long whip, and then the monster was directly dragged and thrown into the air by the hunter.


The long whip turned into a walking stick again amidst the sharp sounds of intertwined mechanisms.

The hunter raised the cane high, and the monster fell from the sky. The tip of the cane pierced through the chest like this, and the whole body was strung on it.

【Roar! ! ! 】

The monster without any sense at all is still roaring loudly. It seems that such a wound can't really destroy it. The sharp claws in the flesh and blood reveal huge and sharp spikes, and they are about to swing at the hunter who is close in front of them. hit away.

Then, the tip of the cane lit up.

boom! ! !

The giant soul arrow released at zero distance directly blew up the monster's upper body to pieces in the next moment.

It has to be said that this kind of powerful magic, which should be used to snipe and kill enemies at medium and long distances, seems to be completely different in the hands of the hunter.

【Roar! ! ! 】

The monster that was blown to half its body in front of it had already lost its ability to move. It was thrown down by the hunter and rolled to the ground before it turned into ashes and dissipated slowly.

But in the new roar that immediately came out, the hunter raised his head, and saw that in the huge wound he had just cut, one after another, the flesh and blood monsters that were exactly the same as the one just now began to connect. Climbed out one by one, fell from the sky one by one, roaring and rushing towards themselves.

Are there so many?

The sound of the wind was amplified in the ear, and a large number of tentacles struck again, and the hunter easily avoided them all and cut them off.

The huge flesh and blood monster rushed forward, but the hunter avoided it sideways. "

Staring at the flesh and blood monsters that quickly exceeded thirty, the hunter ran across the dilapidated square without hesitation.And those crazy and irrational monsters immediately caught up, roaring and rushing forward one after another, chasing and beating the hunter together with those surging tentacles.

One step, two steps—

The hunter's footsteps shuttled through the gravel and stopped suddenly.

The meat saw flew back sharply, cutting off more than a dozen tentacles.

The shotgun was pulled out from the left hand, pressed against the head of a rushing monster, inserted through the open mouth of the opponent and pulled the trigger, the bullets exploded in the mouth, piercing through the entangled overflowing mouth. The filthy flesh and blood pierced through the body layer by layer, and finally pierced out from under the buttocks.

The meat saw knife held by the hunter's right hand deformed according to his movements, bounced back and was embedded in the neck of the flesh and blood monster that was rushing from the other direction, and then directly pulled the meat knife in the second deformation sound of the hunter's violent pulling. The monster was dragged in front of the hunter abruptly, and then it was directly pulled and stuck between the gap between the saw knife and the handle. When the hunter pulled the handle, the whole head was pulled off, leaving only a bowl A large bloody mouth remained on the neck.

Then the hunter's body passed through the gap between the flesh and blood monsters, and turned around suddenly. The cannon finished loading the second shell, and fired a shot at the flesh and blood monsters gathered behind, causing the flames of the explosion to sweep away suddenly. .

After that, the hunter had already grabbed a flesh and blood tentacle flying past beside him, and was pulled once again to fly directly into the sky.This time the hunter flew to a higher altitude, and landed directly on the tower-like platform made of tentacles, and on the rope-like things built by a large number of flesh and blood tentacles.

It feels a little lighter.

The hunter tried to step harder, feeling the elastic touch of the entangled flesh and blood tentacles under his feet that had lost their vitality to a certain extent, and showed a slightly interested expression.

【Roar! 】

The roar sounded from below.

When you lower your head, you can see flesh and blood monsters one after another rapidly climbing up the flesh and blood barrier covering the entire tree, crawling towards the layer of flesh and blood that you are at a height of hundreds of meters. with.

The sound of the wind was already blowing in his ears, the hunter lowered his head to avoid a flesh and blood tentacles attacking from behind him, walked around it and straightened his waist

By the way, cut it off with a knife.The flesh and blood tentacles on this layer form a relatively thick one in a entangled manner, and then connect with each other to form a huge grid-like area, which is established from the huge tree in the center and the surrounding area. The connection of those big trees.

If the abnormalities in the entire forest are related to these things...

The hunter raised his head and looked at the layers of flesh and blood grids above.

The roar was approaching suddenly, and a huge flesh and blood monster with a size of more than three meters suddenly jumped up, grabbed the flesh and blood tentacles that formed the grid, and rushed forward, directly hitting the hunter in front.

With a slight movement of footsteps, the hunter staggered away from the monster's figure in the next moment, and the meat saw sliced ​​across the bloodstains, directly flipping half of the creature's head over.

Following a step forward, the three monsters rushed out howling, and the hunter's figure fell down, avoiding those sharp claws, falling directly from the flesh and blood grid, and then reaching out to grab a piece of the grid. A tangled tentacles of flesh and blood turned over and jumped up again, following the saw knife to cut forward, chopping a flesh and blood monster directly off the grid and falling down.

Take a step, take off.

The grid made of flesh and blood carried the hunter to a higher altitude with elasticity, avoiding a monster that was rushing over. The hunter's figure rolled in mid-air, while the meat saw cut into the back of the monster, all the way Swiping, when the hunter landed, the back of the monster had already been cut more than ten centimeters deep, and the whole body was almost split in half vertically.

【Roar! 】

More flesh and blood monsters rushed from all directions at this moment.

Roaring wildly, roaring angrily, these things made by the parasitic flesh and blood on the giant tree, at this moment, almost blocked all the space that the hunter could hide.

So the hunter slashed down, directly cutting off the entangled tentacles of flesh and blood that he was standing on now.


The severed tentacles on one side fell down and were caught by the hunter. Like a monkey in the forest, they leaped high again with the help of the fleshy vines, breaking through the encirclement of the monsters and landing on the other section of the fleshy grid.


The hunter cut off a section of flesh and blood tentacles in the grid, and started to run further away.

click - click -

One by one, he cut off these flesh and blood tentacles one after another.

These tentacles of flesh and blood connected to this incomparably huge, giant tree covered in flesh and blood, connected to the entire forest, connected all these trees together, and connected to each other with filthy power, were just like that The hunter ran all the way, cutting off all the way, breaking one by one.

【Roar! ! ! 】

In the increasingly turbulent and vibrating voice, those flesh and blood monsters surrounded him from all directions.

The grid of flesh and blood became more and more crumbling, and the hunter had no intention of stopping.He kept running forward, cutting off more and more tentacles along the way, bypassing the monsters that swooped in front of him one by one, and only focused on cutting off more tentacles with the meat saw.

In the roar, a monster fell from the sky and landed on the hunter who was defenseless for a moment.

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