The two sides collided in an instant, followed by the monster but howled and fell, fell hundreds of meters away and fell into a meat paste on the ground, while the hunter grabbed the tentacles of the grid and climbed up again, followed by himself The grid just caught was cut off with a single knife.


The feeling of shock began to become more and more intense.

The hunter can feel that the tentacle grids under his feet have become somewhat unsupportable because more and more parts have been cut off.


Not far away, a tentacle forming the grid was stretched straight, and then gradually large and small cracks began to appear, and the cracks spread out bit by bit, spread out, and finally tore off suddenly. , cut directly into two pieces.

The grid on the entire giant tree of flesh and blood suddenly began to disintegrate and break continuously. After losing a lot of support, the entire grid could no longer maintain its original shape at this moment, and the whole grid began to flip and tear violently. It's about to collapse.

The monsters are still roaring and approaching them, but because of the collapse of the grid itself, most of them have already fallen, and after experiencing the experience of falling hundreds of meters above the ground, they are still flesh and blood in essence. The body of the body was broken directly, turning into a complete piece of rotten flesh.

At this moment, the hunter was already close to the edge of the collapsed grid, and pulled out the broken giant sword. The hunter jumped up and pierced the huge tree in front of him with the blade, pulling the blade itself towards the big tree. bottom slide up.

Chapter 110: The Hunt and the Crazy

The roaring and vibrating sound almost kept ringing from the deep darkness.

The hunter who had already slid to the ground cut a huge wound hundreds of meters long on the entire giant tree. A large amount of flesh and blood was cut off abruptly, and the gushing black and red blood turned into a filthy rain of blood at this moment. , dripping, dyed all the squares around this giant tree in a filthy color.

A large number of tentacles were torn apart at this moment, collapsed, and hit the square. Amid the roar, the entire ground collapsed for a distance of two or three meters, and the violently covered dust rushed to a height of hundreds of meters in one breath. completely cover everything

among them.


More flesh and blood monsters emerged from the two wounds cut by the giant tree. As the number of these monsters emerged more and more, it could be clearly seen that in the wound of the giant tree, there were entangled and accumulated flesh and blood inside. The number is also continuously decreasing.

Twisted and deformed monsters have already crawled to the ground one after another, eyes opening one after another from their bodies, searching for traces of hunters in the spreading smoke.

can not see clearly.


The monster roared restlessly.

However, I can't see clearly.

The dust covered too much made it impossible for the monsters in it to see anything around them. They could only spread out from each other as much as possible, and walked through every place in the square, trying to find out the hidden monsters in this way. Hunter in the dust.


Continue to search.

These pure monsters, temporarily created by the flesh and blood of the giant tree, who knew nothing but pure killing, began to slow down, enduring the manic desire to kill, and slowly searched for traces of the hunter in the dust.


Amidst the increasingly restless roar, more eyes opened on the monster's body, densely packed everywhere from the head to the torso to the limbs.


The sound of footsteps seemed to ring from ahead.

A figure flashed past among the floating dust.

【Roar! ! ! 】

Amidst the furious roar, the monster leaped forward and landed on a ground of rubble.

Nothing could be found.

The figure that just appeared seemed to be some kind of illusion, just the illusion of these monsters, it didn't exist at all, and it was a false thing that couldn't be found.


Then, footsteps were heard from another direction.


With the roaring sound, the monster jumped out, jumped up from the surging dust, and then collided with another monster that roared and jumped out.


Quite crisp and pleasant, the sound of two huge monsters colliding together.

The monsters that fell on the ground got up almost immediately, roared, and roared at each other several times, then turned their heads with some doubts, and continued to search around, searching for the unknown Where is the hunter hidden.

This can probably be regarded as a rather strange scene. These twisted and deformed monsters, like skinned wolves, have been trying to find the hunter, but the hunter himself is like a ghost, unable to find him at all. No matter where you search, you can't find any traces.Unfortunately, these monsters could hear the hunter's footsteps in the mist from time to time, as if the other party could always see them, as if the hunter had been observing them indifferently, in the shadows and dust , behind the thick dust, walked beside them unhurriedly.

If these filthy monsters are not monsters, but human beings with emotions and thinking abilities, such a scene is enough to scare them out of their wits.But it is a pity that the things temporarily made by these filthy flesh and blood do not have anything that can be regarded as "emotion" and "self". Therefore, even if no trace of the hunter can be found, these things are still perseveringly searching around. , exploring around.

Then, one of them finally found the trace of the hunter.

He found the sharp sawing knife slowly raised by the hunter standing in front of him.



The bloody breath spread, and all the monsters roared and rioted at this moment, rushing towards the direction of the killed monster.

However, no trace of the hunter was found.

There are only those who have been disemboweled, whose bodies have become mutilated, and their own kind who have fallen to the ground.

In the smoke and dust that has not yet dissipated, the traces of the hunter did not show at all.


Then, the second monster suddenly fell down.

【Roar! ! ! 】

Roaring sounds sounded one after another, and all the monsters fell into madness at this moment.

They ran and searched around using their powerful physique far surpassing that of humans, but they still couldn't find any traces of the hunter.


The head of the third monster was crushed abruptly.


The fourth and fifth monsters fell one after another, and the dark red blood spread again and again.

All the monsters are roaring, running, and wandering around, looking for the trace of the hunter.

But they couldn't find anything.

Among the diffuse smoke and dust, there were only one sound after another, the sound of meat saws tearing flesh.

puff- puff-

Another monster fell to the ground and turned into ashes.

puff- puff-

One after another, they fell to the ground like this.

The smell of blood became more and more pervasive, permeating the broken ground, and the twisted and ferocious monsters continued to roar, but that roaring posture could not bring any strength and benefits, but made them look more ridiculous and fragile.

Unknowingly, the number of monsters dropped sharply to less than twenty.

Then, gradually,

It was reduced to only ten.

The sputtered dust gradually fell, and the twisted monster roared, but the roar was less than halfway through, and then disappeared in a suddenly approaching cold light.

They still haven't been able to spot the hunter.

But the hunter is like that deadly nightmare, hunting them again and again.

Until the roar of those monsters finally disappeared.

The broken land has returned to its original silence.

Gululu - Gululu -

The eyeballs protruding from the flesh and blood, because all movement has completely disappeared, emerged to observe the surrounding situation.

The scattered smoke and dust have gradually dissipated, gradually revealing the original appearance of this land.

In the broken land, there are no monsters, no tentacles of flesh and blood, only black and red dirty blood stains scattered all over the ground, and standing in it, standing quietly in the ruins, calmly watching the giant tree in front of you hunter.


Dark red blood was still dripping from the meat saw in his hand bit by bit.

And in the increasingly distorted sight of those eyeballs, a large number of tentacles of flesh and blood leaped down again, violently attacking the hunter.

boom! ! !

The oscillating sound sounded from the darkness once again, spreading rapidly to the surroundings.

Even Edra, who was far away and couldn't see the situation on the hunter's side, could clearly feel the terrifying sounds coming from that side at this moment.It was a sound that was constantly vibrating, as if it would never stop.

"What a terrifying power, Lord Hunter, what kind of enemy is he fighting?"

"What kind of posture will that so-called magic tree be able to create such a terrifying shock, as if the whole earth is shaking."

"However, are all the movements made by the magic tree? I always wonder if some of the movements are caused by Your Excellency the Hunter himself?"

Edra, who was muttering to herself, couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

The original image of a hunter in her mind was just a normal warrior with various weapons to fight monsters.

But today's series of encounters made her unable to help but start to change this imagination. She began to think that hunters might use all kinds of mysterious tricks. They might be able to launch shock waves stretching hundreds of meters with a single swing of the sword. Take off and fly to break through the sound barrier, smash the ground into a big pit tens of meters deep with one punch, well, maybe you can spit out frozen breath from your mouth, use your eyes to shoot lasers and other abilities.

I always feel that if I think about it this way, the hunter will change from his original appearance to another character.

However, with such a terrifying scale of battle, Lord Hunter, can he safely win the final victory?

Edra instinctively began to worry about her teammates.

After all, up to now, there are basically not many hunters who have seen battles with their own eyes. They just fought with the skeleton beast at the gate. Others, such as killing callers and killing longing knights, sound like It's really powerful, but that's just what I heard. The combat power shown by the hunter head-on, the combat power that was really seen with my own eyes, at least for Edra, is not too much.

I hope the hunter can win safely.

She couldn't help praying earnestly.

But speaking of it, His Excellency Hunter is fighting desperately inside, while he is outside here, staying in this safe place, which always feels a little disturbing.

It's humbling to be a hunter and end up relying on others for protection.

While thinking this way, Edra suddenly noticed that Harrier, who had always had a cheerful expression beside him, became serious, and drew his weapon, a long curved sword, and a pair of weapons from his waist. Holding the short dagger in his right hand and left hand respectively, he lowered his body slightly, and was actually ready to fight.

What's the situation, what's going on?

Edra looked at Harrier's actions, and was a little dazed.

Are there enemies coming?Are there foul monsters attacking here?Didn't Lord Hunter just say that they are safe here and don't need to worry about the attack of filthy monsters?Would even that Lord Hunter make a mistake in his prediction?

Edra, who was nervously holding a hatchet and staff in her hand, carefully guarded the surrounding situation, but did not find any trace of the enemy.

I didn't feel the uneasy feeling of being approached by a filthy monster at all.

What the hell is going on, is this guy going crazy again?

"Harry, what do you see?"

Edra, who decided to be cautious, asked Harrier.


Harrier turned his head and said seriously to Edra.

"Ah, jellyfish?"

This inexplicable answer stunned Edra.

"Yes, jellyfish, jellyfish are coming."

While speaking, Harrier put his hands together and waved them.

"Swim, swim, swim, and swim to the jellyfish next to you."

"Swim, swim, swim, swim into the jellyfish in your head."

"Swim, swim, swim, and become your own jellyfish."

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