"Next is surprise time!"

Harrier, who laughed and said that, punched Lowes directly in the eye, swollen his eye and made a bloodstain.

"You bloody bastard!"

Such an attack did not cause any real harm to Lowes, but it brought him extremely serious anger.Obviously, Lowes, who thinks highly of himself, can't stand being attacked by a lunatic at all, and it's still a successful hit.

He roared, stood up suddenly from the ground, grabbed Harrel and was about to smash him to the ground, but before that, darkness suddenly covered his vision, causing his movements to be interrupted all of a sudden , Harrel fell to the ground and rolled in a circle to escape, followed Edlar to stand up and distanced himself from him.

"Blinding technique, I forgot."

Luo Ersi who said so opened and closed his eyes, blinked several times, but still couldn't see anything, only a piece of darkness existed in his vision.

"Then you'd better remember it firmly from now on."

Edra, who was standing not far away, took a breath and followed up.

"Well, I'll remember, right now."

Immediately afterwards, Lowes suddenly violently rose up, and he rushed out again and swung his knife at Edra.

The opponent's reaction speed and action speed were obviously a little unexpected. Edora dodged sideways subconsciously, but the opponent's attack changed direction accordingly, and continued to chase the direction where Edora was dodging.

He had already been attacked by a blinding spell, so it was impossible to see anything, so why did he find his position immediately to launch an attack?

It's completely incomprehensible, but the key question now is not this, but how to live.

Taking a deep breath, all the senses of the whole body were exerted to the extreme at this moment. Edra just rolled on the spot, imitating Harrel's movement just now, rolling on the ground awkwardly, and retreated to a tree.

In front of Gen, he turned over and climbed up.

Lores, who was chasing after him, jumped up immediately, and the machete slammed down and fell on the root of the tree, causing the sawdust to burst and fly.

Then, a short ax slashed at his leg, cutting deeply with the impossibly powerful sharpness of an axe, directly cutting his entire leg until only a small half of the flesh remained. on top.


Blessed with spells on the hatchet he was holding, Edra's fierce counterattack simply and neatly abolished one of Lorraine's legs.


However, Lores felt as if he didn't feel anything about his own injury. He didn't even groan and smashed it down with a hammer, and shone the extremely heavy hammer on Edra's head. Just hit it hard.

The speed was so fast that it was too late to dodge.

Hum - click!

The protection formed by magic power was formed in an instant, and then shattered in an instant.

It was completely different from when the scimitar collided, the heavy hammer easily destroyed the magic protection, and then directly hit Edra's shoulder, causing her extremely severe pain in an instant.Even though the shock wave of magic power protection and magic power collapse has successfully reduced most of the hammer's power, this blow still made half of her arm almost lose strength, especially the sharp barbs on the hammer, which directly followed the attack. Completely penetrated into her shoulder.

Then, Edra's whole body was suspended in mid-air driven by the hammer.

The barbs in the hammer forcibly lifted her body. In the severe pain, Luoers slammed the hammer, followed by Edra, who was thrown flying out, rolled on the ground several times and hit him not far away. on a winding tree root.

Lorles, who made this blow, just shook the blood on the hammer, and raised his head with an indifferent expression. His eyes, which were originally invisible due to the influence of magic, had completely recovered their clarity at this time.

"If you take away your eyesight, you can't continue to fight. You women have always been like this. You always like to underestimate others, and you always feel that you are great."

"Do you think my fighting in the past years, my honor as a gladiator, can be defeated by just this level of setback?"

"It's so arrogant that it makes people feel ridiculous. Even if I don't rely on my eyesight, I can hear your voice, find your location, and then kill you like a chicken."

While speaking, Lowes jumped down from the tree roots, carrying a hammer and a scimitar, dragging his broken leg and limping towards Edla, who sat up and covered his bloody shoulder.

"Your strength is ridiculously weak, so weak that it has no value at all."

"However, you are always so confident, thinking that the whole world cannot do without you, which makes people feel sick."

"In this world, only those with power are worthy of respect, and people like you will only tarnish the glory and dust the greatness that should be remembered. That's right, people like you must To die, must all die."

In the roaring sound, the man raised the hammer in his hand high.

However, the hammer that was held high like this never fell down.

The hammer was wobbly and unable to fall.

"The really disgusting person is you, Luoers, look at you, you are controlled by monsters, and you are still enjoying it unconsciously. It's as ridiculous as you are born to like to be a slave. If you don't want to try your best Save you, why do you think you can show off your power like this."

Activate the healing technique, and heal more than half of the wound on his shoulder.

Edra stood up slowly, and looked at Lorres, who had been paralyzed, completely frozen and unable to move.

The moment the opponent's hammer hit his shoulder, Edra had already released a new spell, and carried out a second round of paralyzing attacks on Lorraine's body.

If the effect of one attack is not enough, then superimpose it twice. This kind of simple arithmetic problem will not trouble Edra.But obviously, for Lowes, who is simple-minded and only wants to prove his honor with his own strength, it is still a bit difficult to notice such details.

"you you……"

Lowes' entire face was contorted with hatred and anger at this moment.

"Harrel, please."

Edra didn't bother to pay attention to the other party's reaction, but suddenly shouted.

A figure appeared from the root of the tree in the next moment, and Harrel jumped down with a "hehe" smile, and the machete swept across the top of Lowes' head, cutting open the strange translucent monster, causing it to quickly disintegrate and dissipate Come.

The holes in Lowles' head disappeared, as if it was just a spiritual connection.

There was a moment of trance in the eyes, and soon, Lowes' eyes regained clarity, but the expression of the whole person became more ugly.

"I just……"

Lowes, who recalled what he had done, had a bit of seriousness in his eyes.

"Yeah, you'd better remember what you did just now."

Clutching her shoulder that hadn't fully healed, Edra sighed and said with displeasure.

Then Lowes' scimitar came straight up.

This attack can be said to be without the slightest hesitation, Ming

Ming has regained his sanity and returned to normal.But from the expression that Lorles looked at Edra, there was not even a trace of gratitude, but only deep hatred and resentment, and the overflowing hatred made one wonder if Edra was Killed his whole family.

"Although I thought about this possibility just now, I didn't expect you to be so rotten."

Edra, who had already prepared for the opponent's attack in advance, took a big step back and looked at Lorras with a disgusted expression.


The attack was even crazier than before, and Luoers, who was completely enraged, swung the scimitar violently, and the heavy hammer followed.

But this blow still didn't work. Edra used the magic shield again, and then released the paralyzing mist, causing him to be hit again the moment he just broke the shield.Coupled with the loss of a leg, Lowes, who had lost his ability to move flexibly, was completely surrounded by this fog, and soon he froze in place, standing still without moving.

"You kept saying you looked down on this and that, but you were defeated twice in a row by the woman you looked down on the most. The arrogant garbage in your mouth must be talking about yourself. That fool who fantasizes that the whole world revolves around you is also you. yourself?"

Edra, who had a rather ugly expression on his face, said seriously, which made the face of Lorraine who was not far away twisted even more terrifyingly.

"You must die!"

The man who clenched his teeth said in a serious tone at this moment.

"I really don't know what's good or bad at all. You want me to kill you so much?"

The expression on Edora's face became gloomy.

"You, hahaha, a woman like you is most afraid of getting your hands dirty. You dare not kill me. You are such a piece of trash. You think you are so noble."

Lorles suddenly laughed, looking at Edra with disdain.

Obviously I have lost twice in a row, as long as the opponent is willing, I can get rid of myself at any time, but even so, Lowes still has great contempt for Edra, and still faces the opponent with an arrogant attitude, as if he really She is much more noble than this female hunter, even the existence itself is more advanced.

Edra's expression became angry at this moment, and she clenched her fists, wanting to kill this guy with a blow or an axe.

But Lowles was right in saying one thing, she was not ready to kill, so even though she was already full of anger, Edra just clenched her fists and showed an angry expression.As a hunter, she has always been a very kind person. She is not ready to kill a human being. The cruel side she can show is only for filthy monsters.

However, to solve the problem in the first place, it does not necessarily have to rely on killing people.

"I hope that when your limbs are cut off, your nerves are burned out, and you miss the best time for treatment, and you can't connect your severed limbs or prosthetics, you will become a person who can only rely on others to take care of you for the rest of your life. You can go on saying that when the toilets have to be attended to, noble Mr Lowes."

Edra's light and fluffy words successfully turned Lowles' entire face into a livid green.

"You dare not do this, you don't have the guts."

"I'll let you know right away if I have the guts. Don't worry, I'll be there soon."

"Why are you qualified to do this? Are you a judge? Are you an executioner? Or a messenger of God? I am the greatest gladiator in the world, what are you, and are you qualified to judge me? Come and execute me ?”

"Keep screaming, you may not be able to scream later."

Luo Ersi, who was still flaunting his power just now, at this moment his face was livid, his whole body was shaking, and he tried his best to move again, but he couldn't even do such a simple thing.

Edra didn't even forget to add another paralysis spell to prevent this guy from breaking free.After all, there is an absolute gap between the two sides in terms of strength in close combat, and Edra doesn't intend to use his own head to try the power of Lowes' hammer.

In short, let's talk about disintegrating this bastard's combat power now.

Edra, who was determined to be the main one, approached, showed his hatchet, and prepared to chop with one blow.

But obviously, this matter will not end so simply.


A crisp gunshot rang out, and the hatchet in Edra's hand flew out.

Stimulated by the severe pain caused by the tremor of the axe, Edra let out a cry of pain, covered her hands and took a step back, raised her head vigilantly, and then saw a tree standing not far away. On the root, he raised his rifle and aimed at his own Lasse.

He was on the same team as Lowles, a guy who was hated by all faith sects in that team.

Another troublesome guy.

"Race, what do you want to do?"

Edra raised her staff and asked in a deep voice.

"You haven't answered the question he just asked."

"Who are you? A judge? An executioner? A messenger of God?"

Pull the bolt, withdraw the cartridge case and load it again, and the muzzle of the gun is aimed at Edra's head in the next moment.

Lasse spoke in a cold voice, with a hint of murderous intent faintly revealed in his tone.

And above his head, a translucent

The illusory, jellyfish-like thing was floating on it, piercing his head with its limbs one by one.

The internal battle between the hunters seems to have no way to come to an end for a while.

However, for the hunter who is facing the [Bloodbound Demon Tree] at this moment, there is obviously no way to know this kind of thing.In the dark depths where countless branches and vines are entwined, the hunter is staring upwards, those eyes opened one after another on the tree of flesh and blood, watching the eyes that gradually condense among those eyeballs, it seems that if they hit All kinds of strange light balls that seem to hurt.


The first ball of light was launched suddenly and flew straight towards the hunter.

With slight footsteps, the hunter slid out of the way just before the ball of light was about to hit him, followed by an explosion where he had just stood, exploding sparks about three meters away, and setting off a small shock wave.

The next moment, a large number of light spheres began to bombard down one after another, densely packed in all directions, as if trying to kill the hunter here directly.

The hunter moved again, running fast on the already fragmented ground, behind him was a series of roaring crackling sounds, as well as the flames spreading all the way and flying broken stones.

Twisted tentacles of flesh and blood descended from the sky, trying to penetrate the hunter's body again.

For these attacking hunters, they just continued to dodge their figures, dodging among these crazily piercing tentacles.

boom - boom -

The entire square was gradually covered by the dust raised by the explosion at this moment.

Obviously, this thing doesn't have much fighting wisdom. Obviously, the flesh and blood monsters I created before were all wiped out by the hunters in this large cloud of dust, but now it actually produced the same dust by itself Come out, gradually making it difficult for the whole square to see what happened.

So soon, those eyeballs couldn't find any trace of the hunter, they could only stare wide-eyed one by one, and began to spin around to search for traces of the hunter.

At this moment, a huge soul arrow flew out of the dust, directly blasting a huge eyeball.

Countless eyeballs immediately boiled up, firing light waves in that direction one after another.But before these eyeballs were bombarded a few times, the second giant soul arrow shot out from another place, and another eyeball was blasted to pieces.

After going back and forth several times, it seemed that they finally realized that they were purely being played by the hunters. The eyeballs on these huge flesh and blood finally stopped attacking meaninglessly, but waved more tentacles violently, Want to blow all the dust out.

Then, at the moment when the tentacles entangled and danced, the hunter grabbed one of the tentacles again, and was driven by the huge force of this thing to fly high again, and directly slammed into him just now. One of the huge gashes cut in the tree.

Countless tentacles were boiling at this moment, trying to catch the hunter's figure in midair.

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