But all this happened too quickly, before those tentacles touched his body, the hunter landed on the fleshy wound, turned around and swung the saw knife to cut off more than a dozen tentacles coming up, followed the hunter and turned around Taking a step, directly facing the flesh and blood that was trying to heal slowly in front of him, the whole person got into it neatly.

Wet, oppressive, and foul-smelling things.

It must be admitted that although I have been to a lot of disgusting places, the feeling of getting into the body of a huge monster is really uncomfortable.

Swinging the broken giant sword, the hunter kept cutting open the flesh in front of him, closing his eyes to feel some kind of throbbing from inside this twisted thing.

That's right, these huge flesh and blood are not only attached to the surface of the giant tree, but have even been transformed and eroded inside, turning it into a part of itself.

Gradually, the hunter could feel it.

The core of this huge monster is inside this giant tree.

Although the external attack just now had some effects, it couldn't really hurt the giant tree.It has too much flesh and blood. What I did before can only be regarded as weakening this thing to a certain extent. If I want to destroy it, I have to go deep into it.


The hunter sensed the direction of the core.

Swinging the giant sword, it penetrated again, tearing the flesh and blood in front of it.

Step by step, step by step, the hunter dug deeper into this filth, like digging a hole.

The black dirty blood splashed and spewed, the twisted flesh struggled and squirmed, but the hunter just continued to go deeper step by step, continuing to go deeper and deeper into what he sensed, the root of this twisted monster.

Then he hit a kind of tipping point.


The tip of the sword cut something, and the blocked flesh and blood disappeared in front of it.

The hunter fell towards the bottom, towards the empty darkness ahead, just like that.

Chapter 110: The Prey Has Been Slaughtered【Bloodbound Demon Tree】

In that dark void, I gradually felt something.

What was buried deep in the long past still remains today.

Xu stuff.

So what is it?

The hunter continued to move forward in the darkness.

Go forward to the thing that has been so long that it is about to be completely forgotten, but now there are still faint traces.

So, at the very beginning, what will it be?

It's those little hands.

From the hand of the girl with long blond hair falling like a waterfall, she gently held her little hand.

【Hello, little guy】

The corner of the girl's mouth curled up into a smile, which was gentle and brilliant under the sun.

【From today, this is your home】

[In the future, you will take root here and thrive here]

[You will grow very big, and you will shelter many, many people under you]

【You will watch them grow, watch them mature, watch them grow old until they are buried in the ground】

[However, that will probably be a long, long time later]

【Now, you have to grow strong first, you have to grow up well and well】

Until all light is completely gone.

Until all the scenes in memory are overwhelmed by darkness.

Until now, I still haven't forgotten that figure, those words, and the picture of that day.

It knows that it is its goddess.

And it will try its best to grow up, use its branches to protect more people, to become their homeland, to become their reliance, so that it will accompany the growth of generation after generation, and spend the long time with them day.

This responsibility will never be forgotten...




Something was gently breaking apart.

The hunter raised his head in the darkness, amidst countless squirming and twisted tentacles of flesh and roots of trees, and faced the thing in front of him, which radiated faint light and was infested by dark red filthy traces.

That was the heart of the ancient spirit tree.

It is the memory of this spirit tree, its emotion, its soul.

It is supposed to emit pure light, just like its essence, it is only the power to protect others.

Now it has been stained with a filthy color, and it can no longer return to its former appearance, only a faint ray of light remains.

The hunter stood up slowly, standing up in the root space under the giant tree, the meat saw was ready to go.


Strong shocks came from all around.

Those tentacles of flesh and blood lifted up one after another, squirming, growing fangs, growing spikes, dancing one after another.

This demon tree, which has completely turned into a bloody nightmare, has realized the arrival of the hunter, realized that the hunter has reached its root, and realized that once he destroys this place, he will be annihilated and cease to exist.

Huge tentacles of flesh and blood surged, rushing towards the hunter frantically, but the opponent sideways dodged it. "

The meat saw knife slashed down heavily, cutting the assembled and fused tentacles directly to the ground, cutting deep wounds on the side of the tentacles.

The hunter took a step forward, biting the tentacles fiercely with the saw knife, and tore them apart violently, tearing apart the entire tentacles with huge wounds, causing a large amount of blood-red color to begin to scatter around.

Then, he took another step forward, running forward from the broken tentacles of flesh and blood, approaching the thing that still had a little light left.

【Oh, it has grown so big】

【Hey hey, I can just lie down here, it feels quite comfortable】

【Phew, my father is always talking about the duties of a god. It's really hard and tiring. I'll just be a little bit lazy, just a little bit lazy】


I still haven't forgotten the girl's figure, lying between her roots, closing her eyes and sleeping peacefully.

Woodlands have grown all around. Although it has not yet become a lush forest, it is already possible to imagine the beautiful appearance of the greenery in the future.

The sunlight cast down from the shade of the tree, projecting on the girl's long golden hair, shimmering slightly.

I always remember that face that was sleeping comfortably.

And, the touch from the opponent's body.

【Hoo~woo... Ah, I overslept! 】

[It's over, it's over, my father will definitely punish me for copying the notebook again]

【Ahhhhhhhh every time, it's so annoying...】

Chattering, complaining.

Reluctantly, she left.

There is also a rather embarrassed look of coming back with an exercise book.

When she was a young god, she seemed to be no different from an ordinary child.

Playful, curious, but don't like serious study, always want to be lazy.

This lovely gesture displayed in front of her.

I have never forgotten...

did not forget...




The dirty blood that continued to drip.

The twisted tentacles, the broken tentacles, the torn flesh and blood poured down, turned into ashes and dissipated.

And more tentacles are still pouring in from all directions, those twisted flesh and blood are becoming more and more crazy, turning into shapeless human faces staring at the hunter, roaring at the hunter, and opening their fangs towards his crazy Bite up.

The dying struggle of these things is more tenacious than the hunter expected, and in this not-so-large root space, there are really not many places for him to dodge, so after several times of dodging, he is still caught by these roots. With the mustache hit, the whole person hit heavily on the roots of the trees surrounding this area, knocking out several cracks in the roots.

It's quite powerful.

Patting the dust on his body, swallowing the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, the hunter looked at the tentacles of flesh and blood crazily sweeping in front of him, and pulled out the cold Grendel sword.

Swipe, cut.

The hunter took a step forward and chopped off a large number of tentacles with his sword.

The cold airflow frozen the sections of the tentacles, preventing them from healing.

Then the sword blade piercing out will try to block the penetration of the flesh and blood in front of the glimmering light.

The hunter strode forward to reach the twilight, the twilight that had been stained with darkness.

Then, he raised the long sword in his hand and slashed towards the light in front of him.


Something, quietly cracked a trace.

A painful crack that spread little by little.

That was the first time it had witnessed a funeral.

It has grown into a towering tree, watching the priest chosen by the goddess, from the beginning of youth, to maturity, then to old age, and finally to death.

There was a big funeral for him, celebrating what he had done for others.

And all it can feel is the smiling figure who used to be by his side, and there will never be a moment of waking up again.

【And this is what we need to experience, the farewell called death】

Standing on its branch, the goddess who has become much more mature said this softly.

[Gods have a long and almost infinite time, but humans will age and die]

[However, everything about them is not dissipated, but passed on to the next generation, and continues from generation to generation]

[So although they will fall, get hurt, and encounter setbacks, they will always be able to walk with the gods and accompany us around]

[And what we can do, what we should do, is to guide them to move on, to go further and further]

[I believe that one day, maybe they will go to a place that we can't reach, and one day they will say goodbye to us, just like grown-up children say goodbye to their parents and leave their hometown to make a living of their own]

[At that time, how should I say goodbye to them? 】

The voice of the goddess at that moment is still not forgotten.

Although I have forgotten many, many things, I still try my best to remember those fragments that cannot be parted.

Not forgotten, not forgotten yet.

not yet……


The hunter's footsteps fell between the roots again.

Countless flesh and blood have fallen into complete madness at this moment.

The dark things made up of these filthy forces have completely occupied most of the room. The bloated sarcoids are swelling wildly, and countless tentacles are twisting and dancing. They want to completely cover this area to prevent further actions of the hunter.

After all, the thing that was protected by flesh and blood and shimmering behind that had already appeared large and small cracks that were still spreading.

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