Can this thing feel the so-called death threat?

The hunter remained silent, just resisted the cannon, loaded it, and then aimed at the entangled and twisted flesh and blood in front of him and pulled the trigger.

Boom! ! !

The sound of terrifying roaring and bursting covered everything in an instant.

Exploded flesh and blood flew up.

And the hunter who put away the artillery ran forward, crossed the shattered flesh, and approached the shimmering thing again.

Close to the things that are still trying to emit light even though they have been polluted by pitch-black colors.

Then, to complete what you feel, the remaining will in that thing, the thing you want to be able to accomplish.

Reach out.

The tip of the threaded cane protrudes forward.

Piercing through the shimmering thing, the crack was torn a little wider.

Twist the cane and penetrate further.

click - click -

Until the broken voice finally became irretrievable.

Until the countless tentacles that were attacking frantically suddenly lost their strength.

Until the emerging rays of light finally broke free from the shackles, rose up and scattered.

The ending of this story, like many stories in this land, leaves nothing to feel good about.

When the darkness fell from the sky, the first place to fall into hell was this forest blessed by the power of the goddess, and it was the residents and priests who lived and worked in peace and contentment, where beauty and happiness should have remained. of

blessed forest.

The living began to twist and become monsters.

The dead cannot rest in peace.

Madness destroys everything.

And it was at that time that I lost the connection with the goddess.

[Goodbye, Spirit Tree, I never thought that this farewell would come so early]

[The final response, can it be delivered to the hand, can it be made clear to him? 】

[I thought I would not change for such a thing, it seems that human beings are really amazing existences]

The sighing voice was overwhelmed by the frenzied and loud tremors at the last moment.

Everything was completely shattered like this.

There is no laughter.

No more people talking and laughing with each other.

The forest has lost its former glory forever.

And he himself was also deprived of everything by the dark and corrupt filthy power, cooperating with that evil and dark thing.

What exactly happened?

It is just a tree, there is no way to get the answer.

It just waited quietly in the darkness.

Waiting for the moment that the goddess once said, I don't know when it will come.

[Now, is it time to end? 】

[Now, is it time to say goodbye? 】

The voice asked, asking in front of the hunter.


Nodding slightly, the hunter gave an affirmative answer.

【That's right, it's time to say goodbye】

Finally, he began to breathe a sigh of relief and began to smile.

【Then, goodbye, unknown person】

【You have gone farther than us】

【Keep going, keep going, go to a place farther away and more beautiful than here】


Finally, I was able to get a peaceful, peaceful voice.

In the gradually subsiding, gradually dimming light, I just closed my eyes like this, to welcome the long sleep that should have arrived long ago.

Still in the memory that has not been forgotten, the grand celebration that has not been seen for a long time is finally held again. "

The gods rang the bells, and the people danced and sang for the joy of the harvest.

In front of me who has grown very tall and can shelter a very large place, the figures of those small, laughing people finally appeared in front of me again, as always Laughing, dancing and singing, to sing the harvest, to sing the happiness.

It's great that you're still here.



The faint light was annihilated in the darkness.

The twisted tentacles of flesh and blood were completely shattered at this moment, decomposing one by one into scattered ashes.

The hunter raised his head and stared at this giant tree that had stood for countless years, just like this, it spread more and more cracks, became more and more illusory, dissipated more and more, and finally ceased to exist, leaving only This huge void testifies to its existence.

【Bloodbound Demon Tree】

prey slaughtered

Chapter 110 Five: Memory and the Ugly

In the dissipated twilight, the huge magic tree collapsed and disappeared into nothingness.

In the already dilapidated square, only a huge hole was left, and the original incomparably huge trees could no longer be seen.

Those flesh-and-blood branches connecting the entire forest of curses also began to collapse and dissipate one by one at this moment, and could no longer be maintained.

The hunter closed his eyes, feeling the abundant invisible echoes pouring into his body, and began to realize that the burden on his body seemed a little too much, and it was almost time to find Abigail to consume a wave to strengthen himself.

Then I thought that Abigail didn't know where in the forest, whether she was in danger or not, and suddenly her mood began to turn bad.

I don't even know where to start looking...

I can only hope she's okay.

The hunter, who was worried about the missing girl, rubbed his forehead, and then noticed that he was now covered in blood and mud, and his whole body was extremely dirty. He might be regarded as a homeless man from somewhere.

Might have to figure out a way to clean it up a bit.

The original hunters never pay attention to such things as physical hygiene. After all, as a hunter who hunts monsters, it is a very normal development to make himself dirty.However, after noticing that Abigail is actually a very clean girl, the hunter gradually began to pay attention to his own hygiene issues, and he was a little reluctant to let himself roll in the mud with those monsters. I like the look of blood splattered everywhere.

Although he knew that with Abigail's gentle personality, even if all kinds of dirt on the hunter's body were extremely dirty, she would still hug him without the slightest dislike.However, personally, Hunter doesn't really like Abigail who is too accommodating to him, no matter what happens, he only thinks about

The character of suppressing one's inner thoughts.

When an adult shows a mature look, people just take it for granted, think that this person is very good or something.However, a 12-year-old child is so mature that he completely loses the innocence and liveliness that this age should have. Others don't know, at least for hunters... Sure enough, there is still a feeling of distress, I feel that the other party shouldn't be like this, and I hope she can show more of her childish side.

That kind of cute little girl's posture is hard to see in Abigail now.

Perhaps it was for this reason that hunters always wanted to do something for her.

Hmm... But even so, it seems that Abigail actually has a childish side, especially when it comes to being brave.Obviously I am a minor, a little girl who has not even grown up physically, but after getting the moonlight sword, my whole body floats up. I just want to feel that I have a little strength and become a fighting force, so I hurriedly He was so busy trying to join the battle that he even managed to climb walls after being rejected by the hunter.

Hiss, when I think about it this way, I immediately feel a headache.

To be honest, what the hunter wants to see is Abigail's cute and coquettish posture like a normal child, rather than messing things up like a bear child, although for now Abigail It seems that nothing has been messed up yet, but to be honest, this kind of thing is just in case.

However, why do I suddenly can't help but think about so many things?

The hunter's thinking paused for a moment, and he realized that he seemed to be thinking about Abigail uncontrollably.

Is it because of... the memories I just saw?

The thoughtful hunter turned his head and looked at the huge hole in the ground behind him that he had just climbed out of, the last trace left by the once ancient spirit tree.

When I was in Yanan, I was just a very ordinary hunter who fought with swords and guns.

Although the memory of that past is still surrounded by fog, and only a small part of the content can be remembered, what is certain is that at the end of that hunting night, what did I get, and finally made a certain This decision is why I appear in this world, in this world that needs hunters.

Moreover, my body and my consciousness have obviously undergone some kind of change, a kind of change that I didn't have originally.

The most obvious of these changes is the ability to access the memories and emotions of others.In the battle with those powerful monsters, the more intense the battle and the more emotional the moment, the more he can feel the other party's emotions and see the fragments of the other party's story. , To experience the undissipated emotion left by the other party at that moment.This is without exception, except for the sealed skeletal beast that has only an empty shell left.

However, the memories and emotions acquired before are more like reading a book or watching a performance, just "seeing", and I will not bear anything for it.But this time, after the disappearance of this ancient spirit tree with its own self, it seemed that he had been slightly affected.

Some very peculiar influences that are hard to pin down.

Perhaps, it was because of the incomparably clear goddess with long golden hair in the memory of the other party.

After seeing the appearance of the goddess who was only a little girl in the memory of the spirit tree, it seemed that I couldn't control myself and thought of Abigail, and thought of the one who also had long golden hair, but she was much cuter than the goddess of the earth Many times Abigail.

Why did I suddenly and unconsciously emphasize cuteness?

In short, that is to say, when the experience I see is related to some thoughts and memories in my heart, may I be affected by some fun?

The thinking hunter took a step to leave this area.

But suddenly, he stopped, raised his head, and looked towards the sky.


Stretch out your hand and touch the fallen gray thing.

No, not right.

It's not snow, it's dust.

Ashes from the sky?

There was a lot of dust, and the dust was constantly sprinkled.

It spread to more places, until it covered the entire Cursed Forest, and the dust was constantly falling.

These strange dusts seem to come from the ancient spiritual tree that has disappeared. They have a different kind of power, they will not be intercepted by the branches, and they will inevitably fall to the ground, blend into the earth, and blend into the soil.

The hunter felt a little life force contained in the dust.

He began to realize that this was the last gift left by the ancient spirit tree to this world.

The land that has absorbed these off-white dust will contain more nutrients than ordinary soil, and if it is used for farming, it will definitely be able to obtain excellent harvests.

For hunters, this doesn't seem to make much sense to hunters.Moreover, because of the existence of the filthy power, even if the composition of the land is greatly improved, and the soil eroded by the filthy force is improved, as long as the filth itself still exists, it will return to its original appearance in a short time, and nothing will change. meeting


Unless, the source of the filth is actually eliminated.

Only when the source of pollution of this land no longer exists, and everything returns to normal, can this land be able to see the light of day again and be truly utilized.

Only then will the last gift left to this world by the vanished ancient spirit tree truly have practical significance.

Does this count as trusting the hunters, trusting their hunting god team, and believing that they will be able to solve the problem this time?

Such trust made the hunter close his eyes and disappear towards the trees, leaving only an empty place to bow and salute.

Since the other party has entrusted this trust to him, then he must complete it well.

Taking a step forward, the hunter left the completely collapsed sacrificial altar and walked outside step by step.

While all this was happening, the tense atmosphere was still going on around the spirit tree.

"You haven't answered the question he just asked."

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