The bullet was loaded and aimed at Edra's Lasse, whose face was distorted terribly.

"Who are you? A judge? An executioner? A messenger of God?"

Amidst the awe-inspiring voice, the translucent thing on top of his head that was no different from what Lowes had encountered before was still floating gently.

Ah, this is really...

Although this possibility had been thought of to some extent before, when actually facing this scene, Edra still felt an indescribable nausea.

I just saw the remains of several fellow hunters.

The other hunters cooperate with each other, gamble with their own lives to win the future of mankind.

What's the matter with you two guys, why are you controlled by the filthy monster one by one, especially the brain circuit of this Lowles is simply outrageous, even if you want to kill someone when you are controlled, he The mother's control is lifted, but she still wants to kill someone! ?

How could the hunting god team let this kind of moth come in? How could they save the world by cooperating with this kind of person?

But even though he has scolded in the bottom of his heart, at least he can't do anything on the surface. Edra still knows very well that he must not stimulate the hunter in front of him at this time, otherwise his head will explode if he is not careful. .

"I am not the messenger of God."

Edra raised her hand to indicate that she was not threatening, and then continued.

"He wants to kill me, so I want to disarm him. This is a personal grievance. It's as simple as that. I'm not a judge or an executioner, and I'm not a messenger of God. I don't believe in any religion. I'm an unbeliever .”

Edra said this with a very serious expression, and in fact what she said was basically correct, except for the point of "unbelievers".

After all, as a warlock, the spells used by Edra himself include [miracle], and the essence of the spell [miracle] is the story of the experience of gods and legendary heroes. By retelling this story, Gain strength.Therefore, in a sense, the use of "miracle" represents the belief in the gods and heroes in the story, although this kind of belief is quite indifferent, and it is even a utilitarian request. Things that don't care about the situation, but in essence, this can indeed be called a belief.

And Edra himself believes in the mother goddess of all things among the ancient gods, that is, the mother goddess of reproduction and peace, Davedora.Most of the healing techniques in the world are inherited from this god, so although not many people know about the true identity of this god, and its true history has been basically forgotten, until now , more or less there will still be some warlocks who will chant his name and use this power created by him.

But even so, it is impossible for Edra to just say it here, although it seems that the result is the same no matter whether you say it or not.

"you're lying!"

Amidst the roaring voice, Lasse's entire face twisted even more violently.

"All warlocks, especially warlocks who can heal, are all believers. You are all believers who believe in God! You - all of you are a bunch of damn bastards!!!"

At this moment, the distorted face seemed ferocious as if it was about to be torn apart.

The trigger of the gun has been pulled without hesitation.


Gunshots sounded suddenly.

And Edra, who had already sensed that something was wrong in advance, quickly turned over to avoid, narrowly avoiding the shot that was blasting at her head.

It's completely unreasonable.

Edra sighed softly, and quickly found a low tree root to hide.

"Garbage is always garbage, no matter where you are."

Lowes' gloomy voice followed, and it was obvious that the other party had gotten rid of the paralysis effect, and regained his ability to move again.

Things are getting a bit more complicated.

The hunter was obviously still in the midst of a fierce battle, and he could hear violent roars one after another. If he rushed over at this time, he would only bring trouble to the other party, and possibly even bring life to the other party. Danger.As a hunter, Edra obviously couldn't do such a thing.So now she can only face the two hunters by herself.As for Harrel, I don't know where he went now, but

It didn't matter if he ran away, although he was a little crazy, but the other party saved his life just now, and Edra didn't want that fellow hunter to be sacrificed by the weapons of other hunters.

So, what to do now?

Edra retreated slowly along the obstacle formed by the tree roots, thinking about the solution to the situation in front of her.

There are two enemies in total, one of which is Lowes, whose foot has already been chopped off. He is now unable to move, and it is unlikely that he will approach him quickly.

Lasse is a hunter who uses a rifle and a one-handed sword as weapons. His sniper ability is not weak. Once exposed to the opponent's field of vision, he is likely to be killed by one blow, so he must stay away from the opponent's sight.

Then the best way is to use the various complex spaces formed by shrubs and tree roots to find a way to escape here secretly.

However, if they run away, what should these two people do if they go to the hunter?

Edra can be sure that neither Lores nor Russell can help other hunters, but will only cause serious obstacles to everyone.The blood-bound demon tree that the hunter went to hunt was one of the most terrifying existences in the entire forest of the curse. If he was seriously injured after the hunt, and then encountered these two guys...

No, I have to find a way to hold them back.


While thinking this way, an extremely violent tremor, accompanied by the movement of the entire earth as if an earthquake, began to spread violently towards the surroundings.

what happened?

Edra, who was so shocked that she sat down on the ground, raised her head in astonishment, and then found a scene that shocked her even more.

Those vine-like branches are dissipating?

In the line of sight, the intertwined and wriggling branches connected to one tree after another lost their original posture one after another at this moment, becoming gradually withered and shrunk, and finally shattered and turned into dust disappeared without a trace.

These things should be the extension of the power of the blood-bound demon tree.

Now everything has disappeared, that is to say, the hunter has won the final victory, has he wiped out the magic tree?

This kind of power can only be said to be worthy of being the hunter.

Edra, who couldn't help sighing from the bottom of her heart, felt a bit of chill following her instinct.

She suddenly raised her head and looked to the side, and saw Lacey who walked out from behind a tree trunk at some point, and saw the other side's gun aimed at her.



The speed of this shot was much faster than Edra's reaction, and it directly passed through a big hole in her leg, causing Edra, who got up in a hurry and wanted to escape, to fall to the ground with a cry of pain, unable to do anything for a long time climb up.

"You crippled one of my legs, and now you have a crippled leg, well, that makes sense."

In the indifferent voice, that Lowes used the heavy hammer as a crutch to support his body and limped out, looking at Edra with killing intent.

This woman must be killed in this way.

Lowes never hesitated about this matter.

What he despises the most are women, who obviously have so much lower physical fitness limits than men, and appear on the battlefield without self-sufficiency.Even if one can use spells to make up for one's flaws, and one can use skills to make up for one's flaws, but that's just heresy, and only real strength and a sharp sword can be called strength.

In the arena, every time he met a female opponent, the furious Lowes would humiliate her on the spot after defeating her, and even do some unsightly things in front of all the audience, and then Torturing the other party fiercely, until the other party can only beg him to kill him, he will give the other party a little mercy.

But when he arrived at Xingkong Town, the stage where he arrived for greater glory, he found more women, female warriors, female warlocks, female healers, and various female laborers. Joined the hunt and formed a part of Starry Sky Town.This made Lowles furious, feeling that his glory had been insulted.He wished he could kill all the women in the town at one go, but reason told him that he would be killed by other hunters before that, and he would lose his reputation and glory completely.

But here, in the wild, there is no such problem.

Just like he often did, he secretly followed the hunter he didn't like to go to the corruption field, and then killed him to get a good mood for the day.

Now he is in the Forest of the Cursed, the final place of glory, this place of trial where he will surely receive the great honor of killing gods, and return to the capital of stars to become a highly anticipated star, worshiped and remembered by everyone .It doesn't matter what he wants to do here. Anyway, he must be the one who deserves the victory in the end. As for other people, as long as they are not pleasing to the eye and uncomfortable, they will all be killed. There is absolutely no problem mode of action.

"Lace, don't interfere, this is my prey."

Lores, who said this to his companion behind him, turned back with a bit of viciousness in his eyes.


Enduring the physical pain, Edra raised the wand in her hand to use the spell.


But before that, the palm of her hand was pierced with a gunshot, and the wand was snapped apart in a splash of blood.


In the distorted cry of pain, Edra clutched her pierced and bloody palm, struggling to get up, but was pushed down to the ground by Loles, and punched her on the forehead.Immediately, the whole person's brain began to make a buzzing sound, and for a while, he didn't even have the strength to control his body.

"To be honest, you are quite ugly. People like you are not even qualified to sleep in Lao Tzu's bed."

In the voice of ridicule, Lowes reached out and grabbed Edra's cheek that had healed after being torn apart by the monster, and spit directly into her face.

"However, your body is quite good. You should be a very flirtatious guy. There is no woman in this world who is not flirtatious. They say how reserved they are, but in fact they are all fucked by men. It’s just a beast that reveals its nature. You must be like this, right? How many hunters have you had sex with? Did all the men in your team have had it? It must be like this, I know, You women are such disgusting things."

Ugly and filthy words spewed out from his mouth, and Lowes, whose eyes were bloodshot, became extremely distorted at this moment.

"The disgusting thing is that you are the person, and you are a scum full of rubbish. Don't use this kind of thinking to judge others here!"

Edra, who retorted angrily, punched Lowes' body, but it was as if he had hit a wall, and it had no effect at all.

"It's okay, just keep denying it, people like you like to deny it, but you won't be like this later, well, speaking of it, I haven't relaxed for a long time, although I'm a bit of a bad guy, but It’s not impossible to force it.”

Amidst the words, the expression on the man's face gradually became ugly.

"What do you want, no, stop! You bastard!"

The outstretched hand roughly grabbed Edra's waist, tearing a crack in the clothes.

"Hahahahaha, you will understand soon."

Feeling the panic and despair of the woman in front of him, Lowes laughed loudly.

Edra let out a scream and struggled with all her strength regardless of the injury on her body, digging directly into the opponent's flesh with her nails in an attempt to hurt the opponent.

Then Lowes punched her in the face again, causing Edora's nose to crooked and blood to spurt.

The second punch and the third punch came down again, until Edra's whole body became dazed, and all he saw in his eyes were double images.

Following that, Lowes grabbed Edra's hair again, pulled off a strand of her long hair abruptly, then grabbed her head and slammed it heavily on the ground, followed by two slaps on her back. face, and then punched it.

The blood flowed down bit by bit, and Edra, who had some ability to resist at the beginning, was about to lose consciousness now.

"That's right, that's true, this is what a female cousin like you deserves to be."

The smile on his face became more distorted than anything seemed. Lowes, who had done this kind of thing many times, stretched out his hand and grabbed Edlard's waist again, and then he was about to forcefully squeeze the opponent's body. Clothes are torn.

And at this moment, the expression on his face became stiff.


All the excitement stopped at this moment.

Slowly, lowering his head, Lowes saw a curved sword.

A bloody curved sword pierced through his crotch.

"The second one is half price~"

Harrier's energetic words sounded behind him.


In the sound of howling, Lowes stumbled back two steps, and then fell directly to the ground because of a broken foot.

He clutched his lower body and let out an incomparably miserable howl, which even changed its tone, like a woman screaming.

And Haril, who sneaked to his side, stood there, pointed at him and laughed, and shouted "the second one is half price, the second one is half price", and ran to Edra, who was almost fainted on the ground. Beside him, he must help the other party up.


The gunshot rang out again, and the dirt in front of Harrier was exploded, preventing his further actions.

Russer, who was watching the show with no expression on his face, pulled the bolt and loaded it again.

This time he aimed at Edra's head. He just wanted to watch Lorres humiliate the believer before he died. Now that Lorres has been disarmed, he will kill him with another shot. That woman, the idea is so simple.He who hates all believers deeply, now only wants to see all believers die tragically, only in this way can he feel satisfied and feel happy//sense.

"You bastards... bastards..."

Lorraine, who was howling miserably, rolled on the ground and cried out in pain.

Russell's finger was already on the trigger.


The trigger was pulled, but no bullet flew out.

Ah, it's out of bullets.

Indeed, my musket can be loaded with four bullets at a time, and it has been empty at the moment.

Perhaps it was because his mood was a little unstable, so he forgot about this kind of thing for a while.

Pull the bolt, take out the bullets from your pocket, and load them one by one.Russell stood there the whole time without moving, didn't care at all, so I don't know

Haril, who had gone somewhere again, and Edra and Lowes, who fell to the ground, just loaded the bullet wholeheartedly.


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