Gradually, the movements began to slow down.

Gradually, with every step, I gasped loudly.


Then, that ghostly voice sounded again.

Ta Weng knew that his end was coming.


The fear of death became so urgent at this moment, as if an invisible hand was holding the heart tightly.

She didn't continue to run forward.

She has realized that it is impossible for her to run away.

That monster seemed to like to tease its prey, but with the madness and evilness of the filthy monster, she was allowed to run another 400 meters at most, and then she was caught up by that thing and killed on the spot, just like Laiser just now Cut into pieces like that, or disembowelled like Captain Niverin.

As for the abandoned town in the forest, I don't even know where it is, and I don't even know if it exists or not.

After all, their information is nothing more than the records obtained from the crazy survivors who survived the hunting god crusade and fled back to Xingkong Town in embarrassment. Who knows if there is any serious distortion in it? What about the content?

So, she actually couldn't run away.

He stopped and stopped running.

Slowly sitting down on the ground, Ta Weng completely lost his fighting spirit at this moment.

Speaking of it, I am obviously just a doctor with a certain rescue ability, why did I become a hunter?

It seems that he can vaguely recall his failed marriage and his child who was born with a weak constitution.

Mallman promised to treat her child, but failed, and just brought her back the earring she had prepared for her child.

Then, after living alone for a long time, one day she left the house, walked into the training ground, and became a hunter's assistant mainly for medical emergency, and joined the extremely dangerous hunting missions.

My own story seems to have only so much.

After spending a full 35 years of life, what I finally summed up is just like this.

Ta Weng raised his head, and saw that dark thing slowly walking out from the woods in front, its sharp claws were constantly opening and closing, just like this, step by step, walking towards him.


The sharp claws passed by suddenly, and Ta Weng's bewildered head flew into the sky.

Another life was lost in this ancient forest.

No one heard the pathos.

No one felt the passing blood and life.

As always, everything was just so quiet, so still.

And Leo Lin was still roaring, still roaring, entangled with those things that barely had a human shape, but their bodies were dry like mummified corpses.

The blade flashed across, and he used the blade from Veron, which was broken to only a small half, as a dagger for protection, and cut open the throat of a monster.

Two monsters collided from the side, and together with Leorin, they rolled down a raised tree root and fell into the bushes.

Pulled out the pistol of Survivale, aimed at one of the heads and pulled the trigger, blasting the ugly head on the spot, followed by piercing the eye socket of the other monster with the dagger, and piercing out from the back of the head .

The old man stood up again with blood flowing from his forehead, but his aura grew even higher.Howling, he charged forward with his rapier, the blade piercing the eye socket of one filth monster, then a second, and a third.Three monsters that happened to be standing in a row were pierced through by a slender rapier, and then when Leorin violently stirred the blade, their brains, which were not much left to be used, were turned into a paste, and then Just pull it out again.


Swinging the sword again, fighting again.

"Come on, you bastards!"

Do your best, squeeze all your limits to fight.

Just fight to the death like this.

That's right, let's fight to the death like this.

I will always just watch others die, and I will always be the lucky one who survived the catastrophe.

Let me fight to the death here today!


Furiously, he swung his sword again, but was hit hard by the monster and fell to the ground.

Sharp teeth came out and bit on one shoulder.

Lei Olin screamed and wanted to stand up again, but was thrown down by more monsters, layer by layer, making his already exhausted body unable to move at all.

Then, sharp teeth bit his arm, his thigh, his chest and even the side of his face.

Can feel the pain of flesh and blood being torn.

The continuous, great pain of being divided into bodies.

But, those former partners of him, those who should have walked by his side, but left him, leaving him alone.Isn't it the same pain they endured?Isn't it the same pain in their last memory?

So at least this time, it was I who had to bear the pain.

At least this time, I managed to save others, and the others survived, while I was the one who sacrificed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Finally, Leo Lin laughed heartily.


Then, the flame burned up in an instant.

A long whip of thorns swept across and sent several monsters flying.

Wearing the clothes of an ancient conjurer, a man named Prestcott, the captain of the left-wing rotation team, recited a spell at this moment, causing flames to emerge in his hands, and as he swung The long whip exploded violently, burning to death more than a dozen filthy monsters in one breath.


Another member of the left-wing rotation team, a female swordsman named Sesset, rushed forward. As a female hunter, she has a height of 1.7 meters [-], which can be said to be quite tall, and her figure is also very tall. It was very strong, and when the blade in his hand swung violently, the bodies of the two monsters were chopped off.

"Wow ah ah-"

A strange cry sounded, and a man charged forward with a long spear, nailing a filthy monster to the wall.

Not far away, Prestcott followed a fireball and ignited the still struggling monster, causing it to quickly lose its strength and no longer struggle.

And Leo Lin, who was lying on the ground in a daze, blinked, but before he could react what happened, a holy healing technique came down, causing the hideous tearing wounds on his body to slowly heal one after another. heal up.


The man who was stunned slowly sat up.

Lift your head and turn your view. "

The fourth member of the left-wing rotation team, a healer named Iveco, stood not far away and smiled at him.


...Once again, he was rescued.

Just like that, he was rescued.

"I noticed some movement here just now. It seems that I arrived in time. How is it? Are you okay? Do you have any companions?"

Prestcott, who had a bald head and many demonic tattoos on his body, came forward, knelt down in front of Leolin and asked seriously.

"I... have companions..."

After being stunned for quite a while, Leo Lin slowly opened his mouth.

"Yes, yes, I have companions."

"The right-tail rotation team, Niverin, Lesser, and Tauon."

"Niverin was seriously injured. Laiser and Taon ran away in the direction of the town. I was the last one."

"We have to find them, they must be all right, they must be all right, we have to find them!"

Leo Lin stood up abruptly, and his speech became somewhat incoherent for a moment.

"I know, I know, you calm down, we'll go find them now!"

Prestcott, who was supporting Leorin, patted him on the shoulder, signaling the team members to move forward with him.

They did not go very far before they found the first dead man.

Laiser's arms and head were cut off, his stomach was cut open, and he sat on the ground bleeding all over the ground, and died like this.

Nivelin was still alive, it seemed that because he was on the verge of death, the filthy monster didn't find him.Iveco gave the man a little treatment, and then Adeni was responsible for carrying the seriously injured man on his back.

Then, without taking too long, they found the second deceased, whose head was directly crushed, and the burst flesh flew everywhere, and the body was split vertically in the middle, half of which remained in place , half of a Taung hanging from a tree with a pile of offal intestines.

"It's really horrible. What kind of monster is making this noise?"

Sesset shook his head unbearably and said with a sigh.

"I'm afraid it was transformed into a monster by a hunter who came here, just like the giant we met before holding a tree trunk. I haven't seen any other similar individuals. There is only one monster, and there are all kinds of strange things. Different things, most of these things are monsters transformed by hunters, and they are relatively powerful parts, so their action patterns are obviously different from normal monsters, so they do such things. "

Prestcott shook his head, he seemed very calm after having seen a lot of tragedies.

"It seems...she stopped by herself, the footprints here are not right?"

Sesset suddenly noticed some details.

"It seems to be like this. She ran forward for a certain distance, then stopped, and seemed to have taken a few steps back. Did she take the initiative to stop running for her life? Probably because she realized that she was already in the attack range of that monster and felt that there was no escape. Give up on your own initiative, this is really..."

After listening to Sesset's words, Prescott, who observed carefully, quickly understood what had happened here, and the expression on his face became much more complicated for a while.


Leo Lin didn't speak.

After seeing the bodies of his teammates, he didn't say a word again.

The old man with a dull expression seemed to be on the verge of collapse.Even though his mouth kept opening and closing, even though his lips were trembling violently, he still couldn't even say a word, he could only stand still and keep silent.

Why is this again?

Why is it the same thing again?

I survived.

His teammates died.


Where did he go wrong...

Why must his fate be so ridiculous...

Why do these people who deserve to live have to die in such a miserable way...

"Okay, don't be sad, old guy, it's not your fault. The smell of blood in this forest today is quite strong. There is no need to punish yourself for the death of one or two people. We still have important There are so many things to do!"

Prescott, who punched Leorin on the shoulder, said with a smile, and walked forward.

Then, his footsteps stopped.

Because between the trees in front of him, two figures had already appeared.

"Karnis, and Ducain, I'm glad to see you two here."

Seeing the appearance of these two people, especially Prestcott, who saw the appearance of Karnis, chuckled, and went forward to shake hands with them.

"I'm also very happy to meet you. In fact, you are the second batch of people we met to arrive. It's not easy. I don't know if everyone else can arrive safely. By the way, are any of you injured? Ah, Fetris and Anastas of the medical logistics team were met and protected by Webster and the others, and they are now resting in the town."

Karnis smiled happily and said.

"Oh, you came out of the abandoned town in the forest, is that place ahead?"

Prestcott spoke in shock.

"Yeah, that's right, um, the distance should be within 200 meters. If it weren't for the fact that there are too many trees here, the light is really hard to see too far away."

According to Fang, it stands to reason that you can already vaguely see the town here. "

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