Karnis shrugged and said, then looked at the other people in the team.

Well, they are all familiar people, they are all from Prestcott's rotation team, a complete team, which is good news.Well, the one on the back seems to be Niverin, he looks pretty bad, and he didn't see his teammates, oh, here's one, that Leo Lin who survived the catastrophe... …

what happened to him?

Karnis blinked, looking at Leolin who suddenly covered his head and trembled all over.

"Hey, you—wow what's going on here?"

Before he had time to say a word to the other party to confirm the situation, Leo Lin suddenly ran away, ran away from Karnis, and ran towards the bushes ahead with all his strength.

Is it fake?

This kind of thing should be fake, right?

Things like fate shouldn't tease life like this, right?

Panting for breath, he strode forward with difficulty, squeezing the stamina that hadn't recovered much.

Trembling step by step, he ran towards the front.

Did he wish he could see something?

Or did he wish he didn't see anything?

I can't even tell myself what kind of result I want to get.


The steps he took gradually stopped.

It's just... Looking at this light, seeing this light that should have been the hope of every hunter who arrived, he felt such despair, such a heavy, suffocating deep despair. .

"Fool, you are really a fool."

Leolin's eye sockets gradually became moist.

"Why are you so stupid, why do you choose to give up?"

Trembling steps forward again.

Leo Lin was talking to himself while walking forward.

Through the white dust-covered ground, through the bushes, through the gaps in the trees.

Then, Leo Lin just walked out of the forest and walked into a quiet abandoned town.

It was only about 100 meters away from the place where Taon was killed by the monster where he was standing just now.

"You fool, you fool, why did you give up, why..."

"You only need to run another 100 meters, you obviously only need to run another 100 meters..."

"why why……"

The old hunter who was kneeling on the ground had a nervous breakdown at this moment, lay down and howled.

His voice attracted those resting hunters who came to the town first.They looked at each other, not knowing why the 50-year-old hunter fell into such a collapse, and fell to the ground with such an extremely desperate look.

No one came forward, everyone just watched in silence as Leorin hit his head on the ground of the town, and then punched the ground again, causing dust to splatter, and even himself was covered in dust become distraught.

The two doctors of the logistics team seemed to want to step forward to check the status, but they were stopped by the hunters. They had already realized what might have happened and stood there quietly, watching the old man weeping sadly, curled up On the ground, she continued to cry uncontrollably.

Until Karnis and others came from the rear, until someone came to his side and pulled him up, the painful and mournful crying still didn't stop.

Like a lamentation song floating on this cursed forest, mourning for the dead, slowly echoing, it continued to echo in this gray forest.

Chapter 110 Seven: [Tumor Snake]

Slightly, turn the time back a little bit.

Back to the moment when the gray dust has not yet settled.

Go back to the time when the whole forest was not yet dyed in color.

At the same time when the hunter was going to hunt down the magic tree, Disma and Tardif met a group of hunters, and the two sides began to plan how to hunt down one of the two sources of danger in the cursed forest. The Grump Snake, the terrifying enemy that hunters have always avoided in embarrassment.

As long as the source of the tumor snake is eliminated, then the tumors that it splits out, those tumors wrapped in countless poisonous snakes distributed in various places in the forest, will lose their source of power and self-destruct.This is a necessary action to ensure the safety of others.

But now, the time for action is gradually approaching.

"Huh... Be quiet, be quiet again..."

Slowly, Disma lowered his breath, holding his gun and dagger tightly with his fingers, just dormant on the tree.

Tardif beside him didn't say a word, and also maintained absolute silence, but his eyes under the helmet kept following the huge festering snake swimming below.

A little farther away, David, Reginald, and Bartley are all hiding, observing the giant snake below, observing each other's every move, quietly, just watching The other party, waiting for the moment when the action begins.

Andre was adjusting his own cannon, his muscular muscles swelled up, as if the muscles on his body were about to explode in the next moment

like expanding.

Serra had already taken Woodlonona, Eco, and Lubesk to hide and seek refuge. They hid in a bush not far away with a subsidence pit on the ground.Among them, Aike was in a very critical situation because he was accidentally touched by snake venom. The medicine Lubeske prepared could only temporarily delay the onset of toxicity and prevent the situation from progressing to the most dangerous state. chance of survival.But to be honest, there is not much hope.


The huge, festering snake was still swimming slowly.

It kept spitting out the letter, which was so rotten that it didn't even have a fork, and only a rotten tongue remained.

Probably the habits of life are still being imitated instinctively, although after being infected by the filthy force, the original senses of this thing have almost been destroyed, and it is no longer able to do all kinds of things that a normal snake can do. That's it.

However, this does not mean that this thing is not dangerous. Tiny poisonous snakes transformed from filthy power are hidden everywhere in the festering body, and the mouth of the giant snake can even spray highly poisonous venom like a high-pressure water gun. A drop or two of a little sticking to the hunter can produce deadly toxicity, killing it easily.It can be said without a doubt that this huge poisonous snake is even more dangerous than many famous and powerful monsters, because fighting this ghost thing is a wrong step in the true sense, and there will be no second chance murderous thing.

However, having said that, when did the hunters have the so-called "second chance" in the battle against the filthy monsters?

As long as you make a slight mistake or two, you will face the threat of death, which is a matter of course.

Just like the giant snake I am facing now.

"Then, get ready, I hope the medicine formulated by that Lubesk guy really works."

Taking a deep breath, Disma's expression became more concentrated and focused than ever before.

He raised his arms high and made a preparatory movement.

Disma's gaze was fixed on the giant snake below, and he just watched the snake pass by the tree where they were hiding bit by bit.


Then, in the deep roar of Disma, some small bottles filled with liquid were thrown from the tree like this.

hiss - hiss -

He didn't feel any abnormal giant snake, and continued to swim safely.

And the seemingly unremarkable, small glass bottle filled with some liquid has already fallen in front of it, its left and right sides, and even its body in the next moment.


The next moment, it was the bottle that burst open after the fall, and the strange smell that spread out in that instant.

【Roar! ! ! 】

A violent howl sounded in an instant.

Incomparably violent, a violent roar that continued to spread throughout the entire forest.

The unknown liquid bottle seemed to have brought great pain to the giant snake at this moment, causing the giant to roll violently in the forest, hitting the surrounding giant trees fiercely, The tree itself shook violently, so that the people hiding on the branches above had to hug the branches tightly to prevent themselves from being shaken down and directly falling to death.

"Don't stop, hurry to the next step!"

Andre roared loudly, and threw down a bottle of bright red grease.

Disma and the others also threw out the grease bottles one after another. They threw down these pre-filled bottles containing bright red grease, and directly hit various parts of the giant snake's body, causing its whole body to be stained. In bright red color.

Then, Bartley exhaled, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the giant snake below, and lightly pulled the trigger.



The moment the bullet fell, the flames followed and burned violently.

The endless flames directly engulfed the whole body of the giant snake. These strange oils already possessed an extremely terrifying temperature and some kind of strange powerful lethality against filthy forces, and the scales of the giant snake itself had completely disappeared. The flesh and blood are directly exposed.Under such circumstances, the flames of those fat burning directly acted on its body, sending high temperature into its internal organs, causing indescribable and severe pain to this huge creature.

Those tiny venomous snakes hiding in the flesh and blood, those venomous snakes that were originally scattered in the body of this thing, as long as a hunter approaches, they will quickly drill out of the giant snake's body and rush towards the hunter, just like this one Then one of them was burned to death, smothered to death, and roasted to death.None of them could survive in the face of this terrible flame. They were originally specialized by filthy forces. They completely gave up other characteristics for the pure attack ability, and even disposable weapons that cannot exist alone for too long will It is normal to be wiped out so easily.

Naturally, the hunters had no intention of giving this thing a breather to recover, and Andre directly blasted out, hitting the giant snake's torso, exploding a large amount of flesh and blood.Disma fired continuously, Bartley also pulled the trigger, David raised the crossbow in his hand, and even Tardiff took out a few throwing knives from his waist and threw them out.Everyone on the tree tried their best to use the means they could use to attack the big snake below, which was violently rolling among the flames


Can't give this thing time to react.

Everyone knows this.

The most critical point of this hunt is how to maximize the benefits in the first sneak attack, inflict the greatest damage on this distorted monster, and weaken it to the weakest state, so that it can survive forever. Kill it with one breath.

In order to achieve this, at the beginning, the glass bottles sprinkled by the hunters were specially configured by Lubesk. It is a highly poisonous and strong sensory stimulus for snakes. Potions that are guaranteed to work upon physical contact.

Of course, this thing is actually useless to this wart snake.After all, this thing is no longer a normal snake because of the infection of the filthy power, and the poison that can poison the snake to death will have no effect on this monster at all.But the problem is that just like normal people will subconsciously close their eyes and shrink their necks when they are attacked, people without special training will always react instinctively to various phenomena, even when they know they are in a safe environment. When you are in the middle of the night, you will also feel a sense of strength when you see something, and you will instinctively react accordingly.

It's probably like when watching a horror show, you will subconsciously dodge your eyes or even put on a defensive posture when the terrible plot is staged.This special potion made by Lubesk is a thing aimed at stimulating the instinct of snake monsters.The medicine in it will not react to the tumor snake at all, but as long as it still has even the slightest sense of being a normal snake, then after encountering the erosion of this medicine, it will inevitably produce an extremely painful reaction , ignoring the surrounding situation.

And then, the hunters used all kinds of the most powerful attack methods they could use, trying their best to deal the strongest blow to this monster that was in severe pain in the shortest time. way to completely eliminate it.

Bang bang gunshots and roaring cannons, as well as the sound of bows and crossbows firing through the air, resounded together at this moment.

The gigantic tumor snake howled miserably, struggled, and kept rolling its body in the raging fire, but more and more skin and flesh were scorched black, gradually hardened, and gradually lost its original vitality.Obviously, this big guy who flaunts his power has irreversibly fallen into the situation of death, and there is no possibility of turning over again.

At least all hunters have such a consensus at this moment.

But even so, they will not stop attacking at this time.Even if a lot of ammunition was wasted for this, they naturally dare not stop the attack without completely confirming that the giant snake is dead.After all, the danger of this thing is too great, any act or thought that is too big may lead to a collapse in an instant, so for their own safety, for the safety of the entire Hunting God team, they must completely destroy this thing Just kill it.


Finally, a weak roar of the giant snake was heard.

The huge body raised its head with difficulty in the burning flames, and the almost completely burned pupils seemed to be looking at the hunters at the last moment, wanting to fight back against the hunters, trying to hurt them.

But immediately Andre bombarded the thing's open mouth with a shell, causing the giant snake's mouth to burst open, turning into burning pieces of meat all over the place.

Then, the giant snake, which lost the power to fight back, finally fell to the ground, completely stopping its movements.

The hunters didn't dare to stop attacking immediately, but tried to attack the thing's completely immobile body several times, until Disma waved for everyone to stop, and then gradually stopped attacking momentum.

"Are you sure the ghost is dead?"

Tardiff still couldn't believe it and wanted to throw another throwing knife down.

"I'm pretty sure, you see those tumors, those tumors that it spread out, are starting to rot one by one."

Disma pointed to the traps not far away, hidden in the corners of the trees, split by the huge warped snake.

At this very moment, those sarcoid tumors were weakening and bursting one by one.However, this kind of rupture was not immediately followed by countless small poisonous snakes running around. The snakes that flowed out following the shattering of the sarcoma remained motionless. They were all in a dead state and would quickly dissipate. no longer exists.

The wart snake is dead.

The monster that had wandered in the cursed forest for many years had been successfully killed by hunters.

Those hunters who got lost in the forest and converged towards the abandoned town in the forest don't need to worry about those snake tumors anymore.Although the vast majority of those people probably don't even know that a major threat in the forest has been successfully resolved, they may wonder why the intelligence has been emphasizing the need to be careful of the sarcomas full of snakes, but they came in by themselves Walked a large circle but did not encounter such a reaction at all.

However, when those guys understand what happened, they must all be very surprised, and they can't even believe it.

"Haha, this feels pretty good."

Reginald couldn't help laughing and said.


Listening to which powerful monster the hunter killed and what a very powerful enemy, now it was the hunter's turn to kill a more ferocious guy.Maybe when I return to the town later, someone will build a monument for me or something. "

As he talked, he couldn't help but talk about some fantasies, and Reginald's expression was particularly cheerful.

"Why, let them set up a monument to record the good things you, the guy who ruined other people's family happiness, have done?"

David, who was also relaxed beside him, laughed and said.

"Don't slander my reputation, you old guy, I have never destroyed any happy family, I am just bringing comfort to those unhappy families, to those lonely and lonely mature women, they are welcome Me, after all, there are very few attractive men like me."

Reginald, who raised his head proudly, was as proud as if he had done charity for several years and done countless good deeds. David, who wanted to continue complaining about him, directly showed his face. With a disgusted expression on his face, he even deliberately retched a few times.

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