"The people nowadays are really morally corrupt. The world is going downhill, and they are proud of such things. It's not like when I was young, I was so romantic, I just married several women, and I took turns coming here every day. It's the day of the master."

Andre also laughed and said with a disdainful expression on purpose.

"Don't brag, you old guy, you have found several wives just like you, I think you have found several hammers to be your wife."

But immediately the cowhide was punctured, and Reginald let out an even more disdainful laugh.

"When you come to the workshop to buy equipment, the price will be super doubled."

Andre, whose complexion changed, pointed at Reginald's angry opening.

"Fuck, I was wrong, Dad, no, Grandpa, Grandpa, I was wrong!"

This sentence is obviously quite lethal, and Andre's seniority has risen by two levels in an instant.

"Seriously, does this guy have a face?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Disma couldn't help asking with a troubled expression.

"Who knows, maybe it was flushed away by the toilet along with his brain."

Tardiff shook his head, sighed and said helplessly.

"Hey, what's the matter with you bounty hunter? Who's face was flushed by the toilet?"

"It's just you, what's the matter, don't you agree?"

"No, dare not dare."

The atmosphere of the hunters seemed quite joyous for a while.

However, after careful planning and finally solving a difficult enemy, it is natural to have such a relaxing moment, and it is also very important. It is a necessary way to relieve the mental pressure of hunters. Way.

In short, at least for this moment, just relax a little bit.

The laughter of several hunters spread quite far away.

Baldwin and Alhazred, who were hiding in a bush not far away, stood up while thinking about when to rush to support them, and slowly lowered the broken sword they were holding, and the ignited skeleton candlestick also went off.

"I thought it was the prey that fell into the trap of the predator, but now it seems that the situation is completely reversed. They are the ones that hunt the prey."

Alhazred nodded slightly, apparently completely unaware of what happened before him.

"At first I thought they would be very dangerous, but, with the appearance of hunters, did the hunters' courage increase a lot? As far as I know, the previous hunters basically didn't have the guts to fight against this kind of monsters." level monster."

Baldwin also followed suit, causing the mystic scholars beside him to turn their heads to look at him.

Former hunter?

I always feel that there seems to be some other meaning in these words.

Generally speaking, only the Hunters Association can know about the records of hunters hunting monsters, right?This sick man named Baldwin is a member of the association?I always feel that it doesn't look like it, and those guys are all clerical personnel, how could they have such a strong aura of staring, this is obviously the power that only an extremely powerful warrior can have.

Logically speaking, such a guy should be very famous, just like Disma and Tardif in Starry Sky Town, he is a very famous and powerful hunter who can be known by the hunters around him.And information about this kind of person, as long as you search for it, you will definitely be able to find it.

Just like before I came to Xingkong Town, when I investigated this place, the information of the two hunters, Disma and Tardif, could be quickly found, and the next ones were the other hunters with good strength. information.

Of course, Alhazred found more than just these things, he actually found some quite interesting things.Well, for example, Sergeant William, he is not the sheriff dispatched by the Star Capital at all, but a wanted criminal in the Star Capital, a small policeman who escaped from the city after killing his own sheriff and a nobleman .It is very likely that he met the sheriff who was going to take office in Xingkong Town on the way to escape, and then, I don’t know how he did it, there is a high probability that he killed the sheriff directly, and then came to Xingkong Town, taking advantage of the fact that border towns are not strict enough in management in all aspects, just like this in

I stayed here, and then lived as a sheriff year after year.

To be honest, this fake sheriff is quite admirable, especially his assassination of the sheriff and the nobles of the star capital, which almost caused a quarrel in the entire star capital, causing quite a big commotion. Countless people.After finishing the work, he just walked away with the dog, patted his butt, and then stayed in a small town for ten years, and he really took the job of sheriff he replaced as his mission to take it seriously The treatment has raised the security level of the entire Xingkong Town several times.

However, these are unimportant things. What Alhazred wants to express is actually just one thing, that is, special people will leave traces no matter where they go, and as long as they are willing to seriously Looking for, these clues can be pieced together bit by bit, so as to discover clues.

However, this person did not.

The previous self was so serious about investigating, but he just didn't get any information about this person.

The leper, Baldwin.

This guy who looks very gentle and upright, suffers from a serious disease, is obviously extraordinary in strength, and doesn't sound like an ordinary person when he talks and speaks. Where did he come from?Why can't I find anything related to him?

Could it be that it is outside the capital of stars?

But in the case of Dream City, I should be able to find some traces, instead of being ignorant like this.

That is, is it farther away?

Fog capital?

The most mysterious country controlled by the master of fog, a country of fog under the red moon.

It is said that several primitive kingdoms still exist there, and they jointly accept the leadership of the Fog Capital in a way similar to the National Alliance.

It sounds like a rather strange mechanism. In addition, the [Blood Throne] that they are fighting against is also a very strange filthy field. It is said that those filthy monsters will work and rest in a way similar to the army, and have training methods similar to humans, and The filthy core of that place, the terrifying nightmare that is said to be transformed by the God of War, will lead the monster army to launch a fierce attack on the fog capital every ten years, and will retreat only when the total number of casualties exceeds half, and then Come again in ten years.

So, is this mysterious guy from the Fog City?

What's the deal with traveling so far to come to the capital of stars?Self-imposed exile?

Could it be the son of a nobleman from a country over the Fog City?

All kinds of conjectures are filtering in my mind, but for the time being, there is probably no way to draw an accurate conclusion.

Naturally, Baldwin couldn't know how many things had just been going through the mind of the companion beside him. He just stuck the broken and broken sword in the enemy, and just stood there, using the blade to support himself who was tortured by the disease. The body was stretched, silently alerting the surrounding environment.

"Is the battle over?"

At this moment, a small blond head poked out from the bushes behind.

"Well, it should be over, those guys burned the snake to death."

Alhazred replied affirmatively, and even put away his skeleton candlestick.

"Can it end so easily? Well, how should I put it, I always feel that there is something wrong?"

Abigail froze for a moment, but she didn't look happy at all. Instead, she couldn't help showing a worried expression.

How ferocious the filthy monsters in the Cursed Forest are, she has already experienced it deeply in the way she least wants to accept.

Those monsters that have not been specially recorded are already powerful to this extent, and this so-called [Tumor Snake] was specially recorded by the hunting god team in the past, and it is said to be juxtaposed with the [Blood-bound Demon Tree] Such an extremely dangerous existence, such a thing, can be directly killed by burning it with grease, and then adding a few shots?

Is there really such an easy thing?

Unable to restrain, Abigail became extremely worried.

"Uh, it shouldn't be a problem, right? The snake did fall down, and the sarcoma formed by the snake's power also lost all the strength to maintain it. Logically speaking, this situation can only prove that the thing Those who are already dead cannot die again. But..."

Such concerns are not without reason.

Don't ignore any suggestion, even if it's made by a 12-year-old girl.

Different angles often bring completely different ideas, and sometimes those inexplicable ideas that seem unreasonable, once ignored, will fall into an extremely dangerous situation.Because other people's absurd opinions may be derived from an important angle that you have completely ignored, and should never be ignored.

This is especially important when it comes to learning.

This is even more so when facing a life-and-death danger like hunting monsters.

"If the demise of those sarcoids is not necessarily related to the death of the tumor snake..."

Then, under Abigail's words, just a little unintentional on-demand, the mystic scholar immediately figured out the key to the problem.

"Those sarcomas that split off are able to exist because the tumor snake acts as its

The source of foul power sustains their existence.Then, when the main body is seriously threatened, there is no need for it to continue to maintain those meaningless traps, and the most important thing is to fully concentrate its power to protect itself. "

"Besides, things like feigning death are what snakes are good at..."

So, now is simply not the time to settle down and celebrate.

The danger has not been eliminated at all, that thing is probably just feigning death, it is just concentrating its own strength to restore its burnt body.

What an insidious and terrifying enemy, can that thing actually do this?No, you have to check it out!

"Is the situation wrong?"

Noticing the emotional changes in his companions, Baldwin frowned and turned to ask.

"Very likely, I have to try to know, ah... I'm afraid it's too late."

Alhazred's expression changed many times in a short period of time.

Because, not far from the scorched and blackened giant snake, Lubesk had already got out from between the roots of the tree, jumped off the branch with an excited face, and headed in the direction of the giant snake walking.

"I just knew I was right, I just knew it!"

The elderly physician laughed loudly at this moment.

"Even monsters with extremely high poison resistance can't resist some special things, just like Miss Serra's nerve potion can effectively act on monsters transformed from humans, and the potion I configured will be effective against snakes. As obvious as the transformed monsters are, there is something irresistible to these transformants."

"Even if the body is not afraid of these medicines at all, even if I have actually achieved immunity, but before being transformed into a monster, when these things are still normal, the effects of some things have already been engraved into the body. Instinctive. It’s like burning your finger if you touch a flame, or getting hurt if you jump from a high place, this instinctive reaction will make the monster forcibly hit by things that don’t need to be hit.”

"That's right, that's right, that's it, that's it, I succeeded, my research succeeded. Hahahahaha, in this way, my name can also leave a trace in the history of human civilization, Haha, hahahaha—”

Lubesk, who was laughing happily, looked as happy as a child at this moment.

Perhaps for a scholar who is obsessed with his own research, there is nothing more exciting than the verification of his own theory.

The hunters who were still sitting on the tree couldn't help but be infected by the other party's laughter at this moment, and they all laughed too.

"Hey, old man, if you plan to publish some academic articles or something, remember to write down our names, without the help of us, your theory is just a fart, ahahahahaha——"

Reginald laughed and shouted at Lubesque on the ground.

"No problem, I will write you as assistants when the time comes. After all, you really helped me complete the research, hahaha."

Lubesk, who didn't mind the joke, waved his hand and said.

"Have you heard, the few of us have now become great scientists. Oh, hello, gentlemen and ladies, please allow me to give an acceptance speech. First of all, I would like to thank my great assistant, Mr. Reginald, Ha ha--"

Reginald chuckled, and then deliberately put on a serious look and started to learn various award speeches.

"If you keep saying bad things in that tone, I'm going to kick your ass in no time."

David deliberately spoke with a disgusted expression on his face, but Reginold then spoke even more vigorously.

Everyone relaxed at this moment.

Just like Lubesk who was approaching the giant snake's corpse step by step, hoping to find some snake venom to see if he could conduct research.


Steps, just like this, step forward.


Then, his gaze suddenly turned around.

"Uh... ah..."

Lubesk lowered his head in a daze, and saw the squirming piece of flesh that penetrated his abdomen.

The mouth that opened seemed to be about to say something.

But before the sound appeared, the flesh and blood suddenly extended countless spikes from his body, directly piercing Lubesk in mid-air, and was pierced by the flesh and blood bursting out of his body. A blood man.


The unexpected scene made everyone fall into extreme shock.

Almost instinctively, Reginald let out a roar, stood up abruptly on the branch, and wanted to slide down.

"No, don't make a sound, don't move."

But Disma, who had already realized something, hurriedly shouted, but it was already a step late.


Amidst the crackling sound, the scorched and charred flesh covering the giant snake's body began to split layer by layer, revealing the fresh blood inside.

The filthy thing called the [Gump Snake] never died at all.

It just gave up a layer of flesh and blood on the surface of its body, and re-condensed a new body inside, turning into a brand new appearance.

And those who lose their power supplies shatter

The sarcoma that came out was not a manifestation of the death of the tumor snake, it was just that it instinctively cut off the external consumption in order to preserve the strength in the body, thus completing the regeneration faster.

Obviously, this is something that does not conform to the common sense of hunters.Generally speaking, only when the filthy monsters die, their derivatives will be destroyed automatically. This has always been an important means for hunters to judge the life and death of the enemy.

And this has become common sense and a consensus, but today, at this moment, it has become a key point that everyone did not expect, and the situation turned around.

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